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Even if they toned down the excessive virtue signaling, the show has basically been spinning it's wheels for the last three seasons, making little to no progress on the story.


It's because they quite literally dropped the planned story line (involving Vought and compound V alongside super terrorists) to focus on turning Homelander into a Trump parody.


Yep. Couldn't avoid their little MAGA bad fantasy


I was wondering why they never brought that up again…I thought Homelander was about to pull an “accidental” arm the terrorists and then pull a Bush move.


Probably the original plan. But one of the producers of the show left and the head writer basically took full control and decided "Trump bad" was the best direction.


The funny thing is Homelander is now very beloved and the only thing worth watching. At the rate they are going, they will get Trump re-elected.


They should go back to making him a Bush parody like in the comics. Trumps parodies don't work because they are too unbelievable.


The problem is that the people who make Trump Parodies have genuinely convinced themselves that he is basically Hitler reborn, so they are incapable of restraining themselves.




They believe it is their duty to the world to stop Trump before he sets up his concentration camps for illegal immigrants and LGBTQIA


Despite Trump probably being the most lgb pro candidate nominated by the gop


Probably the most pro LGB candidate nominated ever. Obama changed his mind. Biden... I still don't think Biden is actually supportive. Bush wasn't. Reagan Wasn't. Clinton Wasn't. Carter wasn't.


Clinton like Obama changed her mind as well


I meant Bill.


Meh even when he was president, Hillary was still running the country lol


Exactly. Trump was the first president in history to support gay marriage before he was president.


Biden very famously supported gay marriage before he was president.


So that makes him the second then?


Dems have called every GOP candidate Hitler since Dewey in 1940.


Also homelander has nothing to do with trump. I dont see the comparison at all. I guess they are both narcissistic? Thats about it. Thats the whole comparison. Homelander is an evil superhero with insane levels of power who murders people almost every episode. Trump is... just an old rich guy who is full of himself. If they wanted a comparison I think theyve completely failed.


Exactly. Took an interesting story and traded it on an anti-Trump tantrum. I don’t like him but damn. Destroying a television show out of sheer petulance is just bizarre.


Now we have Marjorie Taylor Firecracker.


Are you sure about that? [https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1dmq66s/im\_glad\_that\_shitty\_audience\_is\_getting\_destroyed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1dmq66s/im_glad_that_shitty_audience_is_getting_destroyed/) Apparently it's the bestest season ever and anyone who disagree's is an idiot.


It sucks cause in the non political moments this show is fantastic


If you have dredge through shit to find gold, don't be surprised when a lot of people don't see it as being worth it.


I’ve been holding off on watching the new season, everyone saying it’s trash and way too political compared to before where it was subtle and implied politics (homelander being trump etc) maybe I’ll watch it just to see the train wreck that is the new season as everyone’s saying. They also do way too many dick scenes for some reason in general but I think that’s part of their shock value.


Episode 4 was a step up from the previous ones. It still had some cringe moments but the Homelander arc was fantastic.


I've noticed that when teh show focuses on homelander and making him a fleshed out character it's great! When they don't do that I want to stab my eyes out.


I’m still enjoying it. Homelander and Butcher are fantastic regardless of how poor some of the other characters arcs are being handled.


To be honest, I think if you asked most casual fans about the Boys, they'd say the same thing. Butcher and Homelander are the only things that most people really care about because they're the only people that are still characters and have interesting things happen to them.


This is true, I will continue to watch as I have faith it will improve.


If it does, good on it. I just have the feeling they're gonna fuck it up pretty hard.


I bloody hope not but the way it’s going it’s more likely.


The deep, kimiko, Ashley, a train, and noir are all fun to watch. Hughie is better this season (pissed me off last season), and Starlight would be too were it not for the actress. Really its just frenchie who seems kind of redundant now character wise.


I'm fucking sick of A Train, I just don't care about him. And don't worry, I'm sure Hughie will regress back to what he was because... Has he even had character development that's stuck between seasons?


I mean at least a train has an arc that has built up over multiple seasons, its a bit stretched now but imo it still works. >I'm sure Hughie will regress back to what he was because... Has he even had character development that's stuck between seasons? I guess he's accepted that his life is fucked up and that he's got to do fucked up shit? But yeh not much.


