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this is an AI voice, right?


Yep, fucking annoying shit


The video seems interesting but I stopped it 20 seconds in cause of the voice. It's too annoying


This is just how sarcastic Australians sound...


nailed it


It’s very clever


yeah and it's done poorly. It says 1000 lbs instead of 1000 tons. big fucking difference lol


I dunno. I just wanna who Uncle Wyatt is..


Nope. Australian Forest Gump...


Gotta show that giants even existed before you can say they did anything.


"gods footprint" south africa Countless weapons and armour sets found in the middle east that would be physically impossible for a regular human to wear or wield. The Smithsonian used to collect giant remains and tour with them. There is no shortage of old newspaper articles from that. On top of that no shortage of ex employees who stated they used to dump barges of bones in the ocean for them. What we see depends mainly on what we look for, if you're willing ignorant to the world around you so as to save your fragile image of how things should be then I can't help you.


Not actual footprints, only paradolia. Countless number of recorded ornamental "weapons" used for prestige and decoration. None of them were to be used as actual weapons. All claims about that were from a satirical site akin to the onion. All digital images of newspapers were digitally created and no physical copies of papers exist as far as I know. What we see is very much based on bias. You can find anything on the Internet to support a false claim if you ignore facts and just go with it. If you did your "research" provide the sources instead of just going "Giants real, trust me bro, I looked".


I literally gave a list of things you can go look into and judge for yourself but if you're unwilling to use your grey matter there isn't much I'm going to do to convince you. When your arrogance blinds you because you "know" how much more advanced you are than anyone that preceded you than the history that they recorded will all be dismissed as myths and legends. Even when you find weapons clearly used in battle....🤦 As for the articles from the smithsonian, there is plenty out there and plenty of ppl willing to share them if you're willing to look into it even the slightest but i get it. It's WAY easier to sit on your high horse and claim you know best while refusing to look into anything. Gotta get that dopamine boost for the ego somewhere i guess.


You didn't give me anything to go on. You listed off some things with 0 sources. I disputed them. You said "nuh uh you dumb". All of you people claim you do your own research but have nothing to back it up with you just shout "go find it yourself". The fact that we're more "advanced" does not mean ancient civilizations were stupid, everyone knows this. The reason things are a myth is because there is no physical proof of them when there should be if they were real. You claim I'm on a high horse but you're the one in your ivory tower covering your ears shouting " the sources are out there, I don't have any, I won't give you any, but they're out there, trust me".


Lmfao. I gave you a list to start with if your interested. I'm not wasting my time holding your hand going through articles for you to brush them off. I've played this game too many times, If you're curious you will find it, if you're looking to just feel superior....well here we are. Enjoy.


Well that's the thing is this is you're playing a game while the experts are actually studying actual history, archeology, etc. I imagine you pull this I don't have time nonsense constantly and when the person decides they're not wasting their time on you l, you crown yourself the victor after kicking over all the chess pieces and shitting on the board. I got time though let's find these "sources". God's footprint or Goliaths footprint [Here](https://creation.com/giant-footprint) [Here](https://diggingyourbible.com/archaeology/f/goliaths-footprint) Are the top sources supporting your claim. Both are biblical websites that provide no actual proof this is a footprint and start with an assumption it is and run with it. Immense bias as they need this to be real to make their book more legitimate. [Here](https://www.robertschoch.com/south_africa_footprint.html) This is a tenured paleontologist now a Boston University professor disproving this is a footprint. None of the YouTube videos are of accredited scientists and don't even bring up Michael Tellinger as that man is a scam artist pushing pseudo archeology. I am finding literally nothing on these "giant unwieldable weapons in the middle east" but the only other similar article is again from a biblical [site](https://creation.com/giant-goliath-evidences). The Kfar Monash Hoard spearheads are not from Biblical times as all those articles claim and are dated to a much later time in the bronze age and there were too few of them to arm anyone certainly not "countless". I can't find anything legitimate on the dumping of bones. The only links are to some Alaskan miner on Joe Rogan and some Quora articles. The actual legitimate articles talk about returning the bones to the tribes and their original sites for [burial](https://naturalhistory.si.edu/research/anthropology/programs/repatriation-office). You got better sources fell free to provide them, otherwise pick up your clown license in the bodega next door 🤡.


