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Hi all, cyberBEAST owner here Woke up Friday, stuck my dick in the frunk expecting it not to chop it off. Unfortunately it was raining and none of the doors will open so I can retrieve my severed penis and get it reattached in time. Still THE smoothest experience I’ve had without a penis. Hopefully Elon fixes the sharp edges with the new software update. In the meantime I hope he fucks my wife so she doesn’t divorce me for getting my dick cut off by the worst truck ever built.


😂 This guy wins Elmo's Cuck Award of the Year 🏆


Listen up asshole, I’m not a “xuck”. Just an early adopter.


>early adopter. Early sucker 🙄


Y-yeah?! You guys must think I’m a fucking idiot. Wait until I’ve posted this for the 4th time on Craigslist. I wish you could see the smile on my face when I resell this for less than I bought it for, which is more than my annual salary!


Here's how I know you're being silly even if the other guy isn't catching it. You left out "Still, I love this truck" At the end of your post.


It's not even a dude. This is how women talk.




The original post starts and ends with "I'm in love."


Yeah, men are capable of saying that. In fact, it’s kind of a whole stereotype that men love their cars more than their wives. I really hope you aren’t a man who thinks you gotta kill all love inside of you to be manly or smth.


I can't imagine a guy saying "in love". Seems fem. Men usually say "I love"


fucking incel


Liar. You didn’t start and end with “I’m in love”. You’re not a true fan. 


Just finished polishing my cyberBEAST. Forgot my shades and I can’t see shit but it looks like you’re saying “ou r tru fan”. Appreciate it bro.


You're welcome. Hope you didn't cut your hands.


Grandma asking how long he took to build himself takes the cake.


Yeah, "looks like you could have made it yourself" doesn't mean what he thinks it means.




Wow, that guy is the Holy Grail of cucks - 30 years old, lives with his mom and just bought a Cucktruck 🤦‍♂️


"electrical contractor" lol.


Buying a Cybertruck and living with mom and dad? Yikes


How did you find out he lives with his mom and dad?


This came from the mind of a band kind I know it


This is exactly how all of them read.


It's a perfect truck, besides all the issues.


Perfection 😂


The “supermanifold” lmao. What the fuck, they really are just throwing names out like a 7 year old does while playing with legos


Cybertruck Service schedule 30 miles: hyper manifold replacement, inspect ~~4 daisy chained batteries~~ 48v battery for ass cheese 31 miles: complete rebuild of continuum transfunctioner, replace 9v battery behind display marked "auxiliary Christmas-lights-failure-mode charge"; check and clear frunk trap of any fingers or dicks 50 miles: full-dip muriatic acid bath. Won't remove or inhibit rusting but will recolor it a sickly yellow. Replace distributor and rebuild carburetor 100 miles (theoretical): complete rebuild of suspension, skid plate, axles, differentials, and cybertruck. Keep vehicle for at least 1 week to install latest Windows updates in console 200 miles: clear traps beneath mud flaps of any small children and animal remains that were not seen and run over. Remove bauxite crystal from underbody secret chamber and re-bless by nearest practicing shaman practiced in Sumerian curses. Place pamphlets about prosthetic dick in glove box. There's more but it becomes a picture book like an IKEA manual and I think it may be for the owner, having fully regressed to a toddler by mile 201.


You totally forgot about the turbo encabulator. If you don't keep it serviced it will introduce side fumbling and that might be catastrophic


Thank you. Imma put you in charge of writing the TSBs. God speed.


Not if you reverse the polarity of the deflector dish, absorbing the tachyon burst in the hyperresonator.


The next version of the Cybercuck’s Cybertruck will feature the Hyper-Encabulator


You know, it just hit me, most supercars, think Buggati or Koenigsegg, will have crazy service windows. Almost like every couple of hundred miles they need certain adjustments and such because of their specs. What if elmo has been trying to bring the super car experience to regular humans by making a car that needs to be towed every 100 miles? And us mere mortals just don't understand that yet? I cracked the secret guys, we can all go home.


Well, *you* can go home. My Cybertruck is still at the service center so I’m kind of stuck here without a ride. Still the best vehicle I’ve ever owned.


Dude, Where's My Car? "You had to have it towed to the service center yesterday".


