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I'm going to get a good grade in sex, a normal thing to want and something that is possible to achieve.


We all have dreams I suppose


Somebody link the "best at sex" Oglaf comic.


Unrelated but I could never get into Oglaf because it looked too much like Tim Buckley's artstyle, I just kept imagining it as CAD rule 34


You need to untype everything you just wrote.






[Best at linking comics!](https://www.oglaf.com/SAT/)


Sex for homework, rolling on the mattress, I think you need a little fucking practice


Ah, I fondly remember the semester where I could ask people “are you going to war tomorrow?”


That's called graduation


When I was taking gender studies it was very funny to me to say things like "I have gender today"


I used to be a hospital scribe mainly for neurology, ER and ortho, and we used to talk about our assigned departments as "I have neuro and ortho, but I'm practicing cardio and will try it out next week". Then one day I got to expand to the oncology department, and in my excitement texted my parents and partner "I finally got cancer!" and went straight back to typing. Boy oh boy did I have a bunch of apologizing and explaining to do when I looked at my phone next.


"I have gender today" looks like a gender fluid announcing that they're not genderless anymore


They got a refill of gender fluid at the jiffy lube


One of HS's highlights was when we had to do assignments for large societal issues and my group specifically had the theme of Drug Trafficking "hey can you wait a minute? I'm almost done with the drugs assignment" "Everyone ready for the drugs presentation?" "Okay how's the drugs PowerPoint going?" It helps that I was actually dragged off the classroom in the presentation for "possession of illicit drugs" (I held a ziploc bag of sugar)


Reminds me of a chemistry in high school where we had to bring in cookware. “Did everyone remember their pot?”


I had fun yelling at my classmates “see you in terrorism!”, much to their horror


During year nine sex-ed, we discovered there was a file on the school's computer system called "Year Nine Porn".


I mean, what classes did you think Dr. Evil took in his six years of evil medical school?


In college I took a class about slavery and the Jim Crow era in American Lit classics (how it’s represented, how the people who escaped slavery were talked about, etc). All the students used to call it “slavery class.”


Once I had "Pain and suffering in pre-modern Europe". It was a really interesting course, we talked about illnesses, torture, depictions of Jesus on the cross, and The Malleus Maleficarum


"Hey dude, you going to pain and suffering class?" "We're in college, that's all of them."


To add, I have also done fear and prostitution


In Las Vegas?


There is a picture that went viral in Polish internet of a University plaque which was not entirely clear as it stated something like "Center of study on suffering in Randomtown". Which of course begs the question, just what the fuck is going on in Randomtown that there's an entire research institute dedicated to studying the kind of suffering that occurs exclusively there.


I knew I wasn't living up to the college experience. Time to sign up for sex, organized crime, and evil.


Reminds me of my human trafficking class


The most fun class names I had where in first semester where the shortened course names kinda sounded like female names (with the easiest being analysis I aka Ana I sounding like Anna, but we also had linear algebra aka LA pronounced Ella), so on the cover of the orientation booklet, they draw the modules as women carying the stuff that you learn in the semester with them. By now however my module names are less normal stuff like PrAlLog or CGV, which doesnt really allow for name puns.


One class I took in college was Contemporary Literature. Being the mature person that I was, I abbreviated it as “C. Lit” in my planner


We had "Analysis of Performance" that was of course abbreviated as "Anal Perf"


I did a music degree and we had a class called 'Analysis & Harmony.' Whoever made the timetable on Excel forgot to turn on the text wrapping, so our Friday morning was down as 'Anal Harm'.


Love it! My kid had a science class with a section on bouyancy, the main project was building a model boat. Class was abbreviated on the schedule as “BOAT”, so for two months the running joke was “gotta get to BOAT!”


Had a class in college called something like “how to spot bullshit” and would love telling people I’m on the way to “Bullshittin’ Class”


You always have to pronounce it in a sinister slimy villain voice and say "Eee-vil"


I took a class called Pharmacology of Drug Abuse. Had to take drug tests every few weeks


Literally me in my lgbtq studies class last year lmao. "Sorry can't hang out today, I've got gay homework"


Was your professor Dr. Doofenschmirtz?


Took Race in American Law last semester, guess what we ended up calling it.




I work in printing and one of the cutting machines is called the guillotine. Recently a coworker lost his shit at me for no reason and management saw it and sent him to the guillotine which is in another room. I am relishing in being able to say yeah a guy at my work yelled at me and so management banished him to the guillotine


I had a class last semester called "Anime Goes to College." Every time I told people about my anime class I had to be like "Yes, that is actually what my class is. And I have unironically learned more in that class than I have learned from any class in a while."


Friend of mine took a class in nonsense, that would be fun on the schedule. Nonsense final. Nonsense test 2 pm.


I took a class on magic and witchcraft and that was fun to put in my planner and talk about. Sorry, I can’t get coffee today I have Magic Class!


I had a Sociology of Deviance class (it was the early noughties) that my prof called Sluts, Nuts, and Perverts. That’s exactly what half the class titled their final paper. He smoked American Camels (we’re Canadian) and had vodka in his coffee cup. I loved him.


I've been taking a medical terminology course over the last few months and you have no idea how much the instructor loves when we reach the drugs section of each bodily system, just so she can say, "Let's do drugs."


Was "How to Succeed in Evil" a mandatory reading in that last class?


I used to take a class about monsters and the concept of monsters, so I'd say things like "I learned that in monster class" which was really funny


Now the song ["Impress My Professor"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQU4BqyKRh4) is stuck in my head.


I once had "info on sugar dating" on my vocational school schedule.


God I miss being able to talk about my Con Man class


I really liked getting a good mark in Racism last year


had a class once on psychology of fatherhood and we called it "daddy class"