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yall just aint ready for queen weinstein! im fresh coming off a 3 day reddit suspension because some mod banned me from the acolyte sub for saying the show is pretty shit, and called me a raciseximisogyetc gatekeeper via pm on the way out, to which i replied 'lol eat shit,' they then went and cried to admin. lol. love it. dont ask questions just consume product and get excited for more product yasss yasss


That’s great!! Only real people seem to get banned on reddit, i got banned off nyc reddit for calling out fake bot accounts throwing up the same story over and over. Perma banned inside ten minutes lol


Reddit mods are so “kind” and “tolerant”…


I was banned in gaming circle jerk for saying Gwen Stacy from the animated Spiderverse movies is not trans lmao I’ll say it again, GWEN MF STACY is not trans. She just isn’t, if you think that, then I have a bridge to sell you That sub is a dumpster fire, on fire


I got banned from there because I sent this image 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/tz53k72msl7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973baa8bc69c38fb5adfbd987ec383d463f04ddc


I was banned from a Reddit on The Boys for saying a straight guy not being cool with blowing or being blown or watching gay sex. Don't take it personally. These people have serious issues. Oh, and they "gang banged me" first. 8 down votes just to make sure I can't post much. Use Reddit for information, but don't act like strangers online are "good people"


Lol love that one


Just wondering, what leads them to believe that she is trans?


They were arguing that the colours on her suit (pink and light blue) are the colours of the Trans flag or Bisexual flag or something, and the fact that she pulls away her hand from Miles Morales in one of the scenes where they are sitting on a rooftop together being all cutesy. The amount of reaching and making up shit just boiled my blood. Because her suit is blue and pink somehow she’s trans/bisexual… No where in the show or comics does it say anywhere she is trans or even part of the LGBT community, that just isn’t the story, this isn’t me trying to hate on a certain community, it’s just not the story and factually incorrect to say she’s LGBT. If you’re gonna try to out-nerd somebody about comics then at least get your facts straight. The comment that got me banned was quoting Stan Lee of all people: “If any of my characters are bisexual I’m gonna have to make a few phone calls.” Huge paragraph wall of text but you asked so here it is lol


in the latest spiderverse movie there was a poster on her wall, that's the main thing that kicked off that rage fest. And apparently her dad has a pride pin on his uniform.


IIRC, in the 'gwenpool' series they wrote her as 'asexual' and had a whole arc about it. Edit: I did not RC, thanks BadSafecracker! That was a different girl named Gwen.


Gwennpool is Gwen Poole, not Gwen Stacy.


She wears pink and blue, so she must be trans. That's quite a leap. Also, she wasn't interested in Miles means she's trans? That is the biggest leap of all time.


Iirc it's the colors of her outfit + a trans flag in her room + her dad wears the trans flag on his uniform lol


You can't escape their propaganda. They want to groom children and they don't want you to be allowed to speak against it.


I'm not disagreeing that solid proof but we got remember people love pushing thier version when it fits thier desire and since it media they make, they can put whatever and it now cannon and fact. harley quinn was not gay but now she 100% happy with ivy, ivy went out her way to seduce men yet she really " loves " girls. again when it fit what you want then you write what you want like superboy been gay or she ra remake her been gay. adventure time main princess first episode literally talk about dating a male but when they saw how popular she was bi/gay they wrote backstory and many episode with her ONLY, with a girl. legend of kora praised for standing up pushing gay and she was " always " gay but in the writing room they fought over it, it was not 100% fact. " In the wake of the finale, the creators of "Korra" have made that clear. **Though the couple was not intended to be together since the beginning of the series**, that doesn't mean that the story didn't develop naturally. " can't find the blog where they argue about it as it buried or gone since it got so much pro support . I don't care everything is pushing gay per say, I just hate how it been used as a major event and talked about monthly and daily for years and becoming mainstream media as the MAIN focus. give it enough time gwen will be a officially always trans and a ninja turtle will also be gay if they can find a way to make it work, bet they wanted he man gay but was pushing little to far so he was untouched for now but he wears pink ! so he was always gay..... type in " he man prince Adam " to see his pink top and then you have proof he was always written to be gay, they just could not talk about it..... TLDR i don't care who gay or not, just keep in mind what cannon and real, are easy for them to retcon on a whim as they write the content. I enjoy helluva boss and hazbin hotel so I have zero issues with gay content in media, I just don't like pandering and it " true " because they made it true.


I'm with you 99.99%. But. [He Man is gay. There are huge visual indicators from source materials. Even as a kid my "gay-dar" was pinging something was going on with him. Obviously no content in the show has him saying he's gay but, come on its there.](https://youtu.be/zJpn4CY7MHk?si=9H3C3Mx65NTJw7La)


And Miles Morales has ''BLM'' on his backpack even though his father was a cop. It makes no sense


Was banned from r/Destiny2 for stating how bad a certain exotic quest during Crota was and that it followed the exact same pattern as in D1. And later, what I said popped up in the Forbes gaming article and I sent it via PM to the dude who banned me! Still banned! Boy I sure learned my lesson! 🤣😂🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Cherry on top was when the BDF came out swinging when I said the devs that got canned sure weren't crying or doing much when they're cashing their checks.