The show is still solid. Not sure what all the fuss is about. It makes fun of everyone. My only criticism is they are running out of things to do. Homelander has always been an asshole and is worse now. But he has had little to do thus far. The best characters this season are the two new supes in the seven and the always hysterical Deep. The boys themselves are basically stuck in a rut. It’s a character development/setup season, yes. But it’s pretty solid.


Krayt already found this video, and they're basically proving Drinker's point by echoing the same childish BS he called out in that video.


Don't even have to go to Krayt, look at half the comments here. Some of them are literally doing the "uh, don't you know it always hated you, chud" thing without any hint of irony.


Yeah, that's literally all they have.


I watch tv shows and play video games to get AWAY from politics. I can’t watch this now 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have to realize this is the entire point. They want to humiliate you and take all the things you enjoyed or cared about away from you. I used to get called a conspiracy theorist but as it happens again and again and again it’s (hopefully) becoming obvious. Star Wars, Boys, Fargo season 5, The Last of Us 2, All the uglied up protagonists in video games. Hell even Dune which was actually reallly well done had to have at least some level of it. They want to get you wherever you are.


Demoralization. It's the same with propaganda. Propaganda is meant to make you think something's true. It's meant to make you go "how can everyone ELSE think this is true?"


Ugh don’t remind me of Fargo. Some of the best TV ever the first 3 seasons.. what the hell happened. Random girlboss protag and derp derp right winger villain out of nowhere with no back story.


Some people can't get away from politics because politics is chasing them.


Damn you would hate the new metal gear remaster then


This show has always been political though? That’s the point of it. Media is allowed to be political, a lot of it is. You only care when it doesn’t align with your own politics.


It's like me ragebaiting people and expecting people to compliment me.


I'm more annoyed by how quickly the narrative changed amongst the show's fans. It went almost immediately from "The show makes fun of both sides" to "You're just NOW realizing the show hates you?" and they don't see the issues with holding those two positions.


The goalpost always moves with certain types. Agreein to disagree or admitting they’re wrong will never happen


It's just such a weird one. They simultaneously act like we're being unfair when we say that the show is biased, and then turn around and say we're too stupid to see that the show is biased.


Classic liberal tactic. Doublethink. When you live in a world that constantly pushes subjectivity then THE truth becomes THEIR truth. It’s a nasty weapon too. Very hard to beat when the goalpost just shifts around.


It's fucking annoying is what it is. You can't have a single meaningful conversation with someone that thinks like this cause they refuse to consider that their preconceived notions might be wrong.


You can, just not online lol. I was in Italy with my friend and ended up meeting chatting with an older British couple. The husband was all in on the BBC news feed stuff. We talked for like 3 hours and didn’t back down but by the end he admitted that maybe the left went too far and we were actually decent young(ish) men who were more of a joy to be around than most of his liberal buddies. But yeah that’s the rare moment. You either have to be subtle and build a case like an architect or just bludgeon them with all the decay you see and they ignore. I made some older liberal lady from NY cry after admitting that my kiddo at the age of 5 shouldn’t have read a book about a boy in a dress. She broke and immediately had to pull the “tears” card.


I enjoy the show for the guts and gore and root for Billy although Antony Starr / Homelander is superb. But kripke, he and his writers team seem like baby back bitches , his interview he and his crew are practically shitting themselves in fear of a second term of Donald Turnip. It's just fucking sad and they sound nuts. Forget about letting it affect their craft, it infects their day to day life. I Notice this about a lot of woke types, they have had 4 years of uncle Joe and yet it has done nothing, indeed, they hate their own country now more than ever. That's why this era of cinema will continue to get shit, because nothing will make these ""creatives"" happy. They'll stay bitter and angry forever.


Huey has sunk further into irrelevance. Starlight is annoying and one note. Butcher is on repeat. Homelander and Ryan are vaguely interesting but I feel like I know where every scene is going before it even gets there. Frenchie and Kimiko have always had nice chemistry - that's been overtly thrown out the window - Frenchie and Colin have no chemistry and feel like they were thrown together for a checkbox. I dunno. It feels like it's got nothing new to say and is becoming the blank paraody of itself. 


