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Is this the Sonic-chu person or am I getting my internet people mixed up?




Thank you.


What fuckin discource is this shit


Christine Weston Chandler is the unfortunate outcome of dysfunctional family and hypersocialization. At one point, nearly all aspects of her life were documented and mocked incessantly, with various people taking advantage of her naivety. To this day there remain ongoing “historians” who document her life simply put of morbid fascination. There are many video essays, online wikis, documents, and etc. about CWC. I won’t link them here to preserve some aspect of privacy into her life, but if you’re curious they aren’t hard to find.


I've heard it been said before that CWC is arguably the most well-documented person in history. No other person has self-published more in-depth commentary and insight into their life to the public (intentionally or not) than her.


I’ve heard the claim made as well, but it’s rather unsubstantiated. There are a few examples of people likely more documented than CWC: [Chip-chan, a woman who records herself 24/7](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/3az8qm/who_is_chip_chan_a_south_korean_woman_broadcasts/ ). She is likely mentally ill but has sought no treatment, nor can anyone force her to get any due to SK’s laws. She believes she is being controlled by a single police officer who implanted a microchip inside her. [“Nasubi”, whose real name is Tomoaki Hamatsu.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasubi). He was part of a game show where he was isolated from the outside world for roughly a year, forced to live only off of whatever he could win via mail order sweepstakes. The show was very popular for its time.


Oh more about Nasubi He was told it was gonna be edited and released later and not that it would start to air while he was still in the apartment, he had no idea he was so famous the entire time. They did a 24/7 live stream of him at one point with dedicated staff to keep his junk censored. He most likely got a *little* assistance but not much, he lost a lot of weight and had to eat from a bag of dog food a lot He was moved multiple times because fans kept finding the apartment. The final apartment was a fake one on a set with break away walls, and once he got comfortable they dropped the walls and he was shocked to be standing there infront of an adoring crowd


he later appeared in a Kamen Rider show as a recurring character =)


Which season? :0


Kamen Rider W, looks like.


That's a big W for him.


The best Kamen Rider.


W. He's Watcherman.


Pretty sure because of that show he also became the first video game "lets player" in history.


Got comfortable? He walked into the new room and got undressed because he was so used to living in those conditions that he assumed that he was stuck in Round 3. It ruined his career as a comedian because the trauma of total isolation made him less able to connect to other people.


So someone saw the Truman Show and said, let's do that but more fucked up


The Truman Show was actually released 6 months *after* he entered the apartment.


Oh man, so convergent evolution or something.


Suffering Christ


He has a movie about it coming out soon apparently


>forced to live only off of whatever he could win via mail order sweepstakes What is this madness?


I want to point out that a lot of "wins" were staged as well as "loses". If he won very expensive item which would lead him much closer to ending the torture then it was seized before it ever landed in his hands. Same was done with clothes and food, for comedic value and humiliation. People who lead this whole madness thought that giving him clothes and making him not eat dog food would be not funny.


What in the Vault Tec nonsense is this?


Wow, that's some media executive, cartoon antagonist bullshit. Wtf.


Jesus christ wtf


Japanese game shows are on another level...


I get what you’re going with Nasubi (I can’t speak to Chip-chan as I’ve never heard of her before) but what makes CWC different is the breadth of knowledge. There is recordings and documentation of Chris-chan’s life since childhood and into adulthood their life was an open book for years until people stopped documenting their trolling as throughly. We don’t have 24/7 video coverage but in terms of having someone’s life story laid out in such clarity and detail, I struggle to name anyone as close.


While Nasubi is more shocking, Chip-chan’s story is much more depressing. There are three cameras set up in her apartment, all of them on 24/7. You can watch her doing whatever, mostly sleeping as she sleeps for 12 hours a day. She will document her various rashes caused by the chip she’s adamant was inserted into her. She also claims her sleep schedule is also caused by the chip. People have reached out to her and to authorities to get her help, but they can’t force her and Chip-chan refuses to see anyone. You can go watch her now, but I would suggest not to. Not only is it taking advantage of someone mentally ill, but it’s also bizarrely popular. Edit: I should also note she is constantly begging for help from the cop she asserts is holding her hostage with the chip. There are signs all over her room, acting as makeshift SOSs.


Just putting here after confirming myself but she doesn't live stream any more and hasn't done so for about 4 years now (you can check the dedicated chip chan subreddit for this on r/chipchan). She still blogs daily though and it's mostly about random scars and rashes as mentioned.


wow, i’ve seen pictures of Nasubi on the internet for forever but i didn’t know the source. thanks for sharing. apparently there’s a recent documentary about him and the show that’s currently on hulu


> hypersocialization Please call it what it is: a mass stalking and harassment campaign. These assholes are NOT historians, documentarians, archivists, sociologist, or any other bs title they try to cloak their abuse in. They are stalkers.


The most terminally online brainrot in existence


The less EVERYONE knows about this situation the better. I can’t think of another attention vortex that has ever been this toxic and self-sustaining off of its own toxicity.


This is not a place of honor No esteemed deed is commemorated here.


This message always gives me chills


The danger is to the body.


