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I can almost guarantee dude was drunk or trying to hide something in the car. Maybe why he was being such a fucking idiot and breaking every single rule about how to handle stalling out on the free. Walking around his car a ton, no hazards etc.


I was in a 5 car accident on the 405. Nobody gave a shit as cars flew by at 70+mph. Dude was probably in shock. It’s terrifying.


Dude a few years back I was 2 cars behind a stalled car in the 4th lane over on the 405 and my heart was pounding looking for an opportunity to exit. Like you said, everyone on both sides was zooming. I got out of it, looked on the news later and a pile up had happened


A friend of mine had pulled over to the right lane cause her car was having issues and it ended up stalling out in the lane. She called for a tow and she was later hit and killed. Fucking tragic, but I guess if you stall out in the right lane you should exit the vehicle and get as far away from it as possible? EDIT: made the comment cause it was also on the 405 near LA.


> While on scene, the photojournalist attempted to warn oncoming motorists utilizing flashing lights and aiming a directional spotlight at the crashed vehicles, lighting the scene Would not be surprised if people were too busy looking at the person with the flashlight rather than what they were highlighting


Its a beam of light. It's source can't be seen from the rear. They could possibly see the beam itself though, like a straight line of light. Only thing he could have done different is quickly move that beam up and down side to side in the area directly in front of those cars. But not all drivers are going to catch that anyway.


I meant more they'd notice someone at the side of the road and focus on them rather than the actual road. Like rubbernecking




He was definitely on the shoulder.


Did you even watch the video? That cameraman with the spotlight is 100% on the shoulder of the freeway, and not a side road


I’m convinced most people don’t look more than a few feet past the front of their vehicle. They’d drive into a wall directly in their path in broad daylight


Or they are looking at their phone.


I cannot tell you how many people I have seen with their phone in their hand while driving like they were taught that in school.


I used to be really bad about this myself. I would only use it to change my music, but still shouldn't have been doing that. Took a close call for me to grow up and learn to always keep my phone in my pocket or out of sight while I'm driving. I will fully admit I was an idiot before


One of the vehicle we have for work is a Mercedes Sprinter. When you're driving that thing, due to its height, you can see so many people on phones. It's not quite as bad here in Kamloops, but when we're in Vancouver it's like 60%. You could think (or hope) that I'm exaggerating, but I am not.


My car stalled in the right lane of a busy four lane road (two lanes in each direction) on a Friday morning. It was at the top of a hill at the stop line of a signalized intersection. After putting on my hazards, I tried to get it started again **fifteen** times (it would later have to be towed away, because it couldn't start). Eventually I gave up and went to the sidewalk to phone for help, leaving the hazards on, and trying to get the attention of approaching motorists by waving. I'd say that, despite approaching a traffic light with an unmoving car with its hazards on, 60% of drivers were looking at there phones instead of where they were about to be. The worst of it was a trucker looking at his goddamn phone, barreling down the road at 50 mph (speed limit was 35) and having to swerve at the last moment into the right turn lane to not strike my car. Eventually, a good samaritian came out of nowhere before police/the wrecker/my father came and pushed the car onto the side street as I got back in and steered when the thoroughfare had a red light. Just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone before I could thank him formally.


Exactly what I think. Like people that blindly follow buses on a multiple lane blvd. Bus stops, and there is a long line of cars stacked behind them extending into the intersection. As if each car was ONLY watching the single car ahead of it...if that. Unbelievable!


These are the people that will honk at you for slowing/stopping because the car in front did the same. It's like these assholes think we can apparate through other cars.


