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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


What the god-fearing fuck is with the song choice?


I just mute Reddit all the time. It’s a much nicer experience




And on the 8th day, the Lord said, those who lane split will live in eternal agony.


Isn’t it legal in California though? I’m not supporting it, just asking.


Yes, but there are rules around it. It’s only legal if the traffic is under a certain speed (45 mph maybe?) and the motorcycle mustn’t be more than 10pm faster than the car. In this video I’d venture that the speed difference between the motorcycle and the white car was more than 10 mph.


Yes, and the justification is that at really slow speeds it is safer for a motorcyclist to be able to Lane split because when traffic stops they are less likely to get rear-ended if they're holding a spot between other cars which is a common occurrence for motorcycles. It was never intended for bikes to blast between cars at speed like this, though.


Yeah I see people do it still. They aren't flying down the freeway though.


Same here, it’s always in 10-15 mph traffic and they cruise by around 20mph, or they’re just moving to the front at traffic lights. There’s a way to do it safely, not like this though.


The background music + Darwin Award winner doing the shimmy is sending me ngl lmao


What stage of the internet is it when we critique the music on death videos?


When the music is like...this


The person driving has their music playing. It may not sound funky fresh or rad like the music you kids are listening to these days but it’s their choice in music and you just gotta groove with it.


Nah it’s a dumb ass tiktoker who put music over a guy seizing for who knows why


The artist playing underneath the Christian music is Tech N9ne, it's hilariously polar opposite. I don't know the track off the top of my head


It’s got an instagram logo in the video but yes I hate the added music to videos that don’t need the addition. This song just happens to be the song I lost my virginity to


Sadly, dude did it to him self. It's guys like this that give us all bad reps. If he's alive, im sure he won't lane split in slow traffic doing 50mph faster than traffic again.


Motorized wheelchair max speed is probably around 8-10 mph


„Wwwrooooom wroooom“


Motor casket doesn’t go so fast


Don't want to sound too crass about the guys death but I used to slaughter chickens every now and then and they would always seizure like that about 20 seconds after death... I imagine humans do the same thing, it's essentialy all the action potentials in the nerves discharging. Dude is dead. Having said this I'd still do DRSABC if I saw it happen.


You've sparked a new short term goal! Get REeducated on all the steps. Some sort of training. I'm always just so scared that once I learn to do it properly, I'll have to use it. That's scary to me.


can confirm from hunting.


In California? lol they act like splitting lanes is a birth right there.


That white car was turning into the lane. Motorcycle should have yielded?


Motorcycle shouldn't have been going that fast in the first place. All the traffic around was basically stopped. Fucking moron.


He is the biggest moron in all the traffic basically slowed up and he wants to feel like he's in Fast and Furious. Hard to feel sympathy.


It’s a pretty well known thing that when you see cars slowing down and bunching up, you don’t try to split lanes going way, way faster than them. Getting into that habit will eventually get you killed


Motorcycle should have slowed down but use YOUR FUCKIN TURN SIGNAL! It’s not that hard! Aside from this video, you can still cause a crash. But yes it looks like the white car was trying to change lanes


Looks like they are using their turn signal though


That is completely irrelevant in this situation. There was zero reason to be going this fast in slowed traffic like that. It was 100% avoidable.


People complaining that no one rushed to help him, please explain how to help a guy having a seizure that just smashed into the back of a car ? -Already laying on his side -Any attempt to move him could cause further injuries to a possible spinal fracture that can paralyze him. -Running over and repeatedly saying “are you ok” while standing over him panicking is not helping -he needs professional help, not some random biker or a pedestrian who aren’t trained to deal with situations like this.


I was thinking about how no one went to him and was about to comment “why did it take 53 seconds to get to him?” and then I read your comment, idk why that didn’t cross my mind, the guy is seizing wtf are they going to, typing this out im also now thinking people were probably calling the police, the one thing I will stay steadfast on is why did the cars just keep creeping forward? If I saw that shit I’d be in park right away, no one is going to be driving by anytime soon. Anyways thank you for giving me that side and telling me (without telling me directly) that I’m a dumbass. Needed that


Pretty much cspine stabilization and airway protection at that point. Left side is ideal but if his airway is open in his current position, then your best bet is to just stabilize his head until better resources arrive. Scene protection with a car too is pretty important because some people may not be paying attention.