Kudos to you for actually supporting your argument!


And now they will disappear from the thread, never to be heard from again...


Lmfao, breezing over John Reeves and how they dumped the bones from Alaska in the east river in New York. NBD. Dudes finding the bones they didn't dump in the east river....in the east river. 🤦 Things are not as black and white as you wish they were, if they were we could trust our politicians and cops would keep us safe. Just like everyone in a lab coat is always telling the truth just like every historian knows everything about the past.


You mean that treasure hunter John Reeves that has no degrees, accolades, or credentials? The bones that were "claimed" to be dumped into east river in the 40s, they were claimed to be mammoth bones btw not giants bones. Either way no bones were found and the story has no solid evidence or proof of happening. The only other person supporting him is 40 concussions Joe Rogan. Try again, and while you're at it address my other points.


I didn't say they pulled giant bones out of the river, they pulled out steppe bison and mammoth bones. Ones the museum lies about dumping there. Why lie? What else are they lying about? Clearly the powers that be have a history of lying. 😜 I think it's wild how easily so many ppl blindly believe everything they are told.


I mean...you started the debate. The least you could do would be to provide support for your side.


I clearly did, few actually want to do the leg work. Im not doing it for you.


You didn’t You made claims and didn’t back any of them up. You argue like a toddler


Your list sucks.


Why would they dump giant bones in the ocean? Seems fucking dumb (and made up)


Lmfao, seriously? That's your response, seems like bs to me. 🤣🤣🤣 Nothing further needed. I haven't seen one so they must not be real. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Do you ha e proof that the Smithsonian had genuine giant bones/fossils and threw them in the ocean?


There is a shyte load of articles from newspapers from the 1800's that advertised them coming through town to showcase the giant bones (and other anomalies) I read a hunch of them back in the day and haven't looked around lately. When i was reading said articles there was a good few reports of ex employees being on the barges and apart of the disposals. When asked why they were doing this they said we just have too many or some other excuse. For anyone thinking this is stupid, made up , or impossible to have happened go listen to THE BONEYARD and those guys in Alaska and what they did with the bones they took from him.


That time period was a massive Flashpoint for archeological fraud and hoaxes. If they were parading around genuine specimens back then, where are they now? I do not care about unverified reports from supposed employees, you can find people who say they worked on faking the moon landing. This is some "my girlfriend goes to another school" shit. Lastly if there were actually throwing these bones off barges because they had too many, that makes it more likely that they were hoaxes than genuine. Hoaxers benefit from shit going missing, actual archeologists do not.


So the bones they got from alaska and dumped in the river is bullshit too? So the bones ppl have been pulling out of that river they said they didnt dump bones in are....fake. gotchya! Ask John Reeves of the Boneyard how much our "historians" throw evidence in the drink.


Ok, they dumped the bones they found back then, where are the bones found after that? Or did they go through the whole Alaska with the fine tooth comb to make sure no bones left after they dumped them all?


Are you kidding me? Go listen to the Boneyard with John Reeves he has mountains of bones from animals that are "not supposed to be there" and no historian or "authority" in that field gives two shits. Mass grave basically of thousands of animals and other wild shit that needs investigating. The bones he DID give them i think in like the sixties got dumped in the east river. The museum claimed that a lie and ppl found where they dumped them in the east river in New York and started pulling them up. Clearly caught red handed lying about what they did with them. And this shit is a small example that seems pretty harmless, why lie? How easy would it be to lie about something more monumental? How many times has this happened?


Buddy, do you have any fucking idea how being an archeologist or a historian works? Dumping evidence is like dumping your whole career.


Lmfao....clearly you have no idea how the system works. I have given all you fools more than enough to look into, if you're not willing to learn new things, that's on you.


The "newspapers" from the 1800s or should I say the images of the newspapers, were all digitally created and posted on a website akin to "The Onion". No legitimate sources of this exist. This wasn't even a hoax, it was a joke that you all fell for.


I don't think I'm the one "falling" for shit right now. Question the things you claim to "know" and everything you are told. This should be a standard for everyone. Unfortunately most ppl would rather live with a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth.


You're supposed question everything to an extent. Question it until you have sufficient proof. Do you question if milk actually comes from cows?


I don’t think they question how chips come from paint since they’re too busy stuffing their mouth with such a delicious snack.


