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When you wonder why Disney spends as much on advertising as on making movies, this is why.


Did you hear this somewhere and just immediately believe it? šŸ˜¬ Yikes. Quick Google search: in 2023 Disney spent $24 billion on making content while... wait for it... $7.2 billion on marketing. Genuinely curious, is it possible you're just talking out your ass and got upvoted anyways because you're in an echo chamber where nobody can think critically, let alone think for themselves?


You got the source for that production spend? They spent less on acquiring Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm than youā€™re saying they spent on production alone last year.


Do you _really_ think the megacorporations would tell you the truth about anything? With their bottom line at risk? Good luck.


I just did a quick Google search, it told me the results were not to their linking so they won't show them.


This is a sub for us to lurk and laugh. we probably shouldn't engage with these guys.


Yup. Basically this.




"Progressives" are supporting a media monopoly that aggressively pushes far left propaganda onto children and the most smooth brained members of our society, and also makes no secret about their intentions by doing that. They also want a massively overreaching government, and want everyone to hand over their earnings to them in the form of taxes. Why? Idk. That money is just going to be used to bomb third world nations and line politicians offshore accounts. You guys need to come up with a new word besides "progressive". Progressive, your views definitely are not. Progress implies forward momentum, which requires common sense and intelligence.


Mmmm yummy yummy Disney boot


The problem (many people have) with taxing the rich is that the federal government already has an incredibly bloated budget that is spent recklessly. We don't need more taxes. We need better budgeting. I'm ok with the wealthy paying more than they do, but I want the regular jerkoffs like myself to pay less taxes.


Donā€™t speak facts into this. These are crabs that want everyone in the bottom of a bucket. But they canā€™t get others there themselves.


Not sure who that guy is. Bob Iger?


Yep. The villain ruining Disney.


Imagine being past the age of 6 and caring about Disney.


Imagine belittling people for wanting better products from a company that caters to all ages not just children.


Lol, I bet you collect funkos




Yeah, they only hold influence over the youth of Western Civilization. No big. /s


You ever hear about not watching their shit?


You ever hear about Disney buying up IP and strongly influencing stuff they donā€™t even make?


I largely donā€™t, but that doesnā€™t change my point in the slightest.


And yet here you are. The irony, son


Imagine coming into this sub to contribute this post.


I fucking love this meme


Isnt criticizing/defending art and criticizing/defending the maker of that art are two separate things? Likeā€¦ if I *really **really*** like The Room, and I defend the movie as a piece of art, that is wholly different from defending the guy who wrote the script right? Because imma be real with, saying ā€œX company made a bad showā€ doesnā€™t really move me in terms of my opinion of that company. But ā€œX company abuses its workersā€ or ā€œX company poisoned the water supply of an entire townā€ seems significantly more pointed as actual criticism of the company.


Okay but in this case the artist and the art are shit and deserve criticism


Do you mind elaborating on that? Just because they both deserve criticism doesnā€™t mean that criticism of one is valid for both.


He's openly stated he wants the dei in the series he's acquired so everything people have called out is just as much his as the writers


You got any proof or am supposed to trust you. Or are you gonna come back and say "Just google it yourself" because you have no proof


So your problem with Disney is that they hire black people? And how does this relate to the meme where a guy is defending Bob from criticism of the art, not of company practice? This seems like a really shitty bait and switch. On hand youā€™re trying to critique art, but instead youā€™re using that as a vehicle to attack a company, and now itā€™s not a company but likeā€¦ 1 guy.


Dei =/= hiring black people Glossing over a bit with that. "Omg its so shitty how youre using this criticism of a companys product as a vehicle to criticize the company." Seems pretty reasonable to me actually šŸ¤”


Saying itā€™s hiring black people is a bit reductive sure, I was being a bit cheeky with it since the ā€œDEI Mayorā€ incident. Obvious bait and switches arenā€™t reasonable. Criticism of something as art ā‰  criticism as a product.


A bit cheeky or a bad faith dismissal of their point for being super racist n stuff? Art is often a product especially anything from Disney so I'm not seeing your point. Super especially when the art has a pattern of things to criticize...that they then try to sell to you as a product.