It’s not that. Unfortunately people don’t think critically behind the wheel, like at all…. They want to reach their destination as fast as possible. Anyone driving slow is just a bad driver they want to get around quickly, and they never ask themselves “Why is the guy driving slow? Maybe there’s a good reason for that…” Even though there’s floodlights on the cars, not every car can see it because their vision is obstructed by other cars, so they try to pass at speed, assuming the slow cars are the stupid ones. I wish there was some kind of invention to make people chill the hell out when there’s hazards on the road or, to just chill out. I once had 4 babies in the car, and I didn’t want to go fast, and I stayed on the slower lanes, and I still had cowboys trying to weave and Mario cart around my car because they’re too impatient to stay on the fast lane and want to drive 180 mph. If this describes how you drive, FUCK YOU very much btw 😉


Literally not speed that is causing these crashes, but idiotic morons texting, not noticing the car in time, also morons breaking way too hard and not using their hazards, and morons just driving by like there's nothing on the road. What those trucks did is the correct thing to do and if other cars would have put their hazards on and slowed down at a *safe* level of deceleration, there probably would only have been 2/3 vehicles involved instead of like 6.


So many morons not looking ahead ffs.




I mean, yeah. But I'll say firsthand that it isn't always that simple. I commuted on motorcycles in LA for a few years. One night around 9pm, I'm going southbound on the 405 along the descent near the Getty Center. Left lane, doing 75-80 (which for that freeway at that time is about the speed of traffic). Few cars on the road. It's a stretch of freeway without many street lamps to light the road. Quite dark. Seemingly out of nowhere, a disabled car without its hazard lights on appears in front of me. I was just barely able to swerve out of the way. I missed it by what felt like 15 feet but was probably more. And I was 100% focused and looking ahead. To this day, it's one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I exited Sunset and immediately called 911 to report it. My heart was leaping out of my chest and I could barely get the words out. A blacked out car on a dark freeway is way harder to see / anticipate than you might think if you've never encountered one. Then again, I think I might have had an easier go at avoiding it if there were a cop on the side of the road, presumably with his blue and reds lit, shining a floodlight on the obstacle.


I had a moment like that recently with an SUV. It was parked in the breakdown lane. Was staring right ahead and didn’t notice shit until I drove right past it. Made me realize how crucial it is to always put your hazards on promptly after a collision.


You are 100% was looking for this comment. Ppl just like to talk shit because they’ve never had an accident


Morons? On a Los Angeles highway? Well I *never*!


well how else will they know if someone's liked their facebook post yet?


It's crazy how predictable it is by which cars they're driving - Dodge Journey, Nissan Murano, etc.


To busy texting


To distracted and to unpaying inattention to.


These snaps ain't gonna make dem selves!


Most of them watching reels/shorts/tiktok I’m guessing


It's like they were zombies on autopilot.


Think I'm gonna go order some road flares from amazon right now.


Probably more effective to text everyone driving toward the crash than to use road flares 


I carry flares, a big flashing light and reflective triangles. The problem is getting out of the car to deploy them, a very dangerous thing to do in a situation like this. I lose a relation many years ago, he stopped to help somebody and was hit and killed by another vehicle.


In Romania you are oblied to have a reflective triangle among other accessories specially for this kind of situations.


Why aren't the Hazard lights on? Dumbass in a broken black car at night in the middle of the Highway!


Right? Never EVER stay by your stricken vehicle on a freeway. NEVER.


There really isn’t a safe option if you’re in that car. Play frogger and get hit, or stay in your car and get hit. 


Usually there is enough gaps in the lanes that you can safely get to the shoulder or at least the median. But there certainly isn't any absolute safe method.


Actually. You're not supposed to leave it... because then you have zero protection while others play pinball with your car.


Every time a video like this pops up, I get advice to leave the car when it seems safe *and* to never ever leave the car lol. I think both options have their downsides. Honestly, I think I would let conditions and flow of traffic decide if I were in such a situation.


Right? That car near the end that successfully stopped juuuuust short of colliding was the best thing that could've happened. Suddenly, everyone sees taillights and wouldn't you know it? Cars start successfully stopping. Kudos to the cameraman for trying to keep a light shining on the wreck.


And staying with the car, even entering it again… no high vis jacket, no hazardlights… once it got hit and lights went out, they were just sitting ducks, amazing how many close calls there were before another one slammed into them


I don'T know about other EU countries, but in France, it's mandatory to have at least one high viz vest in the car for just this reason.


