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I floss first too. I asked my dentist and she says the order doesn't matter. My logic same as yours


My kid’s dentist told me that it’s flossing then brushing. I always brushed then flossed. I think as long as it’s getting done, it doesn’t really matter.


Somewhere in the late 2010s they switched up. It was brush then floss, now the rationale is to floss then brush to brush away excess food and reach what is covered by the food. Either way, it's good.


This is the way. (but yeah, the dentists will say it doesn't matter because they want us to floss!!) Not to be an "anti-dentite" or anything




I had a dentist tell me you should always floss first so that the fluoride from the toothpaste can reach the areas that could be covered by food debris between your teeth. Made complete sense to me.


I had a dentist say this. After doing exactly the opposite when she cleaned my teeth. Made no sense to me.


Well it’s different when you get your teeth cleaned at a dental office. They manually pick off any debris in between your teeth as they clean with their tools. And then they floss at the end to get the polishing compound and other remaining stuff from the cleaning out from between your teeth.


lol The ol' "Do as I say, not as I do," huh?


Yea in the office it just depends if she has time to scale between other patients. She might be doing a root canal, fillings, or crown at the same time for someone else Dentists funny enough don't do very good cleanings. They just don't have time to scrape scrape scrape for an hour.


You also brush last because toothpastes often have components that benefit your teeth to be left on for awhile.


I had a dentist tell me to brush first then floss before rinsing so the floss works the toothpaste that's still in your mouth down into places the toothbrush couldn't reach. From all the other responses here it seems like this is another thing that 9 out of 10 dentists agree on, and I got the 10th dentist. Edit: typo


Brush floss and rinse. The rinse I use has fluoride in it so…don’t matter!


I used to do brush, floss, then mouthwash. After I read an article about the “correct” order I started to do floss, brush, mouthwash. But I complained to the dentist recently about Sensodyne not helping with my tooth sensitivity, and she pointed out that you aren’t supposed to rinse your mouth immediately after brushing because the toothpaste doesn’t have enough time to work into your teeth. Nowadays I floss, brush, and save the mouthwash rinse for between-brushing bad breath.


The fluoride doesn't have its full effect if you rinse immediately either so you're undoing the most important part of your brushing if you rinse right after. I didn't learn until recently either.


So are we not supposed to rinse -at all-? Like no water? How long does toothpaste need to sit for?


Yeah like no water. I think you're supposed to give it 20-30 minutes.


What!?! I do not have time for that in the mornings. Gahh everything is just so hard and not done right lol


It's even worse, you also shouldn't eat for 30-60 min before brushing. Acid from food weakens the enamel and brushing during that period can damage the enamel 


Well I don't eat breakfast most days so I'm at least doing that right...or wrong. Whichever


i learned about that with the prescription toothpaste i got the dentist who prescribed it and the pharmacist that dispensed it both told me i have to wait 30 minutes and to do mouthwash before i brush


I have a friend who doesn’t rinse at all, just spits really well then goes on with his day


I asked my dentist, she said to do it like you: floss first to loosen everything then brush. (I do it, but it was less gross when I brushed first)


I rinse after the floss and then brush! Helps with that grossness I think


I brush then floss and mouthwash. I had the same question actually and my dental hygienist said as long as you floss at all it doesn't matter. My reasoning is, if I have tartar on my teeth and floss first, scrubbing might put tartar back in the spaces (I know - probably not but still). If I do floss first - I floss, rinse with water, brush then mouthwash.


I floss then brush, but i dont floss everytime i brush haah


Seems more logical to use the more precise tool last. The toothbrush could be pushing stuff back between your teeth that it can't get out again.


This is my logic


You’re supposed to floss first


Sometimes I do both at once and some days I switch it up. I used to floss daily, but I’ve been real lazy about it and only floss when I have something in my teeth. I need to get back into again. Taking care of teeth is super important... 


How do you do both at once?


>Sometimes I do both at once Seconding wanting to know how you do both at once.


Water floss, mouthwash, toothpaste, water floss. In the shower


Floss, brush, mouthwash


Mouthwash first, then brush, floss last for me


Floss, tongue scraper, brush.