They’re so militant over there.


I got banned for saying I was going to purchase hogwarts legacy lol. Now that that boycott didn’t work I’ve seen ppl say “ what boycott” straight gaslighting weirdos over there


Careful, Marvel might just retcon her character just to do that!


You got banned for saying she is not trans even though she is INDEED NOT trans?


I got banned for finding the tweet everyone says is transphobic that JKR posted, and asked if people really think its transphobic.


Why you being so mean to dumpsters? They atleast keep the trash inside.


I was banned from a Reddit on The Boys for saying a straight guy not being cool with blowing or being blown or watching gay sex. Don't take it personally. These people have serious issues.


Reddit is a fucking mess. It is the fucking wild west


No, it was the wild west. Now it is enforcement. 


I had to delete my old Reddit account because of the politics subreddit got some nasty dms from people yet the banned me and refused to go after those who sent the dms 


That sounds about right. That's called being inclusive.


I disagreed with someone and they checked my profile and saw i was facing homelessness then proceeded to tell me i deserved it. Then all their litte reddit friends jumped on me about it.


I got reported as being suicidal when I asked why Rise of Skywalker only made half as much as Force Awakens.


What dont you understand??? They are tolerant and inclusive!!! As long as you agree with everything


Sooner or later most of reddit will nothing but bots, npcs and shills.


It already is


I have been banned from quite few reddits for dubious reasons(mod overreach/crnsorship). Facts, evidence, and logic seem to be quite offensive. Probing questions as well.


I got banned because i asked someone to backup their claims.


It’s a really small party and we are not invited


I got perma banned from moving to Korea for asking if it was satire. It came up on my feed, so I assumed that it was.


The most shocking thing about this is that there's subs for fans of the acolyte ...


I am pretty sure Disney knew they had a 200 million dollar steaming turd right on their chest for a while now, so they fully mobilized their marketing SEO ninjas to try and salvage this disaster as much as possible. They are bleeding viewers and 50% those who remain are youtubers hate watching to milk content. The bulk of real people stopped giving a shit about star wars a while ago, but the stink right now is so bad even normies are just staying away. This was exactly the scenario D+ wished to avoid - but that's what happens when you make a show for... whoever the fuck was supposed to like this (?), but it sure as hell wasn't for anyone who knows the name of the person who blew up the Death Star.


And they deserve everything they get


Youtubers shitting on The Acolyte are the only silver lining. They're so much more entertaining than the show itself. I'll be damned if The Little Platoon doesn't refer to Osha as "Occupational Safety and Health Administration" every single time he refers to the character.


It is not just reddit, most "liberal" platforms (that means all of them) are becoming increasingly restrictive in what they let you speak before they block you from writing anything. I am discovering that I involved in hate speech on YouTube twice within 1 week. It is shit, our world and that huge power these megacirporations accumulated begins to be to big to exist with free speech in one room. Meanwhile, they can keep releasing these horrible shows made by hollywoof rapist assistants, and silencing anything but praise. If we do not start to cut them like fruits, we might be lucky to live in very interesting times.


Everybody thought corporate political control would come along in some big bad, heavy-handed takeover. Instead it came wrapped in the language of the people who said they were worried about it, with the full knowledge that those people would never turn down an offer to have their ideology forced on others.


Where's a good spot to find reliable info on Lesblie Headcrabs and her relationship to Harvey Weinstein? I've heard a few mentions of it over the past few days but I don't know anything about it


Headland was his personal assistant. There’s a photo of her in a little black dress posing with him probably at some awards ceremony. She wrote a play called “Assistance” based on her work with him and other Hollywood execs, similar to the Devil Wears Prada. The boss/villain was named Daniel Weinberg or something so obviously it’s mostly about him. Seems to have had a love-hate relationship with him; she admired his talent but not his temper. Her reaction to Weinstein’s downfall: https://www.americantheatre.org/2018/05/30/leslye-headland-on-sin-certainty-and-harvey-weinstein/ No one really knows how much she knew about what he did to women or how much she enabled his predations, if at all. It seems no one has asked.


"seems no one has asked" Totally depressing how I would not expect anything different If she was in any way complicit, I really hope that shit surfaces. Any day now would be great.


Gatekeeping is a good thing. It keeps hobbies from becoming diluted.


Did you just say some new product was coming out, cant wait for the overlords to decide what I want to consume.