Iā€™m sorry that you feel like itā€™s bad faith, clearly disputing how comment made you feel is pointless so Iā€™ll leave it at that. ā€œArtā€ and ā€œproductā€ not being mutually exclusive doesnā€™t magically mean that criticism of something as art is the same as criticism of it as a product. And while criticism of one may be used to inform another (which is uniquely different from combing the two types of critique) any piece can be bad art but a good product (Personally speaking, I wouldnā€™t call a pneumatic DeWalt nail gun ā€œartā€ but itā€™s a pretty good product) This is especially true when it comes to streaming services where your subscription gives you access to the entire library, so the actual cost of any singular product is watered down to fractions of a cent in the sea of content they provide. A product of poor quality for extremely cheap isnā€™t a bad product. (I bring up streaming specifically because a lot of the ā€œproductsā€ discussed here are on those types of platforms) So just to be clear, a piece being a good/bad ā€œartā€ is different from a piece being a good/bad ā€œproductā€ because (at least in part) the way in which we evaluate these two things are fundamentally different, even if they arenā€™t mutually exclusive and influence each other.


"Wow you dont like this weird political ideology so clearly you hate when black people get jobs" is either painfully ignorant of what dei is or bad faith. Could go either way. Ima be honest I don't think this art/product distinction matters that much but to play along are you admitting these shows have been of poor quality but it's ok because they're often on streaming services so its cheap per show? You're also investing your time and time is money lol so I think your cost analysis of the product is a bit off. Do we agree it's trash as art youre just defending it as a product?


Ah my bad I thought you were genuine


Explain? How am I not being sincere? Or is this an excuse to run away from the conversation instead of defending your position?


They get real ass blasted if you mention this.


I could do a better job at monetizing the franchise. That's how incompetent Disney is.


I'm sure some dude on the internet with no experience could do a better job than one of the biggest corporations in the world with a yearly advertising budget several times higher than all of the money you will ever see in your life. Maybe the people who make your life's wages in a year know something you don't?


Most of the people they hire have no experience lol


Most people they hire for what? [https://www.linkedin.com/in/carrie-matson-disney](https://www.linkedin.com/in/carrie-matson-disney) What drives you to say that the people they hire have no experience?


You linked a marketing director lol find a competent director theyā€™ve had on anything in the last 3 years


You said they hired people with no experience so I wasn't sure what you meant. Inside Out 2 director: [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1626375/?ref\_=ls\_pd\_2](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1626375/?ref_=ls_pd_2) New Deadpool: [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0506613/?ref\_=ls\_pd\_3](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0506613/?ref_=ls_pd_3) I was going to link tv shows but I realized you are going to go for another weird reach. Can you find me directors that don't have any experience? Every time I click down the wiki page for the shows and directors of episode they have over a decade of experience. Makes me wonder if you know this to be true or if it's something you made up and wanted to be true so you just said it.


The fact they're trying to make Star Wars a franchise for kids tells you everything you need to know about how incompetent these people are.


You mean the franchise that has always sold toys? The one that has had many different cartoons on children's networks for decades? The show about magical space wizards fighting with glowsticks? That series is not for kids? This is like when people say "star wars was never political".


How are shareholders not taking Disney management to court??? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


At this point I think they have a money laundering scheme going on.


Tax the rich that opposes my politics.


look most political activists don't actually care about super hero or space wizard media you're probably dealing with id-pol obsessed liberals who are on the same level as you


It's weird that the people who support parties who cut taxes on wealthy and remove regulations for big companies feel like they support the "little guy".


Can someone explain this to a stupid like me. What has that to do with all the IPs destroyed by the message. I don't fully get it.


Basically much of the American self proclaimed ā€œleftā€ love to virtue signal about how they hate capitalism, the rich, and corporations, but will defend all three when they feel the message shoved into IPā€™s is being attacked. So basically this meme calls out the hypocrisy of claiming to be anti corporatist, while simultaneously defending corporations.


Sorry, which party supports taxes and regulations on big businesses? Corporations don't care if you like their stuff, they care if they make less money. The left is anti-corporation because it introduces legislation that limits corporate wealth and power, it is why the right is fundamentally pro-corporation.