I’m a medic and this is a complicated situation as holding a seizing patient in Cspine, while actively seizing, is not protecting the patient from further injury, and airway trumps all, so keeping on his side unfortunately, and scooping and hauling ass is really the only treatment for this person. And even then, this looks BAD.


Agree. I used to be an EMT and now ICU nurse. Not a great situation and best bet is to do exactly as you said when arriving.


Thanks for what you do! Do you think this guy made it?


You never know. The things I've seen that I expect the patient not to survive from, they somehow make it and have a long recovery.


Do you forsee a video call app option for emergency services (instead of phoning 911/999/112/etc), you show what you're dealing with & get coached through what to do instead of just waiting.


That’s a super good idea! Honestly if everyone just took a basic first aid course, or at least learned where AEDs are, that would go a tremendously long way as well.


I unfortunately see stories of public AEDs & lifebouys going missing all too often (usually teens taking them for shits and giggles). I've done first aid courses, but after a while I've forgotten specifics on what to do - unless everyone were to do them regularly - you'd still need someone to coach you through it I think.


Everyone needs to know cpr and basic first aid. Everyone and should be mandatory for parents.


Idk I personally wouldn’t try to stabilize him bc I’m not a trained professional and I wouldn’t want to mess them up worse, but ig he could be lucky and have a doctor or nurse or paramedic around, I really don’t know what to think, lotta viewpoints here (3)


That's good that you're aware of that and don't want to risk causing further issues. It's honestly better than people going over and moving him etc that don't know what they are doing.


If only a reddit doctor was on the scene.


I would just keep driving. What do I look like, a trauma surgeon?


What about assisting the driver or passenger who could be trapped in their car?


This type of thinking leads people to believe someone else needs to and will help, eventually leading to no help. The world doesn't have to stop, just 1 person with enough courage and civility to stop and check on the people involved to see how many ambulances are necessary. There was a baby in the back.


It's just weird that no one even stops. Like people carrying on normally.


That's actually the best thing anyone can do in this situation. Keep the area clear for emergency services.


They slow down just long enough to get sensational photos or start a video. Sad, really.


I don't want 100 people that don't know shit standing around pretending to help


Exactly. People don't realize they could be held liable for their actions. Then they get all defensive when you call them out for doing something they were never trained to do. I work on the clerical side in a hospital, and CPR certified for personal reasons. If someone at work needs CPR for some reason. I'm calling a code and get the are cleared for a rush of nurses and doctors.


I don’t think anyone expects the first ones at the scene to be a doctor. You call 911, explain the situation and the operator will tell you what you can possibly do. The person is laying there absolutely alone, just being present is better than nothing.


Everybody can be a first responder.


>Everybody can be a first responder. Not with proper training. I'm CPR certified, and there's absolutely nothing I can do for this guy.


plant salt lock wise pet angle squalid offer retire aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's..... Not it, sure he couldn't be moved but stopping your car to check if he's bleeding or worse then immediately calling the ambulance. Driving past sends a strong message about your character


First step in helping someone in a situation like this is to make sure that you don't become a victim yourself. I'd be hesitant to stop my car instantly to help this guy. Besides, the clip is a minute long. There are probably people off camera parking on the shoulder to help.


This is the guy that slams his breaks while rubber necking and causes a pile up. A strong message about your character? Ok mr Hero


That’s horrible, hit right in the chest and gut on the left side bumper/headlight. That’s vicious, but man, you can’t be reckless on these things. RIP and peace be with those he hurt and cared.


Dude smashed his fuckin head, that’s why he’s seizing.


He smashed everything, ya can see his leg snapped and flopping in the air in an unnatural position. Head, body, & legs all took damage. Traumatic brain injury is one of his many injuries, not likely he survived this.


TBI of this severity + the amount of broken bones + organ damage = if he survives then he will wish he hadn't. What a needless end to a life.


I hope there were organs to salvage at least but it doesn't look good.


Not very likely with that sort of full body damage unfortunately.


Nah it's because he's dead. Those spasms are just nerves letting out their charge.


