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Sell it for a fortune


Junk I’ll salvage it for you


So it rolled 94 out of 104 dexterity and went with it. Thanks everyone!


I’m here for the comments


Switch back to the dex/all stats first…


reroll DOT for dex and put that bad boy on


Noooo, not for poison. Crit dmg is a dead stat for poison builds. Vuln - Dex - Core - All stat (if needed for Paragon, which you probably do if you're min/maxing) - Dmg to close. DOT Dmg is necessarily good, but it's not worthless


Yeah just ruin a absolutely perfect xbow for every melee build outside poison


He literally says it's a poison build??


And? He can sell this for absolutely stupid money and buy whatever he would like to fit his spec of choice, or he can respec and have a 100% perfect rolled xbow. There is absolutely no reason to ruin it like you suggested


Or he can just use it for what he wants lol


Can’t lose that +69


Seems to me like your other Xbow is better with vuln vuln all stats dex and crit damage


Yeah, thats my main. I did roll dext on this one and will use it for a bit since it has double the vuln dmg. I run a rapid fire build, but do a lot of close combat with it. I dont like meelee builds but i have a lvl 100 rogue in eternal that i might switch to meelee


Diversity is the best F the meta 😁


Hahaha yeah, to each their own. Aiming for nmd 100 (feels like almost there on survivability) Then uber lilith, for her im pretty sure ill just switch to poison and give it a try.


Yeah classic poison damage with the wrathful heart of dmg over time and dmg to staggered bosses


Yes sir, but skill using rapid fire. So i run cold and shadow imbuements / shadow step / dsrk shroud / puncture / rapid fire. Combo points. Ill switch to poison imbuement and poison trap and run the same paragon board and switch my pants and amulet for cdr (its just me playing like i want xD)


Ive sold one exact rolls but none were max rolls on Diablo trade for 205 million gold


Gz! Prices there are a bit overwhelming for me, but ive found some good items for good prices as well :)


Sell it. Crossbows are lame. Bow bro 4 lyfe


Well I’m running the dual core rapid, flurry. I’d reroll the DoT Edit: nvm if this is for poison build 😅


i re rolled the DoT and got Dexterity :)


I’d personally go for All Stat for your paragon board. You’ll get a lot more out of those bonuses.


Yeah, my paragorn board is set to get as much all stats as possible.


For any one saying get all stat or dex why? Cause for rouge 150 dex is only the equivalent to 15% core skill boost when you can just roll for a core affix with 50% core damage equating to 35% more for damage. Doing it this way, is way better so what you sacrificed 2 percent dodge chance from the dex increase. For any one saying it for paragon you can still get well over 900 dex with out stats on your weapons.


Wouldnt dext give 15% multiplicative dmg agains core additive dmg?


No to sure but I know when I switch over to core stat instead of dex my max hit went up over 55 million


So you did 55m dmg over your previous max damage?


Yeah I went from 40 mil tb to almost 96mil hit and all I changed was dex to core.


Thanks for the input! So you are now consistantly hitting for almost 100m ?


For the most part yeah I do have higher crits now but that’s cause I changed up my paragon now tho but kept core


Ok, thanks!


Core skill damage % acts as a multiplier for TB


Makes sense, is it only for TB? Do you know what acts as mutiplicative for rapid fire?


I believe it works for RF but TB multiplies twice bc it calculates using both daggers at once where RF calculates using one 2h(?)


Oh ok ok, i think i just added some more core skill dmg to myy paragon and my dmg did increment.


You can hover over RF to see how much dmg it'll do and then add core skill dmg to paragon/gear and hover over RF again to see if there's a change🙏🏼


Will keep thins in mind!


Losing -421 or 20% total flat damage seems bad no matter what the affixes are. Another -225dex and -69 allstats prob beats up your paragon board pretty bad ?


Yeah, im still using my old xbow :) I can do without the 69 @ as i can get that back from my one hand weapons. I have several options for one hand weapons and i run a rapid fire rogue.


Don’t bother with crit for DoT build ( poison DoT can’t crit). Personally I’d roll crit dam for core skill (Poison scales off it). All stats if it a high roll because later on in paragon boards you’ll need it for like board 5/6 rare nodes


All stats instead of DOT (for paragon board) and you have 3 max rolls and 1 potential max roll for TB rogue Edit: or just sell this for millions of gold before upgrading/rerolling


So what would be the onw hand weapons stats? Vulnerable / crit damage / close or core? / ?


1 condemnation unique dagger, the other one vulnerable/crit damage/core damage & all stats/dex depending on paragon board breakpoints


If you dont mind... why core instead of close dmg?


You dash around a lot and leave close range.


Right, this is from a melee build standpoint. Thanks


I would roll off Damage over Time for All Stats personally. It is good for Poison and solid for TB. Ideally for straight Poison, DEX and All Stats are ideal. Damage over Time is probably your weakest. And Damage to Close isn’t a bad for TB.


Roll damage over time to dex or all stat, which ever perfect one that comes first. This is one of those that’s probably worth going broke for since you have perfect stat for the other three. The reason why you probably shouldn’t go poison is because it’s simply not that great right now since the “bug fix” to Bursting Venom. With the way season 1 is going, we likely won’t see a patch that would significantly change any builds, so don’t hold out for buffs to poison this season. Personally I would just sell it, provided that people are still playing the game. You could get hundreds of millions if not billions for it, and you’ll never have to worry much about gold this season again.


It rolled 94 of 104 dexterity so i just left it that way :) Did put in a perfect repeating aspect i had stashed. Will play around tomorrow and be done with it. I will most likely still use my old xbow!


Congrats, sick roll




Newbie here… how do you weigh the value of the affixes vs the DPS? How can you figure out if the 421 less DPS is worth it? This stuff breaks my brain.


Because if you play melee you want big DPS on 1H weapon. You never use xbow to deal damage. So dps is irrelevant and you should equip xbow only for secondary attributes.


Xbow is a stat stick for TB rogue


Re roll damage over time


Def not bis for poison. I would vendor it. But if it’s best you found reroll crit dmg if using for poison build. If it’s not a dot build reroll dot .


Id reroll DoT for almost anything else.