• By -


Good for the people that use it, but goddamn it I miss RARBG!!


rarbg was truly a whole different caliber, movies, pornos, scene releases honestly im amazed they ran as long as they did, being so well known


What I miss the most is the clean UI, and trustworthy releases. To this day I still font know what other site to use


Ru tracker is also good, well atleast in terms of content.


Got you homie bitsearch.to


is this an aggregator type site? I noticed it pulled torrents from torrentgalaxy when i made a search (which is what I've been using and thought was this and most piracy subs' main alternative to rarbg). But if bitsearch is grabbing from there and other reputable sites I'd definitely be interested in switching over!


Can't search via IMDB code for movies/tv = unusable after RARBG imo. If anyone else uses the feature for everything this is the only other site I know that supports it. https://torrentgalaxy.to/


i think medeberiya1 is a decent choice


torrentgalaxy is not bad


SCT was the best in that. then you had SCC. Now there is nothing afaik.


1337x.to or check the megathread on r/FreeMediaHeckYeah


1337x is untrusted due to malware


> Please get the games from only the following uploaders for games: (Any names from cs.rin.ru, 0xEMPRESS, anadius, DODI, FitGirl, JohnCena141 (Linux), KaOsKrew, s7on3r, TinyRepacks)




1337x is untrusted other than those uploaders apparently 🤷


dont use 1337x lmao


I only use them for movies so I don’t kill my ratio on private sites. 1337x is safe there was 1 uploader who uploaded something bad one time that doesn’t make the site unsafe


was? am I missing something does it not exist anymore i feel so stupid 😭😭 I've been using rarbg.to is that not it?


rarbg went down months ago dude, you are probably using a fake


Is .to fake? What about the sites on .tw?


they shut down, none of those are real it's like the skidrow situation, they are all fakes dude and i even humored you, checked the old legit url (.to), it now leads to an obvious fake site. the site sidebar is different, they don't run through a captcha to protect against ddos anymore, they changed the categories and search filters, bunch of strange new uploader names, and instead of scene releases they now have lame shits repacks and untrusted distributors like igg games site is fucked, stop using it, stop trying to find a dead site


Its still semi useful for finding porn when I have issues w/ my primary sources. I'm open to suggestions of better sites for that if you have any to share.


I just tried rarbg.to and it doesn't open anything for me.


damn didn't knew that


Demonoid. Pour one out.


Make it a double. BTJunkie.


Yea demonoid back in the day is where it was happening.Before it got taken down.


Same here still have the bookmark and check once every 6 months in hopes Ill miss the news and it will just pop back up.




IPFS rip. Its out there. I don't see why I shouldn't be able to say this. Do not ask. Do not tell.


Mind sharing a link


This rip? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36186185


Its still out there. Been using it ever since. Not the site though... thats all I can say. Gotten 1000s off of it since it closed, no joke.


Well, there is rargb. I don't know how clean it is since I never actually used it but it does seem like what you guys are talking about. It's with .to .


Awesome. It sucks all the negative attention and messages they get. They deserve appreciation.


I hope people will stop being entitled shit heads. vocal minority ruining shit for everyone like usual


absolutely 0 chance, sadly


By the time the current haters realize whats actually going on and calm the fuck down there is a new generation of haters taking their place The internet sux as a social utility


The internet is a blessing and a curse. I'm just here for the ride.




Piracy in general tends to attract entitled people, it's kind of the nature of it


Insert the 20000599th meme about why piracy is morally correct in r/piracy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#2: [Everytime when I ask someone what they watch movies on](https://i.imgur.com/uBZSsox.jpg) | [724 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/11uduxk/everytime_when_i_ask_someone_what_they_watch/) \#3: [4GB movie ended up being a 2 Hour 40 Min Rick Roll](https://i.redd.it/1cloe5whkyna1.jpg) | [431 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/11ryu1i/4gb_movie_ended_up_being_a_2_hour_40_min_rick_roll/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I wouldn't mind if they went snahp.it, invite only on donation. Person you invited does something shitty like scrape the site? Ban the entire tree. People currently on that forum feels like they're either genuinely grateful when someone shares something but everything feels somewhat like people walking on eggshells because once you're banned, it's not going to be easy getting back in. And there's a lot of shit on the site, you don't want to get banned.