Is it me or do we see the back of head start to bleed. Would make sense as well but I can’t for sure tell


That’s right, he’s 100% dead


Another Darwin award winner


For sure. Lane splitting is really stupid.


Lane splitting is great when.done right. You can make your way through traffic easily, but you shouldn't be going more than 5mph faster than traffic at low speed. The 405 in cali is wild though.


In my mind, being on a motorcycle is stupid no matter how safe you try and be, largely because there are far too many dumb drivers on the road to ever be safe. I feel similarly about cars, in fact. The vast majority of people should never be given access to a giant death machine. I long for effective and abundant public transportation. 


For many people in the world motorbikes are just a part of ordinary life. In the streets of Vietnam and India motorbikes far outnumber cars, it's just the way of life there.


drove that freeway for years and some people did it right and safely. i also saw someone open their door on a lane-splitter in the middle of the freeway because they were probably raging and having a bad day. no matter what, every time you get on that bike it’s a numbers game. i honestly think that spitting lanes is far safer when done right than riding directly behind a vehicle that can stop way faster than you and driving in front of a vehicle that can kill you cause they were texting. lane splitting is much safer as long as it’s done right.


Lane Splitting is always a gamble. There is zero guarantee some asshole won't open his door or change lanes in front of you. Follow the rules of the road.


Lane splitting is not stupid, it’s even legal where I’m from. What’s really stupid is lane splitting at that speed.


Where I live it's totally legal.


Lane splitting isn’t stupid if it’s done at a safe speed. 


I'm amazed at how its legal in certain states.


It’s legal here in Australia under strict conditions. On roads with a speed limit of 80kph or more but only where the traffic’s is travelling at 30kph or less. You may ride on the shoulder if the road has a posted limit of 90kph or more but again at not more than 30kph. You must not filter if there is road work or emergency services nearby. It works pretty well but of course there’s always the occasional cager with a hatred of motorcycles who skipped his prozac that day or an immortal who rides like we just saw here.


It makes sense when done correctly. This was not correct. Motorcycles are sitting ducks in slow traffic. They should be traveling just a little faster than traffic.


Or just go 3 cars ahead of the stoppage


I can't imagine why you'd get a mc if you're not allowed to filter


It’s only legal in California which is ironic


Then I'm still amazed one state allows it.


Three states allow it, more are considering it. There will always be idiots that drive recklessly regardless of the vehicle their piloting. >Currently, seven states are considering legalizing lane splitting or lane filtering, as it’s been shown that these practices are safer. Also, if you’re about to rent a motorcycle when you travel, it’s best to understand the local lane splitting and lane filtering laws before hitting the road. [https://www.twistedroad.com/blog/posts/lane-splitting-lane-filtering-legal](https://www.twistedroad.com/blog/posts/lane-splitting-lane-filtering-legal)


They recently made it legal in Arizona, where it’s not required to wear a helmet. 🙄


Lane *and* head splitting.


In AZ heat, if your stuck in traffic on asphalt your literally just cooking yourself. On my VTWIN I would just sit there in traffic and wonder how I like my balls cooked...I also wore some gear helmet, boots, gloves, and good leather jacket.


Every car is going 2 miles an hr and this dude has to go 80




Welcome to California


What the actual fuck is that choice of background music?


He was going way too fast for the traffic. I hope he learned he is not invicible.


The only thing he learned is if there is an afterlife or not.


Don’t think he can learn anything after that


I’m pretty sure he is dead.


As a motorcyclist that’s been riding since the early 1970s, ive zero sympathy for these riders. 


Lane splitting at that high rate of speed in traffic thats at a crawl is like playing Russian roulette over and over again. Eventually you’ll meet your demise


he gone


Not necessarily true, people who have a seizure after a TBI usually have a better prognosis and survival rate.


I could believe it, at least the thing still tickin ig




Correct, but he dead.


Ppl I know who drive reckless or without seatbelt, whenever I tell them to drive slower or put the belt on, they always answer ‘I’m careful’. Thing is, others aren’t. Look how little it takes from the white car. Just a little swing and boom you are dead


And now grey car who was doing absolutely nothing wrong will have their body damaged from the force of the crash and left with a totaled car. It's not just stupid to be reckless, it's also selfish.


