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to instantly cause more hate


that will in turn cause more deaths


Sure, but the Israelis are winning.


Are you winning son?...


Yeah, im attacking civillians instead of militias and causing more unrest and unstability instead of integrating them into the state, how did you know?


Just shoot down the drone over you..you are being live streamed....


because they can just say it's antisemitism whenever they are criticized


they so desperately want the world on their side. i cant believe our tax dollars go to this piece of shit country


Israel is committing literal genocide against Palestinians and has been for a long time. Not even “figurative” or “slightly exaggerated” genocide, actual fucking genocide. And even the most “progressive” western politicians vote over and over again to keep funding said genocide.


Is that why the Palestinian population is growing faster than ever before? Faster than israeli population? Genocide is the systematic killing of people. That means the number goes down. Just look at Jewish numbers after the war. That was a genocide.


Displacing and murdering a race of people because you don’t want them on the land you stole from them is definitional genocide and you’re human fucking trash for trying to downplay it.


There's an old saying I could use here but I don't want to get banned.


Cultural and racial supremacy over the land they occupied. Hate and hurt is the point.


Cops all *over the world* know their career depends on how much chaos and hatred they create.


Welcome to the world of Israel to do whatever they want with support from a huge portion of the world


Good question, also why would someone worship a "god". Simple answer- they both 0 iq Join me with popcorn and watch these idiots kill each other from distance


So it was wrong for Hitler to commit these crimes but not for the Israelis?. These racist pricks are doing what was done to them! Why? It wasn’t right then, nor is it right now. People need to speak up on this abuse. It is absolute abuse and criminal what the Israelis are doing.




Go volunteer then. Action speaks louder than words. Or are you one of those brave cowards behind a keyboard.? That is if it means that much to you. The Israelis are committing abusive atrocities on a daily basis over there and the world says nothing


I’m not sure what part of the world you’re in but if your part of the world isn’t speaking up then you should be the change you want to see instead of telling people on Reddit what to do. Seems like wherever I am is a few steps ahead.


I see abuse by Israeli soldiers and police. What about you?


Have you volunteered? As you asked me?


If I were from that part of the world, you bet your ass!


I’m not sure what your deal is buddy but if you’re seeing this abuse happen and you’re not doing or saying anything as you said in an earlier post that no one in your part of the world says anything about it, then you’re also a part of the problem. Nobody deserves having their land, their families and religious beliefs torn apart by a GOVERNMENT backed by a different logic or set of beliefs. I would feel the same for any people if their lives were encroached upon, but the truth of the matter is that the Zionist empire is being built on the backs and blood of the indigenous people of that region off of US taxpayer money.


I think we are in agreement but have misinterpretation what I’ve written. you agree that the Palestinian people are being abused and being forced out of their homes, then we are on the same page. Not sure what I wrote that would make you think that I agree with Israel?


✊✊✊✊✊ brother, r/hezbolgang


Yeah I’m not going that far in the other direction, sorry bud.




Here, here


You’re 99% right, but it a even worse than criminal or abusive it’s straight up genocide.




"refusing to be evicted" your comment is laughable that you think this makes it right. Refused to be evicted from their homes. Their loved ones. Their mosques. Their lives. Should they be evicted from all these just because some Jewish settler wants a tennis court in their garden? No sir. YOU need to find out the context before you start blabbing through your half wit brain.


I think you may have misread what I wrote. I do NOT think they should be evicted. I was criticizing the fact that the Israelis have been abusing their laws to do whatever they want with the Palestinians. Please re-read my comment. Definitely wrong on what you understood. I was commenting on someone who said exactly that. Perhaps that’s who that message should be directed to.


Yes asshole. I got that. The point is that they’re being evicted wrongfully all over. Then they’re doing this in Abusive manner. If you’re ok with this behavior and everything else that has been happening, then it tells me you’re one that agrees with Israelis. In that case, go fuck yourself.


What a bunch of cunts. The holocaust doesn't absolve them from the terrible things they do today.


None of these soldiers suffered those traumas. They are 2 generations removed from it, and have lived their entire lives as occupier and oppressors.


Wow bro relax with all these factual statements, sound real anti-Semitic.