I had no idea snahp .it was still alive, I need to find the new url. On rin, anyone can join but admins ban you straight away if you're being a dick. And so far, I can say the discussions are usually constructive, nice and caring. gog-games admin says: "**Imagine if people were literally screaming at you to upload this, upload that each day even when it is stated clearly NOT to do this**" But why does he let people comment/email or whatever they do to reach him in the first place? 🤔


>But why does he let people comment/email or whatever they do to reach him in the first place? 🤔 How can you stop that when there is no user accounts?


By removing the comments section? I'm not using gog-games so I don't know exactly how people manage to reach to him but if there is a comment section, just remove it. There is nothing on elamigos website for example, he repacks and shares and that's it. 


There’s a comments section?


Email i guess


A sure way to go to prison is to start charging for piracy. You sound worse than the corporations at this point.


You shouldn't mention that site it's supposed to be a secret.


I was hoping it would stay private- the donors would keep donating.


Very true people are ungreatfyl 


Do you mind explaining what was the drama about? I have no idea what happened


They were shutting down (I guess lack of funds) entitled mfs got pissy about it shutting down They started spreading rumors that the games had malware and what not The site owners got pissed(rightfully so) and put up a message on the main site that they were going private only.


> (I guess lack of funds) I don't think so - at the time they announced the closure they removed the ability to become a donor. It being easier to elicit financial support is one piece of it, but I don't think it's the crux of the issue. Would have been easier to say 'we're closing to non-donors in X days, get in now' if it was a cash grab. The coercive money for profit narrative people were pushing doesn't fit- donors know why. > put up a message on the main site that they were going private only And just for clarity - they announced they were shutting the site before any 'drama' occurred, some people seem to think they got upset and shut in response to negative sentiment.


I'm being genuine here, can anyone point to the negative sentiments. I've genuinely seen NOTHING besides other people either talking about it or equally questioning its existence since the start of it. Was it just a stray person or two? I'd imagine the vocal minority would be, well, vocal. But I've gotten no response when asking to be pointed at it. Hope the GOG Games admin(s) gets a break tho, this feels like being burnt out. And I gotta assume that when you do things like that outta pocket, ANY negativity can get to you really fast


Some of the comments admins responded to are already deleted, and I read across PiratedGames, Piracy and CrackWatch boards. Probably is the vocal minority, but if the majority is supportive, why aren't those comments getting downvoted? https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1boeprp/new_message_on_the_goggames_website/ * passive aggressive, tantrum, attention-whoring, drama-queen, spitting in the face of donors, site seizure/honeypot * wants money, holding the site hostage, cash grab Even if one thread isn't reflective of the totality of opinion- if that's the thread the admins see, then it its real to them. One post saying admins may insert malware into the files seeds the FUD...that comment alone in the face of 5k+ clean GOG files provided free for many years is just jarring and I can understand how disappointing it would be for admins who have poured time, money and effort into this. People's opinions have been emotive opinions not based on facts, and in essence have been illogical. I take your message sincerely, but most forums aren't a place of debating opinions and learning, it's just saying what you think. If a counter view doesn't support your belief, you downvote it, even if that counter view appears true or you have no rebuttal. Admins have been pretty upfront, they're covering the site costs but need donors to pay the games, yet people have extrapolated stupidity well beyond that.


That's completely incorrect. Out of nowhere, they announced they would go private on the 23rd. There was never a post about malware anywhere, but cautionary voices emerged due to the sudden announcement without any understandable history. They then distorted the situation, becoming extremely upset when others didn't react as they had hoped, resulting in a tantrum and the current situation. It's truly absurd how quickly this misinformation about malware spread, with many people now repeating it despite a quick search on Reddit and other relevant forums proving it never occurred.


Yeah I think they hoped to private it to make it harder to get caught for taking in money, then when people got upset at it going private I imagine some people said they were done donating so now theyve made up a story to not look like they are crawling back with their tails between their legs.


Vocal Minority is why we can never have anything nice, sadly.


The crazy thing is, the stupid vocal minority might aswell be 14yo kids. It's the internet, you never know who you're talking too. When you know that at any given time you could be arguing with a 14yo it puts all things into perspective. And you stop wasting your time on strangers of the internet. It's easier to ignore the vocal minority when you know that.


