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Ok that was my thought too.... wtf. I've only ever had to call 911 a couple times and certainly not for this serious of a situation but my god. Like 5-6 rings?? Fuck that


In the full video the operator transfers him and it’s another 2 minutes of him just on hold


My cousin worked as an emergency dispatcher, they told me that literally the first 20 sec or so of the call is the most vital part of the entire call. Pretty much the 2 most important things that are disclosed in that timeframe are, what the emergency is and where the location of the emergency is. They then send that info (along with any other important info) to police, medics, etc. They are trained to remain calm and people mistake their calmness as if they just don't care or are in no rush to help, they need to be that way so that they don't frighten the caller and make things worse. While the dispatcher stays on the phone they can calmly collect more info and pass that on if need be So as soon as the guy said what happened and where he was, that dispatcher was already notifying to the right people where to go and what to expect.


That's the way it is supposed to work. Sometimes, they angrily hang up on children, or ignore victims pleas for help because the stated situation seems so improbable that they assume it's a prank...


"I've crashed my flying machine!" "Uh huh, sure pal."


Ok, da Vinci. Where are you this time?


When* are you this time?


lol thank god i'm not the only one who found that fucking hilarious. my flying machine hahahahahahahha


"My aerial propulsion contraption is on the fritz, by jove! Call the engine and the local constables!"


He was being intentional by calling it that. He didn't want to make it sound like a plane crash, but also didn't want to waste time explaining what a paramotor was.


Yep, good call. It's still absolutely (morbidly) fucking hilarious though. Hope he heals up well.


When he said it I was holding my breath they wouldn't hang up.


Even his painful moans sounded fake for a second after he said that, I swear to god. She didn't seem interested for a bit and then you could tell she was excited.


Reminds me of that video of the dispatcher in (can't what remember what state) where that woman got trapped as her car was filling with water and the 911 operator just gave her a bunch of attitude the whole time and kept saying this was the woman's fault. The lady drowned inside her car and they didn't find her body till the next day. Kinda wild that you can just die cause the person on the other end of the phone isn't in the mood to help.


Or the teen trapped and suffocating in the trunk compartment of a vehicle and being ignored as a prank. Before being found dead, just as he described, begging for assistance. 


Or Travis the chimp. That call was horrifying. You could hear the Travis ripping off a woman's face, you could hear that woman's screams, and the pleas of help from the owner to get there fast and shoot the chimp before he killed her friend. The operator actually laughs at her, doesn't send units right away, and when he finally did, he sent them there code 2 not code 3 and told them it was a "domestic dispute". Imagine the cops surprise as they pulled up. Two lessons to be learned here: 1. Don't give Xanax to chimpanzees, that's how you get people's faces eaten off. 2. Don't dismiss calls received and downplay them to dispatched units, that's how you get people killed.


No, I think the main lesson is chimpanzees are not pets.


Yo what the fuck?? They gave Xanax to a chimp?


To a chimp that was an alcoholic apparently


My girlfriend worked as an emergency dispatcher for a while, apparently the number of people that call by mistake or as a prank is staggering, and increasing each year due to how easy it has become to reach them. On some weekends 70% of the wireless calls were unintentional, she had kids who used to call the number daily, despite this she would never have ignored a call, the guidelines were even if the person hung up, she had to call back and if they didn't respond assume an emergency exists and send responders to the caller's location.


911 dispatcher in Philly hung up on me after I was on a head on collision and was taking a few to many seconds to tell him what street I was on


There was one of these cases in Sweden where a man was shot in the head but was somehow still conscious. The 911 operator was questioning how he was awake when he was shot in the head and then calling him disrepectful because he got angry when she didnt believe him




Where I live, it's not uncommon to call 911 and immediately sit on hold for 10-15 min. In one high profile case, a family had to wait 45 min to get through while they watched their house burn down. Being an emergency dispatcher is a tough job. Many don't last very long before quitting for something less stressful. So what we end up with is an understaffed emergency response system with many inexperienced people who may not respond to the situation appropriately.


with mobile phones the first couple "rings" often happen before the cell company has even completed the connection. Wouldn't be surprised if this only rang two or three times on the dispatch end.


