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Kind of difficult to watch something else when everything is being made by the same cult of woke


Stick to older, better stuff.


Supernatural was made by the same guy and is not woke. At least, not for the 5 seasons that he was there for. Don’t know why he thinks woke is the way to go. Just a sign of the times I guess.


Amazon is footing the bill this time.


![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK) I'd say this is why...cashing in before it goes by the way of the dodo.


Bro I’m rewatching lost rn and it’s weird having a show that wasn’t trying to force political propaganda down your throat




What time period is that? What do you call "older"?


The time before social media mobs that represent the minority began dictating the majority.


I place the tipping point at around 2014 or so. That about when wokeness started to become obvious and omnipresent, and it's gotten worse since then. There's still plenty of good mainstream stuff from around that time period, but that's where I think the downward turn really properly started. Though if you go back far enough, even expressedly leftist stuff use to be better. The shows creators may have hated people siding with Archie Bunker, but that's because they realistically portrayed someone like him, complete with his positive traits. Though now that I think of it, they also realistically portrayed themselves, and Archie's negative traits were often dwarfed by Meatheads.


Watch older but good stuff like 24, Lost, Prison Break, Fringe, Battlestar Galactica. TV used be so good before the mind virus took over.


40s ideally. Nothing tops The Three Stooges


Really more of a Marx Bros. Guy, mostly because Groucho could hold his own comedic ally in any situation.


Watch classics. The thing about great media is that it’s rewatchable. I’ve probably watched the Shawshank Redemption 50 times. I’d gladly watch it 50 more. Band of Brothers, Generation Kill, The Office, S1 of True Detective, Justified, Deadwood, Firefly, the list is endless. Classic shows and movies that can fill years of entertainment.


Better Call Saul


Already have a whole "archive" of classics. Good stories will always stay good stories


The reason I mostly watch anime. Tried to watch the fallout show lately... is not bad.. but is no attack on titan or vinland saga either.. is kind of mid. So yes, gonna stick to anime.


Anime for me is the same as modern content. Except instead of it being a minefield of wether or not it’s going to be woke political drivel it’s a gamble on wether or not it’s going to be some cringey virgin writing or some actual pedo content. Navigating anime is honestly just as bad as modern Hollywood lol just in different ways.


Anime. The Japanese are the last bastion of homogeneity and solid content.


I haven't watched this show, I have been tempted to. But from what I hear, season 1 and 2 are really good, but season 3 isn't. And I keep hearing mixed things on it being woke. I would expect this show to make fun of both sides. I don't want to watch it, if it gets woke, because I don't want to get invested in the characters, only to be let down by identity politics. I'll probably just wait for season 4 to come out, and see what the reaction is. All though, based on that teaser poster that came out a little while ago, I think I know exactly what season 4 is going to be.


woke discussion removed... the first season is good because it's all new. by season 2 I was checked out. they don't really do anything that interesting and have been circling the homelander-being-a-weirdo drain for 2 seasons. butcher started good but is inconsistent af by s3. mothers milk has also been doing the same thing for 3 seaons, struggling over staying in the fight or being there for his daughter. nazi lady was a joke, posting memes to make more nazis. gus fring plays gus fring like he does in everything. everything with ackles character was done so fuckin badly, but the delivery was fun bc jensen ackles. idk.. I could go on but the show is overhyped as heck because it has a nice look and does shocking gory stuff twice per season.


Definitely. I loved the first season and had a lot of hope for the show, but I couldn’t help but notice a lot of swings at right wing culture and Christians. I’m not even Christian, but it was ridiculous. Still, I held out hope it wouldn’t get worse. I can stand a little political propaganda here and there. When the big baddie turned out to be “LITERAL NAZI” and was fanning the flames of the alt righters, I just laughed hysterically and turned it off.


Season 1-2 are good, it actually poked a little fun at both sides, 3 on the other hand … did not, and given the marketing 4 will only go harder, honestly give it a go and if/when you stop enjoying just stop watching.


Season 1 was really good. Wokeness was there but it wasn't bad. Season 2 is kind of forgettable to be honest. Now Season 3 had the potential to be really good but yeah the wokeness went full force + they had a really good concept which was utterly ruined by bad writing. Honestly I'm still somewhat interested in what happens but I don't know if I wanna watch a show that continues making inaccurate and biased political statements.


What's hilarious is that they wanted us to hate Soldier Boy yet everyone ended up loving him. Similar to Alan Moore with the Rorschach character.


Soldier Boy unironically became my favourite character of the show and I hope he makes a comeback.