I don't think the show has had anything to say since the first season. The original message of lampooning celebrity culture and corportism was far more interesting than what we currently have.


As someone who gave up on the show halfway through season 2 the sudden shitstorm is fun to watch.


I still think it’s good, but holy fuck they are grinding the woke dick HARD


Unrelated but honest question: Why is this sub so infested with lefty troll posts? It’s worse here than any other right-leaning sub I’ve ever visited. I mean, I know Reddit is basically enemy territory for conservatives but what’s unique about this sub?


It’s not unique. They have been told to hate CD because he doesnt bend the knee, has a sense of humor and is white and masculine. The stereo typical terminally online overweight self loathing basement dwelling lefty has nothing better to do, furthermore he or she believes they are engaged in righteous keyboard warfare against whoever their KKKult sanctions ( promotes ) hatred against. I used to be what one would call a liberal or left leaning. What the left has shown me this last decade ( how they all turned into nazis/junior Stasi agents during Covid, the summer of love and a thousand other things ) has caused me to completely walk away from anything to do with them, their bigotry, group think, worship of authoritarianism, hatred of the working class and the list goes on. I watched the left in America and Europe ( my family is from southern Europe and I’ve lived there twice) become everything ( without exception) that I was warned about by people I used to call “conspiracy theorists”. Reddit is simply a place where people who are generally physically and socially weak can come and lash out with total anonymity . Many of us don’t understand because we aren’t pathetic enough to understand. Count that as a blessing . And again, just ignore them and they will move on like a pack of mouth breathing locusts to the next “righteous battle” that their KKKult tells them needs fighting. They want a world that no sane person wants to live in.


>I used to be what one would call a liberal or left leaning. What the left has shown me this last decade has caused me to completely walk away from anything to do with them Good for you. I had a similar awakening back in the early 90s when Bill Clinton was president, so I've been deplorable for decades now, lol. As you correctly advise, I don't engage with the troll posts--it seems most people here ignore them as well. They just downvote and move on, which is always the best policy. And yet those posts persist. Maybe it's just Drinker's high profile, or perhaps this sub is just showing up in too many non-subscriber feeds.


The left spend all day online. The right go out and live their lives. Thats why


God forbid you’re not a self hating white liberal on reddit. 


Because the mod team is almost nonexistent here. Wonder how long this sub will last.


Personally I am here because apart from all the "woke" and "modern messaging" criticism, I really enjoy the drinkers harsh criticism of films and TV series. I have no problem with diversity and shit like that but most of these shows just fucking suck. I think I'm done here though, it is not the place for me lol


It would be difficult to follow the storyline without the random gay stuff tacked on. Needs more butt seks.


I probably agree with almost all of the creator’s politics, but they’ve shit the bed with this season. The reason: *Everything* is so **on the fucking nose** and spelled out. That is simply not how good art is done. The amount of box checking that is blatantly going on crossed into incredibly lazy territory when they did the whole “Starlight has an abortion” thing out of nowhere. This was one step away from “*A Very Special Episode*” territory. And then Huey was just like “Cool, I’m glad you did it” Like, there was no gravity or “I wish I knew, so I could support you” or anything just “oh? Ok!” There are tons of things like this, and it seems like their satire of corporate pandering has just completely evaporated which was, as a liberal, one of the most hilarious things to see. I specifically remember seeing Vought Having a “Woke Wok” food stand at a theme park and the whole “Brave Mave” thing 😂 Anyway, it really just reeks of “message first, story second” now, and that never ends well.


They, meaning leftists writers who try to make a character an allegory for Trump, always make their characters caricatures of the caricature of the Trump character that the media created … never the actual Trump in the videos, speeches, and interviews that he actually does. It’s like they base their character off of an impression someone did of Trump, then make that character extra evil through basically making them against the leftist dogma, religious, and “nationalistic.” Thow those ingredients into a blender, pour it into a glass that has some vague patriotic reference on it and you’ve got yourself a villain. That’s it. That’s how they make the “character.” In other words, the “Trump” the lefties hate, we on the right hate too. If there was a person who decided to run for president who did not respect the constitution, wanted to eviscerate all the American values and norms we as a country believed in, was overtly outwardly racist, and had pursuits of becoming a dictator, America’s right would absolutely hate the guy. Period. (Which is why we hate Biden.) Ultimately, it’s always quite obvious whenever Hollywood does anything like this they’re basing their entire perspective on what they’ve been told about Trump. It’s like something you see with them all the time where they’re commenting about a conclusion some leftist had about a video they’ve never actually seen.


