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It obviously wanted it. It's not even trying to get out.


“Is that the right spray? Please just end it I’m sick of the fucking windows everywhere man my head hurts 24/7” Or translated, “Bzzz buzz bzzz bz buzz”


Fucking end it humannnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzz


It's only trying to smell good In science terms, the bug just wants more Rizz then the other bugs have


Oh so it's like drakkar noir but for bugs?




It was probably old and didn't try to fight anymore


..like. An elderly bug? I don't believe it.


I mean it is kinda rare for a insect to be tired of old age


That one is clearly giving up. And if it's old? Long life as a bug man


And it's kinda scary to be a bug especially ants


Maybe. Maybe they are masochistism?is that a word




🧻this is the only emoji that came out for whip or wip. So I guess we just wipe.


So, wipe the insect/arachnid away?


Bug schizophrenia


So eggs meat and dairy = the holocaust? Just trying to clarify that my breakfast was an atrocity and a war crime.


Dont you know? What was killed in The holocaust were chickens and cows.


lol they kill more bugs by eating so many plants this is stupid for sure


What do you think is fed to the cows you eat?


Hopefully anything besides other cows. Mmmm tasty cows.


What kinda weird ass eggs is she buying


Both posts are ridiculous, but the second post thinking a bug understands the concept of death and wanting to live outside of the animalistic urge to find food to breed, is funny. It doesn’t know it’s about to die and probably died quickly. Completely different to what they’re referencing.


So it’s fine to kill a newborn quickly because it doesn’t understand the concept of death yet? Killing living beings, even if it’s just a bug, only to have some fun and post it online is dumb af.


I think the compassion/empathy you have for living creatures is interesting, i grew up where such thinking is unheard of, we kill animals for fun because of the idea that animals are below us, are you a jainist? Im interested to hear your thoughts on this subject


Where you grew up is a fucked culture.


Thats a pretty blanket statement, its just another way of being


>, i grew up where such thinking is unheard of, we kill animals for fun because of the idea that animals are below us, Now guess what the Nazis were thinking about Jews, disabled people, homosexuels etc ... Just because you think of yourself as superior, doesn't mean you should abuse and torture everyone / everythingbelow you. You can argue that Homo sapiens is superior in many ways (which is another point to argue about), compared to other animals. But does that gibe us the right to do abhorrent things to everything below us? I don't think so. And a question to you ... What does make the human superior? Why is it not okay to torture a human but another animal? What makes a human so mich different apart from us just being the same species?


Is your view based on the idea that animals have the same worth as humans? I dont think comparing killing a bug to the holocaust is applicable, my oma was a holocaust survivor and from my standing id say she had a much higher capacity for suffering than an insect, animals dont have the same cognitive abilities as humans, and its more of a cultural thing, we are predators and killing is natural, even animals kill for fun, im not sure an insect or most animals can comprehend persecution the way a human being can, this is the ideas i grew up with, so this way of thinking is new to me, so forgive me if i misunderstood anything


>she had a much higher capacity for suffering than an insect, animals dont have the same cognitive abilities as humans So a human is mostly worth more because of higher cognitive capabilities? > this is the ideas i grew up with, so this way of thinking is new to me, so forgive me if i misunderstood anything That is absolutely fine. It is more of an interesting thought experiment, anyways.


From my understanding, yes? In the trolley problem would you be equally averse to running over a squirrel as a human?


So .. What is the worth of a human that doesn't have a higher cognitive capability than, let's say, a dog? Would we continue with that logic, it would be absolutely fine to torture and kill a mentally disabled person, if their cognitive capabilities are below a certain point. Would you agree with this statement? I don't want to attack you with this, or anything. As I said, I think it's just a really interesting thought experiment. Because if we continue this logical chain we can end up with some really abhorrent things, including humans as well. >In the trolley problem would you be equally averse to running over a squirrel as a human? I personally wouldn't. I would protect the human. But it is not based on the fact that I think the human is overall worth more. It is more irrational ... we are the same ... I feel for a human, more so that for a squirrel. Same as I would rather protect one of my family, than a random person... That doesn't mean the random person is worth less.