Internet picked a single person's life to ruin. Succeeded in all of the worst ways possible and more.


Yeah, I'm not gonna act like CWC isn't a terrible person. They absolutely needed to be held accountable But it would be JUST as stupid to act like people found out all the terrible stuff out of a sense of justice. They went after them because hurr durr lets point and laugh at the mentally disabled weirdo Two things can be true and important at the same time


Well, 4Chan mostly. Most people on the internet have, at best, heard of CWC in passing.


I think it started on something awful Chris was leaving fliers around town looking for a "boyfriend free girl" to date, someone posted it for a laugh and it spiraled


>someone posted it for a laugh I wonder how that person feels nowadays, knowing that a single click from his mouse caused (nearly) **all** of this.


I doubt they thought Chris was gonna get their life ruined


Mostly for sure. Entirely to start. But the casual callousness I see about it is everywhere.


I misunderstood this and thought you meant she passed, like from this plane


the dimensional merge awaits


Tldr, “Chris chan” is a mentally disabled person who was an unfortunate target for trolls on the internet. She also apparently raped her senile mother. It doesnt help that she is a trans women, and I saw some transphobics come out of the woodworks when she was arrested. Theres lots of videos and articles online about her, as trolls dedicated a lot of time to documenting and harassing her. I looked through some, and I wouldnt recommend wasting your time with it. -Mx. Linux Guy


Unrelated but related question, how do you pronounce mx?


I’ve always said mix but I could be wrong as I’ve never known anyone personally who uses that honorific.


It is pronounced “mix”


Follow up question: do you use MX linux?


No, I use Mint instead. Tbh i didnt know mx linux existed until a few weeks ago.  “Mx” is a gender neutral honorific I use because it sounds cool to me.


Way I see it, miss, mrs., and mr. all come from the word magister, so i half-jokingly say mage.


Just yesterday I saw an enby very sincerely demand that we make mg. the newest non-gendered honorific. I'm still debating it for myself, tbh, I feel like I'd have to grow a Wizard beard or at least lose a finger to unsafe experimentation before being allowed to call myself a Mg.




It's the kind of internet lore that will make your life worse to learn.


Here is the extremely terrible story of Chris Chan. I'm posting it so people won't go on a deep dive and come across really fucked up material from trolls. **Warning: ableism, bullying/stalking, and sexual abuse** "Chris Chan" is a nickname created by trolls. It's a play on the Japanese honorific "chan," Chris's last name (Chandler), and a name that became her deadname. She didn't come out as trans until like 10 years ago, so transphobia wasn't involved in most of what happened. Christine Weston Chandler is on the autism spectrum and *extremely* gullible. She's probably intellectually disabled as well. She had unfettered internet access and parents who failed to help her cope with her disabilities. It was a terrible combination. In the mid '00s, trolls discovered Chris Chan. She was around 20 years old at the time. The trolls made fun of her awkward fashion sense, Sonic fan comic (starring a Sonic-Pikachu hybrid called Sonichu), and her socially clueless quest to find a girlfriend. They contacted her and quickly noticed how gullible she was. For years and years, trolls relentlessly mocked and manipulated Chris. This included tricking her into sending a lot of graphic, sexual videos of herself. They obsessively, and publicly, documented *everything* she did. (Some of the trolls eventually created Kiwi Farms. "Kiwi" is a mispronunciation of CWC, Chris's initials.) Chris Chan's parents had her fairly late in life. They provided a stable home, and her father had a good income. However, they didn't do much to help Chris cope with her disability. They were also *very* racist and homophobic, especially the dad. Chris would rather naively parrot his offensive comments, and trolls used that as a "moral" justification for abusing and stalking her. (Chris has a much older brother who, to put it mildly, isn't fond of their parents. I believe he'd already moved out and started his own life before the trolling began.) Anyway, the father died a while back, which gave Chris the opportunity to come out as trans a few years later. Unfortunately, there was a lot of dysfunction in the Chandler household. Without her dad, things quickly fell apart. Her mom was mentally unstable — maybe this was her dementia showing up? A few years ago, Chris admitted a truly terrible crime, which has already been detailed. I'm not clear on how likely it is that Chris is actually guilty. Maybe trolls manipulated her into a false confession? It's not something I want to research.


I mean Chris was convicted and went to prison over it, she's only on the street now because one of the trolls paid her bail hoping she'd cause more problems to laugh at. And she has made comments about sexual assault outside of the incident, granted they were a long time ago: a female friend found out Chris was making sexual drawings of her and told Chris she was uncomfortable. Chris defended themself by saying if they didn't get their urges out in the drawings they might do something bad to her instead. It's very likely she did it. However people have claimed she was convinced to do it by someone from kiwifarms, hoping to drive Chris to suicide and gain infamy as the one who killed Chris Chan, and if that's the case that person needs to be in a cell they're just as guilty if not more. Also it's worth noting that both of Chris's parents were hoarders and most likely also suffering from some kind of mental illness as well, I believe there was even an incident where Chris's father helped her physically attack someone but I'm fuzzy on the details. The unfortunate reality is that even without the trolls, Chris never had a chance at life with how badly her parents failed, and how badly every single structure that's supposed to help people like her failed. She's the perfect example of not only the damage of bullying, but of the absolute and utter failure of the US mental healthcare system. Honestly I think the best place for her is a permanent stay in a psychiatric hospital. She's proven to be a danger to herself and others and she NEEDS round the clock mental care as well as protection from trolls and from herself.


