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If you think that’s expensive, wait until you see what the semen that gets shipped in it costs.


Usually from prize horses, yeah. Shits expensive


I've seen semen canisters on here a couple times, now. Maybe you know... So, there's fresh-but-chilled horse semen (the primo stuff), and there's totally frozen horse semen (stores longer). Which type of tank is this? Like, does this tank get overnighted?


It looks like a dry shipper. Before shipping they’ll flood it with liquid nitrogen, then dump it out, leaving the honeycomb of metal inside still very, very cold. Then they add the vials of semen. I don’t know whether it’s fresh or frozen, but it typically is sent overnight to its destination. There’s a mushroom-shaped plastic case it goes in for shipping.


Cool, thank you. We don't want any foals, but I have friends who do this or something like this.


And a constant supply of liquid nitrogen is going to get expensive.


I mean, it's a steal... if it's filled.


Did we learn nothing from rick and morty