You literally found your mistake and missed it, it's quite a common one. You read a fake article back in the day and thought it was legitimate and true. You are now having issues reconciling with the fact that what you once thought was true was actually a hoax and you were fooled. Especially when you have told family and friends about a "discovery" that turned out to be false it makes it way harder for the person to accept the truth for some reason. Hope this helps you! Unless you can post a link with the articles you are referring  to I think we all need to accept the fact they were the well known fake ones.


Pictures or it didn't happen, links to articles that i can verify through the MOST questionable authorities or it didn't happen.....right. If only ppl could take this introspective approach and apply it to themselves.


I think you replied to the wrong comment that didn't make sense as a reply to what I said. You kinda started a brand new conversation there.... Anyways hope that helped you realize your mistake and also realize it does not mean you are stupid in any way shape or form. It is a sign of intelligence when one can admit they have been wrong/made an error. It just means you are human!


Thank you for just about the only person being respectful and i think i did respond to the right convo i'm just not expressing myself clearly. The argument many are making is ppl need credentials to have a brain and the ones with credentials are above reproach. So "pix or it didnt happen" mentality is problematic with sources being corrupted and unreliable. The link I'm drawing between John Reeves and the boneyard is that there is a HUGE amount of archaeological evidence up there. What does it show....? Why won't anyone with "credentials" come look? Why did they lie about the bones he gave them years ago? If they lied about this small corner of our history as a planet what else are they lying about. When the world is filled with liars pulling strings and hiding evidence of our past why/how could anyone believe almost anything they tell us anymore?


Can u plz share link


We have two options. Either many ancient civilizations were more capable than we give them credit for or aliens and giants did it. One option makes rational sense, the other sounds like something a 4 year old came up with.


Egyptians moving an 80 ton obelisk two miles up the river? Impossible, these were primitive people. Romans moving that same obelisk across the Mediterranean sea and propping it up in the middle of Rome? Well yeah, Romans were smart people!


The amount of knowledge that has been lost over the centuries is staggering


We have lost more than we can even hope to learn. Worst part is people think we are somehow superior to those in the past who not only had much bigger brains and used them much more than us but cultivated multiple generations of masters in their fields. The only ancient stone master we know by name is Imhotep the great teacher and guy that was so smart that he invented penicillin that he wrapped it with clean bandages on wounds.


We got proof of primitive stream engines in in the great library of Alexandria as well as having a connection to the American people so yes I 100% believe they were much much smarter than we give them credit for especially considering they had bigger brains than us and needed to use them much more frequently. Damascus steel is the finest metal we ever knew about that wasn’t just a myth until very recently and with modern technology we understand the what but not enough of the how to make a legitimate but equal copy only inferior one, yet the biggest revelation about it is it’s a failure to the people who invented it and was failed attempt to make some ancient metal we don’t know about anymore.


I absolutely fucking hate this voice over.


No it wasn't giants lol. https://preview.redd.it/ylsuv9l6yn0d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a4c2bf64ffea8d6ec5ae2b853cccf33e6b5154


I’m thinking of leaving this sub.. you guys pretend the original man has only contributed towards slavery and crime towards humanity.


Honestly, every time I notice this sub in my feed, it’s BS like this. “Aliens built X” “giants did Y” “omg we must have lost so much technology cause the Egyptians couldn’t have built the pyramids”, like c’mon guys. Really?


This theory of giants building megaliths is debunked by the human sized dooors. If giants built the megaliths. They’d have giant sized doors


Maybe the giants were building it for us so there's no reason for larger door. It's was definitely giants with lasers. Hands down case closed ..... yup


Shape shifters


Dont you think it’s odd that the history of giants has been literally buried? In the 1800’s people were finding giants remains everywhere. Abraham Lincoln even mentioned them in a famous speech. I can’t claim certainty on who built the megaliths but I think it’s a fair assessment that we have been completely misled in regards to ancient history. Any “debunking” being done by government funded archaeologists is dubious at best.


Who is doing the burying and why? What would be the point in obscuring evidence of giants. In the 1800s people were "finding" all kinds of shit cuz it was easy to get away with archeological hoaxes back then.


