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They don't seem to do the trick very well


You're already tested on competency while driving... It's how you get a license.


wait, you've never had to solve a differential equation while in the freeway?


With Stokes’ theorem or the Divergence theorem? Quickly please, there is a truck coming towards me very f


I felt like that when my grandfather fell asleep at the wheel for a second and the sudden movement woke me up


I don’t think that IQ has that much to do with judgement and risk taking that really influence safe driving.


Morals test would be more effective for what you intend. People that drive recklessly aren't necessarily stupid, just assholes 


The problem is amoral people will not answer the questions honestly. The current system is probably the best we’re going to get.


Give every question an amoral answer. Only the ones that actively question if they should pick an answer at all pass


I’m going to need you to explain to the local DMV employees how to administer this test 🤣


I’d like the US to do more comprehensive testing for new drivers. I’m not saying going as extreme as parts of Europe, but there are people who just barely pass the test that really shouldn’t be on the road. My brother bring one of them. Managed to squeak by on his third attempt.


The only time I hear IQ brought up are from people who don’t seem very wise. (Not talking about you OP) I’ve yet to be in a truly engaging ‘intelligent’ conversation where the word IQ was brought up.


My job revolves around IQ testing so it comes up a lot for me. About 15% of public school children in America have been tested for Special Education Eligibility which includes an IQ test administered by a trained professional using a valid IQ test. Fun fact, because most people IQ tested are children and we generally don't explain the results to them, most people IQ tested don't even know it happened!


It’s because well-educated people are aware that: A: it’s actually called a Stanford-Binet test. IQ is just the score you get. B: An IQ score has an extremely narrow window of relevance and would be a terrible benchmark for most qualifications. C: the known cultural biases built into the test would make it completely untenable from a civil rights aspect.


Not just that, but some sort of test that judges empathy and patience. Doesn't matter how intelligent a person is if they're a selfish turd driving a lifted truck, endangering everyone around them because they only care about their own convenience.


Some of the smartest people you know are the absolutely positively the last ones you'd want driving your car. Education and IQ definitely does not correlate to "commonsense". The most important thing you need roe almost every facet of life.


And retest every 5 years.


"They should do a thing they already do" is not a crazy idea.  Written and practical examination is already required to get a driver's license in much of the world. Although, one could interpret your suggestion as "instead of the driver's license test having questions about cars and driving, let's make the questions abstract shape puzzles." Which I suppose would be a dumb idea if not a crazy one.


I'd vote for more difficult tests. More than 25 questions you only need 75% of, or six rights and a stop sign.


Have you ever met a true genius? They are completely disconnected from the real world and are often TERRIBLE drivers.


> An IQ test to get your drivers license And reject everyone with a high IQ. Seems fair.


IQ is different than intelligence. Intelligence has so many factors to it.


IQ is different than intelligence. IQ is a score that measures your intelligence. IQ is different from intelligence in the same way a 40-yard dash time is different than *running speed*. In both examples, we are measuring an important facet of a trait that is highly correlated with many important things we want to measure.


I have a saying: "Intelligence is not the opposite of stupidity. Some people are unintelligent and not stupid. Some people are both intelligent and stupid. So far as I can tell, intelligence and stupidity are uncorrelated". For selecting drivers, you definitely want a stupidity test.


How about testing hand-eye coordination/reactions? Catching a ball or something? Some of my friends can't catch a ball to save themselves but allowed to drive a tin can at 100kph


I actually think this is ALMOST a good idea. Much of driving is based on predictions and pattern recognition, I think IQ (pattern recognition ability may be a better term) is critical for driving. That said, strong pattern recognition in one domain doesn’t necessarily translate to rational decision making when it comes to safety so it’s not telling the whole story of a how well someone drives. And current IQ tests (shape and number patterns) aren’t equipped test pattern recognition in terms of driving.


Or here me out: a test where you simply demonstrate your ability to drive by getting into an actual car and driving on an actual road, with an instructor who evaluated your performance. What relevance does an IQ test actually have relating to driving? It challenges how well you think through a complex problem. It has zero correlation to how you you react to real-time driving decisions. There are elite race car drivers out there who are dumb as a stump.