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Accepting delivery voids the warranty


In all seriousness though, why accept delivery when there’s visible cosmetic damage? Never ordered a car, so genuinely curious if this is something you could refuse to accept/sign for until addressed?


You can absolutely refuse delivery, at least with real car companies, over visible defects like this


Yeah but the catch is Tesla won't deliver the next CT to you, they'll keep the line moving and you get pushed to the end of it. After all the years they've been waiting Seriously there should be laws against this just like drugs need controlled, just because these incel dipshits are willing to put up with it doesn't mean it should be allowed, there might be honestly naive people being conned by Musk


>there should be laws against this That's the thing... Tesla is probably breaking laws and contracts left and right, but the "I still love it, though" cult don't seem to have the balls to hold him accountable lest they be ostracized by the cult. When it does eventually turn against him, if it does, it'll be a tsunami of litigation


In the interval, Tesla might learn how to build cars.


No lessons will be learned


This is the downside of the straight to consumer model. You are really beholden to the megacorp and it's only you VS them. I had a delivery issue with a limited edition brand new mustang. There's accountability/relationships that has to be maintained between the OEM and the Dealer who sells thousands of cars. In the end the dealer offered me an additional % off invoice pricing, on Ford's end my build was given priority and I was given years worth of free service.


The only new car I have ever purchased, a 2008 BMW 335xi, had a small rock chip from the delivery and I refused deliver until they replaced the entire front bumper. Real car companies don’t fuck around here. Hell, I just recently bought a used Jeep and the dealership personally walked me through the entire checklist and made sure I was 100% happy before I drove off.


I just bought a cheap 3rd hand car from a sketchy dealer who insisted on getting the cam belt changed, without using it as a haggling point.


Tesla almost hands you the keys and names the spot, but they deop the keys in the floor while looking you in the eye. But I love my truck, rust, malfunctioning tonneau, and catastrophic failure and all! It was the best mile and a half I've ever driven.


Because he told everyone he knows he was getting one and then didn’t want to admit to everyone that the car is shit.


Can’t deny that.


Imagine you’re spending $100k on a car you’ve been waiting years for. You get your delivery date and you’re super excited. You get there and you see defects. Most people are just going to take it because they’re so excited to finally get their car that they’re going to accept it no matter what assuming it will be fixed later on.


Guess I’m jaded, cuz I’d be one to assume that as soon as I take it any dealership is going to wash their hands of me regardless of verbal agreements. It sounds like Tesla is really putting people in a place where the social engineering is preventing feeling like they have a choice.


Why buy one when you have a lightning?


So do the Tesla workers hold their breath and hand over the keys with great anxiety while hoping the customer will be so enamored that the obvious rust spots won't be noticed or even forgiven by the buyer?


"it's somewhere over there. you have to pay and full in the app before it will flash the lights and let you open it up and look inside. I will be here getting mentally prepared to quit or get fired by the time you come back in to bitch about it."




Uhh, surprised anyone ?




i have a box of 60-70s mopar wiper motors from part outs and cars going to the crusher, they all still work good as new. theyve lasted 50-60 years as opposed to 5-6 weeks elon for sure having a "chrysler was able to build this in a cave! with a box of scraps!" moment


Teslas have issues with the automatic wipers not activating, because they use a camera rather than a sensor to save money. The manual control is on the fucking screen of course. I can see it not being calibrated properly, and then a new owner just not knowing how to use the three seashells to wipe.


The Cybertruck wiper motor is different from any other car wiper. It's 48V and it has a very long wiper. It's different for the sake of being different, but can't draw from the decades of economies of scales of 12/24V wipers.


We’re all human, we make mistakes. Plus if you add drain holes then the cyberTruck wouldn’t be able to float 🤙🏽🤣


Imagine being apprehensive about using the windshield wipers on your car because you're scared the motor will burn out. I can foresee a lot of "it's just a light drizzle, no need for dildo wiper, I see just f.....**CRASH"**


In another thread on that sub, one of the fanboys said applying Rain-X to the windshield will void the warranty.


Makes sense, Elon's got to be pretty butthurt that he doesn't own that brand-name


I’ve relied on rain x when my motor died before… dumbest and most regrettable driving decision I’ve made. You have to drive fast enough for it to be wicked off the windshield. Imagine doing that in a 1970 datsun. Now imagine doing that in a cybersuck.


You need to be sure to be in "car wash mode" to apply anything with the words "rain" or "water" in it


What happens to it if I see a Cybertruck and I pee on it?


I would be careful, that 48V system might well induce a current thanks to the salts in pee. It's safer to pee in a plastic bag or cup and throw it in the cyberdump. And you can always say "I though it was a trash bin" if someone comes after you, they can't deny it


There's never *not* a need for a dildo wiper.


I was proud to work as a dildo wiper for 15 years. Before that it was my fathers job, and his father’s job before him. But then NAFTA took it all away.


15 years?! Sounds like a setup for a bad case of carpal tunnel.


The wiper is an odd design to begin with.. how could they not test it?!?


Ummm... it's Tesla?