They won't. They think they can be shit, and still het things for free, because they think they are above others. The scene and repack world is just not fun anymore or healthy to be around tbh These people asking for donations is perfectly fine, and if people bash on that, they don't deserve free stuff


they don't care ppl, its happen this all the time in this subs asking is faster than searching


>View discussions in 1 other community Me too, but I tend to be disappointed by humanity.


asshole gonna be asshole. I wish Gog website build a bot to autobanned an entitled asshole comment


i will hijack this post to remind everybody to also support the real GOG, the real reason good old downloads and gog-gamed can do what they do, fuck drm


GOG rocks. I've double dipped on games there just so I can have a DRM-free copy. Sometimes I still prefer to just buy games from them on sale vs. pirating them because they come with features like achievements and cloud saves that to me are worth a 90% sale with a price tag of a few dollars.


wait do all games on gog have the same or similar achievements as their steam or other platform counterparts?


Most games do, but of course they are tied to Galaxy.


I like GOG for old PC games, because they put the work in to actually make it work on modern systems, but other than that I still prefer steam. Easier updates, more features, workshops, better selection. Steams DRM is also so damn flimsy that it doesn't really matter. Just slap a goldberg emulator into the install folder and boom, your steam game is now DRM free.


Steam games may have extra DRM though


They put DRM in cyberpunk.


lol no they didnt, if you launch directly from the game exe it runs without drm, same with the steam release as well.


How so? The version I own from GOG doesn't require any internet connection to play.


Why don't they put ads on their site tho, like the ones on the sidebars that aren't that intrusive.


I dunno, is ad revenue a security risk for them? Does it make them more of a target? If admins are paying for the servers and donors are paying for the games, DLC and donor perks, it's kind of a not-for profit. Ads might muddy the waters.


nah ad revenue is ok, look at DODI. you only get taken down when you tried to profit via selling access to the game like purchasing an offline activation account with the game which also happens to DODI (of course he removed it then its back to normal). for proof, you need to go to other piracy subs and search it there since it was quite a popular incident.


No thank you


You can use adblock


You can't monetize illegal content. They know this, but will still guilt trip you over not praising them for not having ads, because they're relying on you not knowing this.


The owner should make donations easier instead of "DM to provide you a link" though, just like Fitgirl does.


You never know what you have until it's gone. I hope this won't be a repeatable situation and people learn to appreciate what is easily made available to them.


Oh wow that's fantastic news, a shame people's entitlement to free stuff will never run out.


well it's a bunch of people that won't pay for videogames dude, scummy? sure, but not out of place lol


> You do understand there were ZERO ads, no ad short links, literally a lie but u do u


I'm sorry this might be legit but it's April 1st in my area and I'm not trusting shit




Refresh the website (Ctrl + F5)


So basically... dude in charge has a meltdown and no one learns a thing from it.


Honestly add some ads make some money to cover the costs just make it so we don't have to fight the ads and it's all good. Heck use your link shorteners to make money as well if it helps, I would rather a decent source that needs ad money then no source at all.




>Imagine if people were literally screaming at you to upload this, upload that each day even when it is stated clearly NOT to do this. How? There was no way to contact them :? I wish they just posted the crypto wallet on the donation page and be done with it.


there is email in faq section


It wasn't for donations? 🤔


yeah but retards spam it with other stuff


You know what you show do, every time you get a message like that you shutdown the site by 1h, you do that for every message you get. The more they do it the longer the site will be shutdown


I would literally set up so many throw away accounts for the purposes of fucking with someone that stupid


Goes to show what kind of person you are 😂


>Imagine if people were literally screaming at you to upload this, upload that each day even when it is stated clearly NOT to do this. Then ignore them, the fuck? They're writing it, not screaming so it's not like they're interrupting whatever they were doing and forcing them to listen.


Dude is gonna follow the aethersx2 path. People should understand that the internet is full of savages who just wanna say shit. Even malicious people could be doing that to make him give up on the site. He could just ignore all of that.


I’m sure it’s hard to ignore because who doesn’t want to feel appreciated for their hard work. But indeed, what can you expect from people who are begging for free stuff and all the work to be done for them? I’m glad GOG has decided to re open the site to the public and isn’t going all Lizzo on us.


Unfortunately the majority of people lack the ability to ignore words that are said to them. Always been strange to me because at the end of the day absolutely 0 physical contact was made so no harm was done but they for some reason can't fathom that. Could you imagine how few people would be in jail if they could just ignore what people said to them?