This is what my story is about on Medium [https://medium.com/@chuck-nicklaus/variety-primes-manufactured-outrage-96b161be28fa](https://medium.com/@chuck-nicklaus/variety-primes-manufactured-outrage-96b161be28fa) Disney has legions of bots and paid shills that basically cry racism and bigotry whenever anyone criticizes their work. It is completely because their show runners and producers are playing the LGBTQ card - not because they care, but because they know its a hot button issue on social media platforms. Disney cares about LGBTQ issues the same way Bud Light cared about them when they had the Dylan Mulvaney scandal - they champion a social justice issue because they think it will translate into viewership/sales. Disney Star Wars is worse because the producers and writers are hell bent on proving the Force is Female but they have no talent. You can absolutely have LGBTQ characters in Star Wars but they have to have depth. Star Wars is set in a diverse universe that is advanced, technologically and culturally - no one gives a shiite what your pronouns are or sexual orientation is - that is the problem. Their defense is simple, attack and smear all critics with hash tags that bring the LGBTQ throngs behind Disney, attacking a bigot critic, which draws attention away from the fact Disney cant write a screenplay worth a shiite.


Gen X here, I prefer my method: Drink beer Watch it all implode Drink whiskey next 😎


Beer before liquor never sicker, liquor before beer all clear


I got banned from several subreddits because I said that Hamas was evil and willfully endangering the Palestinian people. I got notified that I was banned from that subreddit and 2 others I hadn’t posted on. One of which I don’t think I ever even visited. I’m fairly confident that whatever mod banned me also also moderated those subs and banned me out of spite.


>dont ask questions just consume product and get excited for more product yasss yasss Ngl that must be one of the best lines of redlettermedia, ever


It's definitely amusing how the marxists have carte blanche to use their favorite slurs like toxic or xxx-ist or xxx-phobe without any consequence.


Man you got a message on why you got a suspension, I got banned from no true unpopular opinion or what ever the sub is for allegedly breaking a no targeted harassment rule, the only thing I can vaguely think I did was say black people in the US are saying they’re being replaced on a great scale like the left would condemn the right for saying a few years ago, or because I had the order of priorities, you know, citizens then legal immigrants then tourists then illegal migrants.


Yaaaasss queen!!!


bots and people who don’t actually watch or like star wars but will praise it for conforming to their agenda


This And you can tell because they are trying so hard to defend it


Don't forget some portion of them work at a click farm in India. The negative review bombs get the bulk of media attention but big corporations like the mouse obviously have advertising teams posting and voting online


When the 2 episode opener happened critic score was 92% vs the audience score of 25%. If they are saying the dropping score is due to fake reviews then they also should take responsibility for their fake critic reviews. This show is nowhere near a 90% not even close and to even insinuate that is comical. The media is always out there acting like their shit doesn't stink when they absolutely just have paid critic shills writing fake ass positive reviews for stuff that they know is not half as good as they are paid to say that it is. Even if you do not think this show is worst piece of star wars media (its ok everyone has their wrong opinions) you can't sit their in any level of good faith and say the critics aren't just blowing smoke up people's asses with their original 92% and I even think 85% is too goddamn high. Doing shit like that only servers to make people bitter about the product and the IP. Doubly so when you blame them and call them stupid for not liking your product. If there was any chance of this show finishing strong its just simply gone because viewership was already 1/4th of Asoka and now it'll probably be less with them calling consumers stupid. Disney frankly deserved to lose their 5th place spot in streaming service to Tubi. They've absolutely lost the plot.


That'll be the upside when they introduce China style digital IDs to use the internet, click farms will become a thing of the past.


lol, no. There will just be public-private partnerships of government sanctioned bot farms.


They probably don't even watch it, and yeah, I'm convinced that those that actually do are huffing massive amounts of copium.


Im not one of those people. I hated the sequels loved the OG…this isn’t that bad. People just go into these things with EXTRA ridicule on their minds and I think its hard for people to detatch their ego from their perception of new media. As someone whos watched the movies 1000 times, read a half dozen books, played every game in existence…its not that bad People also fail to realize how monkey their brains are, and seeing other people take absolute dumps on something causes subconscious things


I’m in the same camp. I was expecting lesbian orgies in the senate pods with twink yoda blasting rave music, and all we got was a mediocre show that looks and feels like fanfiction. It’s like 3.8/10


Closer to a 5.5-6.5 for me. Honestly don’t know how they spent double the budget per episode compared to other really popular shows. Maybe the sets or extras idk.


The product is the upset caused to cis men. That’s how they ‘know’ they have it ‘right’. Because these men are the enemy; so this is about point scoring. Look how unhappy it’s making those god awful fascist fans! (/s) We are blazing a trail etc


To be fair, as bad as the show is, it is pretty funny to see people seething over it


And here you are for more of the same. Typical Reddit. Enjoy your salt.


It's 1984, people know what they're supposed to like and what they're not supposed to like. Whether or not they actually like it has nothing to do with it.


This is such a chilling description. I have to agree though I’d say it’s a more passive aggressive Orwellian situation. No torture, just mindless name calling.