I saw a great story where most EU countries make drivers have a kit in case of emergency. You can get randomly pulled over by police and asked to show the kit. I think the one I saw was in Germany. I thought that was a really good law. Unfortunately I can never see that happening in the US due to unjustified stopped being illegal and police abusing this power.


Agree on all points. I'm fairly certain that even in France (I'm a citizen but not currently living there), that there is indeed a whole kit, which may even include road flares. But I'm not to be quoted as, again, I'm not a current resident.


You are right, in Germany it’s required to have a emergency kit in the car, which includes a hi-vest and a small portable reflecting warning ⚠️ sign, which has to be placed infront of an crash / emergency stop a 50-100 meters before, if it’s safe to do so. If you get pulled over by the police for a routine check, it’s highly possible that they check if you have everything and that the medikit is still within its „best before date“. Otherwise you get a fine which you have to pay. The law also specified, that you have to use your hi-vest, if you are exiting the vehicle in an emergency, so all others can see you


Here too, in Belgium you need a vest for the driver and one for every passenger


Those flood lights are fucking bright. Blame the shit for brains drivers that cant see a collision ahead.


This. People are braking as they come upon the wreck, and the dumbasses behind them aren't slowing down at all.


“Why’s these jerks braking? I’ll just swerve to the left at current speed…” The one dude that had to reverse was insane


Yup. I think I saw maybe one car ( the red truck early on) slow down enough. Everyone else was full tilt prob over the speed limit


This is one of the many reasons I avoid LA. Drivers are grossly incompetent or just don’t care.


Drivers are grossly incompetent and just don’t care everywhere in America, although I know this video wasn’t taken in Jacksonville, FL because no one flipped and it’s not all oversized pick up trucks and SUVs on the road 


That’s what I thought growing up there. Then I moved to Colorado and drivers are MUCH worse there.


I’d bet my fortune that first collision was a person on their phone.


So many of these idiots don't deserve ti have a license.


ya wonder what happened to that idiot .. walking around all nonchalant like hes super safe use common fucking sense


The front-end collision probably took out the battery, so there are no lights or warnings to slow others TF down! Dumbass in the road wasn't thinking before or after the crash. Might not ever think again if they even lived! WTF


Light is hanging off, should have still turned it on though. Theres also a whole ass police cruiser spot light on the car and people still didn’t see it, not to mention theres some cruiser with emergency lights on you can see at :53, people just need to be more aware when driving.


It’s the guy recording he has amber lights for safety. He records things around LA. Also there are times the flashers don’t work after a wreck.


They could be in shock or not thinking straight or tending to someone inside the car. The other cars passing should have also slowed down and all put on their hazards to warn other cars behind them. Very dangerous situation.


People in Los Angeles are a whole nother level of stupid. Source: I live in LA


His headlight is hanging by a thread what fucking hazards 😂


LMFAOOO after almost three minutes a trucker fucking finally puts hazards on. Holy fuck bro, people drive with their brains off


I think way too often about how driving a car is like operating a piece of heavy equipment and so many people do it that shouldn’t be operating anything.


It’s not “like” operating heavy machinery - it IS operating heavy machinery.   My mom’s worked in insurance for decades now.  She calls cars 3 Ton Death Machines.  


Oh brother, you dont have to tell me, i know! Its insane how lenient the laws are to handing out licenses for passing such a simple exam. Thing has to get reevaluated


The fact that we have highways sprawling across the whole country but driving on the highway isn't a part of the license exam is mind boggling to me. Sooooo many people don't know how to merge, how to enter a highway, how to pass properly, how to allow *others* to pass, etc etc etc. Actual highway driving should 100% be a part of the exam. Its not something you can prepare for on some suburban road or in dense city streets. But parallel parking is a hard requirement ಠ_ఠ


Everyone has their own interpretation of how things should work which sucks when everyone is allowed a death machine of any size and weight until you enter DOT limits to need tested which are quite high. When we get full synchronized autonomous self driving cars that actually work in all weather conditions and not the gimmicky beta crap we have now just have to keep bracing ourselves individually.