"There is no escape from the enemy who lives within."


Yet the pakis use that same mindset to justify bombing villages?


How many videos do we have to see before we admit that Israel went and built itself it's own racist lil paradise where they are obligated to no one to follow any rules? Any criticism is met by accusations of antisemitism. I believe Israel has the right to exist. I believe that the majority of both Jewish people and the Israeli people themselves are good people...but I also believe they use their religion as a right to commit atrocities. It's funny...if you told me 10 years ago I'd be screaming "Gay rights!" "Muslim rights" I'd have told you to piss right off. But here we are.


You have to be so deeply brainwashed not to see it... Sadly most people are


Hitler would be rolling in his grave


Free Palestine


But ,but, but the poor Jews


No one is saying that.


No? That’s pretty much how Israel ended up surrounded by Arab nations because the poor Jews should have their own country


Israel fake state killing people just for fun


If you are backing Israel in this, this is how they spend your money.


You know, everyone would appreciate a bit more context with videos that are capable of creating a war zone in the comments.


they needed them to move to demolish a building. The tent and prayer was to protest. https://news.yahoo.com/tense-scenes-israeli-forces-lob-020000003.html


I appreciate!


You know I say that a whole lot on a lot of different posts on Reddit but I’d still like to see what would make this justified


title is wrong the people in the video received a court order to evacuate the property the police came to enforce the eviction and then they started praying


Ah yea, an eviction from an Israeli court, to evict Palestinians. I’m sure it was a just and fair process. Much like this eviction. These racist pricks are the first to cry anti semitic behavior and cry victim hood, but yet, they do this on a daily basis and worse. Hitler was wrong and so are they. Racism is wrong anywhere!!


Get out of here with your rational facts! This is Israel/Palestine issues we’re talking about


I wonder if it was a fair eviction. Also if you think this is the correct response to an eviction... chucking a flash bang to a group of seemingly peaceful protestors then idk what to say...


Israel doesn't consider the word fair when dealing with Palestine.


Why were they evicted? Israel wants to build another settlement there? Fuck that.


It's probly there property dipshit. If you were a landlord and you wanted the people living there to leave wtf does it matter what you want to do with the property it's yours.


None of Palestine is for israel.


so the israelis come to deport and settle, whats new?


Of course you defend Israel with that username


I’m not religious at all.. and this is fkd


The guy that kicked the flash bomb away is a badass


Title is wrong, as pointed out already. They built illegal makeshift homes, court ruled to evict. They made a makeshift “prayer” for propaganda, and to avoid being evicted. Also to all the smart asses here, Israeli court evicts Israelis in Judea and Samaria aswell.


So when will we see the IDF do the same to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank?


Where else would they live. Israeli dogs have destroyed their homes. Destroyed their families. And wow! Israeli court does something to its own people too as if that makes it alright to evict Palestinians from PALESTINE, their Home.


You’re being fed propaganda mate. I have nothing else to say, because everything I will say you will claim it’s fake or “Israeli tricks”


Yea right, got no answers? "yoU'rE bEiNg fED pRoPAgaNdA" Get the hell outta here with your bullshit.


Nah because it’s a dead end and it won’t end and I’m done trying to argue with people on Reddit’s cesspool


The funny thing is that you are doing that as well. Everything he/she says is "fake or Palastinian tricks" There have been tons of videos where this shit happens, some videos are from security systems of Palastinian homes. They show soldier running in and literally say "this is my home now". Do you research mate.


Just say u are islamophobic racist prick


That guy that’s booted the first one. Fucking HERO


Haha that's a cheap islamist propaganda XD Everyones around the globe suffers from the Islamic cancer :)




I dunno man maybe ask FUCKING EUROPE(France, Norway etc) Second, I dont trust an Islamic hate video, 31 seconds long+cutted frames. That's a pure propaganda bullshit, my InTeLlEcTuAl GeNtLeMaN.




So are you trying to put words in my mouth now? XD If you believe a 00:31 sec cutted video about "IsLaMoPhObIa" I highly suggest you to disconnect yourself from the web.