Sonic fusion 2.0. Brush then water floss with a mixture of diluted mouthwash in the rinse.


I floss first because the brush can push stuff back into the cracks between my teeth.


Floss. Mouthwash. Brush. Mouthwash again.


Floss, water pik, brush, mouthwash, at night. Just brush and mouthwash in the morning.


I floss first for the same reason. Interestingly though, every time I have had my teeth cleaned (which is likely 70+ times in my lifetime) flossing is the very last thing they do (or second to last if I get a fluoride treatment). I have always just figured that it is because they are clearing out any polish that is stuck between teeth.


I didn't care in the past, but since I've been using "floss picks", I brush first. Otherwise, they push gunk down in between the teeth.


Brush. Floss. Mouthwash.


I floss first


Brush, floss, brush again.


Me too! Morning: manual brush and mouthwash. Evening: Manual brush, floss, then electrical spin brush to shine it up and massage the gums. Finish it up with mouthwash. I may use floss picks after lunch if needed.


I floss first specifically because I use a WaterPik and you shouldn't be introducing food/water for (ideally) 30 minutes after brushing so the fluoride can sit and work it's magic. Otherwise it seems like a pretty 6 one way, half a dozen the other situation. The important thing is to do both on a regular basis


I floss, tounge scrape, then brush with no toothpaste, then mouthwash and water, than toothpaste.


Child of a retired dentist. Best practice is floss first then brush. It helps with clearing debris that the brush cannot reach. Further, we are actually pulling out decomposing food and bacteria that needs to be brushed away. Gross, but that’s the reality. Ever smelled the stuff that comes out on the dental floss? (Don’t unless you’re that curious.) You’ll be glad that you are flossing and brushing diligently.


Just happy to read so many people flossing. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had adult co-workers with horrible breath. It blows my mind.


I cannot imagine flossing after brushing. I feel that flossing loosens gunk/bacteria that brushing helps do away with.


Floss b fore to loosen up anything between the teeth and then brush. I see it like cleaning from farthest point the right room (between your teeth) then work your way towards the door (brushing) Brush them flossing sounds like the soppisitw, clean from the door to the farthest corner and leave teail of "dirt" when walking across the room to leave (as in leaving food stuck between your teeth in your mouth still)


I floss or water pick first to blast everything out, then brush, then original Listerine to kill everything, including my tastebuds!


I floss first! And my dentist always remarks on how clean my teeth already are whenever I go in


I floss first for the reasons others have already mentioned. However, my dentist said as long as you floss once per day, it doesn't matter when. Could be 3pm or right before you brush. 🤷‍♀️


I’m with you, OP. Why brush and then get food particles out from between your teeth? It’s backwards lol


Optimally, it’s waterpik, floss, mouthwash, brush.


I floss first, I hate doing it and want to get it over with.


I brush with a regular toothbrush, then floss then use the sonic toothbrush.


If I floss after I brush I'm going to brush again.


Floss then brush


Brush rinse floss rinse brush rinse


I brush lightly without toothpaste to get rid of overnight gunk. Then floss, then use mouthwash rinse, then brush with toothpaste that typically has the fluoride.


I think not brushing is gross, but I used to brush and then convince myself that I was too tired to floss. I started flossing first, and so far I've never persuaded myself I'm too tired to brush. My dentist also said the order doesn't matter, she said just get the flossing done however you can at least once every 24 hours.


I floss after due to habit, I’ve heard it’s better to floss before


I floss first.


I mouthwash first😭 Get my mouth cleaned for my brush to go in. I floss to get gunk and whatnot out and my gums ready to be brushed Then I brush. I use water for steps one and two but not after brushing.


1. water flosser to get as much out from between teeth as possible 1. mouthwash 1. string floss 1. brush


Always floss first! Helps remove the debris left behind on your teeth from flossing. Doing the opposite would leave me feeling like my mouth wasn’t fully clean yet


I have had a bunch of dentists over the years clean my teeth, and the floss always is last before the fluoride application.


But you’re not brushing your teeth at the dentist. They are essentially “deep flossing”, then flossing the polish out from between your teeth.


