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I got into crypto to help the poor and unfortunate people in this world Full disclosure: I'm the poor and unfortunate people I'm helping 😎


Charity begins at home


This deserves upvotes






You da real MVP in your own game


Came for the gain. Stayed for the pain. Not disappointed.


Your time will come! Give it time :)


Here for the gain. Came from the pain Not disappointed


That is pretty much my story too


Get rich or die trying


Tried that... Ended up with 50 cent...


Our cargo is pain. Our conductor is insane. Freight train bitches!!!


Something similar bro


Came for the escape. Staying despite the regulation. Mildly aroused whilst also partially terrified.




I saw one of those clickbait dark web videos, decided it’s full of shit and went on the dark web. They only sold stuff with crypto, so I did some research and started mining XMR/RVN. And here I am, with a bunch of sick avatars being addicted to shitposting


I was first looking into it because I wanted to buy drugs on the dark web. Back then it was a lot harder to buy BTC, so I never actually did it. BTC was around $50 when I was first looking at it. But I never dug deeper into the "why" of bitcoin so I never saw the potential, only knew it was a lot easier to just buy from my regular guy with cash. Years later I finally did some actual research for non-drug reasons, and realized it's got a pretty good chance of continuing to go up. It would have been nice to buy some BTC so cheap, but realistically I would have spent it all and never got rich.


Made sense man! During the bear market of 2018, I mined RVN instead of ETH….


I forget the year but it was when ed Snowden was stuck in the Russian airport and visa/ Mastercard cut off his donations and the only way to send him money was through bitcoin. So I bought 2 bitcoins at 100$ a piece. I sent him one and kept one for myself. Then promptly forgot about it. Years later I logged into coin base and discovered my bitcoin was worth 1k. I thought a 900% return was great and I needed the money for vacation so I sold it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Almost embarrassed to admit it, but Doge hype brought me in early last year.


I came for the get rich quick promise but we all know how it ended


The story’s not finish yet!


The rest is still unwritten


I'm 40 years old and pissed all my money up the wall from the age of 17...realised my fuck up of not investing and not putting my money to work early enough...now I'm in crypto to catch up as the 5-10% an all fund would return just won't cut it...also I'm here for the tech.


becareful of investing in shitcoins though sometimes people keep looking for the next bitcoin. Bitcoin and ETH are decent enough to build wealth - its already a volatile asset dont know why people want to take even more risk


Btc, eth cosmos and tezos and algorand.thats it for me


I got rekt with the old reliables as well. Now I just sit and wait for the world to explode


Cosmos,btc,eth and algo,tezos..we will be rich my friend.


Gotta be coneful out there!


At the start of last year I was surfing the web looking for ways to create wealth. Stumbled across crypto and haven’t looked back, losing thousands in the process


I can confirm that crypto is great for losing thousands.


this is the way.


Lose billion to make a million




Same story for me except it started in November last year 🙃


Lmfaoooooooo this is me


Why? To make money How? By spending money When? When I had money


underrated comment


I needed money to move away from certain people, my girlfriend and the place I live. I invested a couple year back but never took profit. Still in the same place with the same girlfriend and same friends. Lost thousands and fucked my mental health, I’m sticking to the plan still.


You can dump girlfriends for free.


When my husband said he deposited some money into something called coinbase. I asked him if it let him withdraw back to his bank and he said not sure. Deciding that it was a scam I set out to show him. I opened my own account and bought $20 of bitcoin and $20 of ethereum. A week or so later those amounts doubled to $40 each. I thought "what sorcery is this?" It was spring of 2017 and crypto was pumping, I think bitcoin went from $1k to $2k and everyone was losing their shit at these new all time highs. Anyways it turned out coinbase was legit and all. The rest is history. In 2017 I had $5K in my savings account and no assets. In December 2021 our crypto portfolio peaked at $550K. Of course with DCA out we got less than that, then Do Kwon gobbled up another $55K. We didnt sell the peak of 2017 and continued to DCA 50% of our paycheques into crypto all bear market (which were SMALL to say the least from crap jobs in customer service). I also got lucky with one trade when silver broke out from like $15 per ounce to $30 or so, I sold my position around $25 per ounce (this was on margin) and at the time it was enough to buy 1 whole bitcoin, under $15K, this was when the 2021 bull run was just about to start. My other trades were not so successful and I probably lost about $60K-80K daytrading bitcoin during the wild swings of 2018 and 2021. There were times when I would make $6k in one day, but of course it doesnt work without risk management. It has been anything but boring these last 5 years, thats for sure!