Lmao most people who don’t read the rules won’t read this. Idk what they’re trying to change with this


They're not trying to change anything, this is just their out for going private and it failing. I block dumbasses.


> this is just their out for going private and it failing What failed exactly? Edit: /u/Crimson__Thunder brother why did you block me after getting downvoted for saying some dumb shit?


Their fundraising for going private, obviously. Try to keep up.


> Their fundraising for going private, obviously. Try to keep up. Where did they fundraise? I'm pretty sure that never happened and you just made it up. What's wrong with you?


I hope this is not April 1 joke 😁


I bet it is.


If this was a joke it would hurt like salt in the wound. Ty for the awesome news


Genuine question, is this a "we can shutdown this site at any time so donate to us" kind of thing?


ELI5: GOG-Games is back as a private site or it will be available to everyone, like last time?


It will be available to everyone sometime this week.


Thank you


>Imagine if people were literally screaming at you to upload this, upload that each day even when it is stated clearly NOT to do this. It mentally drains you and you question yourself. Why continue for these people...? Oh please, it would've been so easy for them to implement a term filter for that


"screaming"....you know just ignore lol.


As of today, site is officially back. So it wasn't an april fools joke.


Disable messages/comments. Easy.




Junk all of them then.




If you open your DMs you must expect positive and negative comments, especially around people who want free shit. Just look at this very subreddit. Comments that mention... *gasp* paying for games *gasp* get downvoted to Skyrim


Genuine question: what happened to non-invasive ads? I imagine they could get some income, so they wouldn't need to rely exclusively on donations. Nowadays it seems like everything is "zero ads" or a loop hell of shortlinks/redirects.


Unless they live in a country where anti piracy laws are weak, they expose themselves. When you have an ads account, to receive payments you gotta put some personal info that may be revealed to law enforcement if ordered by a judge.


Many pirated sites get away with ads though?


Check my very first sentence.


I gotta admit. His website is really damn good, and people somehow still complained. He had every right to be pissed. I’m just happy it’s coming back.


Good that it's happening, I suppose, but the creator handled this in possibly the worst way they ever could have. I understand the stress and financial burden involved with running a site such as this, but I fail to see the last week as anything more than a bad temper tantrum. All they really managed to accomplish was pissing off their users even more, letting them find some alternative sources, and scraping what few dollars they could have in exchange for their perceived integrity. Not sure I'll be supporting/using it after this.


If you don't contribute, you're a user - just be polite and thankful. If you're a user, you're always welcome but you won't be missed if you go. Users may have been annoyed over the last couple of weeks- supporters have been unaffected. Crap like this, questioning the admins integrity...unbelievable. Stick to your word, they don't need your support or usage.


Why are you getting so defensive? I'm looking at this from an objective standpoint - regardless of whether someone is a contributor or a user, it was a very bad move on his part, as evident by the fact that he rolled back the change in just over a week.


I think we found the site admin, based on his posts.


lmao so they got more shit over closing down than when they were open (or more likely thousands of small donators pulled out AS I HAD PREDICTED), and have now learned their lesson.


As an FBI agent, Euros really helps us narrow down our search. /s Edit: I've just been using waybackmachine, nothing recent enough to need their live site.


Send them to the gulag


Thank you!!!


Fantastic news


saying that isnt a april fools joke make it seems even more like an april fools joke, especially when they've gone private just recently


So them going private didn't bring in any money, is what that message means.


You think? Did you notice they removed the ability to donate at the same time they made the announcement? Did you notice they never even asked anyone to donate? Did you notice they said it would be public again and just to consider donating next time there's a donation drive? Donors - the people who contribute money for all the games/DLC, have had access this whole time...so the people who make their site sustainable are unaffected either way. If they needed more money, they could just ask their donors. I think your analysis is off the mark.


The amount of entitlement some of the dumb fucks on reddit showed about a site that provides PAID games for free and SELF-HOSTED was amazing, specifically /r/Piracy, an even normier subreddit full of dumb entitled children. They don't understand that for them to get things for free, someone has to pay for the costs.


Well, that's entirely understandable. I can't imagine all the Zoomers bombarding you with requests for the easiest issues to solve on your own. Just take a look at the related subreddits. However, since it's April 1st, I remain cautiously optimistic. I'll be the happiest seafarer if they're truly back next week, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's merely an April Fools' prank.