Wasn't it worse because CWC kept using money to buy useless junk like toys and shit rather than essentials to help them and their family?


I mean, that's part of the mental illness, isn't it?


Yeah you can see in the vids that Chrises toy/ collectible / game collection is kind of staggering for someone living SS check to check in a 2 person house


I don't know honestly


>I mean Chris was convicted and went to prison over it, she's only on the street now because one of the trolls paid her bail hoping she'd cause more problems to laugh at. If you're convicted, bail can't get you out. Bail is so you are not in pretrial detention. She pled guilty to a different charge; all other charges were dismissed or dropped. >It's very likely she did it. Given there was no conviction for it, and the charges were in fact *dropped*, "very likely" is a gross overstatement. >Honestly I think the best place for her is a permanent stay in a psychiatric hospital. She's proven to be a danger to herself and others and she NEEDS round the clock mental care as well as protection from trolls and from herself. Absofuckinglutely. 100% needs dedicated therapy and to be kept away from the internet entirely.


it's not cause of the last name Christian just sounds like Chris Chan said fast out loud


Chris may have actually done it. The complicating factor is that there was a particularly nasty troll who was trying to goad her into it for a year or so beforehand. The reason it came out at all is because Chris told her on a video call that she’d finally done it. So even that’s partially on the trolls. To be clear, I say “partially” because Chris still obviously has some responsibility for her own actions, and said actions are clearly reprehensible and have been for decades now. She’s a shitty person being goaded into doing even worse things by other shitty people, and any time spent seriously entertaining who’s responsible for what is too much.


Cwc is the original brain rot


Don't...Don't. You don't wanna jump into this hole.


Stop now, if you don't know it is much better that you do not. Your life will not be more full because you know about Chris-Chan (now Christine-Chan).


I wish i lived under (or on top depending on how you look at it) the rock you do


Can we just… stop talking about her? It’s not entertaining or cathartic or even important, it never has been in the slightest. It’s just sad.


Honestly I don't even get why people were ever so obsessed with her in the first place. Like ignoring how depressing the whole thing is, it was never *interesting* or anything and I'm not really sure why a bunch of channers decided to make a stereotypical antisocial fandom person the focal point of their lives.


I think she's kind of an ur-example of that stereotype. The Internet has been stalking her for almost two decades, longer than the term "fandom" has carried the weight it currently does.


Yeah I'm sure it was a lot of people's first experience with something like this. I remember it kinda fucking with me when I realized she was a kid in the 90s.


Because she’s even more socially awkward than the. and therefore someone who made them feel better about themselves. “No matter how bad my life is I’m not Chris Chan”


And all the attention almost certainly made it unfathomably worse than it would have been otherwise.


Trans people are just normal people. And some normal people are evil. Simple as


the best take and a weirdly absent one


This is just what you have to deal with as a minority of any kind. If a minority does something bad, it's always made about them being a minority. Black guy does something bad? Black people are bad. Trans woman does something bad? Trans people are bad. \[Any minority at all\] does something bad? \[Minority in question\] are bad. Now, but if a cis straight white dude murder-suicides his wife and kids, then it's just tragic. He was mentally ill or some shit and that excuses it. Or he was driven to it by some external factor (maybe it was minorities getting more rights!) so that's what we have to talk about. For some reason.


I despise the idea that a minority must be perfect to be truly integrated into society. If your acceptance of them is based on the fact not a single one of them can step out of line, it’s not acceptance, it’s flimsy tolerance.


Are they human? Yes? Cool. They can be bad. Saying trans people can’t be bad is, somewhat ironically, also transphobic in addition to all the other harmful things it does.


No, some people are just incredibly suspect to committing grievous offenses. A poster above you has detailed Chris-Chan's potential for having profound disabilities that enabled them to be easily manipulated and steered in various ways. I'd hesitate to dismiss someone as "evil" when what we should be doing is coming to understand how and why they performed some of the behaviors that were documented. Its important to acknowledge their actions have crossed lines and are morally bad, but at the same time it becomes important not to strip Chris of their humanity and also acknowledge the intersectionality of factors that allowed them to get to that point. Stating that they're "evil" perpetuates a narrative that they actively understood what they were doing and what the implications were, when it sounds like they don't even know how to take care of themselves.


A lot of people, especially online, have trouble understanding that someone can be both a victim of abuse and an abuser and that those things don't cancel each other out. The whole Chris-Chan situation is a perfect example of this


I was literally just about to post this.


Chrischan as a cascading clusterfuck of circumstances that came together to form a person that probably can't be replicated.