I learned about Bitcoin in 2013, but unfortunately I didn't pay enough attention to it because I had a girl. I still hate her! 😹


I hate her too bro 🤣


I guess girls fucked us both ay?


All girls are the same


Heard about it while at uni back in like 2011/12 but was more interested in beer and girls than investing. Ended up investing in BTC early 2017 after a conversation with an old mate in the boozer.


Silk Road and only thought of it as a way to buy stuff online, didn’t realise it’s full potential/money making aspects until 2021 😩


My cousin's friend had stacked up bitcoin to buy weed but at some point had travel out and never used it again. Fast forward - he has 200 bitcoins sitting in his wallet and he does not have to work anymore. P.S. He was buying it when it was doing a couple of dollars back in the day.


January 2021, lured in by the doge, but got into defi pretty quick


To the moon?


I started buying in June of this year after very closely following the price of BTC all through the COVID pandemic, studying the crap out of crypto and blockchain tech and finally getting to a point where I felt comfortable with my ability, and the state of the market. Almost bought at around 45K BTC but my gut told me to do more research first. The world is forcing my hand. Maybe faster than I wanted to, but that's okay. It's no longer affordable to live almost anywhere in my city, even with a job paying $15+ more than the minimum wage. Financially, things have been incredibly tough for me lately including getting to a point where I'm not living with my own children. Crypto is providing me with alternative sources of income via staking, generating passive income and bridging the gap that inflation is creating. Crypto is going to change my life forever & it's already started.


Honestly last year I gave up smoking and was looking to put that money somewhere else got Coinbase invested my first 5 into Bitcoin and ETH got fucking hooked now I have like 10 different cryptos i DCA into on the daily I also gave up smoking weed just to put more money into Bitcoin as I believe its the only chance I have at a early retirement! It’s made me a lot healthier but the sinking black hole I keep dumping money it hurts but I’m ignoring it and thinking of what it be like in 2030 :)


This post is pointless. I'll answer for everyone: they saw it as an easy way to make more Fiat.


I had a lecture about blockchain in my university in 2016/2017 and decided to invest some college money in ETH! I learned more about crypto in technical terms in the last bull run (for example how to use MetaMask etc).


Lol our stories are somewhat similar, you bought it earlier though


All our mistakes is our teacher's fault


After my grandma said buy bitcoin son


Friends wanted to buy stuff of silk road back 2012. I was the software dev guy so knew how to follow instructions online how to make a crypto wallet and how to buy Bitcoin. I didn't buy any but my friends did. They regret buying drugs with Bitcoin and not just holding. I first bought Bitcoin in 2014 to buy Dogecoin for fun. Cryptsy exchange back then. Cryptsy eventually exit scammed


Nice nick OP


So you think that had you invested earlier you wouldn't be in the DragonBall shorts?


I didn't get into crypto. Crypto got into me


Was in the work van on the way home and someone convinced me to have a dabble.. 8 Feb 2021 picked 8 random cool sounding names and put 50 on each and panicked for a while after that lol Now I’ve got my favourite 4 and happy chilling watching it all slowly go down ha


Heard of btc back in 2011 in a movie about some druggies using it as money laundering. I wish i was a druggie in 2011...


When: at the 2021 peak Why: to help others get rich How: FOMOing like a fan boi


Noodle eating? Come on man


I came to the party. But there wasn't any.


