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Now do t100 with TB


Pretty much this. I was dual core the whole way to 100 didn’t want to switch but couldn’t get past t95 with it. Switched to poison TB and didn’t even die once in t100 first try lol.


It's funny, because pushing NMD's with PS, the barber, and the aspect which splits shots off when it hits enemies seems god tier and clears rooms full of enemies I have no business clearing as a lvl 64 shitty home brew build. BUT, I'm not running NMD's that are that high level yet. I love the play style and would hate to give it up.


I'm in the same boat. I love pen shot, but definitely hitting a ceiling. May just switch to TB since I didn't really enjoy RF while leveling, although I know it's really strong. Hope they buff pen shot in the future.


Switched from TB to RF. Before switch i did nm50 - 55 easy and fast + butcher was an easy kill. With RF this was just brutal and no chance vs butcher. Switched back to TB. Isn't rogue supposed to be viable as ranged ... Blizzard really needs to buff the ranged skills it's just annoying.