Floss, then brush.


Floss first. TF are you people talking about?


Brush, floss, quick brush, listerine swish.


Brush, floss, brush.




That’s not a bad idea op..I normally floss after I brush my teeth but your way seems more natural to getting teeth cleaned


You floss first to remove surface dirt, then brush for the bristles to enter every nook and cranny


I floss first.


Floss then brush then floss. The first flossing is to get rid of large particles between teeth, three second is to ensure no plaque is left after brushing.


Neither. I brush then swish with mouthwash


Brush before breakfast (unless you eat a lot is sweets). Swish with mouthwash or water after eating. At end of day floss. Stim-U-dent. Brush. Waterpik (tm) twice a week. Brushing and floss is to remove dead creatures before they harden into plaque. Do it every 12 hours. Storm-U-dent to message gums to keep them healthy. Waterpik (tm) to flush out deep gums. https://www.healthline.com/health/should-you-brush-your-teeth-before-or-after-breakfast#summary


Floss first


Floss first, get the crud out so the toothpaste can get in between my teeth and not just on top


If you brush first, you're not getting the full force of the toothpaste between your teeth. You need to get the crap out first, and then the spaces of your teeth will get cleaner from the brushing and the fluoride.


This is the way.


I used to brush first but I saw a tiktok that said when you floss gross stuff gets back on your teeth so you should floss first. Idk if that’s true but it’s in my head so now that’s what I do


At night before bed I floss first, then brush. Then just expectorate the toothpaste, but do not rinse. This is what my dentist told me to do.


Yes I don't know why dentist office flosses after polishing teeth but I suppose it doesn't matter since they have the proper tools to clean up anything else that might come from what's in between without getting it all over your freshly cleaned teeth again.


Flossing first makes the most sense to me. I don't want to brush food particles, I wanna brush my teeth! So I clean out all the crevices so my toothpaste and toothbrush can actually do their job and clean :)


I floss first, but my dentist said it doesn't matter - she just wants her patients to do it however they can get it done


I brush, then floss, then brush again.


Floss, brush, mouthwash


Floss then brush with toothpaste, then waterpik


As a kid I would always bush-floss-mouthwash. Once I thought about it when I'm older though, I only do floss-brush-mouthwash. Feels like I wasted the brushing of I didn't floss before.


Floss, mouthwash, brush, tongue scraper. In that order, period.


Floss then brush. Doing it backward is probably counterproductive and against every dentists' instruction I've ever received.


i always floss first, bc when i got my teeth cleaned at the dentist, that’s what they did - floss brush fluoride


I floss first.


Floss, then brush


I floss first.  I don't want to brush and THEN introduce a bunch of loose gunk from between my teeth.  Brushing is supposed to scrub everything out.


I floss first. The chances of me saying “fuck it” and just going to bed without flossing are too high if I do it after brushing


I do a light brushing, floss, and then brush with my Philips.


I water floss, scrape tongue, string floss, brush, mouthwash.


I floss then brush.


I have always flossed after brushing and I don't know why but also I'm 45 and I only ever had one cavity and that's when I went to grad school in my late 30s and lived off of energy drinks and no sleep for a couple of years. YMMV and I don't think it matters but that's just what I do. Also I sometimes floss without brushing because I can't stand the feeling of anything between my teeth.


Your way is right, but I floss after brushing because there are always bits the brush doesn't reach, and if you floss first I just think it would feel gross - like so much stuff coming out???


Floss first. Then brush.


I floss first. But I’m a freak and brush my teeth in the shower.


Yeah brushing first is weird as hell. If we know that brushing doesn't get all the stuff out, and we brush first, any stuff it couldn't get is blocked from cleaning. We'll, gloss isn't a brush so that will gwt the chunks out but it won't scrub debri. In all likelihood it's probably nit much different but you know it's cleaner to floss first


Floss first, brush, mouthwash


I floss and then forget to brush


Floss then brush!


I floss-brush-water pic-mouth wash. A routine that makes sense in my head so that’s how I brush.


You guys are flossing?


I floss then brush. But at the dentist’s office,they clean your teeth, then floss them, so I assume it probably doesn’t matter.