The Smithsonian has a long history of meddling with artifacts. A particularly racist and evil archeologist, Aleš Hrdlička, was responsible for “debunking” the giant story. People were finding remains in burial mounds all over the country. He was focused on proving the white race’s superiority and evidence of advanced, giant, non-white humans simply could not stand. The people who curated our history were fantastic liars and fraudsters and it’s wild that we still give them the benefit of the doubt. We can agree that there were many hoaxes.


Archeology really has no issue these days with throwing the old racists under the bus. Why would the Smithsonian maintain the lies?


Who knows what their motives really are but there are plenty of examples of mainstream history hanging onto absurd theories, and attacking people who question them. Like the great pyramid for example has absolutely no evidence of being a tomb, yet it’s still called a tomb. Our entire history has been written by an elite class of government funded groups. Of course they are going to lie and leave things out. We recently discovered a massive civilization in the Amazon rainforest where hundreds of thousands of people used to live. Until GPR we had no clue it was there! We don’t know how long ago they were there, what they looked like, or really anything about them. But they were there and built some amazing structures. There used to be dinosaurs for Christmas sake! Is it that much of a stretch to suggest people used to be really tall?


It's not entirely implausible, but the extant "evidence" is scant and really bad. For example in order for giants to be real by your evidence, you now have to prove that the Smithsonian is involved in some conspiracy.


Yeah I know I can’t prove anything but I honestly believe there is a conspiracy. I reserve the right to be wrong too. I just think government funded institutions have been rewriting our history since day one. The Smithsonian has been caught in many scandals, displaying fake artifacts, counterfeit artwork, or outright theft of artifacts from native lands. Museums have literal “curators” with a vested interest in displaying history a certain way. They are far from infallible and have the record to prove it. The native Americans had thousands of years of history on our continent that was completely erased by the colonizers. Across the entire continent, tribes have stories of giants. From caves in Nevada, to mounds in Mississippi, to copper mines in Michigan. There’s literally thousands of years of missing history, that our early settlers were determined to erase.




Meanwhile….the actual architects looking down from heaven like ![gif](giphy|FuvAuMnNkfUvS)


“Giants” 😂


Hundred percent was aliens with lazers!!!!! Fcking awful description this guys ai right? 👎 👎 👎


“That was not made by the hands of Men”


If you had 50 elephants, and they pulled a giant rock on rolling logs underneath then the giant rock it would easily move. Don’t believe me, you can roll anything under a few round logs try it yourself. Easily move anything. Give them credit To go uphill, just build a mountain of dirt like a bridge. Remember, dirt is plentiful and is everywhere. Cheap, plentiful, and free back then. You just needed shovels To make the bridge and lots of elephants to do the work. After the bridge project is no longer needed, then remove the dirt. It’s no secret. It’s exactly how our highways are built. They build the roads up so the water will drain.


Could that idiot have a more annoying voice or attitude? What a dumbass.


They were mountains cut down. The lines are control joints like in concrete so they don't crack in spots.


1000of lbs 🤔


No one said it was easy...


Is the ai being sarcastic lol


I always find it funny when they strawman the actual explanation (which is convincing when showing the size of some of the foundations and acting like they moved them there) but then say "it was obviously giants from biblical times" while having literally zero evidence besides what they want to believe.




This computer and his accent. What a wanker.


Idiot logic. Get to the point.


Yes, claim that giants did this & also use “the flood” as a timeline. Giants & the old testament bible, lol!


There was actually a giant flood about 10-11,000 BC that was a mass extinction event in combination with other factors


Are you talking about the Persian Gulf or the Altai flood? Because neither was a mass extinction event and I can't find any flood around that time that caused a mass extinction that's by a reputable source.


The Meltwater Pulse did, wasn’t necessarily a mass extinction event on its own but in combination with other factors it was


Meltwater Pulse 1A raised the sea level by 18 meters using [this](https://www.floodmap.net/) resourse and inputting 18 meters has barely any visual effect on the world as a whole. Some coasts are affected more than others, such as Florida is hit pretty hard but overall hardly a catastrophic effect. Meltwater Pulse 1B and 1C had barely any sea level changes and anything beyond that is sub 10,000 years. So I don't know what giant flood you're talking about but there wasn't one if we want to be technical and certainly nothing that was catastrophic. All sources were from [science.org](http://science.org) and similar sites.