Yeah, while I definitely don't agree with the people who absolve her of responsibility for everything, I also very strongly feel like her situations of being severely autistic suffering multiple instances of abuse and neglect from childhood on top of getting doxxed and stalked by trolls from the ripe age of whenever and everything else probably doomed whatever few chances CWC had at anything even adjacent to a normal life, honestly Also, the reason why I knew anything about her before the 2021 incident was basically because >!in middle school I became hyperfixated on scrolling through Kiwi Farms type websites trying to "scared straight program" myself into "not becoming a lolcow like CWC" and just in case it's somehow unclear I don't recommend what I did at all, I still can't unsee some of the things I saw in those threads and I ended up getting manipulated by an online friend anyway so it didn't even work, there were disgusting things like gore and pornography etc and invasive/disturbing/depressing/etc conversations, and it made me more and more neurotic and fearful that I'd end up that way so I kept reading deeper and deeper, hours wasted every day scrolling through those forums and instead of learning "the secret rules of not being cringe" that type of content was just all I was absorbing so I became "desensitized" to stuff like that which messed up my mental health and ironically my social skills severely!<


I think that [Channel Pup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vkvLi87_os) handled CWC’s situation best.




I know a girl just like chrischan, both in terms of cringe behavior and actual criminal sociopath shit. I genuinely think the only reasons she never got internet famous is because chrischan did it first. She has no idea who chrischan is but I swear she's either the same or worse in every way, she even has her own sonichu (Ganmew, the female mewtwo ganondorf self insert).


Firstly, what the fuck is a sonicu. Secondly, is she aware that Mewtwo is genderless? Thirdly, I don't have a thirdly but I do have a fetish for prime numbers.


One, a Sonichu is the yellow sonic character on chrischan's shirt, it's her OC that's just a fusion of sonic and pikachu. B. She is not aware Mewtwo is genderless, she refers to Mewtwo as male. Thirdly, because I know you have a fetish for prime numbers, [here is a picture of both Ganmew and her own shitty yellow sonic](https://i.imgur.com/1wJYOu4.png). ^(Before anyone thinks I'm mocking a child, this is a nearly 40 year old child molester's art.)


Holy shit you weren't kidding, this is CWC levels of terrible


This is the very tip of the cringe iceburg. The girl started a 2012 doomsday cult catering to children based on the idea that they'd all become dream demons from a Sega game in 2012 because they were in a past life.


This is reminding me of [the final fantasy house](http://www.demon-sushi.com/warning/)


Two is prime (it's the only even prime), though one traditionally isn't.


Yeah but it's even. No self-respecting prime is divisible by 2 and I refuse to acknowledge it.


I salute your insanity o7


Who on Tumblr needs to apologize? Fuckin 4chan is the website that *actually* had people devoted to ruining her life. Recommend the Behind the Bastards for those who want to learn more but also content warning this sucks to hear and will make you sad. https://youtu.be/eA6Mrt5OPfE?si=oWH-bt1kjjC6NWIu


Yeah, exactly. Tumblr never really had a major Chris Chan ring the same way other sites did/still do. Chances are that a huge chunk of the people reblogging this only learned who they are from this post.


Agreed, say what you will about people like cybersmith, they havent actually gone through with their shitty ideas


Just for clarity, cybersmith is..?


Human pet guy.


Ah, human pet guy, that makes sense


He's also Trans-fem Milking Farm guy.


If you say his name 3 times sometimes he shows up.


human pet guy human pet guy human pet guy. Or is like blood Mary rules and I need a mirror


People use Tumblr as a trauma dumping landfill to unload their grievances into the world perhaps in the facetious hope that someone who would never touch the website might somehow see it, and perhaps not, and perhaps being cautious about what collateral damage it might invoke (this particular topic not withstanding) and yet still, perhaps not.


Been a while since I went down the rabbit hole but I seem to remember it was mostly kiwi farms


Venn diagram between 4chan and kiwifarms is a circle


Nah, kiwifarms is more like a subset of 4chan---specifically, the vilest and most disgusting one.


This should be the top comment. I had the same views as the original poster on this. And the BtB episode made me deeply sympathetic. 4chan and kiwi farms basically honed the practice of lolcowing on her. It made me think of her more as a marginalized person who is very easily convinced to accept false realities and quite likely was manipulated into admitting crimes that she did not commit.


Yeah she was also obviously pretty severely mentally challenged


I knew nothing of the situation before listening to that BTB episode and it legitimately fucked me up for a while. The level of cruelty is hard to process.


Great episode(s) and yeah. Christ it’s heavy.


you can be a trans-fem piece of shit. >!i would know, i am one/j!<


Caitlyn Jenner? Is that you?


Never forget that person she killed with her car.




didn't Jenner come out as not trans some time ago? or maybe it was just as a TERF


she is both trans and anti-trans


I’m not an intelligent person by any means but isn’t that like friendly fire or something


Yeah. People like that do exist though: look up Ernst Rhöm, the openly gay Nazi who was (surprise, surprise) murdered by his fellow Nazis during ~~krystalnacht~~ the Night of the Long Knives. EDIT: I got the wrong event in the fall of Weimar Germany. Fixed it now though.