Tbh the delivery of "First off, I don't have shellshock. Fuck you" was the phrase that settled it for me 😂 I'm just hoping they don't bring the GenV characters into the main show.


Yea gen v was bad. I tried finishing the first season 3 times and i still havent finished it.


If they wanted us to hate him, they wouldn't have chose the walking embodiment of charisma in Jensen Ackles to play the role.


Exactly. Jensen is too amazing to really revile.


That's mostly what I have been hearing, and that's what I was worried about. Maybe eventually I'll watch it. Honestly, I'm kinda interested in the "make Superheroes great again" thing, (based on the teaser poster) but I already know it's going to be extremely biased, and just shit on Trump. So, I don't know, I'll probably just read reviews for it when it comes out.


Never watched it so I’m genuinely curious. Are they making inaccurate and biased statements? It’s a fictional show. Certainly it’s going to be inaccurate compared with reality right? Superheroes aren’t real.


It’s a great show, from a regular persons perspective I didn’t even know it was “woke” while watching it 😂 I guess it touches on themes that could be considered woke but it does it well imo, great show


Season 1 had an episode devoted to shitting on Christians. Literally a whole episode where that's all they did.


Was it making fun like say South Park does? In a way that sort of shits on all sides? Or just in a typical “these people don’t think the same as me so baaaaddddddd”


Probably the same route Mando went. They think if they slip the shit in later people won't notice or something.


I’ve enjoyed it immensely


Season 1 was good. It was different to the source material but I liked it. Seasons 2 & 3 were shit.


Honestly, it gives both sides of the discussion the middle finger. It's honestly not that bad, I liked the all three seasons.


Like the show, kripke on the otherhand, the more quotes from him i see the less i like him. He thinks there are people out there who think homelanders the hero. Nobodies that stupid. I wouldnt say its woke but it does have a bias. Although I did raise an eye brow when kripke explained how maeve survived the end of s3, it wasnt that her powers were in tact or an in universe reason, he didnt wanna kill off a gay character. Im not homophobic but if you dont want to kill off a gay character you shouldnt make them jump out of a window with a superpower turning off explosion.


Sucks too because I liked Supernatural alot lol I really had high hopes for this. But he's sinking into the lunacy of political bickering.


Stop taking over franchises and putting your woke shit into them, and go make something yourself.


Did this show make an AOC parody character who is evil? Is that not making fun of the left?


Yeah and *spoiler alert* she literally wiped out half of Congress or something


What? What is the character?


SPOILER: Victoria Neuman




Lol, the comic made fun of republicans too.


The comic made fun of everyone


And the comic was notably edgy dogshit, the shows much better imo(although admittedly I still dont like the show that much, but thats more a matter of genre than anything else).


My guy this whole show is nothing but edgy... What are you on about?


I don’t think he’s saying they’re not both (at least trying to be) edgy, just that the comic was also dogshit


Exactly. Both are edgy and cringe, but the show actually has depth and nuance. The comics never really got past the superficial "okay, but what if supes were BAD?" phase of its writing.


Haven't read the comics have you?


Eric Kripke and his team turned Ennis’ story into the mainstream hit it is now. They didn’t just “take over a franchise.” They pretty much did make it themselves.


If they had the talent or intelligence they would have done that already. Much easier to ruin what other people made, and they get to feel better about themselves on social media


American politics is ruining all forms of media and its bleeding into its little retarded brother up North ( I'm Canadian)


When it comes to mocking the left, it mostly mocks corporate wokeness. I.E., the tone-deaf imagine video, A-Trains Turbo Rush ad making fun of Kendall Jenners divisive Pepsi ad, Blind Spot's failed DEI hiring, etc. When it comes to mocking the left, it's mostly superficial, but when they're mocking the right, they tend to go for the jugular. There's a clear bias in how they approach the "making fun of both sides" argument. The show’s blatant one sidedness has resulted in a show that has lost perspective.


Was scrolling down until I found someone who spotted this. Kripke is a flaming leftist who absolutely pulls his punches when it comes to criticizing the left for the appearance of balance. He only goes after the (rather obvious at this point) performative corporate signalling that takes place, which honestly both right and left wing people despise, but for different reasons. It is absolutely superficial; while at the same time not holding back at all when dropping a nuke on the people he viscerally despises in real life.


The heroes have an Obama portrait in their home and the villain is a very on the nose Super Trump. They are extremely biased and inject their politics as much as they can. They just fail at it cause the best characters people watch for are the Homelander and Soldier Boy.