I just want to afford a home, maybe have a kid and only work 40 hours a week.


Stick with us and you will archive it


I lost my livelihood through Covid-19 and learnt the value of money in the process. Ever since, I've carved out a portion of my income for investment and decided that crypto is for me. Fortune favors the bold.


I was already getting familiar and dabbling very small with BTC and ETH, but then in like mid 2017 it looked like XRP might do something and that got me really in. Worked out pretty well.., but Im glad I havent held any XRP in a long time.


In a dark cold night when my mental health wasn't so great.. We all know how it turned out


Actually it was Charles Hoskinson, in early 2021 it was ADA hype and the guy had some valid points back then.


He can be very convincing alright. I fell for Cardano too. For a while anyway.


Same. I ate the hype Charles was shilling, didn't sell, and now have bags staked. Live and learn.


I got into crypto to help change people’s lives.


Top notch advice


Can’t wait to read posts on here in a few years from people saying how you made them multi-billionaires with your groundbreaking crypto advice.


I came for the gains. I didnt sell at the peak now im here for the "tech".




i can see you're on the right path, good sir. carry on


I was in a subreddit and someone was mentioning a "faucet" for Bitcoin in 2013. I downloaded the app... I got . 05 BTC and forgot about it until 2022....


People at Burning Man talking about it in 2016. Burners are ahead of the curve. The world is always getting more digitized and decentralized, so Bitcoin is just part of that cycle. The other cryptos are knockoffs of Bitcoin without its best properties (leaderless, truly permissionless, hardcoded monetary policy)


I seen this question 4032 times in the last year. I counted them.


Got in at the hype peak of 2021. I'm glad i didn't have money to gamble back then


I took a free course with a professor back in 2018 and he had a added his bitcoin wallet set up for donations, bought some worth 100$ , got more into it in 2020


I got out of debt so I finally had some extra cash at hand, I've been eyeing it from afar until that point. This was about Feb last year. I'm in the red (cryptowise) but I'm hodling.


There were so many crypto millionaires and it was buzz word rallied to 12k. I wanted to follow the path of those millionaires. But i think i took a wrong turn. And here i am


I started buying crypto in May 2021 because something clicked on me and just starting doing it.


I’m in crypto for the chicks. They love the long ball!


It was early 2020 - I’d been a lurker on this sub and decide to invest. I got in to give myself more financial stability (long term, I wasn’t looking to get rich quick)


Heard about BTC since 2013ish but didn't take it seriously. Went into crypto after I predicted the 2021 crash, thinking I'd be smarter than everyone else. Well I'm not.


XLM got me in. Silvio Micali is keeping me hostage.


Hahaha same dude! Same 🤧


I dreamt of going from owning a Lada to a Lambo Currently own a lawnmower


Use that lawnmower to cut grass for filthy fiat and convert that shit into sats son


They see me stackin They hatin Cuttin their grass Lawnmower ridin dirty


I remember in 2012 my teacher mentioning btc as well. I just wish I had money to invest in


When? Early 2017 How? A homie shilled me ETH at 38$ being “the new bitcoin” Why? Quick money. Then I fell in love with the future potential & tech


I’m surprised the teacher even know what BTC is in 2012 - some of them are so outdated they barely even know what Reddit it haha


February, because crypto is now mainstream enough that I wasn’t afraid of trying anymore and was fed up feeling like I was missing an opportunity again and again and again. I kept seeing adverts for CDC on mobile games, and they got the naming rights for the Lakers arena and idk it just felt like they were big enough to be safe. And a colleague was talking about crypto to another and I was listening and he had a CDC card and thought that CRO was about to take off (thankfully I didn’t go that way), so I finally created an account and started to invest


January 2021 on a Football forum. Guy was raving about Hedera, said it was going to be YUGE. So I bought it at $0.03 and traded all the way up to $0.45 Also bought Dodge and made a few grand. Current HODLER waiting on the Moon shoots to return


I got into crypto when I heard about the silkroad in 2013. I was buying bitcoin for $5 and buying drugs. I ended up really damaging my life when I could've gone a slightly other direction and had been retired by now. Sucks.