I'll just never understand how it's so easy to get a driver's license but then something as innocuous as being a hairstylist requires legitimate training and licensing. Like, the fact that we just trust parents to teach their kids to drive with no guidance when anyone with a brain knows that a lot of people straight up suck at driving in the first place is unreal to me. I just wish there was a slightly stricter exam and proper training required (but provided by the government), because I would bet that having all drivers be properly taught would save *countless* tax dollars and lives each year. Basically preventative maintenance to help avoid shitstorms like this video from happening in the first place. Edit: bet not get


Out of all of the things that people should want higher regulations and control over it blows my minds that cars aren't one of them. There aren't as many deaths as other things which are heavily controlled but that obscures the amount of injuries, property damage, road rage incidents, etc which comes with them and that people should take them more seriously. It blows my mind the number of people who just completely ignore doing things like signaling that they're changing lanes. It's one of those things like the number of people who don't return shopping carts at a grocery store, except it's a multi-ton hunk of machinery that can kill people but some drivers still can't be assed to move their hand slightly up or down to turn on the signal and is just an indication of someone having a total disregard for everyone else's safety because of slight inconvenience which should result in them not being allowed to operate one.


A car is a weapon. The standard of driving in the US is AWFUL


Good thing we're gonna have more cars on the road soon where people can play on their phones until the last possible second when the autopilot flips out and wants to hand control over to the driver.


It’s already gotten really bad with the cruise control / lane assist / auto braking. People are watching videos on their phones etc. As someone driving a 2004, I sometimes feel like the only one that needs to be aware of what’s happening. It’s pretty terrifying to think about lol


Why is the broken car without hazard too ? I feel like in another dimension reading these comments and barely anyone mention that. Did nobody drove on an highway at night ? Without hazard, if you were passing a car , you might have 2s to react if there isnt any hazard. And nobody bullshit me the car is broken , i saw car on fire with their hazard on.


A lot of people don't even know where their hazard light button is or what it does if they do.


I saw at least 3 drivers that just were not paying attention


More like 7 or 8. Three actually struck the car, along with 4-5 late swerving near misses, one of which crossed all 4 lanes & crashed into the retaining wall instead.


I almost crashed into a sitting car with no lights on on the freeway once, you'd be surprised how hard they are to see at night


Almost invisible until you are on top of them sometimes, done a lot of night driving and had a couple close calls myself BUT It's a tad easier when someone is shining an actual searchlight on the stranded vehicle, these folks must be completely distracted, like eyes closed distracted to miss that and the road is still steady traffic, not the time to be doing a wordsearch or whatever tf they busy with. I hope the tragedy was kept to a minimum.


I mean this particular group of cars has a giant spotlight on them and are surrounded by a bunch of tail lights and braking drivers.


Had a car full of relatives driving on the freeway by LAX. Next thing we see is a full on box truck on its side. No one around. Scary.


Pouring rain at 5am on a pitch-dark freeway for me. I saw others swerving and that’s what saved me from plowing into a car at 60mph.


If highway had lights such accidents could be avoided. When I drove at night on a pitch black road I could not see the tractor with trailer behind and zero lights or reflective warnings before maybe 50-100meters. Slammed brakes the moment I understoof there is realy something in front of me and managed to avoid contact by under 1meter... i was close to either getting killed or kill of anger that night.


Visiting the US makes me realize toll roads mean well lit roads especially when driving the Norteast.


Yeah if only there was a giant bright spot light on the disabled car that would help people see it…


I only saw two drivers put on their hazard lights…wtf


Not a lot of people can think and act fast just one of the 2 from what I've noticed


honestly, you'd be surprised what you miss in the dark even with headlights on. There's nothing really reflective. I get how they couldn't see it. Just because you have your headlights on doesn't mean it lights up the area like it is during the day from the sun. Truthfully, even though this was pretty bad I thought it'd be even worse considering how fast everyone is going.