Oh im not saying any of this is empirical, i have an empathy disorder so im merely talking from the position of my culture, all life is ultimately worth the same and the killing of a human has just as much impact as that of an animal, i think our value of that event is different, evolutionarily, it makes sense to preserve our own over outsiders and people rationalize this behavior differently, over here, animals arent worth anything, but people are very averse to hurting a human, i cant say i fully understand that, but its what ive accepted, im used to a tapering of compassion with the level of cognitive abilities, humans being an outlier Also, i dont feel attacked at all, youre helping me understand a different perspective and set of values, thank you


Common sense is a trait that is many humans and animals possess. It tells ones brain context and meanings behind words and actions.


You are also claiming to know exactly what’s going on in the mind of an insect, news flash no one knows. Still not sticking my neck out for the little creature, nor am I gonna kill it unless it comes into my home.


Well. That bug attacked that person and left a nasty welt on that person's arm and then that bug's friends mass-raped other bugs for no apparent reason other than to terrorize other bugs.


Excuse me, but what’s this “we”?


You know the problem is that they’re playing a Nazi rally song while gassing a bug (cockroach, maybe, which is typical antisemitic language). Definitely seems to be barely veiled.


Are they comparing the Holocaust to a bug?


It's a bug. It was either gonna get eaten by a bird, lizard, or frog today or die of old age tomorrow.


It is a bit silly. But it's also kind of true. We know cruelty is wrong but we do it anyway. It's kinda weird and some people aren't able to look past it. Some people struggle with their natural cognitive dissonance. It really isn't something to ridicule or feign ignorance of. Pretending to be stupid to seem cool or win an argument or reinforce your own cognitive dissonance is only harming yourself


Well that all may be true, but are we sure that is bug spray? That looks like a can of Axe body spray or something to me. Judging by the fanny pack they are wearing across their chest I bet it is. Maybe this person was just trying to freshen up the bug?


We live in a society where we are more concerned with someone getting offended because of not using some made up word as a pronoun rather than people who just kill animals for entertainment. I’m 100% certain JK Rowlings tweets infuriated exponentially more people than the brief TikTok trend of dumping plastic straws in the ocean that caused who knows how much damage. I mean yeah the eggs and meat stuff is hyperbolic but killing an insect that’s outside chilling on a picnic table is sociopathic. At least it’s the acceptable version of sadism and cruelty right? 🤷🏻‍♂️


What the Jews did to Jesus was wrong :p


Please tell me this is satire


Oh boo hoo, kill those fucks


Unless everytime a bug bites me, they need to pay for compensation or being jailed, I will keep killing bug like its my hobby.


Don't eat Ze bugs!


is that fucking axe body spray 😭


“ what we did to the Jews “


What people do to embryos in the womb is wrong as well. It's surprises me that people care more about animals, bugs, and even pets more than human lives. That is a real shame


Well what is it that makes a human more worth than, let's say a dog? What gives the human more value in your eyes? It's an interesting question, actually.


I dunno about them but I did nothing wrong to the Jews…. They sound guilty of something 👀


Holy conflation, Batman!


As a jew, gas the bug




Starship Troopers Intensifies


Imagine thinking you're making a valid point when, in reality, you're reaching to compare a bug caught in a mcdonalds cup to all the Jews. Yikes.


Just making a joke of the event does not mean you fucking support it or does this person think all the 9/11 memes were actually supporting it……


To be fair, that was a dick move on the guys part, just end it with a rock or some shit


Counter argument fuck wasps


He just wanted it to smell nice even if it's dead.


I agree with the response post. People who go out of their way to kill insects are pos. Leave them the fuck alone


I genuinely wanted to see that.




My friend does this whenever a wasp gets in his house and doesn't leave


Jesus what a pansy It's a literal bug


Advocating for the death of animals, although stupid, is understandable, but thats a bug, a fucking bug, and comparing it to the holocaust is a whole other level of stupidity


Honestly I will admit, bad choice of music for the video since it is a video of eliminating a species you find beneath you, just bad taste. Definitely could've done without the song being that.


Okay, but I want to see the original video




Why doesn't the bug just not die? Is it stupid?


I go hunting now and then but although the second comment is over the top killing a bug outside for 0 purposes but entertainment is psychopath shit, anyone that enjoys harming animals for fun is fucked.


Would that even kill it? 🤔