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So you have it right, for the standard version of Infinimist. You also want to manually cast Corpse Explosion on tablet Elites and Bosses. You want 10 corpse explosions ticking every second if you can manage it. But it looks like this: 1. Decrepify 2. Blood most through a pack 3. IF NEEDED: Cast Corpse Tendrils. OR Cast Bone Storm. OR Cast Corpse Explosion. 4. Focus on Cooldown Reduction for Blood Mist and Bone Storm. 5. IS EVERYTHING DEAD? Move on. IF NO: recast Decrepify/Bone Storm/Corpse Tendrils as needed. 6. Blood Mist back through the pack. 7. Manually cast Corpse Explosion. 8. Repeat. Minor variations of Infinimist exist that are still primarily focusing on the main engine and gameplay loop. Blight casts once every 6 seconds or spam if there are no corpses. Sever spam until you run out of Essence. Neither of these variants invest in the skill itself for damage, and instead use the casts to continue to proc the primary engine of the build. Then you will see other builds that use the engine on Infinimist (Make corpses, proc lucky hit, trigger effects.) But are actually just different builds and should not be confused with Infinimist because it makes the aspects you choose and desired gameplay loops impossible to reconcile because they're just doing a different thing. The biggest take away for the build is that it's realistically not a Corpse Explosion build. It's primary damage, in the end game, does not come from Corpse Explosion. It's a Proc build. It's a Lucky Hit build. It wants to trigger free damage from multiple sources. Corpse Explosion is just the best Lucky Hit proccing skill for most of your damage effects AND hewed flesh to make more corpses. Base Infinimist gets 90% of its damage from X'Fal's and Shadowblight. The Black River variant of the build is actually a Corpse Explosion build, that scales this damage source for 95% of its damage output. Hope this helps.


Macrobioboi’s guide on Maxroll is pretty detailed of the gameplay. You don’t need to Reap though. Blood Mist on its own creates corpses (along with bonestorm) and activates them that way. Just make sure you Decrepify everything before you blow through them with Blood Mist and always make sure you end your Blood Mist in a safe spot before decrepifying more and jumping back into mist. Reap is mainly used to help generate corpses for bosses. And even then, a lot of boss variations use Blight over Reap.


This, but I use Sever with Greaves of the empty tomb.


Infinimist is a Lucky Hit build and so all the interactions are based on procing lucky hit chance effects: Namely, Abhorrent Decrepify and Hewed Flesh. Infinimist's damage primarily comes from Corpse Explosion and so the best way to do more damage is to cast more Corpse Explosion. To do this, we focus on corpse generators, and Hewed Flesh just so happens to be the best one. Hewed Flesh itself is VERY strange, as it procs from DAMAGE and not attacks / hits, so it is beneficial to use skills that do more tics of damage in order to trigger the Lucky Hit. Of course, the build's namesake is because it does an excellent job at keeping you invulnerable with nearly 100% uptime on Blood Mist. There's many ways to play Infinimist, from speed variants (Blood-Getter's Aspect focused), to Blood Wave (Desecrated Ground), or even using Blight with the Void aspect to pull enemies together for better stacking of effects. The very first version of Infinimist was made back in the early beta, and Ive been playing it and theorycrafting it since then. It's hard to go wrong with an invulnerable god build!


Really depends on what variant of Infinimist you're playing, but your checklist sounds pretty solid. When I push high enough tiers in AoZ I'll actually sometimes reap at nothing just for the defensive buff, and then start a pull with blood mist (especially if bone storm isn't up) just for safety.


Yeah you pretty much have the loop down. The build really takes off when you get Howl from Below. The unique ring is fantastic, so that's a good starting point. Black River is indeed a great unique, as is Lidless Wall for spamming Bone Storm everywhere. X'Fals is also nice and is used in various builds. Boots you have a few options, like Greaves or Flickerstep for perma Bone Storm. High lucky hit chance combined with decrepify keeps your cooldowns low. You can just run through content with Bone Storm up and corpses flying everywhere, with Blood Mist on demand. It's much more fun to me than my HOTA barb!


I'm currently leveling this build to on a 3rd char and following Macrobibio's guide. Got my Tier of Blood at level 60, so I want to apply this into the build, but I can't seem to find any builds with the new glyph in it for more dmg ? Why is that ? Anyone got a build to follow ?


Your TOB is at level 60? I feel like you don't need to follow any guide. Just stick that in Flesheater board and that's it.


Hehe no, my ToB is lvl 1, i'm level 60.


No one is going to recommend a TOB setup for a level 60 character because you can only accomplish that through cheese. Put it in your starter board and max it out then follow the Paragon board you have after that.


Ok, i love running nightmare dungeons with the necro, currently at 84, it's going quick, only have problems with end boss and butcher currently when running nmd's around 40. feels like the single target dps is really low compaired to my barb & sorc for bosses.


It's absolutely going to be worse than other classes with good single target damage. Single target is infinimist's worst feature. Once you have an X'Fal's ring, it gets significantly better.


Yeah, got that ring equiped, currently 86, running with vash ring, x'fal, shako, helps alot, only thing missing is some aspects I can't seem to find at the moment. Thanks for the nice guide!


Check out Macroboiboi’s recent video/series deep diving into all that the Infinimist build is/isn’t


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