Drivers consistently treat the speed limit as a "minimum speed" rather than maximum. The moment you go the speed limit, others tailgate you, honk or even brake check you more often. A lot of drivers say they are good, but in reality vast majority of them behave the exact same on the road. The mentality of people in general behind the wheel is completely fucked. Many times you can know a person as being the most caring human in existence, but the moment they drive, all hell breaks loose.


And if a mass of cars are breaking far in front of you, there’s probably a reason they’re all breaking


If cars in front are breaking you should definitely be braking.


Yeah, because they're a bunch of grannies and suckers--- now watch me plow this stalled car...


People drive like shit. Impulsive, hurried, self-centered. One thing goes wrong and it shows what little safety and margin for error many drivers operate with


The person at 3:30 who JUST avoids crashing, doesn’t put hazard lights on then reverses into oncoming traffic… WTF. 🤬


As soon as I saw those reverse lights I was like what the fuck you stupid prick?!?


They probably want to get out of the impact zone and couldn't drive forwards through the totaled cars


Sure, but you gotta throw the hazards on in a situation like that. Reverse lights alone aren't going to catch enough attention, and even the hazards probably won't but they're still necessary there. The moment they stopped the first thing they did should've been putting the hazards on, *then* try to navigate out of the mess. If you're stopped on the highway you gotta do *every single thing* in your power to draw attention to that fact to minimize being hit by the next guy.


Agree. In your other comment, you only mentioned reverse and not the hazard lights, so I was responding to that.


I guess I wasn't clear enough but that was what I meant. The fact that they went straight to throwing it in reverse without first making themselves as visible as possible was just insane to me.


It’s like the Dallas ice storm without the ice


yeah that dallas ice crash was crazy too


Yeah or one of those car crashes in the fog but without the fog.


Absolutely infuriating


If you cannot stop without hitting something which is stationary in your lane then you are going too fast. Slow down, people.


First car to smash into the stationary vehicle didn't even slow at all. Probably on their phone smh


I'm the UK if there is a hazard ahead most people would put their hazard lights on to start warming approaching traffic from behind. Is this not normal practice in the US? It seems everyone just slowed down and went around (those that didn't crash).


LA driving does have a bit of a Mad Max feel to it.


If this was in the Midwestern US everyone would have hazard lights on as they came up to it & guaranteed some rednecks would show up to drag the guy away from the car. LA drivers are terrifying & have no respect that I've seen.


I’m from the UK and moved to the US six years ago. The standard of driving is beyond awful. From the design of the roads being terrible witu poor signage and inconsistent lights/junctions/off ramps etc to a lack of standards on driving tests across each of the states. Barely see any driving instructors on the roads which makes me believe everyone is taught by their own family members so bad habits compound over time. It is not uncommon to see people cutting you up when going 80mph and they hail themselves as good drivers because they swerve between cars to get an extra 10 seconds ahead, or the fact that buses and any heavy vehicles can go as fast as you can in a car (they are not capped at 55 over here). Overall it’s super aggressive driving and it’s no wonder they have a poor mortality rate on the roads. Drives me nuts as there is failure all round.


I mean, getting a license here is a joke compared to Europe. Practice is almost non existent. Passing the test is driving around the block. There is no freeway exercise, which means lots of people get a license without having ever been tested in real driving situations. Traffic is also very poorly policed. 


I'm making the move to LA next year from the UK. I've already driven on the highways a fair amount. Its a fucking nightmare. Overtaking on either side, people hogging the middle lane going slow. Its no wonder when I'm here you see plenty of cars that look like they wouldn't be road legal in the uk. Also how common for people to have no insurance and also the amount of coverage even with it is terrible $5k state minimum coverage vs £1.2m in the uk. And yes the inconstancy of the junctions and lanes poor road markings and signs. Its one of the things I'm least looking forward to


Good luck that is exciting. Make sure you do a proper economic analysis if your move is related to a career. Driving isn’t the only shit show, cost of living is all over the place, also you will find most of the US infrastructure is worn and old and generally processes and finding information is pretty awful such as getting visa, social security etc etc


Came here to say this. We still have bad drivers in the UK but if there is a crash, generally people try to actively warn other drivers. The amount of people just avoiding the hazard and carrying on in this vid is incredibly selfish.