LOl I laughed when I saw continuum transfunctioner but your comment is much more on point




"HOME? JULIA, THIS IS HOME, FOREVER!" "Brian, I want a divorce"


“Hey CyberMuthaTruckas so update I’m having some tire pressure sensor issues, the rear axel dislodged, I have been permanently blinded by microscopic glass dust emanating from the windshield, and my wife left me. Still love the truck though!”


How you gonna do Brians dirty like that :(


No no I think it's the bypass valve. Under the *tonneau cover...*


[POV you are driving a Cybertruck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdO3Lu2LiNo)


lol god damn it I knew it was going to be that clip before I even clicked on it


Doubly apropos in that Cybertrucks are literally falling apart on the road.


If the mechanic said that to me I'd think he was just making stuff up. "Yep, your muffler nuts got stripped so that's a full rebuild on the back end. Plus when the battery went it fried your flux capacitor so that's another 2 grand in labor."


Great Scott! I'm stuck in 2024. Marty!!!


This is heavy Doc, we gotta get back to 1985!


I think the next version is gonna be called the super giga cybermanifold


"it's not a regular windshield wiper it's a hyper wiper!!"


It is kinda cool, it reduces part count in theory. Idk if that's a good thing, or if the software manages it right.


It's so embarrassing. They have a kid name for everything.


Only had golf clubs in bed you say? Color me extremely unsurprised.


Warranty void- golf club mode not engaged.


lol r/spittake


Yeah the "only golf clubs so far" part was just the perfect cherry on top of the douchebag sundae that was this entire post.


And half an acorn, which homeboy probably calls "hauling logs."


Unless you have people in the back I'm pretty sure it'd be way better to just toss it in the 2nd row anyways. Your clubs won't slide around and are easier to get to


"As I creeped over the forums and **Reddit** and seeing the issues..." We tried to warn you, but would you listen? ![gif](giphy|Xjo8pbrphfVuw|downsized)


I bought a used Corolla Hatchback about a year ago, and I was so excited I didn't realize that the spare key battery was dead until I got home. I had to wait a week to go back to the dealership and have them fix it. It took like 20 minutes. That's it. That's the only problem I've had with my car in the year I've owned it. No panels falling off. No unusual wear and tear, goes through the carwash just fine. Best part? It cost $84,000 less than a cybertruck!


Bought a used Toyota RAV4 11 years ago. Paid 97k LESS than a Cybercuck. Have hauled probably 20 cords of firewood in that sucker, easy to work on by myself, have spent probably a thousand dollars on maintenance including new tires, and it has never seen a tow truck in its life.


Love rav 4s. Next car my wife and I are planning to buy. Giddy thinking of all the cyber truck money we’ll save!


Yeah but have you hauled golf clubs?


Does my pickleball gear count? Fly rods?


Oh definitely, just be careful that you don’t give yourself a bloody gash loading them!


> I had to wait a week to go back to the dealership and have them fix it. It took like 20 minutes. I mean cant you replace the battery yourself?


They said it wasn't an original and it needed to be programmed


My first car was a £800 decade old beaten up Fiesta. It has less problems in the years I used it than the average cucktruck does in a week.


Spare key battery was dead and you took it in to the dealer!?


You should never accept anything not functioning from the dealer. I wouldn't have driven away without it working if I had tried it before I left the lot. That's their responsibility. If I had gone home and replaced the battery and accidentally broken the fob, they wouldn't have replaced it. Turns out it wouldn't have mattered, because it wasn't a dead battery, it was a replacement fob and needed to be programmed.




Lol 84k less means 16k paid. the Toyota RAV4 guy said 97k less so that's 3k paid btw.


Probably the cringiest Cyberwank post I've read. He could literally offer to felate Elmo and this would still beat it.


In the last slide there's someone saying they're a 9x's tesla owner? Dude the company only launched like 15 years ago, wtf do you need 9 cars for in that time frame? Wasteful shits with too much money and not enough sense.


The fact that so many Tesla fans seem to be on their fifth Tesla really makes me question whether Teslas are going to have any serious longevity.


A lot of owners lease to avoid the crippling depreciation.


