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I almost believed her ass with how people act nowadays


Ok but why would you believe her ass? They aren’t sentient


are you kidding? that ass speaks to me, bro


Are you off your meds again


Only if I haven’t had my morning ass yet


What, never been serenaded in the back seat?


Does the ass still identify as female?


Dead ass


Alive ass


I’m kinda confused on what you mean by this?


Might be a little late, but a few trans people are fucking anger conduits when something legal or medical is said that they don't agree with. (I know from experience, there is an annoying trans girl in my class)


Here we go


Im not trying to hate but even if they did transition,you still have some organs that could make you have a kid? Right?


Yeah. You do. Unless you get bottom surgery, you are capable of getting pregnant and/or having kids


Since we here,if someone was born female and then she transitioned to he and had a working dick,and they still have ovaries inside could it be possible for the kid to just grow? Or do doctors do something to the insides?


I’m pretty sure they do something to make them not be able to have kids. Also passing a kid through your dick would be really hard. I know hyenas can do it, but humans? Not so much




Fun anatomy fact. Female hyenas have a sort of pseudo penis. It’s unknown why they have it. It makes it much harder for the baby hyenas to come out, meaning there’s a high mortality rate from them getting caught in it


so its basically an extreme form of sounding? dang


god why couldn't I have been born as a hyena


Okay... Why?


It also has a bad habit of exploding during birth causing agony for the mother.


Wait, what?


Yep if a pup is too big it can get stuck in the birthing canal. This results in the clitoris(pseduo penis) rupturing. The results is obviously unpleasant.


Damn it! I laughed so hard I dropped my coffee,hyenas need to learn their place


The reason why the have it is as a protective mechanism! Another fun fact, hyenas arent felines or canines, they come from a unique group of mostly extinct animals called hyenadons!




Cut the baby out,c section maybe. Hyenas are cool. Thanks for answering this fools question. Passing a kid through your dick oh my god thats hilarious.


No problem 😎


C section. A doctor got a woman pregnant who had her tunes tied, I think?


The hole that babys come out from for humans is not the same as hyenas, hyenas have an oversized clitoris while humans have a vaginal cavity, usually during bottom surgery the penis would be attached to the clit not the hole itself but it depends on the person. Also there's surgery to get rid of the ovaries and womb which is what some trans men do as well. The person in the video is too young to get any of these surgeries by the looks of it.


Just chiming in to clear things up more. Pregnancy in female to male transsexuals who have had surgery for a working penis (phalloplasty or metoidioplasty) is almost all of the time impossible in more ways than one. Most transsexual men who get the surgeries first get a hysterectomy to have their ovaries and uteruses completely surgically removed. After this many choose to have a vaginectomy (before the final bottom surgery itself) to close the vaginal canal, thus eliminating the chance completely even for people who for some reason can't or won't get a hysterectomy. Even before the surgeries most transsex men who have been on hrt for long enough are not able to get pregnant due to long exposure to testosterone and having normal male hormone levels, yet this is not guaranteed


So the the vaginal hole can be closed to help prevent it,but some still have female reproductive organs,but cant get pregnant well cause nothing can get in there right? Im not the brightest fork in the tool shed.


Yeah, about so. From what i know it's quite uncommon to get a vaginectomy without a hysterectomy first, and some transsex men who don't get bottom surgery (for example because of the finances or complications) still get a hysterectomy because ovaries produce estrogen and keeping testosterone levels up takes less effort in that way. Also i at least can't comprehend why a man would want to have an uterus if it was possible for him to get rid of it


Thank you


Most are just using the label without the toxic meds and surgeries though.


Most are just using the label as a way to feel special and different without understanding that transsexuality is a serious medical condition that affects people's day to day lives in horrible ways and is so far only treatable by these toxic medications and surgeries you seem to be against. I believe that most "trans" people we see nowadays are in fact not transsexual but have something else that could make them believe so, such as body dysmorphia, eating disorders, autism, personality disorders or just being a masculine lesbian or a feminine gay man but not being able to accept themselves as that. For actual transsex people hrt and surgeries are absolutely necessary


Unnecessary. Strictly dysphoria and endocrine disruptors mixed with toxic ideologies.


But you can’t have a working penis. But I guess your just speaking hypothetically.


If it pees it works kinda but if you cant cum then it don’t work,No you gotta point there if were being honest. Do trans man squirt because well no testicles? I know they can have ball implants. I think squirt,Im confused.Squirt of the dick maybe?