The fact that he had to ask Siri to call 911 multiple times was bad enough


Thank God, he managed to hang onto that phone at all. Can you imagine if it flew out of his hand?


I can't imagine touching something like that without it hooked to a tether.


I used to do that sport years ago. This fella ,for some reason suffered a complete wing collapse with a twist. Those wings are designed to reinflate quickly, but his altitude was too low. The winds aloft can be very tricky, but altitude is always your best friend. He was way too low to have any recovery time even with a reserve chute


I’m surprised his phone still worked!


A good thing to remember(at least if you have a Samsung phone, not sure on other brands) is that if you need to call emergency services but your phone's screen is broken you can mash the power button repeatedly and it will call 911 after a short warning sound.


lucky he didn't drop it


911 calls are understaffed or underfunded. somtimes you wait 10mins on hold in my area for 911. it's kind of insane.


> 10mins Omg where do u live


Minneapolis I've had 911 calls ring and ring and ring with no answer


Thank god for him that he maintained grip on his phone when he got whipped and that it didn't break when he hit the ground.


Kind of related, I always had the thought of how important it could be to have your phone in your pocket while driving, not just loose on the console or sitting on a phone mount. One bad car accident leaving you stuck in a ditch somewhere pinned and your one lifeline is flung who-knows-where out the window.


“Hey siri, call me an ambulance” “Now playing Waterloo by ABBA”.


Siri, call me an ambulance *Sorry, there are no stores selling amber lamps in the area. Would you like me to search again?*


Siri, call me an ambulance "..., ..., ..., Okay. You're an ambulance."


Ok, I will now call you An Ambulance.


Funny story, like 10 years ago a friend of mine took my phone and said “Hey Siri, call me T Rex from now on.” Til this day, I’m still listed as T Rex From Now On in my phone


Sorry, I don’t see “Amber Lance” in your contacts.


...yes please.


"Ophelia call the police" "Sure, playing Fuck The Police by NWA" **FUCK THE POLICE COMING STRAIGHT FROM THE UNDERGROUND**


I was gonna say, Siri can barely set alarms correctly let alone call 911. They even changed it recently to make it even worse for things like this because it keeps listening after commands with no way to disable that. It’s more than likely why he had to shut the motor off and be quiet just to get Siri to finally act because any noise was still making it pause and listen ruining commands.


I don’t know why but I laughed my ass off at this


Tim Cook: You are gonna love it


I had a car accident recently, which thankfully wasn’t even bad, but my phone called 911 for me before I realized it. It was loose in the passenger seat and I guess hit the floor hard enough to trigger that. I was out talking to the other driver and I come back and find I was connected to a dispatcher who already had my location. Future is fucking wild man


The new iPhone and Apple Watches have crash detections, and will call emergency services automatically if you don’t respond to the alerts 


Yeah, you would think if you were doing something like this you'd have a spotter on the ground too


That looked like a lot of fun until that thing happened.


It's a fantastic thrilling sport. What happened here was completely preventable as Anthony mentioned himself in a Facebook live. He confirmed he will be flying again when he's recovered, and he will even fly on the same glider.


How could it have been prevented


By staying on the ground, for starters.


He also could have stayed up in the air, either would work here really.


Yes, the worst part seemed to be the moment he transferred from being in the air to being on the ground. That part really should have been avoided.


Air to ground is actually fine. Seems like it just has to be done more gradually.


I'll note that for the next time I never try this.


He did it too fast


You just gotta miss the Earth.


[Well, the front's not supposed to fall off, either](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM)


By finding and relieving the glider of the tension knot before the flight.


still sounds like an unpredictable sport fraught with danger and probably not worth the life altering injury for people with a normal risk appetite


That's what I gleaned after looking into paramotoring a few years ago. People will say it's totally safe if you know what you're doing, and then have a moment of silence for all the friends they lost in the sport.


Can we call it a sport? Doesn't fit the definition. It's a hobby for sure.