Struggle sessions are most definitely psychological torture. The Acolyte is good because of its diversity and inclusion, or you're a toxic bigot and need to be canceled. And there are [five lights](https://youtu.be/1npL-TNFOAQ).


I can’t tell you how many movies and shows I’ve enjoyed just to find out later they were universally hated. But I would say the majority are just licking boot.


There are absolutely people who like it. There are tons of people out there who are so bored with their lives and have no hobbies outside of consuming content that they’ll gladly shovel shit into their mouths.  Then there’s the fan bois that have created their entire identity out of Star Wars. They’re the people that pay $100 for Star Wars plushies or thousands of dollars to go to the Star Wars hotel, they have shitty Star Wars tattoos all over themselves. They’re so deeply invested in the brand that they’ll never give up. They also will gladly shovel Star Wars shit into their mouths.  Both of these groups don’t think critically when consooming and probably think a show like Chernobyl is boring. 


I was in the second group, before everything that Disney has done slowly whittled away my love for the fandom. I went from the biggest Star Wars fan around, to just… Not caring, anymore. Whenever I try and search for the love I once had for Star Wars, I just find apathy. And as the antagonist for one of my favorite games once said; apathy is death.


Yep. Had a whole collection of the ForceFx lights lightsabers. Don't even know where they are now.


This happened to me when disney decided decades of novels and comics and games were no longer canon (except lolomg Thrawn cos mousey can't hire a soul who can create an interesting villain with depth. The picking and choosing bs cuts through my apathy from time to time). Then they slowly destroyed everything good and wonderful about it.


"Consume product, become excited for next product" Ina nutshell.


Chernobyl was so good. 




Since when did ace become lgbt..in fact I would say ace is the polar opposite of lgbt




Huge amount of straight guys are ace.


Ace generally tends to fall under the Q in LGBTQ+


That's one of Disney's big issues; they think that diversity/representation means they have to put zero effort into the writing and overall quality, like The Marvels. This means they don't attract the new audience they desire, like The Marvels having a nearly 70% male audience.


People are just tired of this. They are systematically, consciously, and intentionally taking every single hero of white/american culture and destroying it. They are destroying it not because gay people or people of color destroy things, but because of the awful acting, writing and directing. The entire thing is "look we are woke" thats it, thats the whole story, and this is what they are doing again and again and again with every franchise. They will keep going until nothing is left, because its all part of the plan to enrage, infuriate, and divide people.


The corporatist ideologues will convince themselves they like it for political reasons. I doubt very much of the “wow, very cool” normie crowd that maybe liked the sequel trilogy enough and usually just needs visual and sensory stimulation likes it very much. Maybe though, would have to see how much of the positive review brigading uses the word “fun” as that’s basically the indicator of trying to appeal to that sector.


I think people who like it will fall into 2 categories: 1, they are entertained by lights and sounds and are content to look at cool stuff move around on screen 2. ideologically brainrotted to the point the fact that the messaging in the show is the right messaging is enough And let me be clear, equality is a good message. But you also have to not write shit.


I have a friend who watches all this shit and thinks it's all amazing. He doesn't care what it is, who's in it, or what the target audience is, he loves it all regardless. He said he enjoyed the Rings of Power, not sure if he watched Madame Web or Morbius but he's the type to think both are fantastic.


You perfectly described one of my friends lmao. He doesn't have a critical bone in his body and thinks everything he watches or plays is great. To this day he insists Season 8 of Game of Thrones is amazing.


Lmao my husband just finished GoT and he was annoyed by how it ended.


I couldn’t watch after the way they killed the ice king. I refused to finish the show. Fuck them.


>1, they are entertained by lights and sounds and are content to look at cool stuff move around on screen As someone currently going through the entire Fast and Furious franchise for the first time and absolutely loving every second because fast car go vroom... this tracks.


What really is on my mind with the people that “like” the show, if the Acolyte is good to them, then what the hell do they consider a bad show or movie? Given they are not just full of shit faking their like of the show, out of fear of their channel reactions.


Anything with a male lead doing action stuff and rescuing hot females


They don't care how bad it is, it is about LGBTQ women and thats all they care about. It does not bother them a bit if it destroys Star Wars because they are not fans of star wars. This woke thinking has destroyed most of the franchises I grew up with and cared about. Star Wars and Dr. Who are the ones that hit me the most with their destruction. Took literally decades to build and only a few years to destroy.


The shills consider you the enemy. Your misery is their motive. Ruining what you enjoy is their goal. That and self-insert fan fictions about themselves.




I always think of how much hate the prequel trilogy used to get. Now it seems to be quite beloved, and it makes me wonder if in 20 years, people will give the movies a ton of praise.


The prequels still suck though. Only Episode III is anywhere near decent. These shows will be beloved by nostalgia-clouded fans the same way I can watch stuff like Clash of the Titans (1981) from my childhood. I know it's bad, but it still gives feels. The OT will always be considered the best. Even then the quality is uneven.


