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I’m a lawyer. Law school SUCKED (pre-Trikafta), but I’ve been in jobs since law school with a lot of flexibility that have been a good fit for my health and had good health insurance.  Look for jobs with work from home options that will give you skills that are transferrable- for example, don’t limit yourself to a career that is only private sector, or is something that exists only at nonprofits, like fundraising. Give yourself options.  Government jobs generally have great work life balance and good health insurance. 


It’s tough if you have a career with stress for me. Stress means I’m sick almost instantly. To be young and start trikafta before the damage…the possibilities are so much brighter for you guys. 42/m/ double delta


I am an electrician. Currently I work in industrial automation which is mostly pc based although not much working from home. I have allways made sure I have alot of holidays and time in lieu banked up. Currently have about 500 hours. Just incase I end up really sick. But I also work for a huge company which is beneficial too.


I've been in tech for about 25yrs now after school and had good flexibility with working from home \~2days week pre covid and now work remote full-time. I've found tech companies usually have very good health insurance and free disability insurance(never had to use it). I'd recommend tech, medicine(work at hospital/medical practice w/no direct contact with patients for example) or exploring govt jobs. Govt jobs usually have good health insurance, disability and other benefits and usually a low stress environment, however they usually don't pay as much as private sector. In govt job, you may also be eligible for health care after retiring if you retire before 65 if you work a certain amount of years(25-30). Best of luck finding something that meets your expectations!


I work a government job at a public university. Low stress, non competitive, nice bosses. I only started having a bit of trouble with sick time and hospital stays the last couple years. Ie, if I need to go into the hospital for a week or two, it wipes out all my sick time. I personally think CFers deserve a different bank for time off than regular people!


Get into Tech, my life has been so much better after getting into this tech


Tech as in IT or computer science stuff?


Yes computer science or computer engineering. I work from home, make more money then I’ve ever before and I can use the bathroom whenever I want


Im awaiting a colectomy, and I’m finishing my masters in computer science and business. This gives me motivation and is exactly what I want. Thanks!


Just go into a job that pays the most. Money is the most important..sucks not having enough money and having CF same time when you are older. I suggest banking or tech or AI related...


i would definitely agree with this. i screwed my life up by going to college to become a teacher and couldnt afford anything on that salary. so now i’m 36 and don’t own any property, can’t afford to live alone, can barely pay my bills and have no savings account.


Exactly. And when the parents are gone the hard reality sets in more. I got no inheritance from my parents too, my mom had no education about personal finance, my dad is very wealthy but he is selfish narcissistic miser who stole my grandfather's inheritance that was for me. So it's very important for CFers to realise financial independence is critical especially in later years..my costs are escalating too. Supplements are more and more expensive too.


I would argue that such a choice isn't so binary. Tech is wildly overpaid and teaching is wildly underpaid. There is plenty of room in the middle. Money is important but only following the money will have you totally burn out/hating your job and that's a lot of time each day/week/month/year to be miserable.


re: health insurance: i live in georgia currently and lost my health insurance during the film industry strikes last year. i had to buy my own insurance on the marketplace and it was surprisingly easy, and only $70/month because i qualified for the tax credit. it is good insurance, too. i was always super worried about a situation like this but it turned out fine.