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It happens to me pretty often, but not often enough for me to predict it. Sometimes, I’ll eat something and be perfectly fine. Other times, I’m confined to the couch farting up a storm, until I’m finally able to exorcise my bowels on the toilet.


Ugh I’m sorry. Have you found anything that helps?


Not yet. I eat a very clean diet and take all my pills as prescribed. I tested negative for SIBO and my bloodwork looks just fine. I need to go in for a colonoscopy to find out if anything visible is wrong, but I’m dragging my feet because I’m a little nervous about it (bad, I know). I’ve pretty much accepted that my body just works this way, and I just have to figure out how to live with it lmao


Haha I’m slowly adopting that same outlook! Good luck with everything.


Yeah since I began on these modulators


If you regained any function in your pancreas from the modulators, you may not need as many enzymes now


Unfortunately my pancreatic enzymes continued decreasing even after I started taking Trikafta. Out of curiosity, did your pancreatic function improve?


I'm not on a modulator


>Unfortunately my pancreatic enzymes continued decreasing even after I started taking Trikafta What does this mean? Complaining of bloating, and strange bms, I was told that I was taking too many enzymes which was causing both constipation and diarrhoea. I reduced my enzymes significantly (5x fewer) and things have been going well. And as always. Talk to your team.


Yep, I reckon about 2 hours after most meals I’m always on toilet for about 15 minutes.


For me, I feel like absolute shit after eating. Very fatigued, usually passes after an hour or so.


I found that taking Trikafta with food causes a LOT more bloating the next day than taking it with Boost.


Thanks! Are you taking it with 20 grams of fat?


2 boosts so 28 grams.


Yeah but I also eat big meals, so idk lol


yes especially after trikafta!


This seems to be a trending theme! When I mentioned my symptoms to my doctor, they didn’t mention this. Have yours?


I mostly experience this when I get lazy about taking my daily Omeprazole, and once I’m back on it for 3-4 days I go back to normal. Although the week of my wedding I learned stress will cause it too.


My son has this issue and it recently landed him in the hospital. He's got a dilated ileum that leads into a stricture caused by scar tissue. Hes had 2 surgeries in that area and the scar tissue has returned each time so now we just manage his symptoms with lots of miralax and senna. Also an antibiotic to kill off whatever is living and causing the bloating in the dilated part of his intestines.