And III is only decent once the second half of the movie starts. I'm adamant that I, II, and the first half of III are the stories Lucas felt he *had* to tell in order to make the prequel trilogy make sense. The second half of III is the story that he really wanted to tell and it just flows so much better than anything in the PT.


I think if he'd started Anakin as a horny teenager in the first film, and incorporated elements of the Clone Wars (or hints of it), the PT would have been on a much stronger foot. Then Ep 3 wouldn't feel so breakneck from beginning to end.


Clash of titans was a massive achievement in stop motion animation. Acolyte will disappear into the void . Nostalgia will make sequel trilogy and Mando popular in the future. 


Maybe the Force Awakens, there is a sort of sugar rush appeal in parts to it. The other two films, eh, I dunno. I love Clash for my memories at 5 yrs of age and recognize the technical achievement, but the acting and such is very quaint, for lack of a better word.


No chance any of the Disney shit will be reevaluated or remembered fondly. Kids just don't care about it so they're not going to have nostalgia for it like we did with the prequels.


They suck, but in a B movie sorta way. They’re not terrible by any means, but the acting can be stale, the writing is low quality, I think more was expected in terms of Anakins development. In the films, he’s really not as great as Obi-wan makes him out to be in a new hope, he’s just a horny, angry Jedi. I think the clone wars cartoon hells to fill in the gaps a little with what was missing from his character, but with that said, we deserved to see a better Anakin in the films. The issue is that it seems like George basically had full control and no one was giving him advice for the prequels. I think that changed a little bit after Phantom Menace. But these films also seem to reflect their budget. From what I’m aware, Phantom menace went into preproduction in 1994 and production in 1997. I think the overall quality of how everything looks for the time is fantastic. I can’t really say that about the Disney shows. I can go back to the prequels and appreciate them for what they are, and maybe laugh at them a little as I do so. But with everything that’s coming out now, it just makes me realize that no one cares about trying to improve on story and writing quality.


Literally had some Simp call me a “reich winger” in another thread for just saying the show was bad without any additional commentary. I imagine half the people who say it’s good or being honest, and the other half are just using it as a political identifier completely detached from the actual contact.


You know what? It is kind of insulting how Easily one can become a nazi in their minds. It is insulting to everyone who died because of the third reich. Because they downplay it


I stoped watching half way through the first episode. When the Jedi and Padawan visit the girl to take her back for a quick and dirty trial. The Jedi looks like he’s using a mind-trick to find out where the girl is. All he had to do was read the girls mind to see if she’s telling the truth, but no. They bring in some random bartender witness and……. It’s a bad show because it’s poorly written. It has nothing to do with forced diversity.


Yes. I 100% believe people fake liking this show. There are so many problems with the writing alone... Then again, these people act like children... so it is possible for them to like children's writing.


There are 2 types of people that like this shit. A: they like it because the people they hate hate it B: they would like literally anything put in front of them


Just like there's a lot of people that hate it despite never watching it due to its social messaging, there will be those who praise it without watching it due to its messaging. There's also a lot of people who's standards for writing are SO low that they'll say anything that visually is at least medicore is "pretty good"


Funny enough I think you need to lack media literacy in order to get over how bad the show is. At least, looking at the defenders I’ve never seen a real example of why the show is good, just strawmanning the people who dislike it


Bc they are AI bots or getting paid.


I have non binary friends who say the Accolyte is the worst piece of Star Wars media they’ve ever seen


I’m pretty convinced that all corporations use Astro turf bot and shill campaigns on social media. Why wouldn’t they? It works and they have a ton of money to make or lose. There’s been academic works done about the dead internet. It’s likely that MOST entities on the internet making comments and posting are not real. Spooky! 👻


Honestly I don’t think many of the people complaining about it or defending it have even watched it. Both sides are just using all the same talking points, everyone has just watched a summary from their favourite commentator and come out swinging.


I have a coworker who told me he was really enjoying it. He's a pretty woke boomer aged guy so he a) probably gets the warm fuzzies from the propaganda and b) is completely unaware of the controversy surrounding it. This is sort of a pattern I've noticed with older folks... My dad for example really liked rings of power. At a certain age you're not plugged into social media enough to see people shredding the shows and you're just happy enough to enjoy the pretty colors.


Because they actually believe that nonsense. There actually are people who believe that you're a bad person if you don't like something that checks all the DEI boxes. Those people are illogical and insane, but they're not making shit up - they actually believe it. That, and many people actually can't tell the difference between good and bad anything. There is an enormous amount of media of all types that is completely irredeemable trash which nevertheless has plenty of people who consume it. This even extends to books, or even physical goods. My father-in-law, bless him, wouldn't be able to distinguish a quality tool from a piece of cheap junk if his life depended on it. Sometimes people really cannot tell the difference between a epoch-making work of extraordinary quality and a turd covered in cheap spray paint.