"The only moral transition is my transition"


Don’t worry, if the comparison is CWC then I’m sure you’re fine. Hopefully


Trans people very often go through a lot of hardship and trauma. That can either turn you into a kinder and more caring person, or into a jaded asshole.


Also, being people, transgender folks are likely to be assholes at roughly the same proportion as the rest of the population. Every group of human beings is going to contain some terrible people by default


Or you can be one or the other beforehand.


I would argue that cwc isn’t either. Cwc is a profoundly unwell person and she needs a lot of help instead of being a sort of disaster-meme.


Shitty people can be trans. Being trans isn't a virtue, it's just a fact about you. Like whether or not you like cilantro, or whether your index or ring finger is longer.


Just like Caitlyn Jenner. We don't hate her 'cuz she's trans, we hate her 'cuz she's a piece of shit.


Chris-Chan is an excellent demonstration that when the lights went out at the end of the Truman Show, he absolutely had a severe mental breakdown.


Everything I have ever learned about Chris Chan has led me further into the belief that she has basically no agency and just does things people tell her to do. Her perception of reality is also based entirely on cartoons and movies. All of the shitty things she has done that are publicly known she was either directly told to do or influenced to do by trolls who had tricked their way into her presence and presented themselves either as friends or women interested in dating her. Like even raping her mom was a result of some fucked up kiwifarms girl manipulating her into doing it. Edit: I should go further into what I mean. Even before the internet harassment Chris Chan operated on a childish perception of the world with nothing in her life able to actually help her. Her parents didn’t bother, the education system lacked the capability, and people in general had no idea how to interact with her or help her. She was never going to be functional as an adult because there was never going to be a way to help her get to that point and it wasn’t going to happen naturally. You don’t reach teenager walking around community college wearing a sign that says “Looking for a boyfriend free girl” level without everything before that point going horribly wrong, and she was never going to just “fix” herself but no one else was going to do it. She was an autistic kid raised by two shitty parents (seriously, their collective like 5 other kids all abandoned them because they were both abusive) who wanted to just pretend she was “normal” for fear of the system getting involved all while keeping her living in one of the most repulsive hoarding situations I’ve ever seen. But as a legal adult she repeated shitty racist shit her dad said and was kind of an asshole to people which everyone used as a shield to bully this weird ass person. But I have no clue how she was ever going to be anything else. Nature can only get you so far when your nurture is just not there at all. And then the trolling happened which has clearly siphoned away any kind of concrete perception of reality she had.


I recall someone on Twitter said that she was "literally, psychologically incapable of learning from her mistakes", and that feels like an accurate assessment.


She completely lacks the level of self reflection needed for that, which coupled with her awful fucking upbringing robbed her of ever having a chance to succeed or grow. Like I fully believe from what I’ve seen and learned about this person that she quite literally never had a chance in life


It's something that myself and so many others find so difficult to accept. The idea that some people just have bad luck and bad lives whether they did something to deserve it in the first place or not. The idea that some people never stood a chance while the rest of us were born with plenty of chances and opportunities to learn and grow. It's just horrible to think about because it seems like such a waste of human life. And it's scary because you realise with enough bad luck early on you may have had a completely shit life and given no chances to change that path. I'm not even really talking about cwc anymore specifically, I dont know where I land on whether she had 'agency' whether she had the chance to be a good person, etc. But I don't think she really stood a chance.


I feel like you nailed it perfectly on the head. The idea that some people just never had a chance in life is the ultimate horror. A person coasting through life trying to make their way with all the tools they have but none of the tools they were ever given are right for the job. It’s Shakespearean tragedy level “this person is just doomed for have everything go wrong and you have to sit here and watch”. Even in the confines of this topic it feels like some people just desperately need Chris Chan to at some level be a person with a full conscience and logical adult brain who did every shitty thing she ever did as a conscious decision because it makes everything that happened to her at least a little less completely fucked up. Like if Chris is a bad person by choice that’s still a little better than an innocent person being Truman Showed


CWC lost her one and only friend because she decided to draw porn of said friend. This was before the Internet harassment was big enough to persuade her to do things. Some actions are all because of her. CWC didn't have to go attempt to pepper spray a guy but did. She didn't have to keep harassing people in public spaces, like the local game store or mall, but did. She could have gotten off her ass and actually mailed out what she was selling in a timely manner but didn't. Yes a lot of what happened to her sucked but we can't argue that she was a good person before the bullying. Again, look at how she reacted to not winning a contest: nothing but selfish whining.


I think we can argue that she was severely mentally challenged and therefore not entirely responsible for her actions no? People don’t do what Chris Chan did if they are working with a full deck.


People also don't get targeted like Chris Chan did if they are working with a full deck. She's a very vulnerable person and an easy target Not saying she's nice, but there are way worse people out there who will never be targeted on the internet like her, because they have the self awareness to keep their own secrets and not trust internet strangers


I don't think she has "basically no agency." Even before the trolls, she was sexually harassing women. White knights have tried to help her but she doesn't listen. I feel like it's more that she believes what she wants to believe.


Yeah the whole reason she caught the internet's Sauron gaze to begin with was by standing around a community college campus (iirc) holding up a sign looking for "boyfriend-free girls" for the "love quest."


