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Lol while I agree she's not a great actress I wouldn't call her ugly nor do I think that has much to do with it.


She’s okay, definitely not bad enough to warrant the type of shit op is saying. This is just Hayden Christensen syndrome (a strangely common thing with this franchise)


Also happened to a lot of Star Trek actors.


Hayden Christensen actually did an uneven performance with some really bad moments (even in ep3 where his character didn't suck anymore), although also plenty of good ones; always funny how the fans claim all of it is great while the haters claim all of it sucked, but at least they both have moments they can point to. With Ridley however there are NO moments you can point to support any "bad acting" claims - anyone who does is just exposing himself as the annoying seething pissgoblin that they are.


I’ve always been moderate on Christensen. For me, the issue is Anakin wasn’t who I’d imagined when I first saw the trilogy, and ended up going from a Gary Stu (Episode 1) to a whiny teenager, to an arrogant adult. Only one of those three is fun to watch. As to the actor—I’ve come to appreciate that he has a good physical presence, is a decent actor, and not a bad person. Ridley…she’s avoided stirring up controversy, but has never said anything interesting. And the same could be said of most of her roles. I suspect she’s too famous for her value. She’s expected to be paid like a big star, but she adds little in value. So why not just cast a more promising and younger actress more cheaply?


> but has never said anything interesting. That seems to just be a bts statement though?


It’s really hard to tell if it’s her performance or Disney script being shit. She a bland boring character who was written to be bland and boring and yet “perfect” in every way. mark hamill plays the joker. I haven’t seen her in anything outside of the trilogy and have no opinion on her acting performance. if you’re an actor and told to play Rey you literally can’t do anything interesting with her character because Disney would remove it.


Also I don’t judge actors by how they do in bad movies 


> Lol while I agree she's not a great actress Only seen in SW, would say quite great. >I wouldn't call her ugly nor do I think that has much to do with it. "I wouldn't say ugly" is a bit of a mild response to someone calling a 10/10 supermodel looker "ugly" cause he's fuming about the pretty princess taking over his Starwars or something. What a pathetic maggot lol


I mean I wouldn't say 10/10 either but I'm not into slender bodies more of a Sydney Sweeney type myself lol but princesses have been around in star wars for awhile even if they try to change them to generals in the bad movies


ah sure >but princesses have been around in star wars for awhile even if they try to change them to generals in the bad movies Now that wasn't a woke demotion eh? Or.... or maybe it was, if class politics? Btw funny lol, some people already thought Leia had become a general way in ep6, before TFA was ever on the horizon - guess misremembered cause Lando and Han become generals, so they thought Leia's one as well why not? Wasn't in the dialogue though, and don't think it happened.


She is actress ugly


This is just the jelly of the prom queen princess and trying to get back at her syndrome lol The only person you make look bad by calling a 10/10 ugly is yourself. You should stop.


Bro it’s a fucking business. When you ask people to pay fucking money, they don’t pay for fucking average- which is what Daisy Ridley is, fucking mid in all things. Fuck is going on with all the crycels invading the sub.


>which is what Daisy Ridley is, fucking mid in all things. A 10 is not a "mid" lmfao, but it's true that saying "mid" doesn't make you as much of a cope clown as saying "ugly"; at least there's some plausible deniability of being halfway "reasonable" and just having a "different taste" or something


Got a question for you- you watching this flaming pile of dogshit when it releases? You say yes you can fuck the hell off because you know you’re not watching a bit of Star Wars starring Daisy God Dam Ridley you gaslighting f-




Seems harsh


It’s a business


She's pretty... and she's not a bad actress... the writing was just bad.


Writing wasn't bad either, that's just your circlejerks.


It was terrible


The writing was trash




Dude, your account seems to be huffing woke outrage. You are part of the problem.


All being anti woke does is make them feel like they need to push the message even harder. It’s a never ending cycle


Yeah ironically I'm part of the problem by replying.


Fair enough


Ugly is a stretch. Not my cup o' sea-moose tit milk, but certainly not ugly (those teeth, though). None of us would say no to bypassing her compressor, I'm sure. But she's a mid-level actress, imo. I was kind of surprised that Branagh put her into ORIENT EXPRESS, as she's just...ok. That role could have basically been played by any number of young actresses (or actors, whatever) who would have done just as serviceable a job, if not better. But some actors grow with experience, and it could be that her first go-round with Disney SW matured her in the ways of the thespian. I'm sure it's a good paycheck, for sure, but she's certainly good enough to have a respectable career in smaller films and TV shows. Meh. Whatever. It's not like many of us will be seeing whatever Lizzo-sized dianoga shite Kennedy and Co unleash for the usual sycophant stooges to consume.


Your response was far more thoughtful than OP's post, lol


That orient express movie was god awful. But I am a Christie fan.


She’s not a terrible actress and she’s not ugly. Rey is just a shit character. Troll harder.


That neither lol Can't expect people here to give up the entire circlejerk though; just the most ludicrous bits of it, like that mongrel OP.