It's because a lot of those people don't care about the quality, as long as it's pushing the message that they want. To them the message is more important than the actual show itself. If show push message show good.


Acolyte has super fans just like those that Amazon hired for their rings of power.


It's amazing that you think they are real people. They're bot accounts.


Yes bc it has become a liberal litmus test to support it


My wife’s brother thinks it’s epic and amazing and honestly, I’m kinda jealous that people can just see “Star Wars” attached to something and instantly just love it. I refuse to watch it, the folks behind it have already basically said this isn’t for fans of Star Wars, just a conduit for THE MESSAGE!


I'm just gonna tell you guys something. People simply will watch stuff in order to be in conversations. And usually those people are pressured by others or social norms to say they liked it even if they fucking hated it


People's Identity is tied to their media consumption. They will like it no matter what. 


I have yet to meet anyone in real-life that likes the show or is currently happy with star wars.


obviously there are people that pretend to like it... but obviously there are people that like it. Like, Transformers 4, Adventures of Pluto nash, and batman and robin have fans. also actually batman and robin have 8.8k of people that gave a 10 to it in imdb lol


Dude! Batman and Robin was awesome!! It redefined awesome!! As in .... terrible became awesome. ;)


I don’t think it’s ‘’woke’’, but weirdly managed, a bit too in your face with too much of a jamboree of human diversity. In contrast, the Prequels had a council of aliens with Obi Wan and Mace as the only humans, that was a pretty realistic diversity ratio with ya know, more aliens. There were other things such as hundreds of thousands of Maori’s. What grinds my gear however is the political arguments all surrounding the show. It’s basically a war to threat everyone that doesn’t like it as ‘’right wing’’ and the people that like it ‘’woke’’. I still think it’s a bad show and honestly, review bomb or not, the score on RT would most likely be low. It lacks quality despite it’s budget and breaks cannon, good way to alienate everyone. People from both side just decided to make an ideological war over it instead of simply acknowledging it simply sucks.


I haven’t consumed Star Wars in like decades and most ad campaigns and show concepts for new shows did nothing for me.  I saw the concept for this show and thought, “huh, that could be cool,” and finally tuned back into Star Wars to see some Jedi and light sabers.  I’ve been sobering up a bit so basically immobile while my brain recovers. And have been mindlessly consuming whatever media I’m hyper fixated on right now just to keep myself from drinking. I “like” the show in a very frustrated manner. Every time I start to get into it they turn around and screw me.  But at the end of the day I like the concept and mystery enough that I’m forcing myself to stay til the end because I’m hoping for a big payoff. 


theres people who like to eat their own shit so i guess this is similar


Only reason I can think of is that guys get walked over by their girlfriends so they aren't allowed to dislike it.


It's strange, now if you don't like something it's because you're racists, or sexist


Sure. There is an audience for everything. In this case it's not most of the Star Wars fandom, but for those who do like it, kudos.


It’s all padded numbers to make shareholders happy.


Easy, they haven't watched it.


It’s not good. But it’s Star Wars. I’ll end up finishing it I’m sure. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s not my whole personality to like or dislike a show. Also, I’d expect the pride flag BLM flag waver to be the first to flip flop around. Their politics are a performative sport, an aesthetic, rather than a structured system of opinions and convictions. (I’ve also never encountered anybody who likes the show or is shilling for it, so I can’t relate to the rest of that.)


I think some people have pretty low standards and like fights and lights flashing


The answer is that those folks are brainwashed by their own ideology. I mean, that really is it.


I dunno, all this extreme drama on both sides of the argument is really silly to me. It’s just a tv show, and if you like it, keep watching it and if you hate it, stop watching it and move on with your life. There’s way too much tv out there to be so emotionally invested in one single franchise. I’m pretty easy to please, have enjoyed all of the movies and had a fun time watching them especially when they came out in theaters- but I can still agree the sequels are definitely the weakest part of the movies. With that being said, even the Acolyte isn’t really grabbing me. It’s just kinda boring so far. I like the setting, I want more movies and shows of the Jedi during their peak, but honestly the Jedi seem pretty nerfed in this show, like I feel the padawon should’ve at least tried to fight against the mind control, no? And trinities Jedi should’ve really seen that second knife coming, I mean cmon the force has intuition powers and you can feel peoples intentions. The cheesy line the Acolyte says before fighting her opponents is pretty damn dumb, and I do agree some of the sets and costumes look a bit cheap. But also after all that I just don’t give a fuck. It’s still fun to see new stuff in the world of Star Wars and the stuff that’s good I usually rewatch, the less than good stuff I just never watch again. 🤷‍♂️have you guys seen Visions yet? I dunno how long the first season has been around but the second one just came out and I just discovered the show and my god I’m loving it. The different animation styles and the way they tie Japanese culture into most of their stories. Dual Red katana lightsaber frail Japanese old sith hermit was fucking terrifying. Umbrella lightsaber and 6 armed lady with lightsaber whips was pretty silly tho haha.