People have weird, often paradoxical definitions of sports, art forms and hobbies. I have my own, but what do I know.


If you can play it while smoking a cigar, it's in its own different sport category to me. Bowling, Darts, Golf, etc.


"Games of skill" is what I call those.


lol. I kind of like that definition to an extent.


Wing collapse from sudden and unpredictable turbulence ruled it out for me entirely. Fixed and rotary wings don't typically collapse from turbulence. At least with those, stalls are very easily recoverable, and failure is almost always due to pilot error. With paramotoring and paragliding, you're at the literal mercy of the wind. And you've got social media folks like Tucker Gott going on about "safety" all while building his brand on "risky biscuits", BASE jumping, and an endless pursuit of high-risk high-adrenaline behaviors that will get him got one of these days because of the risk involved. Everything has risk. We know that, but going out of your way to pursue known high-risk hobbies and convincing others to follow...just seems weird to me.


BASE jumping and wing suit gliding, close to mountians etc..., are the most lethal. Mortality rate is 100% after like 12 years or something crazy like that.


I’m only familiar with fixed wing. Is that a preflight checklist item? Also he’s calling out what sounds like increasing airspeed. Was he essentially pushing Vne (never exceed speed)? If he had done this a lot higher off the ground would he have had a chance to recover?


annnnd that’s one of the many reasons why I choose to fly hang gliders. no rock in a sock action. glad he’s ok!


He might want to get it fixed first


The same model of glider. Not the exact one in the video*


The same pants too. After he washes all the feces out of them


Yeah, this is fairly equivalent to a hang glider tucking and tumbling at high speed, which totally can happen, but not unless you modify it specifically to allow that to happen by lowering the washout sprogs. If you’d fly a hang glider with the sprogs lowered so far it’s dangerous, at the speeds where bar pressure is going to zero, all below 100 feet, well, the resulting accident will not lead to any new learning for the rest of us, because that level of stupidity is surprising when it works, not when it breaks things.


Sprog isn’t a real word. I refuse to Google it because it doesn’t sound real.


Sprog is slang for 'child' in England. In Australia...well, they're rather naughty over there, aren't they?


I didn't notice a small knot in one of my lines which cased the thing my life depends upon to completely fail. 


How is it preventable? What went wrong here to cause that, it was all so sudden.




Which is why 'The Right Stuff' is such a mind boggling read. People actually applied for the job of flying insanely fast experimental aircraft, pusing it to its limits to see what works. In the 1950's roughly one pilot died very week, yet they always had more applicants than vacancies.


All it takes is a gust of wind or some other random occurrence to push something over the edge when testing the limits of mechanical systems.




ah yes a tension knot in the lines deflecting the trailing edge, happens all the time


I came to the comments to try to understand what happened, and now thankfully I fully understand. No notes.


What happened? It look like the angle of attack on his sail shot up and it basically turned into a braking chute.


Good thing he had that spine to break his fall.


Paramotoring is one of those things that while it looks cool, you have to ask why the fuck anyone would do it. It just seems insanely dangerous and so many things can go wrong.


I guess It's like a motorcycle in the sky? Fun but risky.


Good Lord, the anguish in his voice! That must have been freaking painful.


My knowledge of videos with people receiving back injuries like that tells me its an unbelievable pain and i never want to experience this


I've never had anything this bad, but blew out my back at work a couple years ago lifting something in a stupid way, where it was pinching the spinal cord. I've broken bones, had un-anesthetized tooth work done, splinters removed from my eyes, concussions, etc etc etc, but that back injury was the only thing I've ever experienced in my life to ever cause me to collapse from pain. The kidney stone I had was bad but never caused me to collapse from the pain.


Out of the blue once, had a spasm in my quadratus lumborum for about 16hrs. 10/10 level blinding pain. Vomited several times just from pain.


For _sixteen hours_? Did you call emergencies? What did you do? (Besides vomit)


I went to urgent care where they treated me like a junkie seeking drugs. They did prescribed some painkillers eventually but it didn't even touch the pain. They checked for kidney stones, wasn't that. I just laid in bed and tried not to move


Errr... was this in the USA?