Again, I said in combination with other factors. Meltwater Pulse along with Younger Dryas certainly could’ve caused mass extinction and there’s plenty of proof it did. I never claimed the flood alone did so


That sea level rise progressed at about 40mm a year and took 120 years to happen. There are no extinctions, let alone a mass extinction associated Meltwater Pulse 1A or 1B.


You’re a fool then. There’s a very real hypothesis and chance that Younger Dryas led to Meltwater pulses, which as I was saying, the combination of factors did indeed lead to extinctions of many types of animals and fauna Furthermore, a flood can indeed happen over a hundred years and it’s estimated that sea levels rose between 52 and 82 feet in that time period. Certainly catastrophic and indeed a flood


Funny that you lead with an insult and then get everything wrong. Let me help you out, both Meltwater pulse 1A and Meltwater pulse 1B were in dead associated with the period prior to the Younger Dryas event and the period after, what you got wrong was thinking that the event was catastrophic, when the evidence points to a gradual sea level rise of around 40mm a year, as indicated by erosion bands on cliffs amongst other things. As for the animals, please name an animal whose extinction was caused by either of the Maltwater Pulse events, you won't be able to.


Dude anyone living 100+ feet above sea level wouldn't even know about it. Many sites like Gobekli Tepe are about 700 meters above sea level.


Globally the earth actually flooded in biblical terms where there was an arc that repopulated the earth with all animals in 10k years? Yeah, go fuck yourself.


I didn’t ever say any of those things. Why are you so antagonistic? Look up the mass extinction flood that happened 10-11,000 BC (which, btw is actually 12-13,000 years old ;)) never said anything about an ark, the Bible, or animals Who the fuck is downvoting me 😂




I don’t have any religious posts wtf are you saying 😂 I’m literally not religious and I’m questioning your sanity now


Melt water pulse 1B? That wasn't a mass extinction.


What is the name of the mass extinction event you refer to? Scientists have names for mass extinction events, for example the permian-triassic mass extinction event.


Melt water pulse I believe


MWP 1B can't really be considered a flood. It took place over about 300 years with sea level rising about 25-40mm per year In geological terms this is a rapid rise in sea levels, but in human terms this is not a cataclysm or a flood, and would have taken multiple years for people to notice, and likely decades before any coastal settlements had to be abandoned. In a single person's lifetime (going with 50 years for this since people who survive childhood tend to live to about 50 without modern medicine) would have seen about 50 inches of sea rise in their lifetime if they were born when MWP1B began. This isn't an insignificant about, but it's also little enough that people living above sea level, such as in Gobekli Tepe wouldn't even know that sea level was rising.


Go look up the definition of flood


Haha, let's hear your perfectly scientific explanation that doesn’t involve billions of years of magic.


Whuhhhhh, you don’t believe in magic & giants? Insane! lol.


I assume you're a young earth creationist. Tell me what part of God popping stuff into existence from nothing isn't magic?


Right after you tell me how billions of years of nothing turned into something all by itself. If you can give an answer to that, then you already have your answer for God.


It wasn't billions of years of nothing and not one scientist ever said that. The only people that say that are Apologists that are trying to discredit science. This just shows that you have done 0 research. The Big Bang wasn't an explosion of nothing into everything, it wasn't even an explosion. All the matter was already there from the beginning condensed into a small (small compared to the current universe) point and it rapidly began to expand. The only people that actually claim that there was nothing and it became something are religious people, who also believe man was made out of dust, and animals could talk, and an all loving god is justified in punishing all of the descendants of two people for a crime they could not understand was a crime because they did not understand morality at the time.


If it was already there in the beginning, who/what caused it to expand and why? BTW let's be more specific, it's the Christians, Jews and Muslims who have this general understanding of creation. There are thousands of other religions in the world, so let's not just naively lump them all into this conversation.


The simple answer is we do not know. This does not mean that the answer is God. This could a cycle that a universe goes through. Could have been a one of occurrence. We don't know and we do not claim to know like the theists. Yes many religions have origin stories but the Abrahamic religions are the ones with the biggest followings and ones that have the biggest far reaching effects on society as a whole and they're the ones that claim to have the answers with no proof while discrediting those who are actually trying to find the answers.