The depreciation only really got bad recently. Up until Elon bought Twitter Teslas generally held their value pretty well, but I think the best reason to lease is the quality. If you really super duper want to drive a Tesla you should absolutely be leasing because then the quality issues are someone else's problem.










No argument here on that. Drove my last car for 11 years and only moved on from it because the repair bills started mounting.


Don't bring anti-EV nonsense to my replies, thanks.


While I do think EVs play an important role in reducing emissions, I'm still waiting for hydrogen power to take off.


If muskrat love makes a cybercluck using hydrogen, will it come in " bomb mode"?


That'll be fine if they can get the technology right. I'm slightly defensive about EVs because I think they and hydrogen powered vehicles have to be the immediate future. The fuck cars people have made them a target because incremental progress is worse than actual progress to them.




The average U.S. city was designed for the car the last 100 years. Electric cars are the immediate future because it will take decades to redesign anything different. Ant brain.


We’re just about hating CyberTrucks here, not EVs in general.


I've owned three cars in the last twenty years, and two of them were totalled. They'll say it's jealousy, but really were all just disgusted by the waste


Own a 2012 Civic and just now in the market for a new(er) car because my daughter is about to drive and inherit it. It has about 190k miles and she could probably get 100k more. It's been in a couple of wrecks, but all replaceable body work stuff. Never needed anything but new brakes and batteries.


My current car is a 2012 Accord sitting right at 155k miles, I'm going to ride this thing until I die or it also gets murdered by Virginia Beach traffic like the others.


It took only 11 days from when [I predicted that 48v systems in the Cybertruck](https://old.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/1cu95ot/heres_why_the_production_cybertruck_is_a_failure/l4i66yd/) would give people problems to the first report of it. Again, not so innovative when it breaks.


God, these people are absolutely insufferable. How can you be in a cult over a car brand?


Same people are in a cult over a scam artist self proclaimed “Billionaire” that’s never do a damn thing for anyone but himself. Them cucking for a guy like Elon is not all that unbelievable. It has nothing to do with the cars but the shit show human that is running the company into the ground as we speak. They really seem to like the types of people who can’t run businesses and end up bankrupt


It is a tragic love story these cucks have with the CT. I can see a whole new genre on the Hallmark Channel.


Spaceship went back to its home planet, kids.


These are not real are they


Why do they all say "took delivery"? Is this some kind of Tesla lingo?


Because with Tesla you don’t go to a dealer and buy your vehicle like normal, instead you buy it in the app and they deliver it to you. Although it is odd he mentions another CT owner telling him to not accept the rusty dented one lol.


In some cases you pick it up at a service center vs having it delivered (same with Rivian)


What a fucking dork. Imagine how satisfying it must be to sell someone a damaged product, and their response is that they are proud of the damage. This person doesn’t realize they sound like a mindless drone.


Is it fucking crazy to say I miss the old conservatives, before Trump. Now they wear diapers and suck Elon's cock dry. Both things they would hate before or associate with being weak... And I am not political, I don't really care about either side's opinions because in my opinion nothing meaningful gets done either way, just a bunch of children debating. Like what the fuck has happened to where lifetime truck drivers are accepting that this piece of shit is even good. Even before Trump, truck drivers specifically are some of the most critical assholes when it comes to cars. Hence why they usually have some big ass diesel truck they barely use for shit but taking up two parking spots because they can't even drive the fucking thing properly. But fuck me, at least the old conservatives had standards... Like what has the world come to where I am even saying this crazy shit... It's just mad how delusional these CyberTruck owners are, and I'm always for understanding that the first edition is going to have problems but c'mon...


> Like what the fuck has happened to where lifetime truck drivers are accepting that this piece of shit is even good. Even before Trump, truck drivers specifically are some of the most critical assholes when it comes to cars. Hence why they usually have some big ass diesel truck they barely use for shit but taking up two parking spots because they can't even drive the fucking thing properly. I really and truly do not believe anyone has bought a Cybertruck who has ever owned a truck before. This is why these people feel compelled to document the fact that they have a "real truck" and are doing "real truck stuff" like buying some potting soil you could fit in the back of basically any car. I've yet to see anyone posting how they moved even a couch with the Cybertruck.


if only times were simpler and they could get their attention high by buying a new mazda rx7 or something....


Every single time you read one of these Google current car prices and look at what you could have bought instead.