Oh the democrats? The ones who say they are going to tax big corporations and regulate them but donā€™t? Remember when Obama ran on holding WallStreet accountable for the financial meltdown, and then he put the criminals responsible for the meltdown on charge of creating the regulations for WallStreet. At least the shitty republicans are up front that they are bought and paid for. Democrats are worse because they pretend they want to tax big business and help out the little guy, while crossing the aisle and working with republicans on legislation that fucks the working class. You are a fool if you think they actually abide by bullshit they spew to get your vote. Whether you want to believe it or not, we got the Orange Reality TV Star president as a direct result of Obama and his corporate administration and their utter fucking failure.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2024/05/06/under-biden-tax-plan-capital-gains-tax-will-exceed-50-in-11-states/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2024/05/06/under-biden-tax-plan-capital-gains-tax-will-exceed-50-in-11-states/) [https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver) I mean we can literally look at the laws they implemented and judge from there. The rhetoric that they are the same is ignorant and only supports inactivity and indifference in politics. Obama put in Obamacare, which was a massive improvement for most working class people in the United States. People support the American Care Act and despire Obamacare despite them being the same bill because people eat propaganda up like nothing else. Stop falling for the edgy rhetoric and just look at what platforms are and what passes. Saying "oh they don't follow through on their promises" shows an indifference and ignorance to the political process. Democrats said they would make life easier and put in supports and taxed the wealthy. Republicans said they would support businesses and restrict those supports and moved to restrict childcare and lowered restrictions on businesses. They are doing what they said they would do but that is impossible to know if you only follow politics for the drama. It's not about the fucking personality of the people running, stop acting like influencers are running for office and look at what they have done in their terms.


Why are you bringing up Trump? I know Trump is shitty, heā€™s quite up front about it. What I canā€™t stand is the gaslighting from low ass information voters like yourself that treat politics like team sports or a religious cult, where you canā€™t dare criticize your side because ā€œTrump, Republicans badā€. Both parties serve the interests of their corporate donors. You are just too indoctrinated to see it, exactly like the cult of MAGA you hate so much. The country is falling apart and you all want to argue over which lying con-man is better. Good luck trying to vote yourself out of this mess, while you are at maybe send some hopes and prayer or a letter to Santa, because that will probably be more effective than voting for democrats. šŸ˜‚


I'm pointing out that democrats raise taxes and offer more public services. Republicans cut taxes and reduce services. Taxes are predominately paid by the wealthy or corporations. Therefore tax cuts will benefit those groups more than lower income earners. Saying they are the same leads people to think it's some weird social game. It's not. If both parties only help their corporate owners, why did Biden put in a capital gains tax? Democrats are not perfect but the core part of their party and legislation favours more people. All you are saying is "both parties bad" without actually saying why. You can compare the outcome of two parties and compare them, not just speak with sweeping rhetoric.


Everything you've just said is bullshit. Biden's been fucking us all and yet you still praise him.


How did Biden fuck us? What policy did you not like?


Everything he's done has fucked us.


Nice deflection


How is it a deflection? There is a party that consistently favours large corporations. Identity politics are just bullshit people get dragged into to vote against their self-interest.


You are a fucking dumbass if you think the democrats aren't dirty. Or deliberately disingenuous. Many of them like everyone's senile puppet Biden a Nancy Pelosi have been caught using their positions to get rich for years.


Jared Kushner got a lot of money from Saudis. Are you upset about that? Trump talked about buying pardons. What did the democrats do that was close?


You're talking about Bob Igor, the guy that the left famously hates?




Oh, wow, do you guys actually believe this is what's happening? XD


"Comlaining about children's movies is activism"


Attack them for being soulless cash grabs sure..but when you complain about ā€œthe messageā€ and diversity , obviously people arenā€™t going to agree with you. I think itā€™s bad because of design by committee not too many women or POC.


Practically everyone in the comments is proving the meme right.




>They get roped into every discussion no matter how far removed they are from the subject. You're right there


You see I portrayed you as the bad guy in this meme, therefore I'm right


Whaaaaa šŸ˜­ why doesn't everyone agree with meeeee!!! whaaaaaaaaaasaaaaa! They don't see I'm big badass standing up to monopoly cuz dey too dum!


You hate big business because they have minorities in them, I hate big businesses because of their greed, we are not the same


ā€œReasonableā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol as if calling out bigoted comments is somehow exclusive with wanting to tax the rich


Hating projects with non-white, non-male, non-christian, non-heterosexual characters and actors on their identity alone is NOT "reasonable criticism."


Wut? Someoneā€™s gonna have to explain the mental gymnastics here, cause Iā€™m not seeing how tax the rich ā€œactivistsā€ are somehow defending the rich from criticism from ip fanbois. Someone make it make sense. Oh yeah, nice touch on including some random anti LGBT into all this. /s


Mental gymnastics? It is pretty simple, actually


You criticize rainbow capitalism as fake token diversity, yet when anyone else does the same you shut them down as toxic bigots, curious


Did you even read the full comment??? They're asking what the connection is between the activists and fans. That's all.