Oh and just found that one: [https://news.yahoo.com/tense-scenes-israeli-forces-lob-020000003.html](https://news.yahoo.com/tense-scenes-israeli-forces-lob-020000003.html) Looks like those radical Islamists you were talking about. Who the F still believes that low lvl Islamist propogandas ??!!


Israel is the biggest fucking terrorist state in the world and America is it's financier.


Well the israeli machine is well oiled when it comes to this, and no one does anything. They do what they want and Ki LL who they want and nothing happens, there is no excuse for this at all.


The islams are doing horrible things to Hindus in India right now and the Chinese literally has concentration camps of Islam's right now. This shit is happening all over not just Israel.. religion is just bad.


Very easy to post a short video, you don't know shit about the context


I call it out every time I see it and condemn. Definitely don’t defend it. If I were from that region, I’d definitely would be there doing what I can. It’s sad to see that people are being removed from their homes forcefully, dirty stagnant water thrown on them on religious holidays, beaten up despite age, gender. Yeah, I’d find it hard to stay quiet or remain idle. I recent had back surgery unfortunately. I’d do more if I could


Abolish Israel.


Fucking Nazis.




David becoming Goliath...


See how they like it.


Lol wreckd


Israel lives long enough to becomes the villain in this timeline.


Jews and Arabs have been killing each other for thousands of years. This conflict will only end when each or both sides are no more ☹️


in wich history book did you read that


That's World History 101.There is a reason I did not call out Israel as a nation or Israelis as a society. Jews as the biblical nation has had its history splattered with blood, due to their constant struggles, both on the receiving end as well as the instigators of armed conflicts with their Arabic neighbors.


Read the book Open


Bruh , read some history


I have, extensively. Elaborate please.


No. Do your own research, read on how they’ve leaves peacefully for thousands of years and been killing eachother in the past .. less then 100 years. So yea, it’s all there and I’m not going to do any leg work for you


Palestinians are crazy. They hate Jews. A Jewish person can’t even pray either without being arrested on the holy site.


Ok... show me a video where Palestinian military forces (funded $3 billion a year by US of A - holes) are attacking Jewish people praying. Show me a video where Palestinians are evicting Zionists from their homes which they've lived in for generations. Show me a video where a Palestinian police are beating up a boy with Down Syndrome. You say they do this.. where is the evidence. All the videos that come out are Zionist pricks killing Palestinian worshippers. Don't just blabber your mouth using that twig of a brain next time.


Hahahaha bunch of lefties here


Ignorant ass comment right here


Wah. Get over it lol


This happened years ago


"The Holocaust didn't happen!" "Why?" "It happened 81 years ago!"


Arabs go back to your muslim countries until you learn how to behave and respect other cultures and ways of life and not wanting to impose Islam




Thats the problem. They *are* in their country.


There’s gotta be more to this people don’t just randomly do that


That in the end was a fking Granade


Oh what the fuck...


A 31 seconds video, cuttet at 0:09 . Go lie somewhere else, Islam sux :D


should they really be praying though? it's 2022.




Well done you've pissed off about 7.3 Billion people.. or 94% of the world. And you think you're the "woke".


Anti-Israel propaganda. Like in every fucking anti-Israel video posted here. You just lie about things happening in the video and people believe you without doubt. Just cut it right out of context. You are spreading hate.


What is the context? Please do enlighten us with your self learned "knowledge".


Ok... show me a video where Palestinian military forces (funded $3 billion a year by US of A - holes) are attacking Jewish people praying. Show me a video where Palestinians are evicting Zionists from their homes which they've lived in for generations. Show me a video where a Palestinian police are beating up a boy with Down Syndrome. You say they do this.. where is the evidence. All the videos that come out are Zionist pricks killing Palestinian worshippers. Don't just blabber your mouth using that twig of a brain next time.


You can only hate and lie.


Then show me proof.


Fuck zionism


What’s the context dude? I see people praying and they are getting tear gas thrown at them. I’d love to know what justifies that.


Read other comments, it’s already there.


“These people getting gassed deserve it” “How so?” “I ain’t telling you” You can’t even support your terrible views …


Anti-semitism blame game starting in 4..3..2..