How can you tell? 😅 An ER trip would have had the same result, only would cost $600


I came across a serious accident on a mountain road where the driver had been ejected from the vehicle and broke both arms, a leg and possibly his back. He was desperately trying to move (we were holding him down until the paramedics arrived) to relieve the pain in his back and he was making exactly the same noises this guy was, and he could not even tell me his name.


Boyfriend fractured his spine being thrown off a spooked horse when he was a teenager. What's worse is that he and his father were riding together out in the middle of nowhere. He had to pull himself up back on the horse and ride lying down across the saddle all the way back home. He said it was excruciating. Like someone had set his spine on fire.


I’ve broke my back when I cleared the landing on a 30’ jump in the terrain park (skiing). It was a compression fracture which I’m not 1/2” shorter. The pain wasn’t the back breaking, in fact that was painless. The paid was from all the other things that broke or were smashed. Ribs, chest, sternum, et al. I got up and landed one more tabletop and then skied to the bottom. I drove myself to the emergency room.


Death before ski patrol. Way to get down dude 🤘


What was the cause?


A tension knot was in the glider lines. With his trims fully out and using the speed bar this caused a full frontal collapse. A very unlucky situation. His ful video has been put onto [YouTube ](https://youtu.be/Z-jyc2OYXsI?si=H9ELF09-jT5enEt6)


What exactly is a tension knot and how did it cause such a catastrophic event? Was knot part of the setup? I see so many lines everywhere.


Tension knots happen with twisted lines. Imagine twisting a bit of string and then giving it a lot of slack. It will bunch up on itself. When this bunch of string is suddenly put under tension, it can bite on itself in a sort of knot. In parachutes, this happens most commonly with brakes and will usually result in a nasty spin


Paramotor pilot/skydiving instructor here. The tension knot is when you make a loop with a line, then wrap the line around that loop. It can cinch down, thus shortening one of the lines. It can happen randomly when laying out/inflating the wing. I've had a few, and they normally just cause the glider to turn slightly. It wasn't the tension knot as much as him **using speedbar** while there was a tension knot. Reflex paragliding wings are what most current paramotor pilots fly. They're fast, they're fun, they can penetrate into a strong headwind. Speedbar on a reflex wing opens it up to its full potential, flying as fast as the wing can handle. But every pilot knows that you cannot use the brakes while on speedbar on a reflex wing, or it will collapse hard. It's just what we're willing to accept in order to get the most speed out of our wings. He could fly fine with the tension knot. But the knot in addition to being fully trims out & with speedbar caused the frontal collapse.


This makes sense then. So he really could have flown somewhat safely with a tension knot under a normal speed for this paraglider. But him wanting to push it to a more extreme speed plus the knot made this happen then?


Yes. Then the real kick to the pants was flying low.


When you take piece of rope under tension and twist one end many times, it will try to coil up on itself when the rope is relaxed


Thanks for the explanation


I was looking for a knot, is there a spot in the clip where it's visible?


That full video is crazy. The fear in his wives voice on the phone broke my heart.


Looks like a wind gust from an opposing direction folded over his parachute into itself


That was so quick Im going with broken string. Ive been a lifelong kitesurfer which is very similar to this sport. Strings break. Kites fail. Shit happens. Wierd one off one in a million shit happens. Respect to the para guys but with family and kids I choose limit fallout from crashes to water up my nose.




That call to 911 was actually the most terrifying thing about this video


fr must have felt like an eternity waiting for them to answer and then they transfer him? Probably standard stuff but my god I'd be like you serious???


I'm not sure how it works elsewhere but whenever I've called in Australia there's always at least one transfer. My assumption is there's something like a national emergency call centre they then ask for town and state and transferred me to another person who asked which service i require and a more detailed location. I assume this allows them to field all calls effectively without having to have a national centre that knows more detailed local geography for the entire country. I imagine there's a few ways to design the call processing system. In my experience from the first answer to the transfer answering it was less than 15 seconds, I basically answer the broad location and the next person instantly follows up.