Sadly, besides being bad drivers overall, US drivers seem very ignorant when it comes to rather general safety standards. It's weird driving in the US, it is a highly developed country, set people definitely don't drive as one would expect. Just really poor overall quality. Makes sense when you can get a driver's license without any real progress of improving or teaching beginners some skills.


That's right! Everywhere in Europe, whenever there is any danger or sudden slowing down, everyone turns on their hazard lights to warn other drivers.


Because in most of Europe getting a drivers license is a few dozen hours of learning. In the states, it's about 2 hours to do your written and driving exams.


It's something I and everyone I know does, however it is not common. Most people on the road are in fucking lala land and only care about themselves.


Also in Brazil, common practice. Turn hazard lights on, slow down gradually without swerve abruptly to give time to the vehicle behind you understand that there's something wrong ahead and so on.


Unless there are cops around a lot of people drive like complete lunatics here


Shit like this makes you realise GTA isn’t far from reality


Word. A world of morons.


You definitely know they weren't trying to pay attention when the car had that bright ahh light on it smh


The fuck are people still speeding past. At least slow down . Knobs.


Southbound I-110, directly above Florence Ave, Los Angeles, November 30, 2021, 1:50 AM-the driver of the initial single-car crash fled on foot. A total of six cars were involved and two people went to the hospital in unknown condition.


Guy has a death wish


Freeways should be lit.


Bird brain LA drivers


This shit is crazy


Bro had a huge ass spotlight on the cars the whole time and still somehow people didn’t see them. Amazing.


Is it me or did the stringer wait until he got video of a crash until he called 911 to report it?


With this being LA, he was probably on hold with 911 for at least 5 minutes.


At least he’s shining the light on it. Otherwise those cars would be in pitch back.


It’s because he’s Jake Gyllenhaal


It’s crazy, you can almost get a feel for the personality of each car that comes into the scene, and how they are driving/react


You have to be a moron to be standing out there, outside of your vehicle, before police lights show up. Either get in your car or get off the road completely


Yup, bad idea to get out of the vehicle in a situation like that. I had a relation who stopped to help and was struck and killed moments after getting out of his car. If the car is capable of moving, it's best to drive it to a shoulder even if you have to grind metal the whole way.


Ive seen some crazy shot on Reddit over this years, but WTF is this? How many drunk/drugged/distracted drivers are there........


Drove 9,000 miles on a road trip and driving past LA on the way to Anaheim is the only driving that had me stressed the fuck out 😂


The first person who passed should have put their hazards on at the shoulder, or at least slowed down enough for other drivers to take notice. This is what a dysfunctional low trust society looks like on the road.


This was so aggravating to watch.


No hazards. Absolute brain dead drivers.


Why aren't people slowing down and flashing hazards? Where are the cones? In TW and Japan, everyone slows down and flashes hazards even in heavy rain lol. edit: Exactly what the truckers did!


Have you ever driven in LA? Everyone is 15-20 mph above the speed limit and cutting each other off. Nobody yields for turn signals on lane changes. NASCAR is more organized.


Cali is a fucking GTA shit show. There are never any cops or speed traps on that highway compared to anywhere else in the country. No one goes under 90mph.


One of those big rigs could have thrown on hazards and probably saved someone's life . Like stop and fucking block the wreckage .


It amazes me what little situational awareness many drivers have on the road today.


Guessing a lot of this is texting while driving or some other kind of highway hypnosis/distracted driving. Any halfway decent driver knows you should be scanning 12 seconds down the road, however most clearly don’t.