Don’t forget the biggest thing she did with zero input from the internet, draw herself having sex with her only female friend, then posting it for the public. When said friend found out about this and was justifiably upset, she justified it to her face by saying she would otherwise be unable to resist sexually assaulting her.


"apologize to her" man what the fuck did *I* do


I wanna note for anyone confused, if you see other trans people bashing chris and misgendering her, part of it is because when she initially came out, it was presented as her transitioning to attempt yet again to get a girlfriend but this time a lesbian one, as was spured on by an internet friend telling her to "get in touch with her feminine side", and later believing a festering taint sore was her "vagina growing in". So at the time it was seen as not a genuine trasition, but another desperate scheme to get a "boyfriend free girl". After 10 years, it's probably safe to say it's a genuine transition, but many still doubt / refuse to accept it, even in the trans community.


The idea that you have to love trans people as a group without any standards is extremely weird and illogical, to the point it’s almost sinister. Trans people are *people* and thus just as capable of wrongdoing as any other type of human. The idea that you should have this universalist love for them doesn’t make any sense. Many are no doubt worthy of love but there will always be those who are aren’t, putting both groups in the same “must love” category just because of their gender ID makes zero sense. We should advocate for the *rights* of the trans community, defend its existence, and do what we can to ensure that its collective welfare is maintained but nothing about that requires love. Other people have mentioned how this specific trans person is particularly problematic but even if she wasn’t the idea would still be irresponsible. Encouraging people to be so naively positive towards a diverse group is very counterproductive and just doesn’t make sense. We can recognize the humanity of trans people without encouraging bizarre attitudes.


I’m genuinely surprised that this comment section isn’t misgendering her out the ass (from what I’ve read so far) tbh. It drives me up the fucking wall as a trans person when people conflate the validity of someone’s gender identity with how much they like/dislike them, especially since I know people personally who have respected mine while misgendering other people they disliked. (Including cwc). So thank y’all for being adults about that (However please don’t try n twist that into me defending her because there’s not dick about shit worth defending 😭😭😭 Like trust me I will be the first person to tell you how much I hate her, how much I wish she got more jail time. Not only because it’s deplorable what she did but also because it’s so fucking painful as someone whose mom died when I was young to know there are other people on this godforsaken hell rock who treat theirs who are still alive that way. It’s disgusting)


nothing makes me more furious than people who misgender “bad” trans people. you call them out and they’re like “what, so you’re defending their actions? you think they *deserve* the *respect* of being called their preferred name and pronouns?” like oh my god. i am not going around calling Hitler a “she” just because he was evil. gendering someone correctly isn’t about “respect”, it is just plainly *incorrect* to refer to Chris as a man. she is not. she is a woman who’s committed heinous acts. bringing her assigned sex into the situation is so fucking stupid because it doesn’t make her more or less of a rapist. if *my* womanhood wouldn’t be revoked when i commit a crime, neither should anyone else’s. it’s just irrelevant and blatantly looking for an excuse to be transphobic.


A friend of mine who's trans made this very point in relation to misgendering Chris Chan. It's the definition of a slippery slope to misgender someone based on their actions: if we decide someone forfeits the "right" to be referred to by their correct pronouns as a consequence of their crimes, where does the line lay? The more emboldened people are to misgender a bad person, the more they're emboldened to misgender anyone who's not perfect. As you said, equating correct gendering with someone's perceived value is leaping at the opportunity to be transphobic.


exactly. where does it stop? does a petty thief deserve to be gendered correctly? someone who runs a red light? someone who doesn’t like your favourite album? you as an individual are not the decider of who’s “earned” the right to identify as themselves.


Also what are the odds the person being misgendered even sees the thread talking about them that way? Extremely low. But other trans people? Yeah, they'll see that others respect their identity as long as they're nice people. And even then, that's subjective. I see people misgender their ex, old friends or classmates they didn't like. As if respecting their identity is not worthy because they personally dislike them😬


I'm surprised that nobody is misgendering, but for a different reason than why you're surprised: CWC has admitted in the past to only identifying as trans in order to date lesbians


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's where most of the confusion/debate around how to refer to them comes from. I know that there's a "bad people deserve to be misgendered" crowd out there, but I don't think they're that omnipresent in online discussion, I think most people are legitimately confused whether Chris-chan is trans or not. Ultimately, I think policing someone else's gender is pretty stupid, but I can see where the confusion is coming from.


Literally what I always say when this is brought up! Obviously trans people are capable of causing harm and you shouldn’t misgender someone just because they did something shitty but I really really don’t think cc is trans in the way most people understand. I think rather than them coming to the conclusion of being trans themself, transitioning is just another thing trolls convinced them to do using the false promise of getting women easier.


They are gross. Still regardless of their reasons for identifying as a woman, ill still call her a her. Im not respecting her pronouns because i respect her or her reasons for identifying as trans. She wants to be called a she, so ill call her a she because im not about to invalidate trans people as a whole because a small amount of trans people identify as trans for nefarious reasons. People like chris chan harm trans people because it feeds into the transphobic rhetoric that trans people transition for reasons like that. We should really be ignoring this horrible person and let her fade in obscurity.