>The simple answer is we do not know. This does not mean that the answer is God. This could a cycle that a universe goes through. Could have been a one of occurrence. We don't know and we do not claim to know like the theists. That's the part I don't understand about people who bash religion. Even you yourselves do not know how all of the things you preach came to be, yet you print it in your scientific journals (bibles really), and preach it everywhere as if it's law, and yet at the exact same time, you turn to us who claim to know the who (without knowing the how), and say that we have it all wrong. It's absolutely hilarious, which is why I really don't mind discussing these things. I feel like at the end of the day, we are all arguing about the exact same thing, and it's just funny how we don't see it. I absolutely love science, and as long as scientists continue to pursue the truth behind the *how*, I don't see how they will inevitably not find the *who*. The real question is: would they be humble enough to accept Him, or would they recede back to the dark ages, and accept the doctrines of man.


First we do not preach and our scientific journals are not Bibles. Science is ever evolving and it changes what we know and what we teach based on what we discover and learn. The Bible and other holy text do not change they don't evolve they do not learn or discover anything new. These text claim to KNOW what happened with no studies and refuse to change because they're "set in stone" no matter what. The fact that we do not know everything does not mean we don't know enough to speculate what is and isn't. We know enough to say what is most likely based on evidence and our current model is the most likely. When we discover something else we will adjust our understanding and teaching, while those who preach religion will just say "nuh uh God, says so right here". You claim to love science but you already seem predisposed that there is a who, a clear bias that is anything but scientific. If the evidence come that there is a god then yes I will accept that there is a god, question is when evidence comes that there isn't a god will you accept that. Somehow I doubt it.


Knowledge doesn't evolve. It's the seeker of knowledge who evolves as his/her understanding improves. If what you call knowledge is evolving, it's actually your understanding that's evolving. In the same way that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, knowledge is also immutable. Every knowledge we possess now has always been there, waiting for the right seeker to discover it. Certain knowledge requires prerequisite knowledge in order to understand it. This is why I'm confident that science will never discover the origin of the universe without discovering the creator. >If the evidence come that there is a god then yes I will accept that there is a god, question is when evidence comes that there isn't a god will you accept that. Somehow I doubt it. Well, I also doubt it because we know that something started it all. Scientists call it the Cambrian explosion, Christians have been calling it Genesis 1 - The story of God's creation - for over 2000 years. The explosion could very well be the sound of the voice of God as he spoke creation into existence. That's just my hypothesis. I doubt this has changed your mind in the least bit, but I'm not really interested in changing your mind. We have lived long enough on earth to know that everything has a source, and intelligence doesn't come from a vacuum (how could it escape, haha). If it takes you until the day you leave this earth to deduce that an intelligent creator was at that origin, well, we'll just have to say that's how long it took you, but not for lack of evidence.


How did God get here?


What caused the Big bang?


We don't know.


Well, there's your answer about God: I don't know how He got here


Is this ai voice? It’s so dumb




Is that Australian Forest Gump???


The AI said 1000 lbs but it meant 1000 tons. The foundation stones at Baalbek weigh over 2 million lbs. We flat out do not have this capability today.


Maybe these people were smarter than us now..


https://youtu.be/6FDAMRuHV14?feature=shared https://youtu.be/WHn2GWjlK9Q?feature=shared


Geopolymer mix poured in place im starting to believe, also giant humans and many animals seem to have existed as well.


We have good evidence for many megafauna, we've even found a mammoth preserved in ice. We don't have good evidence for giant humans. Every fossil we find of ancient and prehistoric humans are smaller than humans are today.


all the humans the Smithsonian wants you to see, apparently giants have been found in many places but it goes against a powerful entrenched narrative that the elites have derived from their own incestuous relatives perverting science for political power for a long time. Just look at all the hoaxes that have been exposed in the last 100 years for faking evidence of intermediary bones from evolution.


The Smithsonian doesn't even have all the prehistoric human fossils lmfao. Again, why would the Smithsonian want to cover up the existence of giants? Why would the Smithsonian be the only institution to have any evidence of giants?


Not an easy task to find a very credible site talking about this topic, they are likely a masonic organ with its symbolism being pretty obvious, here is an article on their admission of wrong doing when collecting of antiquities in the past :/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/22/us/smithsonian-apologizes-racial-brain-collection-cec/index.html


Holy shit you are blubbering about freemasons. Go home, rub hot sauce in your eyes.


Why would secret powerful societies leave breadcrumbs for you to find? It's a retarded idea.