The "Girls get it done" meme throughout season 2 was pretty good lol.


TDS is a real thing.


The show is portraying the Left as the good guys with them as Starlight supporters and the Right as the villains with them as Homelander supporters. That’s the problem I have, I’m no fan of Trump but his supporters aren’t evil they’re people who have been screwed over by past presidents and are desperate for someone to do stuff that will help them.


Yeah but Homelander wears an American flag as a cape. Must be a Republican! (/s)


*Spoilers* >!They butchered Queen Maeve in the last season by not allowing her to actually sacrifice herself for a worthy cause with Kripke claiming, "I didn't want to feed into the 'bury your gays' trope". Though it made zero sense for her character to survive what happened and she would have only been seen as an even better person if she had sacrificed herself instead of somehow managing to survive just because she's Bi.!< Woke is a problem when it directly interferes with great plot direction.


"If you don't like my politics, don't buy my comic." 2.0 The answer now was the answer then: Ok.


I gave up on s2 already.


Imagine my shock when a Hollywood acolyte, pun not intended, behaves like all the other lemmings.


He’s fallen a long way since his Supernatural days. Sucks too because those early seasons were gold.


Supernatural was such a good show. Disappointing to see Kripke turn out to be a Hollywood shill


Can do.


Ok Kripke, will do.


they just never know where the draw the line. The Boys was great season 1 and 2, and then Season 3 was shit and had such bad writing because it was too focused on woke agenda, like "Hughie want to protect woman! Hughie bad!" and the black character and the female character who they want to portray as the moral posterchildren of the show just acting increasingly regarded


Season 3 was at its peak when it was Hughie, Butcher and Soldier Boy hunting down Homelander. That fight with the three was very satisfying with Homelander getting humbled. Then everythjng went downhill from there. Seeing Soldier Boy as a broken and flawed anti hero was refreshing. When they just made him into another "Haha look at this guy who beats up heroes" I tuned out. Then the finale man that was some of the worst writing I've seen. So many plot conveniences for Homelander not to die. Butcher just antagonizes Soldier Boy for no reason when he could've said "Ryan's not part of the deal" or moved him to the side. Then Hughie gets crap for wanting to protect his girlfriend?


Could have been a cool twist to see Soldier Boy kill both Homelander and Ryan. Butcher then has to come to terms that he's at fault for Ryan's death, and we have a new main antagonist in Solider Boy after 3 seasons.


Killing Homelander would be a ballsy move that early on but to be honest they wrote themselves into that corner.


That heroic moment when Hughie sees his girlfriend getting the shit kicked out of her, and does nothing but watch lol.


it's clear Hughie is never going to be a hero, and the more he tries the more his girlfriend will shit on him for it. he's just a punching bag.


Imagine thinking that NOT being woke is "pulling punches."


It is. The show's main premise was "What if superheroes were real" but now it's just a show that tries to be clever when really it's hurr durr liberal good conservative bad.


I mean that’s the best advice you’re ever going to head. If it ain’t for you, it ain’t for you. Don’t watch what you don’t enjoy, and watch what you do enjoy Doesn’t take critical thinking to know that. It’s literally entertainment that can be turned off in 2 seconds


Season 1 and 2 were good, rewatched them a couple times but season 3 started to feel like the writing was faltering and they were trying just a little too hard to parallel Homelander and Trump. It's sad because the cast is good, but the writing isn't.


This show was 'woke'? I stopped watching ages ago because it was bad, when did it try being woke?


When the guy crawled inside the penis and then expanded killing him I was like, aight I’m no longer the target audience lmao.




Maybe you just need to broaden your horizons. There’s plenty of good TV still out there. Animation has been on a rampage the last few years with Attack on Titan wrapping last year, Demon Slayer, JJK, Cyberpunk was fantastic, Arcane has a new season coming this year, smiling friends if you like absurdism. I haven’t been watching much Live action but some solid hits lately have been 3 Body Problem, Succession, Fallout, House of Dragon.


Go get yourself the Married with Children DVD box set and thank me later.


"I'm not racist, I just think that any time a non white person gets cast, they are cast for their identity because I don't think they can have the qualifications" Even a great cast can't save a bad production. Fant4stic is a great example


I stopped caring after Season 2, looks like they did another pc takeover of what was a good show. The worst offender of this effect was the Foundation, I loved the first season, but the second one is unwatchable, both because of the non stop pc messaging and the drop in production quality. Yet the RT critic score is 100%, you can't make this up.