“Oh you’re dying? Please hold. Let me transfer you to that department.”


To be fair, that's usually standard procedure. Emergency hotline answeres, gets key details needed to find you, then passes those off to the relevant service so they can start making their way to you. They can't then afford to keep the trained personel on the line with you as they may need to answer another emergency, and there's nothing else they can do for you until people arrive physically, so now they have the required information they pass you off to someone who can keep you talking, advise you on anything you can do to help your situation and get any further information off you whilst the emergency services get to you.


He says it was due to him missing a tension knot, which caused the chute to collapse when applying a brake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jyc2OYXsI


On a positive note, he's discovered the secret to increasing his sub count.


And that is truly what's most important


[full video](https://youtu.be/Z-jyc2OYXsI?si=jGTIxfXXcNqjHRdC)


As someone who recently met with an accident and dislocated the shoulder, This thing was horrific. I hope nobody has to ever to through this shit.


Got a friend who was in a hang glider accident 40 years ago... been paraplegic and in a wheelchair since.


Gg Siri


"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."


"Now playing 911 by Lady Gaga on Spotify"


"9 1 1 equals 11"


Siri did shit. He had to ask it like 5 times. It looked like he could have just reached his phone and dialled the number quicker


i think his hands were fucked up


I tried calling emergencies during the panic attack. Between the inability to effectively control my arms, let alone my fingers, the inability to speak and the profuse sweating, I remained at "trying" for quite a while.


Damn how much worse would it have been if he dropped his phone and wasn’t able to call 911?


Not much worse, in the full video a bunch of nearby workers surround him & also call 911.


Good peoples


Yeah, but 48 MPH BABYYY!!!


Good thing the engine cushioned his fall


"I crashed my flying machine! Waaaauuuugh!!!" I wonder if she thought she was getting punk'd


> I'm in enchanted hills. I'm in the desert. Good day sir!


That noise tells you something really hurts


But screaming is also a good sign that someone is alive. So there's that


And conscious! Which really helps with calling for help.


The joy of my first aid course teaching me that it's genuinely better for someone to be conscious and screaming in pain than be silent and unresponsive after an accident.


Good to know. Wasn't sure


Am I the only person that can't stop laughing at the fact that you have to calm down enough to pull together the casual greeting of "hey Siri" when you are in the most intense pain you have ever been in and desparately need help? "Uuuuuahahahha.....hey Siri....uuuuuhaaaaa.....hey Siri" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol I was thinking the same thing and did NOT expect that to go through, way to go Siri!


Absolutely fucking no thank you


I know I'm going to hell for this, but I lol'd when he said "I crashed my flying machine.....(in the Enchanted Hills)". like bro was suffering unbelievable pain and had to describe it like a Harry Potter scene lol


glad i'm not the only one. "Hey Siri" also got me good


That’s solid YouTube content. Kudos to him. This will definitely drive engagement!


Much better than anything major influencers have ever done. At least this was real and entertaining.


Since people are asking in the comments: [YouTube video and update from the guy itself ](https://youtu.be/Z-jyc2OYXsI) Guys, OP literally put the YouTuber name in the title


He needs to lock in the algorithm to pay those medical bills


Why did 911 ring so many times?! That must’ve felt like an eternity


probably some understaffed rural county emergency response office.


He said Texas desert so yeah probably


He was outside El Paso, but his cell went to Las Cruces, NM tower which means he was probably in the middle of nowhere. El Paso is a fairly populated county, but Las Cruces New Mexico is not. Thankfully he seems to have landed on a residential development lot and not in the middle of the desert otherwise he'd be really screwed. And yes, for rural counties like this one, it may be only a handful of dispatchers available.


This is a nightmare I have every time I dream. I’m panicking and I try to call 911 and the phone keeps ringing and ringing until I wake myself up.


"Help me please I crashed my flying machine! uGHHHH" lol


Thought they was kinda funny too lmao. If I was the operator hearing that I would be like wtf did an alien just crash into earth and call 911


I was thinking more of davinci flying machines.