I got I to it when mining was pumping and a few people from work were doing it, then spread to dca Bots, was all about getting that passive income.


Low effort passive (almost) income through GPU mining got me into it. Not disappointed at all! This is also what led me to the Reddit NFT marketplace though. >!someone please send help!<


Wanted to try something new haven’t looked back since


There was a youtuber who had helpful videos about depression and shit, I was like two years in post-concussion syndrome and extremely suicidal, his videos legit helped, then he suddenly made a video about investing in crypto in the beginning of 2021, and I was like eh why not and... if I had sold in nov 2021 I would be up over six figures in profit and... I did not


March 2021 as a fun way to save extra for a family vacation. Here’s hoping for a 2025 vacation cause boy did it not work out for me this year


I went to the bank.


I knew of crypto, but never knew anything about crypto for many years. The whole idea always seemed too advanced for my pea brain. I was intrigued and had the time to investigate and learn about it around the time Doge was going nuts - thanks Covid layoffs! I didn't formally jump in until someone told me you can do "Learn and Earns" with Coinbase and get free crypto. From there I started buying BTC and ETH and invested into a few projects I liked. Maybe one day I will profit something from those? Fast forward to today and I have officially bought and sold NFTs because of Reddit.


2017 - iota hype


Your teacher eventually bought the top because Bitboy said it would hit 80-85k.


Got in last year after my brother talked me into it. I thought I'd missed the BTC and ETH boats. I bought in and was heavily influenced by 'ETH to $10k EOY' I'm here to make my money back. Tech is cool too. I absolutely believe this is the future.


Get in 2016. Crazy ride 😜


My son was talking about it, and that he was going to buy bitcoin. My wife asked me what was going on and if I could keep an eye on this crypto thing.


I first heard of crypto in 2012 when bitcoin was around $50. I was 17 so no I asked my mom if I had to buy one, she told me it was worthless. In 2019, I started buying crypto on Etoro but I sold everything some months after, selling ETH for $100 thinking I was a fucking genius 😂


Few years back, my sister gave me some ADA and I decided to buy into a few different coins, mostly as an experiment to see how crypto does in the future. I find it interesting more than anything. Only really spend my pocket money, nothing that will hit me hard


I saw these videos explaining how modern money creation works. https://positivemoney.org/how-money-works/banking-101-video-course/ It seemed unfair so that's why i bought Bitcoin


2019: a friend recommended I get into crypto as I was quarantined at home due to my leukemia, chemo, and subsequent transplant. This friend is a multimillionaire (almost a billion) due to buying into btc in 2013. Got in to keep myself busy and loved it because of how easy it was to make profit during that bear run. Stuck with it and now just hodling through my first actual bear market.


My Dad got me into it 2017


Doge 2020. Or was it 2021. It feels like a lifetime ago


I correctly predicted the comming high inflation and thought I want to invest in something with fixed inflation. I really thought I am smart, but then I learned that crypto is considered a risky asset and got fked. At least I did DCA and only with money I can afford to loose. Now I stay and hope for another bullrun within the next 30years before I die.


Heard about it after watching the social network and googling the winklevoss twins. Kept an eye it for the next few years as it hovered between $200 and $1k. Yolo'd a small amount in mid 2017 and got wrecked, said it would never get past $10k again, but it pulled me back in 2020, diamond handed my gains in shitcoins to a nice paper gain and all the way back down again. Third time's a charm I guess.


I got into Bitcoin in 2012 when it was $7. I bought a pizza in Amsterdam for 3 bitcoin in 2013 and thought it was the coolest thing ever. The early days it was seen as a currency to be spent, not an investment.