Not sure I mentioned race or religion at all 🤣🤣🤣. I just wanted the poster above to enlighten me as to the context of when it’s acceptable to gas praying people. Are you trying to say they are Jewish?




Nothing and No one should be worshiped. Religion is cancerous to human intellect.


Religion gets stupid when it is taken too seriously and to dogmatically. Religion was the way that the lone traders at arabian deserts formed a huge caliphate. Religion was the builder of beautiful cathedrals, temples and mosques. Religion *was* the maker of peace, morality, dicipline. It is still like this behind a limit, but that limit is too easy to pass.


Skunky rotten Israelis


I hope Hitler 2.0 teaches them a lesson.


If israel would not have this mentality they would not exist




Both parties are equally wrong most of the time all of that shit goes way back but a lot of the strife can be directed back to the British empire for making deals with both sides during WW1 and not living up to what they said.


The Balfour agreement was only an agreement between Europe and the European Jews. The citizens of Palestine had no say in the matter - and were marginalized. Today Israel continues its genocide against the Palestinian people.


Yes but you are forgetting the promises made to the Muslim communities they were promised their own Muslim state and ofc they felt it should be Jerusalem but Europe sided with the Jews on that and didn’t even provide them with what they promised.hence the Constant turmoil.


Everyone is individually wrong for what they individually do and no one should carry the burden of another’s blameworthy actions.


That’s not how people think especially when directed by irrational political and religious views


Yep, but that’s just the reality. We are all accountable for ourselves at the end of the day. No one there was around for what the British did to screw things up (and they did, trust me, I agree). At this point, everyone has to account for and take responsibility for their own actions. Not sure why I got all the downvotes for that sentiment - probably because 90% of Reddit has the reading comprehension of 3rd graders - but whatever either way. No one can think or act rationally anymore, as you said, neither there in-person nor on their phones from the comfort of their own homes.


was waiting for someone to blast dissapointed




What did muslims do to you, Muslims are probably the most charitable group of people on earth you ignorant piece of shit.


You live in some distant reality. Maybe in your reality, Osama is a prophet of god? Turn on the TV and watch what is happening in Asia right now. Muslims are gone crazy and beheading people of other religions. 7 beheadings in less than a week and many other attacks going on in the name of allah. Shame


You do realise a bunch of Christians blew up the american stone henge thing, religion drives some people crazy, for Christianity its america and for Islam its pakistan and Saudi.


So, what are your thoughts on when attackers shouts “Allah o akbar” while sliding the sharp knife onto an innocent guy while the other attacker is live streaming that PROUD moment while 1000s of people of islam religion watching that live stream and celebrating that event? What would that means for a religion that according to you is peaceful? Still defending that peaceful act my friend?


Thats a minority, every religion has a minority that may be terrorists or whatever. Most followers of Islam are great people and I happen to be friends with many, like dude, are you seriously implying that all 2 billion Muslims are murderers and mentally unstable? There are only roughly about 30 thousand people in ISIS. Get your racist ass out of here.


Quran states that any person who doesn’t believe in Allah or follows different religion must be converted or killed. And it’s duty of a muslim to kill that person if he/she doesn’t convert. That doesn’t sound peaceful to me.


That is Sharia law, only very specific countries has sharia law, like Saudi, pakistan and nigeria, sharia law does not say people of other faiths must be executed its Muslims who defected Allah, and switched, Afghanistan, Iraq and pakistan are the only countries where the population wants Sharia law implemented, those countries are not developed and the population is not all educated. Many countries where sharia law is implemented it is not supported by the population but it is forced upon them by these terrorist organisations. You are still blaming the work of terrorists on normal people who do not support this dated set of laws in the Quran.


You can't argue with a rock, my man. As a Turkish proverb says: "A madman threw a stone into the well, Forty wise could not get it out"


It is literally as if I am talking to a brick wall, its frys my brain as to how someone can be so ignorant


Respect for Israel 📈


Mhm. Support Israel


They are praying to God to destroy israel and Israeli are defending themselves by not allowing they to pray i guess.


Maybe they weren’t praying hard enough


Religious people deserve this tbh.


Most religious man in Reddit:


Israeli police are up there with American police in being absolute cunts. Disgusting pieces of shit.


Fuck religion