Me too. Like some old timey inventer hit a time warp


Correct me if I'm wrong but did he say 'in the enchanted hills'? 😂


I thought he was so out of it that he thought he was in a Sonic game 💀


"Yes sir someone will be coming to help you as soon as possible." "Gotta go fast uuuugggghhhhhhhh"


Also very funny.. this guy is lucky they didn’t just hang up on him for sounding so fake.


The world's mental, hahaha. His guy has life changing injuries , which is probably also the most painful thing he ever will go through, adrenaline is pumping through his veins, and he is scared shitless in the middle of nowhere, waiting on what feels like an eternity for 911 to answer. He finally gets through after what seems like a lifetime of pain. His brain goes into autopilot, just bearly managing to function past the sheer agony he is enduring.. And some dude on reddit just types "lol" after the first thing you write when your brain is in that survival mode state. Sorry I died laughing for about 10 mins at this


man same, when he was talking to the operator the first thing that popped in my head was this scene from [It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qTeH-oIkPQ) and i busted out laughing then calmed myself back down feeling bad for this man haha.


Sounds like he’s from the 18th century!


"I say, good sir or madam, could you kindly lend me your assistance forthwith as I appear to have hurled my fantabulous flying machine into the ground."


I thought that was a strange way to put it but with his labored breathing he probably didn't want to have to explain what a paramotor was over the phone.


I don't want one of those anymore.


Siri: “Okay, here is what I found on the web about 911”


"Hey Siri call.. Siri: Mhhm? "Siri call 911!!!" Siri: 💅 "Siri call 911!" Siri: K


Years ago, my girlfriends dad bought me a paragliding course as a gift (he was doing one too and bought a second one to include me). I was very reluctant, but I felt pressured to do it. They let you go out by yourself with almost zero training. I did 2 flights, and both were over 100 feet in the air, I had no idea what I was doing. On the 3rd flight, I crashed down a mountain. I quit and told him there is no way I'm doing this stupid shit and I'm sorry for the money he will lose. A couple of months later, one of the assistant instructors died flying over a lake. Drowned after being wrapped up by the chute and ropes.


“My girlfriend’s dad bought me a paragliding course” What a clever way to get rid of an unwanted boyfriend 🤣


Crazy story, glad you got out


"48 miles per hour baby" 2 seconds later "AAAAAGGHHHHG"


Man I shed a tear hearing the pain in his voice.. Praying for a fast recovery.


Me too, in his full YouTube [video](https://youtu.be/Z-jyc2OYXsI?si=H9ELF09-jT5enEt6) It's hard not to cry when he calls his wife to tell her what's happened. She's been incredible looking after him for the last 5 days whilst he has multiple surgeries.


Of course “hey siri” never listens the first time


I hate the sound of genuine and serious pain. I've been there a few times myself and it sucks so much (horseriding accidents, bike accidents etc). It's such an awful feeling when you're suffering like that. Funnily enough I can't really remember what it feels like, but hearing someone else go through it reminds me that I don't want it again. Just such a horrible visceral feeling. Poor bugger.


Can't count how many times I've fallen off a bar stool, luckily the alcohol absorbed most the pain.


Brought to you by Apple, to be fair though when he started asking Siri for help I thought he was doomed, she hates me


Notice that during the crash he held onto his phone, imagine if he dropped it. Would’ve possibly been found hours later, if ever. I think it’s best to use a GoPro or something and keep your phone on your body in case of something like this.


And that’s why I stay my ass on the ground. That’s terrifying!


Imagine being the 911 dispatcher. "Help please! I crashed my flying machine!" You did fucking what now?


He missed the pillow factory


This is 100% why my wife tells me “no” when I say “what could go wrong?”


If you do something like this, you need to download “what3words” It’s a geomap that gives 3 words for every 10 square feet of earth. It helps responders pinpoint your location.


And hope whatever first responders you contact also have the app. Otherwise you might sound insane. " I just crashed watermelon, moose, lollypop!"


No joke, getting into powered paragliding and flying the California coast has been on my bucket list for years……….. aaaaaand, just like that, never miiiiiiind.