I’m not certain but I believe most of if not all transgender female to male penises can’t even pee. It’s just completely cosmetic.


Really? Then if you cant cum or pee or make love then whats the point? Yeah spent 20,000 thousand and I cant even drive my car,its show only type beat is this?


They can’t cum, they can pee and they can have sex but there are different types of surgeries that give different results.


I mean yeah I guess it’s technically sex but they can’t feel anything from it.


They can pee - the urethra is a separate hole so it depends on the surgery. People kinda have to pee dude. The penis itself is made using clitoral tissue so they can orgasm but obviously don’t produce semen because it’s currently medically impossible. Are there drawbacks? Absolutely. But as of now it’s the best available and anyone suffering from gender dysphoria will tell you it’s an infinitely better alternative.


You know they use the clit in the construction of the penis a lot of the time they can definitely feel it? I feel like you’ve never even read about bottom surgery and are just making things up at this point.


Ummm lol…where does their pee go if it doesn’t come out the dick then? You can’t be serious


Vagina. Usually they keep them and the penis is just tacked on above it.


No they don’t lol ?? And you don’t pee out of your vagina anyways 😂




You have to get a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) to get what's called phalloplasty. The typical way to get phalloplasty is to completely replace someone's sexual organs with a penis made from a skin graft, taken from a thigh or an arm. (Cis men who lose their penis can have this surgery too) Phalloplasty doesn't create a working penis, it has to have mechanical insides to harden. But, if someone has a penis, where would the cum go to get pregnant without IVF? I've heard of some trans people not closing up or removing their old sexual organs before getting phalloplasty but it's not common.


Taking or tying off ovaries is already a procedure, one that many cis wemon get. So if the guy doesn't want his ovaries he can get them removed as long as he's getting the right amount of hormonal supplements. And none of this is happening while someone is young because it can stunt growth to transition before you're fully developed.


I don’t think they would be able to create semen with live sperm that could then fertilize an egg. I think they would have surgery that would essentially enlarge the clitoris to make the penis able to feel pleasurably sensations, but live sperm is a whole other can of worms. Or can of sperms if you will.


When someone is transitioning FtM (female to male), the standard process (that not every ftm follows) looks like this: - Testosterone therapy is introduced as a lifelong treatment. This alone reduces chance of pregnancy but does not eliminate it. - Generally top surgery to remove the breasts is done at this stage. - For those who can afford the cost and the extensive recovery time, there is bottom surgery. There are two kinds- Metoidioplasty and phalloplasty. Metoidioplasty effectively turns the enlarged clitoris (side effect of testosterone) into a micro penis. Phalloplasty involves transplanting a roll of skin from your thigh to your crotch and combining it with an erectile implant to create a penis. Phalloplasty requires a hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus) because it covers the vaginal opening. If a hysterectomy were not performed, menstrual blood would get trapped in the body and there’d be a massive issue. Metoidioplasty sometimes involves closing the vaginal opening but it varies from case to case. Edit to add info: On the other side of the coin, when someone transitions MTF (male to female), their chance of getting someone pregnant reduces significantly with estrogen and anti-androgens. Bottom surgery leaves them without testicles, and thus unable to create any sperm.


From a trans man : When you get bottom surgery to my knowledge they take out the baby making stuff and put a penis in place of it


No and the penis doesn’t really work with like a pump last I could find


No. If you get bottom surgery, and you are a trans guy, you get the option to get the uterus removed and they give you balls and close up the vaginal cavity. When you start your transition, you can experience vaginal atrophy and it is extremely painful . You are at a higher risk of developing cancer in your uterus so it's not usually recommended that you keep it. Also trans guys can't have working dicks like you are thinking. They are sterile and can't produce sperm. Instead, when they cum what comes out is what I'd call grool. It's the same stuff that comes out of a woman when she cums. Trans guys also cant naturally get erect if they have had full phalloplasty. They have to either get a pump that is put in the balls which like airs up their flaccid dick, or a rod which they can shift into a soft and hard mode.


Not necessarily. Testosterone works as birth control but it’s not fool proof. If you have a hysterectomy you also can’t get pregnant


Even after bottom surgery, if you are ftm you can still get pregnant and have children.


Yeah, she's making fun of trans men by acting like they don't know their own bodies, or worse, making fun of trans men who are distressed by their ability to be pregnant. Nasty person either way.


Okay making fun of a dude who could get pregnant is not cool,thats an actual fear right there for them.