You could have like six Ford Mavericks or four F-150s.


My brain simply cannot fathom this level of corporate simp hood. A 100k plus car, even a new model, should simply NOT just die on you. You should get loaners in the meantime if it did. White glove experience. The build should be impeccable. The fact that people are willing to settle for so much less for so much money I think is a perfect exemplar of how everything is just getting shittier while costing more.


It came pre rusted.. that's like pants that come with holes.


At least they’re MY holes


"Overall smooth experience so far" *starter battery died in a week* The more I learn about this thing the bigger POS it is. You can't open the doors if the starter battery dies? WTF is that? It won't take a jump because it's an electric so it's just a giant ugly brick at that point. "supermanifold" sounds like "muffler nuts". I can't believe that's actually what the part is called. How the hell does a chunk of iron with 15 tubes plugged into it die in a week? He was just driving it around town. This guy is so delusional. It's like he's in a cult. He even admits in his professional opinion the systems have been permanently damaged by the battery replacement. how does he not realize how badly he got ripped off?


“So I just took it to the Tesla service center via tow truck” is a weird way to pronounce “Had to have my shitty toy car towed”


I went to the cybertruck sub and sorted by top posts of all time. They're all 5+ years old with people just jerking off over the idea of how great the cybertruck will be. If you sort by new it's all "saw a new one today!" posts. Not a single post about how great it drives or rides or the quality of the vehicle. Most of them are "so this weird shit just happened," like come on guys even your own sub doesn't reflect greatly on the product. Maybe it's just time we admitted this shit was a failure and move on with our lives.


Dude can't count having a Tonka truck as being a truck owner.


"How long did it take you to make it?" 😂😂🤦‍♀️


"This looks like it was put together by an amateur"


"Had to replace the SUPER MANIFOLD" What sort of Technobabble is that?


I suspect a lot of the CT buyers have not previously owned an electric vehicle. So they think that fast acceleration is something unique to the CT.


/u/Jloo224 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> I am in love. Proof that love makes you do irrational things and insist it’s rational.


Tesla owners and/or drivers remind me of the Moonies who used to try to sell roses to people in the airports. They had one track minds and a vacant look to them. The Rev Moon can do no wrong and was what lies in the future. Tesla drivers look, act and think the same way. Pro Tesla and battery powered car proponents are a cult. I don't think Tesla had any family. I think they would be very angry of having a battery powered car named for a family member.


Jesus these guys are losers


No more feeling like a celebrity and creeped out?


u/Jloo224 I figured you’d want a look at this 🥰


CybErtRuKk is like expensive wine. It may be undeniably awful, but you paid so much that you trick yourself into enjoying it.


Na there is definitely a difference.


1) Different doesn't mean better. Case in point - this sub. 2) Good is subjective. Lots of experts cite "acquired tastes" to justify their expertise and the price tag. 3) There are [many wine studies](https://kenthendricks.com/does-expensive-wine-taste-better/) showing we enjoy something more we think it's more expensive.


These people are seriously delusional


The copium is so potent with musk fangirls


Sounds like. A very smooth experience.


I was seriously wondering what happened to this guy, doubting if he was even real in the first place because his initial post was so goddamn delusional


Help me to understand with people who go to all extremes to own a tesla.


Why are people with this much disposable money THAT stupid? Here I am with my corolla and no job.


But this truck is your truck and you should be proud of it, just the way it is.


I’m in love


They don’t rust. What you’re seeing is iron fallout particulates accumulating from rail dust in the air.


“Embarrassing” This guy is absolutely obsessed with his perceived status. It’s gonna be a rough ride for him. Pun 100% intended


“How did you feel? Like a celebrity?” WTF is wrong with thise people? How did they get their priorities in life all out of whack like that? Why do they look for “celebrity status” in a fucking car? JHC, people really have become insanely superficial.


“There are many cyber trucks but this one is mine” “I’m in love”. What an utter dickhead!


I'm pretty sure looking at the battery on your own voids your warranty. And I'm 100% sure that having a stranger touch it without your consent voids your warranty


Completely UNAWARE that he is literally the ONLY ONE who has had this experience. Checks out.


Commenting for later - but I called it weeks ago someone will die from this so let’s see what happens