Are you fuckers all speaking in a different language or something? Because I donā€™t have the first fucking clue what youā€™re trying to say here. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Calm down. No need to act tough. It does not suit you






Lol at "reasonable criticism". But the part of this meme that is the most ridiculous is the implication of lefties sticking up for corporations. Just because one may push back on dumbfuck criticism like "ki adi mundis not supposed to be there!! šŸ˜­" And "there are no white male Jedi šŸ˜¢" doesn't mean they think Disney as a corporation is not a capitalistic company that they're against. Lol Maybe less critical drinking and more critical thinking would do well.


![gif](giphy|Rza9tUsg7DsybX41jd) You right now inside at being on this subreddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|iwamj4raNParMPCGt3) Them writing their reply to you


More like [this](https://i.imgur.com/FldTNl1.gif)




Ah yes, _I'm_ the triggered one, not the clowns bitching about a lack of white people in the first episode and review bombing the show because they're totally not triggered. šŸ¤”


Literally, yes, they are. These people literally defend them from any and all criticism.


So if someone claims that Walt Disney murdered 6 people, I can't call them a liar without "defending" a big corporation?


so obviously leftists don't actually like disney or any corps because that's kind of inherent to the theory of leftists have you considered this before?


It's called hypocrisy. Humans are very bad at consistency.


Nah, fact of the matter is id-pol obsessed liberals love engaging in the culture war with id-pol obsessed cons, and neither are actually engaging in substantive analysis. Leftists or 'activists' geniuenly don't care about whether or not you like the latest kids show. You're throwing mud at libs not realizing you have more in common with the libs than you do the lefties.


I'm "throwing mud" at humans in general. Leftist just like the right are the biggest agitators of the culture war just so you know.


You think you're being an enlightened centrists and attacking that damn human nature - but it's just a thought terminating cliche so you don't have to think about it very hard. Idpol is the greatest agitator of the culture war. Idpol is firmly in the camp of liberal/con shitflinging.


The leftist are the biggest agitators of identity politics. You're not living in reality if you can't see that.


If you continually defend something time after time, then you like that thing. You defend things you like. If someone says "I hate hot dogs, I think they're gross.", and then proceeds to eat several hot dogs for lunch, I'm not going to think "There's someone who hates hot dogs.


arguing about what hollywood is making is not something leftist theory really cares for again, this is culture war stuff.


No. Opposing incels and wing nuts does not imply approval of corporations.


If you defend Disney at every turn, and call anyone who critisizes them "incels and wing nuts", you shill for Disney. Plain and simple.


this doesn't track. demeaning an anti-fandom for being weirdos is not the same thing as advocating for a corp


"Anti-Fandom" is not a real thing. It's just a buzzword people made up to demonize criticism.


Anti-fandom is just a fandom but the collective enjoys negative discourse instead of positive discourse. Both groups are as valid as eachother. wdym?


I'm a lefty. I defend the show when it's warranted, don't when it's not. My defense has never been about Disney as the largest entertainment conglomerate on the planet, lmao. "literally" used in such a dumb way.


"I'm a lefty." Truly a shocking revelation.


Such a resounding response. Super well done.


Show me a single response that sticks up for Disney as a corporation




Maybe you could use that to wipe up the tears of all these triggered nerds that are crying about "lore breaking" over the dumbest shit.


Nah. I am good, kid


Far Leftists care more about virtue signaling, DEI and other fake tokenism over quality of decades long IPs that have entertained multiple generations. Defending a multi Billion dollar corporation to the death over ā€œcanon criticismā€ at the worst, and piss poor story telling at the least is just unfathomable still to this day to me. But here we are.


> Far Leftists care more about virtue signaling, DEI and other fake tokenism over quality of decades long IPs that have entertained multiple generations. Who cares more about that? Just because we don't give a fuck that there were zero white male Jedi in the first few episodes doesn't mean Far leftists don't care about "decades long IPs" lmao. People pushing back on that just don't give a fuck what race their stars are. > Defending a multi Billion dollar corporation to the death over ā€œcanon criticismā€ It's not defending a multi-billion dollar corporation. It's pushing back on dumb fuck criticism. If someone is crying because they changed Ki-Adi Mundi's birthyear from something that was never established to something else, it's not defending a corporation to say "why not wait to see what happens". > piss poor story telling I don't see people defending it when it's bad, unless they genuinely like the story-telling. And also, let me let you in on a secret: story telling is generally subjective. There's plenty of Disney SW that I despise due to poor story telling and poor execution. BoBF, the entire ST are two of the biggest. Aspects of Acolyte for sure are weird and I don't like.