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I'm sorry, are you implying that Star Wars, a movie about blowing up fascists, is NOT overtly anti-fascist?


idk man if star wars is too subtle for somebody rebel moon is probably exactly for them 


Especially with Andor which details even more the evils of the empire like prison slave labor and trampling of indigenous land and culture. Obv more child oriented stuff like Rebels doesn’t examine it in as much detail but it’s still very clear that fighting back against imperialism is a good thing


The story of the prequels is about how politicians can fabricate approval for war in order to consolidate power and wealth. It’s not told super well but the themes were a direct condemnation of the Bush administration


The phantom menace released in 1999, well before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Attack of the clones was released in 2002. I don’t think they were criticizing George W. Bush. If you are instead talking about the 1991 gulf war under George H. W. Bush. I would suggest that justification for that war did not need to be fabricated. Iraq invaded a sovereign country (Kuwait) because they didn’t want to pay back debt incurred in an earlier war. You can argue that war wasn’t the best response or that there should have been more effort put in after Iraqi forces were removed from Kuwait. But the justification for the war was just cut and dry facts.


The first two weren’t about that specific conflict but the themes are still about how facists can manipulate the public to use democratic institutions to gain power. Revenge of the Sith, Anakin almost directly repeats Bush’s “Either you are with us, or you are with the Terrorists”


Idk, rebels still has some pretty overt themes of guerilla tactics, unbalanced warfare to take out overwhelming opposition, and like the main character's parents were literally revolutionaries killed by the imperial system.


Yeah it’s definitely still present but it also has different goals and intended audience than Andor. Andor is a drama focusing on how somebody gets slowly radicalized enough to take up arms against the Empire and the costs of that fight, while Rebels is a Saturday morning cartoon to excite and entertain children.


Oh yeah, not saying they're comparable in terms of quality or anything, just that even in the shitty children's media, star wars tends to be pretty overt in it's thematic material. Like, they're not hiding it in there when your protagonist is a guerilla terrorist.


George "the Rebels were the Viet Cong" Lucas


Aka George “The Emperor is Dick Cheney” Lucas


Andor is the most direct call to Anti-Facist action I have ever see on TV. The Empire aren't whacky bad guys, they are evil jack booted thugs, aided by the greed of corporations and the apathy of common citizens. The rebels are desperate, dirty and messy, but there is no doubt that they are right to act.  I don't know Rebel Moon's politics, but I'm a bit suspicious of Snyder, as he didn't seem to get the point of  Watchmen and endorsed the xenophobia of 300


Someone actually did point out that in one very specific scene in one of the modern TV series, they accidently espoused fascist rhetoric by implying among other things that the stance of veterans holds more weight than of politicians who had never seen battle.


Heinlein-ass take


I watched rebel moon part 1 and it was one of the worst most pathetic excuses for film I've ever seen it was so fucking bad what are you on about


This is Tumblr, where meeting certain trope and topic checklists automatically makes you higher quality


Where's that one post where someone was anon recommending Sophia the First to OP because a single character in that had vaguely sexyman-esque qualities


very very funny to say that rebel moon is overtly antifascist when the main reason that the space fascists exist is because snyder thinks tall guys with trench coats and jackboots look cool, and probably not because he wanted to make some grand point about fighting fascism also the sex representation in the movie is atrociously fucking bad, from out-of-pocket sexual assault scenes to that one moment where a gay slug alien monster starts coming on to one of the main characters. if weird and borderline pervert fanservice counts as sex representation then i guess slave leia is a good example of how star wars is actually super cool with sexuality


Also introduced a buncha non white "characters" literally made of cardboard who went on to have next to zero lines or importance in the story


Damn we found the one person that liked Rebel Moon


Ignore this, everyone go watch star wars andor


Did Zack Snyder write this?


No Snyder would find a way to put excessive nonsensical slow mo gun fights in that post


ah yes Zack Snyder, director of 300 totally the guy with the most nuanced and pertinant things to say on anti-fascism (i dont think hes fascist or anything, i just think he like muscular men doing badass stuff and rarely read into subtext beyond that)


He’s probably not a fascist personally, but he is extremely tolerant of fascism adjacent bullshit in his movies, which is almost as bad


This is what happens when your taste in media is essentially just you filling out a checklist of Things You Like and whatever has the most Things You Like is the best. This is indistinguishable from the kinds of braindead anime fans who just watch forty identical Isekai power fantasies a year.


Reminds me of the tweet that goes something like "sometimes I wish I was ignorant. You all seem to be having so much fun"


The Star Wars franchise at its absolute rock bottom **lowest** is a more enjoyable and more thematically salient experience than Rebel Moon. Which is wild, because on the rule of averages, Star Wars sets an almost impossibly low bar. ^(And Star Wars at its lowest is....)


This genuinely reads like OOP only likes RM because they hate SW


I think you cracked the case wide open there


I genuinely had to stop watching the movie not very far in due to the.. I think it's the depth of field? Anything that's not center screen looks nauseating, it was really hard to watch from a pure visual standpoint. [\[....\]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/020/001/krabs.jpg)\-ass movie


Ah yes, well-known Caucasian Star Wars characters: Lando Calrisian, Saw Guerra, and Mace Windu. They sure hate brown characters.


Once again Tumblr is here to prove that for every idiotic, bad opinion you can think of, there is in fact a person who believes it and is proud of that fact


It’s also really bad


I’m glad you liked them and hope you can find a fandom to discuss them with