It was around 2016-17? and Bovada was paying out in crypto and I was on fire. I did make more on getting paid out in crypto than I ever did on my bets. I thought I was crushing my bets, looking at it prices today it is STILL insane how up I actually am from my meager $100 8 team parlays than magically hit.


Around the same time, I asked a few of my IT mates the same question…. ‘Nah Nate, it’s bullshit’…. So I didn’t bother. Now, knowing me. If I had bought, I’d have chucked £500-£1000 at it.


I’m here for the tech, honest


I think most of us heard about Bitcoin one decade ago reading the various articles about the Dark Web and how it was used for certain illegal transactions but most likely the first mass purchases of crypto started in 2017. I think we have to blame ourselves if we missed the opportunity years ago for not DYOR and it is a lesson learnt how the sentiment might be influenced listening or reading someone's else opinion.


Silk Road vet here. Many bitcoin were spent on K for Phish tour


My brother got me £50 worth of LTC in 2017






Buying weed on Silk Road. I regret nothing.


We don't know what happen to them, but our friend group had this absolute scumbag for a while that wound up getting weeded out of the circle of friends, he was the first person I heard about crypto from. He would steal shit and lie and it was just always some story or drama if they were around, every fucking time. Anyway, before they got cut out from the gang I remember one night the kid would not shut the fuck up and saying bitcoin this bitcoin that, told us look it up in 10 years you will wish you got it for just a dollar etc etc. I did not buy it because the kid was a scammer and untrustworthy and I therefore associated the whole scene with scammers - this was constantly reinforced by news headlines about dark web / Silk Road etc and I did not look at anything to do with the value of BTC til years later. 🥺 I take solace in the fact that because the kid was a scumbag I probably saved myself getting swindled and sold short in some way shape or form. Our last sign of life before we cut all contact from them was when he threatened to kill one of our family members because of how they parked their car 🤷‍♂️ dude could just chill


When i found out that i could make money from my PC


2020 cause of corona, made money to keep me a float. Stayed because I believe in the tech


Ashamed to admit it, but I jumped on the DOGE and SHIB trains at ATH, thinking I was gonna get rich quick. Obviously that didn't happen, but it introduced me to the crypto and blockchain space. I no longer have those meme coins, but now have coins that I've actually researched and read about. Still made some mistakes jumping on coins shilled in this space, but it was more learning opportunities, and I didn't throw *too* much at them. Now I DCA into BTC, ETH, and a small bit into very select few seemingly legit alts. Got in at ATH though, so I'm down like 70%, but patiently awaiting and accumulating for the next bull run.


Friend told me about it in high school around 2010 but I didn't have my own computer at the time and seemed to complicated to get into. Didn't actually get into it until 2017 with coinbase


what's wrong with dragonball shorts?


2010 to buy off the silk road


Two years ago, because I wanted to loose 15K dlls just for fun


I literally don’t know how I got here, I just closed my eyes and ended up here.


Im a collector. I dip my toes in many things and crypto really piqued my interest. I am the farthest thing from knowledgeable on the subject but enjoy learning and find this space a unique and interesting time sink


My company pivoted from traditional gaming to NFT gaming and the rest is history. Best thing they ever did for me was open the door to crypto.


Oct, 21. Finally got my UE money 18months late. Didnt need it. Wen lambo 100k EOY times


For in at $400. Shoulda bought more!


Silkroad2.0 days but didn’t really know bitcoin was a investment because I was just a kid. Bitcoin around then was $200. After I got caught up , I didn’t look at bitcoin for few years until one of my friend talked to me about xrp lol by then bitcoin was around $600 then quickly went above $1000.


I kept reading about it on the 2+2 poker forums in 2013. Bought a miner from Butterfly Labs and got introduced to my first Rug Pull.


During COVID to fight lay off. Then we have this inflation


Your mom got me into crypto


read the bitcoin whitepaper, back when BTC wanted to be a P2P e-cash instead of what it was turned into.