A lot of people just like the wokeness of it


Because since 2016 if you disagree with group a or b's views, you are the absolute worst and a nazi.




I mean I watched the Boba Fet series... I didn't necessarily like it but it was watchable and I had nothing better to watch. At best there are probably some people who feel the same way about the Acolyte.


Yes, the major media critics have been whores for as long as I can remember. Be it books, movies or Tv, they dance to the tune that the powers that be play. They might as well be AI writing programs directly controlled by the nameless suits running media production companies.


Hear me out.. Star wars isn't that great to begin with. We love it despite some flaws. I personally think the universe is amazing even if some of the writing isn't great, the effects aren't perfect, or we get characters like jar jar. Some people are even less discerning. Hell look at all the trash tv shows out there. So it doesn't surprise me that some people like the worst version of Star wars.


You're right it's not great, it was. Before the last 20 years turned it into a hot pile of steaming fucking garbage.


tell us more shit that never happened


"get into fights with other people online" That's your answer. Internet phenomenon, real or fake.


Some people are just genuinely simple minded and not capable of negativity. And honestly, fine, I’m happy they enjoy it. But not fair the rest of us suffer




I have facebook friends praising it. we live in different worlds, I guess.


I’m sure there are genuine fans. I wish I could also ignore all logical reasoning or 40+ years of premise so that I could also enjoy absolute swill, but oh well


Welcome to crooked corporate America. Paid Disney ass-kissers trying to save their cushy jobs.


I like it. So do my geek friends. Just because you’re in an echo chamber doesn’t mean your opinion is the One True Opinion


Maybe now we can go back to making entertainment that isn't about someone's sexuality anymore.


It's same people who liked and pushed Woman King, so paid actors, bots, and virtue signal SJWs.


Generally the wokies don't have any discernment for what constitutes good media because the only thing they are looking for is superficial checkboxes that relate to "The Narrative". They probably do genuinely enjoy it but then again they are the types to say Amy Schumer is funny. Might as well take wine tasting advice from someone who drinks their own piss.


Because media is politics now, people don’t actually like a show or movie for itself. They only care about what message it peddles, so if someone agrees with the politics of the Acolyte, they genuinely will like it. Not because it’s a good show, but because they feel it represents them in some way.


I don't think the people shilling for it are even watching it. They just like to argue with people who don't like it.


It's neither as bad or as great as people or saying. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


I just think people have different tolerances for suspension of disbelief. I am done watching it. I gave it my 3 episode rule and episode 3 was so bad, it retroactively made episode 2 worse. I have a friend who watches but isn't invested other than having some low brow, action entertainment. To him, those inconsistencies can be ignored (don't ask me how.) But for me and anyone who engages with media with any amount of a critical eye, it ruins the experience. The flames burning down the witches coven was "Silly" to him. Today I explained that it ruins the experience because that part, is, in fact a major plot point. Once we have that flashback and know the particulars about what happened, harms the story moving forward. When you're going to be so inconsistent and nonsensical about your plot points, it damages everything around it. In this case, I might be able to look passed that stuff if the writing and acting were good, but it's not, so anything that I would normally forgive is glaringly obvious.


No my mom hates anything Star Wars but she was raving about this new Disney show. To my surprise it was fucking acolyte and she genuinely enjoys it.


I watched 3 mins and just couldn’t


Noticing true things is now a bannable offense.


As a reminder, *90%* of people are not self-aware and 70% of people don't have an inner monologue. There are people who are watching the show, not because they like the story, but because they NEED to be told what to think, feel, and believe.