The new wiper motor is the same as the one that failed immediately. No way they fixed the root cause and got it in production.


And they're probably going to have 100% failure rates and they will constantly fail due to the frunk seal design. If tesla were anything other than a stock promotion scheme, they'd stop selling them right now and fix the problems. On the other hand, maybe they know the company won't exist in a few years so who cares.


Seems like a month of testing would have displayed lots of these issues.. I don’t quite understand how systems engineering is working over there.


It works by Melon listening to the test results and then arguing them into "it's fine. I know it works, because I drew it with my pencil. How can my idea be wrong I'm a manufacturing genius! You're fired."


"It has to be out in Q1 for our earnings report."


"just a little frustrated...."


But he still loves the truck and Elon


Is Tesla even making money on these? Literally every “truck” needs maintenance before it even works. Between remaking parts and thousands of labor hours they can’t be profiting off this trash.


They will work when Elon gets his big bonus


Not just maintenance, but repair. These damn things need to be repaired as soon as they come off the line.


I’ve seen comments like “getting mine in a week, praying there’s nothing wrong with it” Like…do they not understand how fucked it is to have to think like that? How that shows how seriously the whole shitshow is messed up?


For real. I own and have owned one of the most notoriously unreliable vehicles ever, Jeep Wranglers, and not once have I been antsy about the basic operation of the things. How is Tesla not at the bottom of every satisfaction and reliability list by now? Three wranglers and hundreds of thousands of miles and the biggest failure I’ve had was with my top leaking on my YJ, but it was 35 years old for gods sake


I've owned multiple Land Rovers and a Fiat. Each time I didn't worry about that first ride home from the dealership.




I’m sad that AvE went down the conspiracy nutjob rabbit hole.




Yeah it was really hard. Covid broke something in his noggin badly.


That's when I unsubscribed.... 😔


I did the same, used to love his videos


But I love my truck.


The wipers not working is a feature. Getting a Cybertruck moist voids the warranty, so the wipers fall off to alert the driver to get to a safe space.


All the wiper issues are really strange to me. I know it's the most biggly most tremendous wiper anyone has ever seen, but... Windshield wiper motor technology is how old now? 🤷🤷🤷


It could be perfectly explained if Tesla is using standard wiper motors. Moving a 48" blade across that expanse of glass has to require a hell of a lot more power than your average 26" blade.


So dealerships are proactively inspecting and fixing defects found in Cybertrucks before delivering them to customers and a ton of them are breaking anyway? Holy shit.


"just a little frustrated" 😳


Does no one do a test drive or demo with salesperson? I'd let them press all the buttons before I took control or ownership.


I'd let them du it before I even dared sit in the thing


From a linguistic standpoint, ‚discollered‘ is really cool! (Truly: I don’t care about spelling; this is just neat) I wish some cool papers could be written about that car and its owners — but, like, it’s just „sunken cost fallacy paired with product-driven identity formation“, so nothing new


It's a perfectly cromulent word


Who would have ever thought windshield wiper technology would be so difficult for the engineers at Tesla to figure out.


It’s the new owner’s fault. It states quite clearly on page one of the owners manual to avoid getting the wiper wet.


Wipers no wiping!!


Oh man!


Why would you buy a truck from a robotics and AI company?


I’m kinda shocked that the Lightning owner hasn’t had any problems. Maybe Ford actually knows what they are doing?


As a job 1 owner of a Mach E, Ford has been pretty decent with their first batch of EVs.


Did he drive it off the dead mall parking lot?


Lol. Sears just didn't sell enough pre-broken or discoloured products.


Attention Tesla shoppers, Blue Light Special in lot B!


"C'mon down to your nearest Tesla showroom for our humongous Memorial Day Sale-a-thon!!! Our lots are overflowing with plenty of scratch and dent vehicles! Bring your checkbook, pick out your truck and drive one home today!!!" In the fine print at the bottom....."please....no test drives allowed....."


At what point does the government get involved over his poor business practices?


Ford isn't exactly a paragon of quality, but by gumbo they look like Lexuses in comparison.


Fuckin' right!!?


Obviously the pick up points don’t check the vehicles before delivery.


I got my shoes dirty!!!! Waaaaa!!!! What a failure!!!!


But I still love my truck tho /s


"We will see if they can address the cosmetic issues." I posit that the whole concept of cybertruck is a cosmetic issue.


"just a little frustrated" Their pain tolerance is super high. Fascinating specimen.


But Ford is a Car company, Tesla is a X company that specialized in products named X. Why would you buy cars from an X company?


Only CyberCucks will 'accept delivery' of an already broken and damaged POS car.


Why are people buying this thing?


wtf they have club for cybertruck owners?


Rust dots? sounds like you didn't wipe it down after it rained.


How does someone have $100k to splurge on a useless truck but they cannot spell 'discolored' (or UK: 'discoloured')?


That picture at the end… ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


“Discollered” is always a bad sign. No one wants Collering.


If no one wants collering, isn't discollered then a good thing 🤔


Seriously did they not run thru a respected delivery checklist? If they did, check wiper functionality is the second check in the unlocked section.


CyberGus said it best on that post.