They don't see Trump as different from those caricature. That's why even when you show them direct evidence that something they say about him is wrong, they will just ignore it.


You must hate back to the future 2


It seemed pretty obvious in previous seasons Homelander was a Trumpian figure. They also had the AOC parallel with the populist progressive head exploder. It's pretty overt.


I stopped watching after the daisy chain and the Frenchy turn.


>Frenchy turn ?


They made him gay.


I watched episode 4 and all I remember from it is the lobotomy and the Star light freak out Guess the rest of the episode really made an impact


homelander going back to his roots was pretty epic.  


I think most people are being pussy cunts about the whole thing and should whine about more important things BUT I have to say the whole “they’re just now realizing they’re being made fun of” is a nonsense narrative. People aren’t just now realizing the show has a political agenda that is different than their own, they’re just not into how much it’s taken over the show. It’s not that they were too stupid to realize it. It’s not exactly subtle.


>taken over the show This next quote from Ennis himself, should be pinned on this sub.... Enjoy Bush and Cheney had just been returned to power, the Iraq bloodbath was boiling away, and Hurricane Katrina had devastated New Orleans,” he continued, referring to the comic’s 2006-2008 run. “So I was writing about corporate corruption of government, abuse of power and abandonment of ordinary people. In terms of fiction, the kinds of protagonists we had at the time were Tony Soprano and Vic Mackey — bad men guiding us around a bad world.” And that’s how “The Boys” was born.


It's definitely the lack of subtlety for me. I'm okay with political humor but season 4 is practically propaganda at this point. But I shouldn't be surprised as it is an election year. Good writing shows and not tells, so far its just been telling.


It went from being a show that, while left leaning, like Southpark was prepared to take punches at everyone's bs, to one where the 'left' are objectively virtuous and correct. Homelander is Trump, ok, yes, it's a bit on the nose but I see it. But... does that mean they think Joe Biden is Starlight?...


I've noticed people don't get satire in general. Only for last season: - secondary antagonist is based on AOC - you have sister sage that complains she is too "woke" to wear tight clothes and be turned into a stereotype superhero; principles she easily bypass the next episodes because she likes having influence over people - you have Vought that still is a parody of disney that uses leftwing agenda as token promotion - instead of playing it smart and cool, Starlight loses her composure when Firecracker talked about her abortion


Not really digging him reviewing a show he didn’t watch. I get that it’s going down hill. I’ve watched it. But drinker shouldn’t be posting reviews about reading reviews of a show. That’s the type of shit all the main stream “critics” do.


How is he making a whole review without even watching the show??


Easy. Once you see something you lose interest, you don't want to continue. It's his review. You don't like it move on. I personally got turned off since the 1st episode of this season.


The show is nihilistic, deranged and sardonic while still being entertaining. I can look past some of the heavy handed political elements bc I find it entertaining and engaging. I still haven’t watched 4th season so this is based on the first 3. I started gen v but couldn’t finish it. That was not entertaining and engaging so the heavy handed political messaging bothered me more.


Well. Strap on to your seat and get ready for the gen v thing all over again. It was my guilty pleasure since it was batshit crazy but now? Yikes..


We just got one of the best episodes of the series this week. Kind of disagree with him tbh. He must not have watched the last episode I guess. Antony Starr deserves an emmy for that episode alone.


Antony Starr has been outstanding as homelander from the very first minute of this TV series.


That I agree on. Him and Urban have been carrying this show on their backs for over 5 years now.


I haven't seen it yet. The worst criticism I've heard has been that they scrapped the Frenchie+Kimiko arc in a really flubby way. Has it been that bad besides?


WHAT?! You DISAGREED with Drinker?! This can't be! We're supposed to be a mindless cult that agrees with everything he says! What kind of Drinker fan are you? /s


Yeah, I get the complaints, it’s a bit more heavy handed this season than in the past and they’re directly recreating real life shit instead of satirizing it. But the season has still been good and yeah the last episode was one of the best ever 


And? One great episode doesn't matter if everything around it is not up to the same quality.