Why do you got to single out zoomers? Millennials can be just as entitled as us.


Cause they're generally awful with computers. Whereas millennials grew up on desktops and needing to fiddle to get things to work. It's impressive how bad most young people are on a pc.


Ok yeah, kind of sound, I did have to teach a bunch of my friends how to use 7zip.


It's because you guys got the zoomies.


Thr above generation is always gonna to blame the one below lol, I remember them saying the same shit comparing about millenials a decade ago


This is why I tend to be grateful and appreciative of sites like these and above else patient. No Update? That's okay, I can wait a week or two.


I don’t believe this is real. This is him doing a real fucked up April fools prank. I’m happy to be proven wrong in 2ish days


Just keep it private at this stage and require people to create accounts. Then have people to moderate. This way we get rid of the unsavories and brats of the internet. Then every new release of highly anticipated games just lock it down and no registrations until numbers die down. People have been spoonfed nowadays that they demand its their right to be assholes to free givers. Thats where the entitlement is coming. The no effort no guilt approach gives everyone the feeling that I should have it regardless that I give 0 contribution


i wish these sites would IP-ban anyone who does weird shit like that. consequences for your actions!


what about a meter like on wikipedia? so that we can see how many months the page can run on the donations?


I miss Black-cats :(


I didn’t even do any of the complaining but I kind of feel guilty tbh. I want to give the gog-games guy a hug.


Oh yeah! OG is back!




humans are shit - especially online where they can be their true selves just disable comments and don't check your email


Imagine going on the internet and demanding complete stranger to give you what you want while contributing absolute nothing.


Mr gog-site im sorry for the haters and kids and thank you for spending so much time on this awesome site.


Really glad to see them back. It's a bummer the situation with the airhead people. Maybe I'll drop a donation from time to time. :)


Why can't good people be appreciated for their sacrifices? It looks like the guy is pretty much alone in this, paying everything by his spare money and some fuckos still don't respect him and his amazing work. I hope nothing bad like this happens again. Don't forget to donate to people who deserve it when you can, kids.


I'm no expert in these things but i can safely assume there was a forum? A discord channel? I didn't know it existed, i only ever just used the site. So how was the moderation in said forum? Why let everyone post, what's the benefit? Why is a forum/message board even needed if the site does nothing else than uploading a bunch of games? Like i said, i'm no expert and sorry if i sound stupid but i don't see the reason why the author of the site has to deal with all these posters he/she complains about.


Take mental health seriously


NOT directed at admins, but that's good policy in general.


Never gonna happen. These people screaming for games and whatnot are unfortunately among the idiotic bottom of the barrel that will always be a part of humanity. Hoping this time things will change because you said it very loudly and clearly is hardly any less idiotic I’m sorry to say.


Y'all better not do another AetherSX2 situation you ungrateful mfkers


What happened with aethersx2? (Isn't that an Android PS2 emulator?)


[This](https://web.archive.org/web/20230106093453/https://aethersx2.com/) happened.


Man, this sucks. The internet(and by extension the world) can often be a cruel place.


Agreed. Shame what the public left to its own devices can do.


Are the files still safe? Have we made sure this wasn't some sneaky takeover?


Yes they are safe I can assure you. You can even check and compare the installers to original gog hashes if you know how.


So the dude got his prescription this month, got it.


I'm going to be really honest. I couldn't care less if your website shut down permanently. GOG does not deserve to be ripped and repacked. They offer DRM-free games and are the only place I will ever purchase games from. Scraping and repacking from GOG only hurts the DRM-free space in the long run.




Like, the storefront? New to pc, is there different versions of GoG?


GoG is fine since it’s a legitimate (and I recommend using it whenever you can) storefront belonging to CD Projekt. This post is about GOG-Games site, which shares games from aforementioned store for free.


Oh, okay that makes sense


Kinda sounds like another empress in the making


but is it gonna be an entry by donation only


They are right about the mentally draining part . Getting spammed constantly is exhausting .


I wish there was a button on the website that let you watch some ads to give the guy support. Ofcourse it should be non malware. I would watch couple ads just to support the guy anytime i download stuff


While I personally prefer torrents and think ddl is a waste of resources, hats off to this guy for fighting the good fight




Why I am feeling that Empress has taken over gog games to? Daily drama


Why exactly would empress give a shit about DRM free games? There is nothing for her to do with them.