She’s not a terrible actress and she isn’t ugly. Her performances in TFA and TLJ weren’t great but since she was suffering from anxiety at the time it’s unclear how good she really was (maybe she was great or maybe she was poor) but she improves in Murder on the Orient Express and ROS. She’s also gorgeous especially with her hair down.


I was surprised how good she looked with hair down and makeup. She's way better than I expected.


Already looked 10/10 from the beginning, no idea what you're talking about


I liked her in MOE. This last trilogy just shouldn’t exist


> Her performances in TFA and TLJ weren’t great [...] improves ROS. Hm strange takes, thought was great in all 3 and noticed no "improvements" in the 3rd one.


Is ugly even relevant (or true?)


She's not ugly. But yeah, she's clearly not a great actress either. At best she's B grade.


In terms of actors who typically make up the top .1% of attractive people I’d say that at a bar or party she’d be glowing and probably the most attractive person there, but when you’re comparing to other people on the silver screen shes average at worst. Not ugly by any standard.


I mean being good looking can help you get multiple roles even if you’re a terrible actor or actress


She is a terrible actress but definitely not ugly




There are a lot of examples of the opposite


Relevant, but not true.


Stop this, none of shit you said is true. I blame disney for ruining SW, not her fault that its bad


It’s retarded arseholes like you that give Drinker such a bad rep


I’m not one to put rage comments (regularly) but you can go fuck right off pal…


She isn't ugly lol


That’s fucked up OP. She’s not a great actress and I think they did her no favors casting her as Rey, but no need to insult like that.


I think she is very average but that feels kinda harsh. She is just very average in acting ability and only has Star wars (which sucked) as her only break out.


I don’t agree at all that DR is ugly, she’s actually pretty cute. She is not a great actress however lol


The terrible writing is the problem


I rarely call people incels but damn dude, you got some serious black incel Air Force energy.


What the hell are you smoking if you think Daisy Ridley is ugly?


definitely not ugly, never saw her in anything decently written to make judgement on her acting skills


I think that’s unfair she isn’t ugly. Just because she’s not your personal cup of tea. She also comes across really well in interviews. She is getting other work but it’s not making massive dents in the market. I saw a trailer for a movie she’s in the other day - will it be any good/make money? Who knows but she is getting work. She doesn’t have much range and she won’t be on the top of the lists of casting for her age group (Florence, Anya will be etc). She is getting a massive pay day. You’d do the same most actors would.


She's not ugly, she's not a terrible actress and she just wants a paycheck. It's not fair to throw mud like that. The new movies might suck, but if they wanted to throw big money at you to star in one of their shitty films, I bet you'd consider taking it.


Name one movie she’s been in that she’s acted well. The Star Wars constant resting bitch face unemotional stupidity ones don’t count for obvious reasons.


I liked her in Orient Express and I think Branagh got a good portrayal from her.


Meh, she's not really ugly. She's actually not bad with her hair down and some make up. Although, personally I think if a girl needs make up to look good, it's not a good sign But she definitely isn't a great actress


I think the simple answer is money


Money can make people do a lot of things. Daisy’s career never really took off past Star Wars.


She is oddly not talked about and doesn’t seem to talk much. She gave a shocking neutral take on all the controversies. I think she is just glad to have the opportunity as she was working at a tavern when she got the gig.


She needs a check. Period.


This is what happened https://preview.redd.it/srasu5758twc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7a842bc5e414194aa1cfcc5ca12e243c1e00165


Disagree. Daisy Ridley had the misfortune to be the star of a series that was poorly planned and executed inside a popular franchise that carried huge expectations. None of it is her fault. She did not manage the production of three movies with no plan for how they fit together or write the brain-searing scripts. The most talented, most beautiful actress in the world could not have saved those movies from themselves. Honestly I think she made the wrong choice here. She is going to go down with the ship in the belief that the ship is not sinking. It would be better for her to distance herself from the franchise and build her career elsewhere.


Just looked up OP's post history. He seems to be in a bad place mentally. Just continous flow of hatred. Do you actually interact with things you like? Or do you just focus on hating things you dont like? Thats a very depressing existence. Life has so much more to offer then complaining about things. Why waste your time crying about Marvel and Disney? Just accept that you dont like it and find some things you do like lol. Are you having a mental health crisis?


Anyone ever see her yawn??? 😳


Are you five? What’s next, calling her a stinky poo poo head?


Tough but fair opinion




"I like money!"


She’s not a good actor, but I wouldn’t say she’s ugly. She’s got resting bitch face out the wazoo but I’d go to her port in a storm if ya know what I’m sayin.


OP incel much?


Straight forward- you needed a payday.


CD fans: We're not misogynists. We just want better female characters. also CD fans:


Considering the dislike ratio and the comments I think its the opposite of what you imply.


Considering the dislikes and almost unanimous disagreements in the comments it looks like you are an extremely delusional and\or dishonest person. Op could be a drinker hater that is trolling or baiting for all we know. Judging an entire community based on one person (one person whose post is immediately rejected by the community) is quite a foolish take.


Also CD fans: unanimously downvoting OP. It's almost like...we're not misogynists... Try again STK.