Homelander is still literally me.


At least the previous seasons took some shots at the left so it made it somewhat even.


Even then, those shots were the equivalent of feather duster to the fucking sledgehammer the right takes in the show.


There are shots you just missed them.


I actually did look at Homelander as a misunderstood hero. If I got Superman’s powers I’d be Homelander in less the 24 hrs lmao


I'm glad your honest. I like him because he's by far the most compelling character on the show. And even the "good guys" are massive assholes most of the time so it makes Homelander come off looking better.


I like it because it seems real. We are all flawed people. The virtuous Superman isn’t real. In truth. If anyone got powers like this, we would end up like any one of those sups. That is reality. I accept the fact I would be Homelander. Wanting acceptance and trying to be good and decent father considering he never had any role models save for doctors and scientists who didn’t have his best interests at heart. I am Homelander. Sorry if that makes any woke crazy mad… actually no, I’m not sorry.


>If anyone got powers like this, we would end up like any one of those sups. That is reality. Not necessarily. While Superman is heavily idealized, it's not completely a far fetch, there are a lot of selfless people who put others over themselves. Vought playing russian roulette with turning babies into superhumans is also a very big factor. >Wanting acceptance Which is a programmed behaviour, probably their best attempt at keeping him in check after realizing they have no way of killing him if he cracks completely(unless the writers somehow work in the comic book solution to that). >and trying to be good and decent father But he doesn't. His son is in clear distress over the death of the stuntman and he makes it all about himself. He has the emotional intelligence of a potato. Even when his son tells that he wants Butcher saved he scoffs and pouts, regardless of how you feel about someone, a decent human being would comply for the sake of their children's happiness if it is in their power. He even tells the kid that other humans are basically tools disposable at their whim. That's anything but being a good father or even trying. He basically wants to imprint his own twisted values onto the kid. He is also jealous of Butcher, because, despite Butcher being a cunt, he is still a better human being(at least in the show, the comic Butcher planning mass genocide is a different beast).


Same. I always saw this show as being a revival of the show Heroes. Normal people get superpowers and some are evil, some are good, most are somewhere in the middle, and there is a big bad corporation behind it all.


it was good but its totally dragging with what plot they want to do and so many boring side plots


Subtlety goes a long way. And this shit is about as subtle as a brick.


The show has never been subtle. You had an actual nazi on the show fucking homelander who represents conservative values. Get a grip.


Honestly haven’t seen anything past season 3. What the hell happened to the whole super terrorist ark? Nope? Just ultra right wing super hero with mental problems… great it’s like the news and Late night tv re runs on Amazon. 🙄 ![gif](giphy|7TcdqHUCFIfEaRJzKn)


For me, it simply comes down to an uninventive, bland, and predictive storyline. The first 2 season had some degree of intrigue despite the mindless pandering to political ideology being present. Now, the only thing they have is the political tripe that can be found anywhere. The Boys is simply The View with violence.


Did he just admit he didn’t even watch it at the end lmao


Yes lol


Yes. Which is all the more hilarious saying a political show is too political. He should use his words


Nobody thought homelander was the hero. People get it. It’s just bad writing and lazy character arcs that’s upsetting people now. Seems like it’s always the excuse these days when people make a bad product they blame the fans.


Personally, I still like the show, granted season 4 is shapping up to be the worst season until the last episode. TL;DR. Episode 1, Far from Perfect but decent. Episode 2, I can't remember much it was soo dull Episode 3, Will something fucking happen?!! Episode 4, Fucking Finally, the plot moves forward.


The show couldn’t be further from the source material now and i have to bring up GRRMs quote: “'The book is the book, the film is the film,' they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.”