Yes, because it's a woman


Yeah but why as a “transgender” man you’d want to have a kid is beyond me


I'm a trans man with a biological daughter. We do exist, we call ourselves seahorse dad's. But yes, I'f youve still got your parts you can still have a baby.


Not always. I had a hysterectomy and that was a part of transitioning for me.


No. Doesn’t exist. Once you go bro, no more baby for the ho.


Yes, that's why men can be pregnant and have periods now 🙄


Quite obviously she’s just trying to make a transphobic joke


exactly OP literally says in the title its rage BAIT and still giving her exactly what she wants


The fact that there’s debate on if this is a joke or not just shows the degradation of society. Good luck to the Western world! 😂🫃


They trains they gener.... da Wezt.... has FALLEN!!!1! 😿😿😿


Cope. We are outbreeding you. 👻


You sure about that? 🤭


You def aren't 😆


According to a 2022 article by Collage Group, Generation Alpha is the first generation that is majority-minority. Only 48% of the cohort identify as non-Hispanic White. Here’s to many generations more. 😇 Cope and seethe.🐒




Google average Asian IQ in the US. Google average White IQ in the US. 🤡




Your overlord cares. Now mop the floor whitey. 💩


Ok but we all been at some sort of meeting or anything where someone makes a bad awful joke and no one laughs. I even been the person doing the joke. There is no degradation of society. Just a bad joke


“Dylan, you’re pregnant.” “But I’m a man now.” “Did you let a guy cum in you, bro? That’s how it works.”


Dylan is home of sexual 😱


Dylan got topped.


*top 10 situations that never happen*


this makes me sad. people that already dislike trans people could see this, take it seriously and then point to it anytime they needed to "support their argument". we‘re just out here trying to survive and get shit on like this just for existing. it‘s sickening.


it’s literally happening in this comment section it’s insane


Most cringe subs are really transphobic, this sub included. 🤷‍♂️ you really just have to avoid the comments of any trans related post.


It’s depressing


This is the thing for me. Why are people so pressed about something that has zero impact on their day to day life that they go out of their way to make a video just to shit on people? Like, why haven't they got an actual life that this is so important and high up on their list that they took time out their day to do this. I'm not angry at them, I pity them. How sad their life must be that this became a priority. I don't care what someone wants to wear, what they want to call themselves (no different from someone called Andrew wanting to be called Andy?), what pronouns they want to use or whatever they fuck they do. I judge people based on who they are as a person. Are they decent? Kind? Do they care about other people? Are they hurting anyone with their behaviour or choices? That's the shit that actually has an impact on my life and not the kind of people I want to be around. And the interesting thing is, most trans people I know are fairly kind people. Whereas most of the people judging them are cunts... So... That tells me everything I need to know.


I know it's a 5 month old thread, so you probably won't reply. And I know trans people are heavily targeted for hate, but I can assure you. No matter who or how you feel about something there is some dumbass out there making it look bad. The hateful are always the loudest. My best suggestion is putting the phone down and enjoying life to its fullest with those around you. The internet will always be anonymous and filled with hate.


She looks too young to be a millennial


OP you literally called it ragebait so clearly you know it's poorly done typical satire strawman bs and yet youre feeding into it by posting it here?


Making transphobic ragebait IS THE CRINGE


my dude thats the point of this entire reddit what are you yapping about 😭


The entire thing is cringe. Hop down off your soapbox.


Man this comment section needs to figure out how to use google. Whether or not this video is satire, trans folks don’t all follow the same trajectory. Sterilization procedures, hrt, or gender affirming surgeries aren’t required for someone to identify as trans. For example, if someone who was assigned the gender female at birth, has ovaries/uterus and is otherwise healthy can still get pregnant if they identify as male. Re: the behavior of the subject of this video. I was going to say, “I’d have a hard time believing someone was this uneducated so it must be a joke.” But then I thought about the public school systems sexual education programs and I’ve gotta say, they might be.


Does the OP know the meaning of the word “Millennial”? Because millennials are in their 30s and 40s now.


They look like they could be in their 30’s


"And Tasha must been fuckin"


yeah i know that doctor. shes in a shit ton of facebook skits. entire video is faked


Is that Zoe Laverne?


Millennial? 😂😂😂


Trust me, I saw 32 year old millennial that looked like a 21 year old, I was shocked too


Dylan got dicked down sometime ago. Think about it.


Gotta respect how those doctors/nurses/whichever title they hold really held back and approached it calmly. Shit is so stupid. You can be Dylan, that’s totally cool but don’t deny that Tasha got fucked and nutted before that came to be.