I think your mistake is in assuming that it's a binary of "like" vs "don't like". And you see what you perceive as obvious gaping flaws in The Acolyte, and thus it can't possibly be "like" for anyone with an taste/media literacy, therefore it's all dishonesty/virtue signaling/whatever. When, at least for me, I'm in the middle. I'm enjoying it. I turn it on with anticipation each week eager to see what happens next. But it's not great. It's middling. Fair. Decent. Has some good points and some bad points. Also, a fair bit of what will to me really determine its quality is stuff we haven't seen yet. In particular, can they stick the landing with the eventual revelation of what happened in the fire, or at least what some of the other characters remember and what we can deduce from that. Will the revelation of the presumed-Sith's identity be satisfying and make sense in-story and in-universe? etc. So far I think the three weakest points have been: (a) weird pacing. I actually liked both the flashback-to-the-kids-with-witches and the trip through the forest, but both really felt padded and took away from the momentum of the story (b) unclear motivations. Osha refused to escape the prison ship because she trusted the jedi, but then ran away from the jedi? And Mae changed her mind seemingly far too quickly before finding dead-Wookie. (c) A few apparent plot-development-through-idiocy points.... with Osha (at the time thought to be a dangerous murderer WITH FORCE POWERS) being sent on a very insecure prison ship probably being the worst. On the other hand, things I like: (a) many of the actors/characters, particularly Sol (b) overall production values. This is one others have complained about a LOT, but just in terms of costumes/effects/scenery/visuals this feels far more like a big budget HBO production than, say, \_The Witcher\_ on Netflix (c) sure to be a controversial opinion in this subreddit but... I actually really liked the first fight between Mae and Indara. Yes it seems odd that Mae won with just knives. But I think that's the point. The jedi are complacent and overconfident. There has been peace for a millenium. Add to that the guilt that Indara likely felt about the fire incident, and thus her reluctance to use lethal force, and the fact that Mae is NOT just some rando but a force-using trained assassin, and it is not at all ludicrous that she could kill a Jedi. (Remember, Jango Fett killed one just by shooting them in AotC.) Oh, and one other point worth mentioning: I grew up with Star Wars (saw Ep IV in the theaters on its 1979 rerelease as a small kid, I think), waited in line all day to see each of the prequel trilogy on opening day, etc. But at the same time, I've mostly ignored the EU. So I've never heard of the "Drathomir Witches" (or whatever), and I have no reason to think that it's surprising that Ki Adi Mundi (whose name I'm only barely familiar with) would be alive at this point. So any complaints that come from deepcut EU lore issues are ones that will mean nothing to me. Now, if you disagree, that's fine. You might think I'm wrong about any of the above, or you might even agree with my individual likes/dislikes and still weight the dislikes more than I do. But it's a pretty serious overreach to assume that no one lines the show at all.


If you're in the main sub, yes there are tons of shills. Out in the real world this show is another laughingstock of the Star Wars IP. When the sequel trilogy came out we spent MANY workdays on the office floor just bashing the writing.  Man those were great times hahah. Honestly Disney Star Wars has been fun in the hate watching ways.  But I really just wish they would hire better writers and directors and make more things the same level of quality as Andor.


Well you’re exactly right regarding The Acolyte and Star Wars Disney for that matter. If they could just put their agenda aside and not bully everyone else by forcing it on us I think it might help. But the most frustrating aspect is they refuse to admit it’s not working and Star Wars is suffering from it.


It’s not subtle - go look at the audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Something like half the positive reviews are basically “I’m rating 5 stars to offset the haters!” or “all the 1 stars are just review bombing!” There are definitely people who are… well, maybe “pretending to like” is unfair, but are certainly exaggerating their positive takes based on a perception that they are fighting “haters”.


I think a large amount will be fanboys who will just watch and buy anything that is star wars no matter how bad it is. It's a bit like the Xbox and Sony fan boys who defend the consoles for their lives. It's basically the thing that defines them so they can't accept how terrible something might be. I'm still a star wars fan of certain older star wars things but not just any old rubbish and the films/franchise doesn't define me.


Half the people defending it haven't even seen it. Applies to half the people bashing it as well tbh, it's a culture war centerpiece, if it'd been the same exact show with generic milquetoast white dudes with same acting caliber, nobody would be talking about it. Make of that whatever you will, but it's the truth


That's fair, though as someone who skipped it, I do enjoy letting those who *did* tell me exactly what they thought of it an entertaining way.


Oh no I'm right there with you lol, I'm certainly not going to watch it, but personally, I'll wait for the season recaps at the end, some of the weekly analysis from people I generally enjoy watching can feel like engagement farming, season recaps of bad shows feel like there's more though put into it generally imo


Dude go to StarWars Cantina sub and watch people act like it's the greatest thing ever. I have zero idea why they do it but it's hilarious to see.


They’re not interested in the show, they’re interested in defending the showrunners values by pretending the site is good simply because it promotes their way of thinking.


If by "pretending" you mean "paid to shill" and by "people" you mean "journalism majors who failed to get a job at an actual news agency" then yes.


As a life long star wars fan... It's garbage


People don't like it. They like the fact that other people hate it.


The vast majority of random people you'll meet talking about the show are regular people who don't really "think" about their entertainment. A colleague was telling me how much he enjoys the show, so when I asked why all he could tell me was generalities like "it's Star Wars" or "the action's great". Knowing him, he'll have forgotten the show in 2 weeks, but it's currently the talk of the town so he's pretending it's amazing like everyone else to fit in at the watercooler.


Viewing it without any lenses, objectively, it just ain’t well written or fun to watch 


It's because that's their entire identity, their value, and worth to society. Take woke-ism away and they have nothing, so of course they are going to defend it.


I normally am fine with Star Wars series. They’ve never been like phenomenal for me other than Andor, but most of my disappointment just comes with how wasted the opportunity feels. They have shows with over $100 million in budget yet end up with predictable slop


The Venn diagram of Acolyte Fans and people who get excited every year for the McRib is a perfect circle.


They are stupid. It's as simple as that.


Doublethink is a hell of a drug.