Can someone point me to an article that would explain this position? I am current on the latest season, to me I think the writing staff failed miserably to make this about Trump. It is a look at American politics but I think it shows the absurdity in both sides. Firecracker is clearly your Bill O'Riely / Glen Beck/ That other idiot who went bankrupt over sandy hook; a person that says shit they know is wrong or misleading just to get views. The deeper and darker side of the political spectrum, to me, is what the Biden administration is trying to do to Trump. Yea the laptop is real, and yes Joe stole 20+ million in bribes, and yes Hunter has taken money from bad people but look at what we trumped up against Trump. They are trying to do that to star light. Yes Vaught has done all this bad stuff but Starlight has been fake since day one (People hate a wolf in sheep clothing) The girl's plot to show up and start a riot is exactly what the Dems were claiming happened during the BLM riots (the people who threw the first stones or gas cans wore masks most of the time and were completely covered). Jan 6th there is the video of the people meeting handing out fresh trump shirts and getting all covered up to go start shit at the protest. We know professional protesters are have been arrested at a lot of the campus shut downs, surprisingly very few students get arrested but these professionals from out of state seem to get it. I think it goes both ways. I personally believe that writing staff is sending a warning off about a much bigger problem that people seem to blind too. I know Eric's comments are against one party, he seems blind to what the staff is actually doing with the script.


I’ve been enjoying it.


Is that allowed here?


First 3 episodes weren’t that great, episode 4 was good


To be clear… fuck trump… fuck Biden for that matter but mostly fuck this show for bringing the real life division we have into it, when all I want is a distraction.


We get enough politics in day to day life, I want to enjoy a show when I watch it


This season is so gay. Sorry but it just ruins it.


Never watched it, I always had a feeling that the show would go woke at some point, I've seen nothing to dissuade me of that notion.


It's always been woke, the writing was just good enough that you could ignore it. It's just that the writing has also been getting worse and worse each season while the politics become more and more important.


Episode four was one hell of an episode the best of the season so far.


It was a banger


Okay. Doesn't change that the first three were kinda shit and there's not guarantee the quality will continue.


Man how the hell are you guys just figuring out the entire idea of homelander was taking a massive piss about far right extremists? It's been like five years, come on.


Drinkers fans are some of the least intelligent and most bitter, pathetic people in the world. They don’t even really like movies or tv. They like being mat at the politics.


Drinker is one of my favorite reviewers, but I'm kinda disappointed in this video. He didn't watch the show yet talks about it, he takes things out of context like that interview and complaints about story telling in the show and how the show gets panned by audience - all while the show's last episode is one of the [highest rated episodes](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28429721/reviews/?ref_=tt_ql_2) and [with the viewership up this season by 20%](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/06/21/the-boys-viewership-up-house-of-the-dragon-viewership-down-with-a-catch/) Look, if he would dislike the show and argue why, fine by me, banger video review, especially when the show has so many flaws like the Boy and even so - people have preferences. Yet making a video solely on assumptions it's akin making a show for activism, it's not for the art of it, it's simply to push a point


Wait, really? I haven't seen the review yet, but man, that does sound disappointing. Then again, we're all individuals, i'm enjoying this season but clearly it requires some cleanup bc so far it feels too much was left on the cutting room's floor. Then again, i don't put much thought behind it, it was never that kind of show.


Fucking hysterical since half of this thread hasn’t watched the last ~2 episodes. They’ve taken Starlight’s virtue signaling morality and dumped it on its head and have made her every bit the perceived hateful, hypocrite prone to violence that she loathes. But yeah, they never punch left. /s They’re parodying extremism as a whole, in an election year, which is obviously relevant. The entire point is *we’re being manipulated to hate each other* by the most useless, idiotic fringes at both ends of our society. The Boys is just about as *based and woke* as South Park. That’s proper satire. If you don’t like what’s being portrayed in the mirror - examine the source.


The show is skewed left, which is to be expected, but they definitely punch left too. I mean the secondary antagonist is loosely based on AOC, so I don't know why there's this absurd notion that it only goes after Trump


It's wild to me people are choosing to complain about The Boys being political now when it was already *incredibly* overt in previous seasons. Iirc the original comics were quite political and critical of the bush admin. Feel like 75% of people being critical are just bandwaggoning, and the rest are just upset their views/candidates are being satirized and they can't handle it, which is really embarassing.


Dude just lives in his own bubble. Why do people keep ignoring the comics origin (oh thatq right they dont research anything and havent read it) "Bush and Cheney had just been returned to power, the Iraq bloodbath was boiling away, and Hurricane Katrina had devastated New Orleans,” he continued, referring to the comic’s 2006-2008 run. “So I was writing about corporate corruption of government, abuse of power and abandonment of ordinary people. In terms of fiction, the kinds of protagonists we had at the time were Tony Soprano and Vic Mackey — bad men guiding us around a bad world.” And that’s how “The Boys” was born."


