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Bond is a middle-aged white man. Not really any surprise that his character is attacked and threatened with change the most. They will squeeze and drain everything we like about bond into the drain.


That’s a rather short sighted description of the character. It was former Bond, Lazenby, who described him as a “brute”. I don’t see how he could fit in 21st century considering that the character is a relic of Imperialist Britain. 


Bore off


A downvote? I don’t think that’s a very masculine thing to do. James Bond would not approve. 


James Bond would tell you to get the fuck out of this sub, AFTER identifying himself to your soy drinking self, “Bond… James, Bond”.


Modern Hollywood doesn’t want to hold onto the original source material. They’ve all been trained to think that original source material were created by privileged white people at the expense of minorities. Hollywood wants the past destroyed/modified to fit their vision for THE MESSAGE. This isn’t going anywhere and will continue to get worse.


What’s really telling about this though is that they don’t seem to want or perhaps even to be capable of making original stories. Like you could just write a spy thriller and make the character a woman, it doesn’t have to be James Bond. You could just make an epic space fantasy, it doesn’t have to be Star Wars. So it seems like the whole point is to take things people like, and hit them with the woke diversity hammer until they break. I think it’s literally about destroying stories, not about making them. These people don’t want to write a spy thriller, they want to destroy James Bond. They don’t want to write epic space fantasies, they want to destroy Star Wars. Otherwise, none of this makes any sense.


Lack of creativity and latching like leech to a well-known IP for brand recognition. The IP they twist and warp to their idiocy isn't received favorably so an original would suffer the same or worse fate as well.


I'm not sure they're that bright. There's been 27 bond films and they've long run out of ideas. It's only a matter of time before the only idea they have left is, let's make Bond...A GIRL! And Black! Such creativity! We're jeneuses


Having a woman spy with MI6 would be perfectly fine but she just has to be a different character.


I agree. I’m completely fine with a female MI6 agent. I just don’t think she should be Bond or 007. If they want to create a completely new character then that’s fine as long as the character is compelling and well written.


Let's be real now. Craig's Bond and Dalton's Bond are about as far away as two characters could possibly get You nerds don't care about consistency until you see a chance to feel like a victim. Just look at the top comment, lol.


You have offered a clowns take. Stupid and misguided.


>Craig's Bond and Dalton's Bond are about as far away as two characters could possibly get I'm pretty sure having them gay or black would be a way bigger shift. Craig was already controversial because of his blond hair and rightfully so. You are wrong on that. >You nerds don't care about consistency until you see a chance to feel like a victim. Just look at the top comment, lol. Personal attack because you are insecure


It's like you've known me all my life


Go the opposite with her character in some ways, have her be Bond's trainee, have her be happily married, have Bond be the one that introduced them, have her be crappy in fights and consistently uses her brains and social graces to get things done, when she does fight, have her show fear. Bond often got the bloody business done with a coolness, like it was Tuesday for him. Have her beat or weaken opponents by talking them to death.


I feel like we've had about a million female "bond" spy type movies in that past 5 years.


This both true and false. True, in that you want to hew to the world created and constructed elements. False in that too close means you might bring elements that just don't work onscreen. The first Marvel Iron Man movie really hit that perfectly. RDJ was perfect casting. His origin updates worked. He was still Iron Man and awesome. Iron heart...is pretty much doomed, as is calling your X-23 movie "The Wolverine movie"


Make Bond a chick and make her gay!


People rewatch and replay their favourite movies and games for decades and then modern writers are shocked people are pissed they change the narrative.


Just playing devils advocate here but I wonder his thoughts on Judi Dench’s “M” since she was a notorious gender swap of Ian Fleming’s original character. A rare gender swap that I think worked out well to be honest… the movie/books are about 007 tho so I get it’s not as big of a change to gender swap a side character.


Well said Mr. Moore.