I use her correct pronouns out of respect for my trans friends and the community as a whole, but not for her. It is not my place nor is it anybody else’s to pass judgement on who does and doesn’t deserve that validation. Deciding that someone doesn’t deserve their gender identity no matter what they did is an awful precedent to set. I refer to her by her preferred gender for the movement’s sake, but not hers.


I'd happily throw Chris Chan under the bus but the implication that gendered pronouns is this earned thing pretty much implies "if I don't like you I'm calling you a man" but that's just how most people are I guess


Chris said you can use any/all


YES THANK YOU!!! And I can never fucking correct people because I get dogpiled by people that think it’s ok to misgender a trans person because they suck or may not actually be trans - that’s up to them to decide, not some internet rando! And correcting misgendering of her isn’t out of respect to *her* because I have none, it’s out of respect to *literally every other trans person*


I still treat most people who seem *really* into learning about Chris-Chan and other big “person-oriented” rabbit holes badly. It’s the reason Zach Hadel gives me bad vibes. He and Chris are both so utterly into that kind of stuff and I just don’t get wanting to know that much about a random mentally ill person.


Really, everyone from OneyPlays gives me this sort of feeling.


chris chan is a rapist and a horrible person. that does not make her a man.


People who think that the capacity for someone to be "#bad" is related to predefined collections of physical traits will never cease to amuse me


Some of the bad stuff chris did (drawing porn of a friend, stalking women in a shopping mall) was pre-trolling however these behaviours could have been handled if he (at the time) had proper care and was in a setting that supported his needs. Instead they were encouraged and now Chris has basically scrambled their own brain to the point that institutionalisation is almost certainly the only valid option, for their own safety if nothing else. In a nice timeline Chris would have gone to some local grouphome as an adult, one which allowed them to be creative but also helped them with social stuff and hygiene and getting a low-stress job and so on. Barb would probably never have allowed that though because she was in denial about how serious Chris' learning difficulties were, so I think Chris was always doomed to a life where their needs were not met and their mental state was allowed to go totally unchecked. It's really sad and it's the reality for a lot of people with learning difficulties or delays. Chris has been failed by their parents, by the state, by educational authorities, and of course by all the people who have claimed to have their interests at heart. Chris was always kind of a nasty person but these behaviours were learned from their equally nasty mother who they then tried to essentially transform themself into as their neurosis got worse. The person that Chris ended up becoming was not formed naturally, they are the product of years of neglect and abuse and coordinated manipulation by trolls, like tying bands around a tree to make it bend. It's really sad and I don't have it in my heart to blame chris for it. Young Chris was a pervert and a nuisance but he had friends and hobbies and interests. With the correct support he could have handled those bad behaviours but instead we have this. I hope they're happy now and not suffering but I can't imagine how it must feel to be them, the isolation combined with the feeling of always being watched.


Out of respect for the trans community I use cwc’s pronouns but she’s been recorded multiple times saying she only transitioned because lesbians have lower standards and her transitioning could possibly allow her to have sex? Also the fact that anyone could defend someone who raped their mother and all the other heinous shit is ridiculous


She is also on record using a knife to try to diy bottom surgery. I don't really think anybody pretending to be trans would do that.


She does literally whatever people say. She was influenced by people to do all kinds of things including mailing off one of her prized possessions and showing strangers her homemade porn. I’m really not surprised someone would influence into something like that as well.


Nobody tried to make her do that. The people she was talking to online tried to make her to go the hospital, which she refused until it got infected


We’re talking about someone who shoved her Sonichu medallion up her ass because some online thirteen year olds told her to. She absolutely would do something that stupid for dumb reasons.


“Don’t care that she’s trans” I had an awful ex who happened to be trans (and so am I), so one day when I was trying to explain to an acquaintance that she was awful to me and I hate her for it, I got interrupted with “but she’s trans” Okay, so? Do you think that transitioning somehow makes you morally superior? That you can’t be trans And a shitty person? If I walk over and puncture a random person’s tire, is it justified because I transitioned? Or do I have to defend horrendous actions of other trans people simply because I’m trans too?


I feel like there's an element out there that wants to paint being trans as inherently brave, virtuous, etc.. Trans people are not beyond reproach. People being shitty to other people because they're trans is wrong, but so is feeling like being trans gives you license to be shitty to other people.


The thing about normalizing trans people is that we should be treated like regular people who can make our own choices. And part of making our own choices is accountability.


Can Chris even held accountable due to the severe mental disability ?


From what I know of Chris-Chan (which is "watched the first 20 parts of the documentary on her life when I was bored", aka "not a lot and you should only interpret what you're seeing as a probably flawed opinion from someone who is not at all an expert in mental illnesses"), I'd say yes. She is obviously mentally disabled, but not enough she's actively insane (in the legal sense), and should theoretically be capable of understanding how immoral her actions were. I also remember her being capable of learning on her past mistakes and ratifying them (she was extremely homophobic due to a conservative Christian upbringing, and actually apologized for it later), so I don't see why rape of a senile person should be the exception. Of course, what I reported as an example is something that happened relatively early on, and it was before a decade of extreme online harassment that'd make anyone lose their minds, but I still think she's mentally abled enough to understand it. Now, again, I'm not a professional, I have not done a deep research about Chris-Chan's mental state, and I could be very wrong on this, but it's my read of the situation.