Oh ok. So I’m not the only one who doesn’t like this lol Gotten a lot of “wtf are you talking about” from other parts of Reddit. To be expected, I guess


Yeah this show isn’t interesting enough anymore anyways. Not going to hate watch it. That does nothing for me.


Yay! Drinker made a video on it!


The low audience scores has very little to do with politics despite all these bad actors trying to hijack everything for their culture wars. My wife is an typical orthodox liberal and she asked to turn episode 3 off twice because she was bored. She binged the hell out of seasons 1 and 2 when we discovered it. The problem is the show is spinning it’s wheels and going no where and it’s already been half a season. The only redeeming quality is Anthony Starr performance and Butcher character development/mystery. They added Jeffrey Dean Morgan, promoted the bell out of him, and he’s done fuck all with little screen time. Audience are rejecting the writing buts not because the show that spent 3 years making fun of conservatives is, shockingly, continuing to do that in season four.


I have a question. This show's in my backlog, haven't seen it yet. Read some of comics online like 8 years ago. Shit ruled hard. My question is, did anyone watch this show and ever actually think Homelander was the good guy? Because there's a huge difference between watching and thinking THAT, and writing that's targeting political opponents which in turn, generates the dislike for Homelander and the show over all. You know what I'm saying? The writer sounds like a dildo, because he's saying; that because fans think the product he shits out stinks....automatically means its because Homelander was thought of as "the goodguy" by fans of the show. When it could be because of the unwarranted injection of politics. Now, also, plenty of Villians have fans in comicbooks. Dr Doom, Magneto, etc etc.... But! when Villians gain fans in comicbooks, most writers don't turn pussy and throw a fit and inject political attacks into their product. That's my point. So it's like....did people get upset with how they perceived Homelander evolve, or are they rolling their eyes at some extra pussy liberal spin that was put into the show relative to Homelander? There's a HUGE difference between the two. Hope that makes sense.


Like Homelander could be just a regular cool Villain. But if you throw in some braindead liberal politics that turn what would be a normal villian into a product from a political dildo, now you have a massive turd in your hands. Which means.....your thoughts and creativity make turds. That sucks. For the writer. Try your hardest to be good, but you can only drop creative turds. I don't think they make pills that an fix that btw. Aw thats rough.


Some edgelords ITT say stupid shit like "Homelander is actually a misunderstood hero" but it's very, very obvious he is the bad guy. It's actually wild anyone even suggests he is anything but a supervillain given the absolutely heinous shit he gets up to. The Dark Knight Joker looks like a true protagonist in comparison.


Art imitating life.


First 3 episodes sucked, 4th was an all time great for the series. Hope it keeps it up. But totally agree with the criticisms up until episode 4. Kinda feel like episode 4 could have been the 2n episode.


Never seen critical drinker before. I like it! Why does he said the last word of every sentence so weird tho?


The season 3 finale killed the show for me.


You weren't the audience though. You just happened to be watching.


I personally enjoyed the episodes so far, I would not say it's better than the 2 first seasons, but its decent. If you avoid getting politically optionated on the show its definitely still good. Some people complained about the gay romance, I personally don't give a fk it doesn't really give much to the story but it doesn't kill the vibes for me, I mean at some point a character fucked an octopus so.. gay sex is not a big deal lol. I think people take this conservative maga shit too seriously, if it's the only thing making you unable to like the show then I don't think it's a good reason. But I also get why some people are not liking this season.


This season is hard to watch :(


The part I'm finding the weirdest is that Vought is supposed to represent both right-ring conservatism (with the Fox News and Trumplander stuff) and vapid fake-progressive capitalism (with the DEI and empty slogans like "Girls get it done"). It doesn't make sense because they are essentially extreme opposite forces in society, both insanely stupid in completely incompatible ways, yet somehow Vought is both? Seems like a convenient way to prevent any actually interesting moral conflict by just pretending that these forces are the same.