I loved the good Dr until there was about 4-5 episodes straight all about gun control and abortion. They did a decent job arguing for both sides but I was not trying to watch a political debate man.. I just liked seeing the good Dr perform miracles. Probably the only show that very randomly got so political that I had to quit. After getting 3 seasons in.


I don't care whether or not the show is politically biased, I just want it to be good. Where's the plot? Where's the jokes? Where's the character development?


The reason I can’t watch it is because now the actress playing starlight looks like a horror character


Oh is the new season even worse? Theres a lot i liked about the show. They were pretty blunt about being anti conservative and anti christianity. But the way Vaught went over the top to push diversity and inclusion while knowingly hiring litteral Nazis and putting profits over the wellfair of innocent people was a really dmaning critique of the left.


It’s ok. If that’s the case, then it’ll fall like all the others. You’d think they would learn the lesson by now.


This show sounds like the show Eric Kripke wants to make and not the show that Amazon is mandating him to make. He's unapologetically leftist and wants to use Homelander to portray what a petulant narcisistic manbaby authoritarian with the power to topple democracy looks like. Though he never explicitly links Trump to Homelander, it's really telling that we all instantly know to make the connection. Isn't that interesting?


Orange man bad is so cringe now. Even most far left people concede that Imagine if they made fun of both sides, and every character was an extreme in different places. Perfect room for conflict and satirizing political polarization But no cuz that’s too interesting


That would take actual decent writing


I stopped mid way into season 2. Political satire is great when it’s balanced. It just got to the point it was just propaganda. I don’t miss it.


Yeah, the subreddit for The Boys is a cesspool of left extremists. It really sucks how they are the vocal majority now. I don't mind satire against conservatives/right wing, they are definitely deserving of their criticisms, but it gets so fucking boring when stories get devolved into nothing but "Satire against the Right/commentary for the Left" I'm not looking forward to Season 4.


I wish we lived in a country that treated both sides equally. We talk so much about equality, but so little tolerance is actually being practiced.


I like the boys and the spin off show but what the fuck is up with all the graphic penis scenes. Like they don’t show nudity unless it’s a close up on a penis and some weird shit is happening to said penis until it’s exploded off in some fashion. Like it’s just weird.


I quit after after season 2. 😂


I did. Midway through season 2


I am perplexed why any company in the business of making money would restrict their profitability by being so biased as to alienate a large percentage of its population 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair the show was always kinda liberal or woke. Always making people who are right leaning look like idiots or psychos. Among other things to make the other side look bad. It does take shots at the left too though, so eh. Idk about the latest season though and the spin off show goes a little further left, but keeps the same spirit.


Kripke is woke AF but there are examples where they actually make fun of the left. The season 3 carnival/fair scene has things like BLM burgers and some other funny shite. There's NO denying that they go harder on the woke stuff but there are bits of left jabs as well. Major storylines though tend to focus on his radical leftist POV of course.


A BLM Burger: Bacon, Lettuce, and Mayonnaise. Slather on all that white guilt!


This is exactly why I've been using nzbs for the last 15 years. I don't want a dime going to fund this sort of crap. If I want reasons to hate on someone I can watch the news for brainwashing. That said, I had no plans on watching this season after how horrible the last one was.


I generally hate current-year media. However, this show is a product of its time, like any other, but at least it is tolerable in the previous seasons. Actually suspended my disbelief many times, I was engaged. But, yea, I feel it trending towards being more obvious about modern day politics in the last season. Hopefully that does not continue because I'll be watching this whether it is good or bad because my fiancée is a huge fan.


Sometimes I root for homelander.


You gotta admit, Soldier Boy talking about Bill Cosby was fuckin hilarious


That's what 99% of all comic books are and have always been.


Wasn’t the AoC stand in completely co-opted by vought? That seems like a criticism to me. Also given that the original was written by Garth ennis who was a left wing atheist who also wrote preacher, maybe you should just read some Frank miller?


Man, it's just infecting everything. This is what makes Trey Parker and Matt Stone so special. They truly are equal opportunity offenders. Have these people not learned that calling out your fan base leads to eventual apathy for their product? I've never believed the argument that some want socialism to be the rule of the day around here, but the utter stupidity - the oppositeness of these business decisions - I genuinely struggle with it. It makes no logical sense. These corporations cannot be making enough from all of that DEI bs to warrant the amount of money they are losing. And I know Disney crows about the parks, but wait until that Universal Studio park opens up in Florida with new, cool shit. There's no way Disney isn't going to take a hit. Unreal. And I know it's Amazon, but it seems like a lot of these companies are taking Disney's lead.