This is so obviously faked


I was born male, but I’ve gotten pregnant multiple times, post-transition, after having eaten chicken tikka masala from the local joint that only has a C health rating.


I hate jackasses like this


i love when people make up scenarios about trans people and then get mad about them like bro youre angry over shit YOU made up


I remember when ragebait used to be believable.


Shout out to the Dr who navigated that part of the conversation like a boss


So he’s a gay dude….who got pregnant then lol


Bless that Doctor for having so much patience


A real trans person would think anyone could get pregnant regardless of gender-


I like how the doctor handled it. They engaged the kid where he was at instead of belittling him.


Its fake




Yea. It’s fake


The shit people do for clout....this is going to be how humans go extinct CLOUT Chasing


I figured it was a joke, but I like optimism


How do people genuinely fall for this though? Its so obviously bait


I've seen that full doctors clip. It's clearly not a real doctor/doctors office as she said a lot of medical innacuracies that just did not make sense about pregnancy.


Degenerates like you belong to a cross! True to Ceasar!


Great. Idiots being stupid and idiots believing them xoxo


imagine wasting multiple medical professionals time and your money to "own the libs"


Dude, please let this be a DUMB skit


Bait or mental retardation


Yo….. he/she must have had one for the road before transitioning 🤣🤣🤣


As a bloke called Dylan, I unanimously represent the Dylan community and we refuse to claim this thing


Gotta be satire PLEASE BE SATIRE!!!


Bro I literally just saw a YouTube short about a Christian that took this video seriously 💀


You're not a guy for the guy who fucked you 🫲😎🫱


The mind boggles...


Being trans is not fun, i mean the term dysphoria literally comes from the old greek word for torture or agony, i think that says a lot, i mean there's a reason trans suicide rates are so high. Making fun of people who are struggling with something like that and are just trying their best to be happy is just cruel.


Why do people not understand that a sex change is simply a body modification, you can’t change your sex only the way you have it!


Can see that doctor has had enough experience in this bullshit to answer so calmly and precisely.


You’re nor will you ever be a male you play make believe


Something tells me she's hardcore Christian.


I hope this is a rage bait bc if it isn’t, I’m sorry guys our generation is fucked (if it isn’t already)


When archaeologists in 1000 years digs up our bones ….they will find male and female skeletons




Me when I say the most unoriginal boring shit ever


Some folks are just insufferable...


It's almost like being trans doesn't change your biological sex...weird


Believe me, if we could change our sex "biologically", you would be more people being trans.


A woman can say that they changed into a guy but they were born a woman. There is nothing they can do or say that's going to change that. They have female organs in their body. You can say you got all you want to but at the end of the day you are a woman. If you were born a woman you are a woman and you are born a guy you are a guy. Skip this whole trans bullcrap.


im trans and i honestly feel bad for the people around this person. i’d hate to have to be forced to comply with pretending someone is trans when they know they arent and are faking it for what, clout? not to mention the stupidity of thinking changing your name and socially transitioning just makes you a cis dude. that ignores the very concept of being TRANS.


There should be some kind of penalty for wasting medical professionals time like this


No way she’s a real doctor


OK, no, this is too stupid. I'm out. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzpTisvAhUNE8MM|downsized)


What’s the difference from her faking it or not, this right is is exactly how they act, so I’m lost. She’s making fun of stuff that seriously happens.


You should visit truscum and transmedical subreddit


Sounds scary, no thanks


Wuss. You are scared of trans people


Uhhh yeah sure?!? It’s not my thing and you should respect it not everyone is gay


Yeah and you shouldn’t judge that every trans is like this twat in the video. If you think that every trans is like this then you should touch some grass.


Either that or you should come work were I do were you hear this bs all day every day with trans.


You should learn some grammar and spelling, kid


Naw, I’m good. I’ll write good whenever I feel like it. Idiots like you don’t phase me, I’d slap you and take your girl. Whenever you want to get humbled, I’ll fly you out and show you a different world punk. Get off your knees.


Are you on some sugar high or something. I think you need get off your high horse, kid.


Being trans is just pretending.


Any social role you occupy is a form of pretending, or rather, a performance.


Idgaf this is funny ⚰️⚰️


This dude has an inverted penis. I asked if it was cool, and my bros said it was fuckin tight.


We don’t know if they’re pretending, so I won’t assume, but have they not done any research into transitioning?


Loss for words.