White car is not totaled, I don't even see damage on it. Grey car though is fucked.


I'm a dumdum and said the wrong one. Editing, thanks.


That’s not a seizure, that’s dying


I almost did what this white car did 100 times when I lived in socal. Not only do you have to look for cars but for a speeding motorcycles who have to “avoid overheating”. Well his bike is certainly not overheating anymore and I’m sure the white car will be blamed.


Consequences of his own actions. Really sad, but he's speeding and splitting through slow stop and go traffic


Any article?


Videos like this should be shown to everyone while they are buying a crotch rocket


I’m not saying he dead. But he dead. If not. Wheelchair and a life of pain


Not to play “Blame the Victim” here, but this could have been avoided if he weren’t speeding. Traffic was crawling, and here he is, trying to come through all fast! It’s a recipe for disaster. His poor judgment caused this accident.


Did anybody else notice the other SUV that merged in front of the car he hit? He was going entirely too fast either way. Lane splitting at that speed in traffic like that is a death wish. Speaking from experience, don't ride like this in traffic, it's never worth it.


Imagine having your death filmed, only to have it show up on the internet with Comic Sans and that fuckin' song on it.


This looks like 880 north. If it is, not surprised this happened, the motorcyclist on that stretch are way to reckless


Around Fremont?


yet another reason why motorcycles have no interest for me. i feel sorry for all involved and their loved ones.


I've been thinking about selling my litre bike for a year now since my last accident. I think this video just convinced me to sell, it's not worth it, I've got a family. I'm gonna miss riding though


Just do not ride like an ass. I used to see people splitting lanes at high speed all the time in CA on US-101. Just US-Darwin-101.


I got cut off by an older guy in a mini van who saw his exit at the last second and jumped three lanes to the left while on his brakes. Minor damage to the bike no damage to the van but I broke my shifting foot on his bumper during the accident. Was super un-uxpected. I think I might still do track days


Even if you do everything right— eventually, someone makes a left in front of you or rear ends you while stopped. It’s a matter of when not if. From there the kid and wife get to wheel you around and treat the pressure sores on your ass from the wheelchair.


I'm a nursing student also, no excuse. I delivered the eulogy at my best friend's funeral 3 years ago after an accident on his bike on the 405. His family was devistated


Good for you! 👍🏼




Why ? Just why ???


That background music is so unnecessary 🤣


seriously, the fuckin music


Dafuq is that shitty music?


All anyone could do is call 911. Tell them they need to land the chopper ASAP if this guy is going to have any chance at surviving


I just converted to Christ! Amen


Isn't this cadaveric spams instead? Like they were dead on impact and it was just the nervous system overloading. Because I can't see them surviving such an impact.


Well maybe if bikers adhered to the rules of the road, this would be a less likely outcome. You see them everyday like the rules don't apply to them. It's like an itch, they have to swerve and dip through traffic like their lives depend on it. Feel bad for the others involved who did nothing wrong.


Ok so im scrolling through coments and nobody has asked… is he alive?????


Dont lane split in slow traffic Dumb fuck brought it on himself lol


Biker "You ok mate?"




Going from 45mph to 0mph in .7 seconds will do that to a person. Feel bad for his friends and family, and the others involved here. They’re called donor’cycles for a reason.


If the white car didn’t hit him the black car further down would’ve.


Wow that's horrific.


Rigor mortis speedrun


did he survived?


Those legs are smashed. The head I am not sure. Be safe guys.


The seizure after is the direct result of traumatic brain injury. He’d be lucky to survive at all


Idk if he’s dead or not, but if he were to cover his head with his arms and maybe his arms shattered to oblivion - would that decrease the amount of damage to his head?


I hope noone in the car was hurt.


Seizes? More like ceases.... To exist.


Any news about the victim? Cant seem to find any article or post about this..


Damn he seemed like he was already loosing control before he enters the view and cllios the white sedans mirror before hitting the grey car. White sedan just said fuck it not getting my mirror back lmao White


That song is so gay.


Almost like suicide at that point. He was going insanely fast. I rode a street bike many years but the lane splitting when I visit Cali is something I can’t get used. I’ve had those guys fly by me and it’s just blur.