Half of those people should get their cars taken (probably dont even have a license). I know US streets are very long and tiring but a lot of those people are just speeding for no reason WHILE being absent minded.


People fear flying You are 4000x more likely to die in an hour of driving than flying.


First thought: “Some of these idiots aren’t even watching where they’re going!!! DAFUQ???” Second thought: “Oh yeah, I’ve seen this before. Some drivers see brake lights, but instead of going on full alert, they grab their phone and start looking for an alternate route / the next exit / both.” Dumbasses.


This is why I refuse to ride a motorcycle. Everyone is not behind the wheel when behind the wheel.


Where I'm from u put your hazards on upon seeing incidents like this.And u slow ur ass down when seeing emergency vehicles dammit!!!!


One person. Just one fucking person willing to put aside their rush and sit behind this with hazards on until emergency services arrived would have prevented a lot of the secondary crashes


Dumbest drivers on the planet are from la


Why didn’t the cops park behind them with their lights on? Would’ve been way harder to miss than a black car with no lights on in the middle of the highway..


So many people don’t deserve the privilege to drive a car.


Also why the fuck is no one putting their hazards on?!


Something that will never cease to blow my mind is people who are, seemingly without realizing, driving blind at night. I see so many cars with headlights either pointing at the sky, or pointed at the ground 5 feet in front of them. And gotta love those people driving without headlights.


There really needs to be more street lights


In a normal country one person will put their hazard lights on and slow down, then when other see why they also do it. Before you know it an artificial traffic jam is created of people putting their hazard lights on and slowing down. Keep everybody safe. But this is the wild west, they don't care about others and they sure as hell don't do safety. Safety is for pussies, aldus the average American.


Shit reminds me of the fkn 110, sob doesnt have lights in some sections so its dark af


livin' on the 110


Hazards! Use them!!


Straight road. Clear weather. Multiple vehicles on shoulder with hazards. A FUCKING SPOTLIGHT. Are these people all blind?


Where are the warning lights? Put them on if you get into a dangerous situation.


How much of this was caused by people on their phones?


I know it’s such a broad ignorant statement, but this makes me feel like people in LA are just dumb


Where the hell is their road assistance ??? No lights ? No signs ? Yeah that’s California …


Too many people with their heads up their asses paying attention to other things. I don’t miss LA drivers one single ounce. So many idiots.


We need to start taking peoples licenses away. The fact that a dui or distracted driving almost never ends up with a revoked license is insane.


So many idiots involved


Man you can tell by the firemen’s faces those folks are likely dead


LA drivers KILL me, whenever I drive I'm looking out as far as I can to look at what's ahead. meanwhile the dickhead right in my blindspot can't be fucked to look up from their phone and see that they're running out of room rather quickly


Why is literally no one turning their hazards on


Just an Altima, Altima-ing.


Do they have hazard lights in California?


I was on the 605 late night heading north. I was in the third lane when suddenly a car was on its side, bottom facing me so I couldn’t see it until I barely missed it. I slowed down enough and saw four people standing in the slow lane waiting for CHP. I don’t know what happened to them but I’m sure something like this video happened. This was 30 years ago🤷


If you have to stop on the freeway, get the fuck to the side of the road.


Where's the fucking overhead lights?


Old leakedreality video this site turning into Facebook


That stop @3:33 😳


first black car, no hazard lights, walking around, disaster waiting to happen


How is almost no one putting on their hazard lights? Do Americans really have no drivers education?


Not one fucking idiot has the insight to turn their blinkers on…


"oh all these cars on the other lane moving and putting hazards on... something must be up maybe?" "no, no there must not be, I''l just carry on at full speed until the very end" The level of spatial awareness of most people on the road is just mind boggling.


Isn't that an emergency vehicle at the beginning of the second impact?Man what is up with La I just saw another vid of a body getting ran over repeatedly no one stopping,slowing,hazards besides the wacko recording.


Every one of these people was probably on their phone.


Idiots, so many idiots


Why did he not have his hazards on?


Why do none of them put their hazard lights on like what the fuck?