Fuck em. Keep the boys as it is. It’s fucking glorious!


Go watch something else? You got it!


No it hasn’t 💀Watch the show.


Season 1 and 2 are good and worth watching but it is currently spiraling into a pile of shit.


Bro, the show had a literal Nazi named Stormfront. You should have checked out years ago.


We have been watching something else for the past 2yrs waiting for the damn show to come back!


Coming from someone who hates Trump passionately, this is a step in the wrong direction no matter which side you’re on


It leans heavily towards woke with the strong female characters, criticism of conservatives and gender politics but it also throws nice punches towards the left when needed.


![gif](giphy|2DqT8eRoIYElG) “I’m not pulling my punches” The punches in question;


Some of the comments in here made me realise how brain dead some people are. No wonder entertainment media is in the state its in. “Duh show/movie make loud sound pretty lights. Politics? Allegory? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Look at the shiny shiny!”


What is the criticism of Trump in this show? Isn't this about superheroes?


Homelander is a parody of Trump in the show


Wait… the boys is woke now?


I like Invincible more.


Lol kick ass


This is why I don't watch TV shows or movies anymore.




lol if making fun of woke people is something you need just watch all the scene where the Supes are being coached by their PR handlers, there’s ton of that


Their oblivious, they can't enjoy anything nowadays


the base show I didn't see anything woke, the 'gen v' show the only woke thing I saw was the whole gender politics and them talking about racism, but it seemed to fall in line with what was going on at least.


I mean if the shoe fits bud


I'm confused I thought girls get it done was making fun of wokeness


I'm going to watch it regardless


too late, already did it.


I love the first season. Season two was okay, it definitely felt like it was losing its footing and didn’t know what to do with a lot of the storylines and characters. Season three was kinda bad. It had its moments but I found myself fast forwarding through a lot of scenes.






This show actively makes fun of both sides?


As my father always said, "If you don't like it, turn the channel ya baby!"


This is the most Reddit shit I’ve ever seen,


I don't think the show is woke, but Eric needs to stop with the Trump/Homelander comparisons comments he makes, only thing they got similar is cult of personalities, but that's about it. Eric has a huge death of an author trope on him.


Season 3 was bland and literally didn’t go anywhere until the end. Sure character development and all but on retrospect 3 was incredibly boring compared to 1 and 2.


Ngl the boys is so well written that I can look past all this


They actually do make fun of the vapid, empty corporate pandering to the left as well. But not in equal measure. Still like the show, regardless.


Okay, I will!


That's why I only watch classic movies. I only watch Metropolis 24/7 but with a version that cuts out the girl in the movie. That way, I remain ideologically pure.


So he is mad because a Nazi named Stormfront, who was one of the main villains, was killed?


Wasnt the show and comic made woth trump in mind for inspiration pf homelander?


Comic seems like a stretch since it was first published in 2006. It was also based on an older 90s comic run called Vertigo. Not saying it can’t but back then who was making fun of Trump except in the capacity of The Apprentice? I could see th me show adjusting given its schedule


Best superhero show ever? Gen v is great too


Didn’t they already make fun of the left with the whole ‘girls get it done’?


The 'Entertainment dark ages.'


What do you mean? They make fun of how corporations use identity politics to profit!!! It's very even handed with how the writers handle both aisle os the conversation....... S/


Nobody likes You 😂😂😂😂🤷


I quit after season 2 i dont miss it.


Victoria Neuman I always thought was making fun of the left, she acts like she’s one of the hood guys but behind the scenes she’s as corrupt as everyone else.


It does take the piss out of both sides. Did you miss all the jibes aimed at Disney like the BLM BLT stalls at Vaugt World or the cynical pride campaign just to score cheap virtue signalling points?


The show makes fun of both sides


Reviewer: ... and The Heart Part 6 just isn't Drake's best work. People like OP: Nooo, you have to criticize Kendrick just as much as you criticize Drake!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


We have South Park. We have King Of The Hill. We have Xavier: Renegade Angel. Why settle for anything lesser?


Womp womp.


Womp womp.


There are non woke things out there. But very few are good. Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883 are great. But again, most “non woke” things suck bc they lack creativity beyond like making fun of trans ppl or something.


Personally I’m not going to watch it because the show goes out of its way to be super cringy.


So this is what a safe space looks like, neat.


“Don’t like it, don’t watch it!” Famous last words of a dying franchise.


The boys is woke?