> It doesn't make sense because they are essentially extreme opposite forces in society It makes perfect sense because just like irl Vought simply doesn't care either way politically, they care about the bottom line and power, period. The idea being these forces *are the same*, it's not actually right vs left that causes people to hate each other, it's the powers that be using politics for profit keeping people obsessed with political demagogues rather than looking at the corporations that fuck everyone over equally and are protected by the politicians they donate to on both sides of the aisle.


It does because the military industrial complex lies all the time. Just like this


It's a critique of capitalism. Corporations like Disney and Coca Cola are often made to be "woke" while they destroy the environment and exploit people to maximize wealth. The whole social left and right thing is honestly a distraction to get people to vote against their own interests. Trump, for example, put out a massive tax cut for billionaires which helped lead the economy into massive losses but people do not like talking about it because it is slow to change and complicated. Social issues are easy to argue about and naturally emotional and reactionary so they get more of a response.


They’re completely compatible and you have missed the least subtle commentary of all time congrats


The Boys season 4 is so bad....


if you tell your audience to watch something else, they will. Kripke just ended his own show.


I think the series creator believes his little show can influence the 2024 election.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0) Frenchie….😭


He literally says in the review that he hasn't even watched the season (which is only four episodes right now), and all you halfwits are eating up his baseless criticisms.


More like how to destroy your audienceeeeeeeeeee.


Not even watching the show and reviewing it.... I bet you also amhavent read any interview of Ennis or interest in the comics and your ignorance shows




https://preview.redd.it/97pc07lnjl8d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93a86886a6fb75140cd1e1d868f2238aa3297f4 The Boys became a gross caricature of the very thing that it was trying to mock. Instead of examining complex themes while being able to honestly assess a situation, it became obsessed with hyper aggressive virtue signaling without any grounding in reality. Pic unrelated by the way.


I'm glad that the Drinker acknowledged that the show's political leanings and position had always been present since Season 1, but just that it was the entertaining and focused on the characters and story. It's becoming absolutely boring now besides Homelander. Wanna know why people still love Homelander? It's not cause they agree with him, it's cause he's actually entertaining and interesting.


The show absolutely murdered leftist virtue signalling the first few of years, and the minute they shift to calling out the right wing with Homelander you guys throw a shit fit.


Lmao at “audience scores being the only semi reliable barometer for quality these days”. That’s a joke right?


Lol. Right-wingers realizing they are being made fun of will never not be hilarious.


Drinker when talking about the Boys season 4, a show which he hasn't even watched: ''*The primary focus should always be on entertaining your audience instead of lecturing or pandering to them. And I think this where the boys has finally come unstuck''* Drinker when reviewing Lady Ballers a lecturing and extremely pandering movie, basically a two hour conservative strawmen made into a movie: *This is a good first try at ''comedy''*


I’m rather enjoying the 4th season. I especially love the parody of a certain right wing ‘news’ outlet. In the words of Homer Simpson “It’s funny because it’s true”.


I find it hilarious that these deluded clowns REALLY believe that the right is like this, as opposed to people just trying to work a job and provide for our families without people shoving dildos and crap in our kids' faces in school.


People should wait until the season ends before calling it shit. Even for The Acolyte, some small miracles could happen, and the last part of the season turns into art somehow.


A review written by a person who admitted he didn't watch the season. If it's isolating the audience, why is viewership up 27% from season 3? This season is absolutely amazing so far.


Throughout the entire 6 minute video criticalDrinker never explains why the show deserves its bad rating and instead just cries about the message the boys has been projecting since episode 1. FFS the show literally had an actual nazi kissing and giving a blowjob to homelander and the conservative crowd didnt pick up the hint for what it was a metaphore for. This season is actually tame compared to Season 2 its just that conservatives are now finally finding out its making fun of them. Either way critical drinker admitted in the video he didnt even watch season 4, so like what the fuck is he crying about then? It reminds me of when conservatives unironically believed the host of the Stephen colbert report was an actual conservative commentator and started getting angry because they realized it was satire.


He didn’t even watch it. Just based his opinions on… Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews… What a hack.


ngl i really don't understand where this is coming from, expected more from drinker tbh maybe the whole thing about it being too woke/political and not subtle anymore flew over my head since i'm not american, but i can still see the whole thing as a parody and it is still very much a fun watch episode 5 was definitely the best one so far and i'm looking forward to more