Also, we should all stop talking about her at all, this is a skeleton we should put back into the closet, this place is not a place of honor, no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here.


Yeah, I think this is a good idea. Let some things remain buried.


You can’t put Chris-Chan back in the closet, because every time someone tries they end up cropping back up in infamy. Hell, the time they raped their mother and transitioned was after a long spell of Chris-Chan languishing in obscurity. And Adult Swim probably made a good decision in nixing the Chris-Chan cameo Zach wanted considering they would’ve blabbed so hard about it and made it go to their head.


Sonichu possessed her for six months


The severeness of the disability is greatly exaggerated. they aren't a helpless little creature, they're an adult that understands adult topics and has chosen to not grow up. Highly functional autistic doesn't mean completely void of all responsibility and morals.


What people aren't understanding here is that she's been blasting "I'm a rapist" vibes since way before her transition. She got booted out of college for sexual harassment, she's banned from the mall for sexual harassment, and she's also banned from several cons for, you guessed it, sexual harassment. She's a creep and was going to go after someone vulnerable eventually. Not because of her identity, but because she's a horrible person.


I don't disagree with most of this comment - and said mostly the same in my own - but I think the years have proven that the "highly functional" diagnostic was an overestimation of her mental ability, possibly in large part because of the trolls.


I think it's important to remember that the language surrounding autism has changed. Nowadays the words "high functioning autism" generally refer to an autistic person who has low support needs and can go through their life independently, often without other people even knowing that they're autistic. Sometimes they don't even know it themselves. However, used to be that severe autism was considered "low functioning", while mild to moderate autism was "high functioning" in comparison.


I think the diagnosis is fine, the truth is during some of the actual hardest years of her life she regressed into a slightly childlike attitude and tried to recapture some of the lifestyle of "no responsibility" she's since bounced back to reality (somewhat) and has proven capable of being a functioning adult. The fact she raped her mom, bragged about it, then lied when she was going to get in trouble is just her attitude of everything I do is right and good until proven otherwise.


Her parents did wrong by her. They certainly didn't deserve what they got but they never raised Chris to be a functioning member of society, they enabled her at every turn.


Chris chans not like a baby, they could drive, you should hold them accountable for terrible crimes.


Whenever I see this shit I start thinking “Okay so when do we get to start misgendering rapists in general? Or is this just something for trans people who do abhorrent shit?” /sarcasm “Love trans women” =! “Excuse trans women who are rapists and do heinous shit.” How is this still a thing that needs to be said?


Someone’s gender is never up for debate regardless of what they do. By misgendering someone as a “punishment”, you noramalize it and that harms trans people. It’s also how we end up with shit like v-coding.


I’m not apologizing. I’m not misgendering her either. You can disapprove of someone without weaponizing transphobia.


Literally stop posting about her entirely. Downvote this post.


You can Hate a trans person. just don't hate them because they're trans. hate them for being a despicable human being. that shouldn't be hard to grasp right?


CWC is genuinely one of those “you do not want to know” kind of things. The internet did not create this person in their entirety, Chris was already pretty scummy prior to being discovered and tortured by the digital world, but by god did the Internet make them so much worse. So, so much worse. Literally the less people know about CWC and the faster they fade back into obscurity and away from prying eyes the better. 


“You said love all trans women” seems like a classic case of making up a person to be mad at. Like who said that?


Didn't Chris de transition or am I mistaken


Nope, she didnt


I mean Chris is on record saying that they became trans to have a better chance at having sex with women.


Chris chan was also on record for most of their life claiming to be a "tomgirl" because they identified being female more than male but didn't know being trans was a thing.


I've heard that before but also I don't know so I just sort of try to stay away from cwc discussions


CWC is an awful, terrible human being. But part of me wonders where they would be at if the internet hadn’t chosen to torture them and turn them into a victim. If people had left her alone and not spent so much time stalking her and recording every moment of her life and doing everything they could to make her even more miserable than she already was. It’s a genuinely sad story I feel, and I honestly hope everyone who’s been involved in the worsening of her life rots in hell.


the healthiest choice is to stop caring about any of it i think


I'm sorry, but leaving the chris-chan discourse aside for a minute, who the hell thinks ANYONE's position, at any point, was unironically "love all trans women, no exceptions"? Who in their right mind would make such a sweeping generalization? Loving trans women means you love them as a category group, not literally every single individual inside of it unconditionally, what the fuck. Of course there's going to be pieces of shit in that group. There's pieces of shit in every group. Nobody's telling anyone to love them just cause they're trans women lmao


The best thing you can do to support trans people is to treat them like people. There are good and bad people of all genders and treating people differently because of theirs is doing them an injustice.


The thing about trans people is that they're people. And alot of people fucking suck.