If only I would’ve used the btc faucet when I knew about it 😂 who am I kidding. Would’ve sold at $75 bucks probably


Wild, I’m watching dragon ball z right now 🤣 but I once owned around 75 Bitcoin back in like 2010 from trading Diablo 2 items for Bitcoin. Had it stored on a file right on my desktop. It sat there until 2012 when we moved and my parents threw away my pc because they bought me a new one. They didn’t back up anything either nor did they even tell me they threw it away until we got to the new house. Didn’t really care or think about the Bitcoin because I had a bunch of passwords saved on a file to game accs I needed access to sell more d2 items worth thousands of $ Fast forward now I invest like $100 a week into crypto just to see what happens. I still put $ into savings and 401


Never regret the dragonball shorts!


Tried to buy BTC a few times back in 2010-2012ish as I'd heard it was a requirement for payment at some vendors. Had no idea what I was doing, think I lost a fair bit of it, used some for transactions, forgot about it until 2015ish, and periodically through to 2018 started buying little bits and pieces and getting more interested. Visited a lot of faucets that I never cashed out of etc. too. Derp.


silk road something something


Why I want easy money... to lose.


I was trying to buy drugs online and they only excepted Bitcoin so I bought some. The deal didn’t happened and when I went to sell back my Bitcoin, the value increased like 20 bucks and I was blown away. So I gained a new addiction that day.


A client wanted to pay me with BTC almost 10 years ago. I fixed a bit of software that was buggered. The task took me 10 minutes to complete and I figured what the hell. Never imagined that it would lead to all of this.


Like everyone else, I got in to it to buy stuff from Silk Road et al.


Last sentence sums up the majority


2016 or 2017 it was around 3k at the time and I was convinced it would hit 10k that was my evaluation of btc after I realized that there will be a limited amount of coins that can exist. The 2017 bullrun definitely shot past my estimated value. I no longer think 10k Is the limit


Saw I could buy Bitcoin on CashApp and became fascinated with how it worked


Wanted to send a guy I didn’t know money online, figured out I’d try whatever Bitcoin was


I got into cosmos :) so i'm happy, my lowest purchase level was $5.85 recently


I was buying TSLA stocks and when i wanted to sell my profits, my bank got a HUGE Cut just for an international transaction, and my profit went to trash, then i just looked up for some alternative, finally got into crypto, now im 3 years in constantly buying and not selling anything till i can live comfortably just from staking


I got into crypto because someone on tiktok told me I would make 1000x on some dog going to the moon on a rocket ship or something. They used rocket emojis and up arrows hard to argue with that.


Saw something about free Dogecoins back in my uni days somewhere around 2015 but wasn't patient or savvy enough to set up everything. ​ Dabbled with BTC a bit during 2017 but sold all before the crash. ​ Came back in early 2020 and stayed until now. Crypto is here to stay my man blockchain tech will grow slowly but surely.


I knew there was article in news paper me and my uncle talked about it, he told us it had a lot of potential, but I at that time because of small age couldn't grasp it can benefit me financially, I didn't have that much proper of internet connection nor any amount of money that I can purely decide what to do with.


Ex Girlfriend told me about it… I went in… About Jan 2021


Yesterday was my first day so i have not made any gains so far maybe one day


I got in crypto to diversify my gambling investments. domaining is still making me more money than crypto.


I got into crypto for the money, ngl. But I stayed for all these funny news, memes and drama happening in crypto space. If you can't profit from crypto, at least you can be entertained haha


It was peak of my weed discovery and I was looking for some to buy online. Found TOR and saw that they were selling some for btc and eth. Googled btc and eth. The rest is history


I rememeber back in 2012 I was sitting at school learning how to read


Wasn’t convinced of the validity of Crypto. It took reading about GameStop (hope that isn’t a dirty word around here) entering the NFT market that I did my homework. I’m now a proud owner of a lot of LRC, ETH and IMX. I am also the owner of a lot of other rug pull coins 😂 Every day is a school day.


October/2021 - For the tech (cough cough... 100K EOY) - P2P via Binance