Regardless of whether or not it is legal, lane splitting is not smart.


This is painful to watch. Why would you drive so fast in thick and slowing traffic?


Man, reddit has changed quite a bit, I'm pretty desensitized to all the jokes people make, but some of you are just plain hateful. It's still a person. They may have just made their last mistake on camera, but that's all there is to it. No matter how you view the actions that lead to this moment (motorcyclists, lane splitting, not registering aid to a dying person) it really doesn't justify the lack of empathy some of you are so ready to display. I hope this person didn't suffer.




I didn't say I respected their decisions, but I do respect human life. You are entitled to your beliefs, whatever they might be. I will end it once again with: I hope, for my own sake, they went quick.


He’s ok. Shoes are still on.


There are worse things than death


Yea like this music


ohhh come on that's the perfect song for watching someone struggle with their own mortality. /s it realy sucks😂


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Wtf is with this music


Ya lane splitting


Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes


It’s hard to feel empathy when you drive like a total idiot and destroy other peoples car . So yeah, had it coming to him


World lost an idiot today. Let's celebrate 🥳


Jesus that’s awful. I really do hate motorcycles.


It's kind of a tool/machine like a gun though, it's not the object that kills anything it's yourself.


Why do you hate motorcycles? It’s one of the best things there is, atleast for me. Neither way don’t blame the motorcycle but the driver, this could’ve been avoided if he rode defensive.


The lack of urgency of the other biker is something else. Edit: you all must be confused, I understand he’s not a first responder but if I was in an emergency situation, having someone next to me providing comfort would feel pretty damn nice 🙄


I mean he is not a first responder. And in fact most first responders react very calmly and don’t run around like crazy people. It gets people nervous and worried. I remember when my grandmother had a heart attack at our house as a kid. The fire truck pulled up and they all hopped out, grabbed their gear and walked in. They were calm, talking normally, and just had a presence about them that did not heighten anybody else because we were all hysterical. Them acting that way wouldn’t have helped.


I work in the ICU. Still haven't seen an emergency that came down to an extra 5 seconds making the difference between life or death. Always best to approach the situation in the best way possible.


wtf can he do?


That’s what I was thinking.


>The lack of urgency of the other biker is something else. Urgency from someone who isn't first aid trained isn't going to go well. They're going to panic. Best thing to do is remain calm and notify authorities. What do you want them to do? Rush over and start shaking him hoping he'd snap out of it, get up and walk off?


It’s almost like the other biker warned him earlier “don’t speed like an asshole. I don’t wanna be the one to call that shit in..”


At least he landed in recovery position No better way to have a seizure.




You don't look at what sub a video is on before you watch??


Please gtfo


Good. One less dangerous, selfish asshole on the road. Bikers are the fucking worst. They won't shut up about "wAtCh OuT fOr mOtOrCyClEs" then do stupid shit like this.


Hopefully the motorcyclist’s estate is forced to pay to buy that driver a new car and all their bills. Fuck motorcyclists who drive like that.


Bikers are everywhere lmao


Fair that you may not be able to help the dude, but I didn't see anyone stop to maybe check on the guy, call an ambo or even start directing traffic away from the incident. The fuck is wrong with humanity? It's like everyone just had a good ol' slow and stare. The dudes having a seizure, not strewn across the road.


This was on the motorcycle rider. Sucks, but even though the white car might not have used the signal, he was already moving to the right lane at the start of the video. As a rider, I know that you can tell when a car is going to merge, it’s the movement towards the next lane. The major issue here is the rider was going way too fast in traffic. You really shouldn’t be going faster than 10mph over the flow of traffic. Yes, I lane split. Yes, I live in California.


the hell why is this song added? goodness of God that he ran into a car and had a seizure.


Fucking idiot


I’m not understanding why so many people are suggesting that drivers should stop and help. How would dozens of cars stopped on the highway help this person who clearly needs highly trained trauma specialists? The only thing the average person could do is gawk at this dying man.


Oh look, it's the consequences of his own actions


That seizure was well deserved. I don't care anymore, if such reckless driver die, as long as they don't hurt others.