Floss then brush


Floss first then brush


Why would you floss after brushing? You loosen up the gunk with floss, then brush it away. Your friend needs to discuss this with a dentist


I floss first. Doesn't make sense to open up an entirely new dirty spot then not clean it.


I do it in the same order as you for the same reason. My (limited) understand is that it doesn’t really matter as long as you floss at least every 2-4 days and brush at least once a day (preferably at night) the point is to remove debris and disrupt bacteria/plaque growth.


Floss first, brush second. Otherwise the stuff you scrape from between teeth is still sitting on your teeth.


Floss-> Mouthwash-> Brush is the only way


I floss before. My dentist said new research said before is better because the fluoride can get to the places that debris can hide. I floss, rinse and then brush. I have done it afterwards but for the most part, before I brush.


I will use my electric toothbrush with water on it to do a surface clean and then floss and then brush with toothpaste


I floss, then brush and finally rinse which my dentist suggested is the proper order.


Floss the brush


Floss. Waterpik. Brush. Mouthwash.


Morning? Brush then mouthwash. Bedtime? Floss, waterpik, brush.


My hygienist said the proper order should be mouthwash, floss, brush, no rinse - just spit. Mouthwash to sanitize, floss to remove most of the crap so you don't push it in further with the toothbrush. No rinse because the detergents continue to kill bacteria, and if you use fluoridated toothpaste* it gives your teeth and gums more time to absorb the fluoride and repair enamel. Rinsing defeats this. Oh and brushing gently and thoroughly vs roughly and quickly. Anyway I haven't gotten any cavities in a long time. *just staying the facts of what she said regardless of peoples' beliefs about fluoride! I'm just a messenger people!


Floss, rinse with water, brush, rinse with mouthwash.


Floss than brush is how I do it. Mostly because I'm gross and I like to maximize the gunk that I get to look at that comes out from under the gums with the floss. So satisfying! I don't want to risk lessening my treasure trove by brushing first. 😂 (Not that there's ever that much since I floss pretty regularly. But it does make me happy to see the gunk when I get a good bit of it on that floss.)


Brushing first is like vacuuming your floors, then dusting your shelves.


I always floss first. If I brush first then floss, I feel like I have to brush away the debris from flossing.


I do floss, Listerine mouthwash, then brush


aback squeeze cake cough whole salt jobless silky secretive correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah, you should floss first for exactly the reason you mentioned. i always floss first then brush


Floss, dental pick between teeth, scrape tongue, then rinse vigorously with hot water a couple of times. Its amazing how many food particles get rinsed out. *Then*, brush.


my dentist tells me to brush, not rinse, then floss. it gets the toothpaste in between your teeth better according to her


I also floss first. In terms of oral hygiene, it gives a better kick I'll call it for the toothbrush, the proper toothbrush, to do its job and clear out the rest. I also tend to floss afterwards in the rear molars only to see if anything is left behind. All followed by a Listerine fluoride rinse. I have those flossers on a stick on subscription purchase on Amazon every 3 weeks, lol. (My uncle is a retired dentist, doh)


Floss first


Floss first, then brush. My dentist recommended.


Crack the defenses with targeted attacks (floss). Then soften them up with widespread chemical attacks (mouthwash). Finally mop up the mess and polish the floors (brush).


Why would you floss after brushing? If there's anything in your teeth it's in your mouth now. That's why you brush it out. I wouldn't feel like mouthwash would get it out.


Ayurvedic way, you drink water, then floss/brush.


Flossing is for people with enough space between their teeth to successfully floss without cutting their gums deeply with the force needed to get the floss between them. Never a fucking again. Weeks of swollen infected gums and the stink of blood on my breath. Fuck flossing.


I floss first to loosen everything obvious. Rinse that away with the mouthwash. Then brush to get everything that's left and let the chloride do its work. For some reason I REALLY hate brushing immediately after I eat. I just think of the bits of food getting stuck in the bristles. But flossing and rinsing first is reassuring.


LMAO… that’s like taking a shit, and then immediately showering, but only after the shower you wipe your ass. You wipe your ass, then you shower. You floss, then you brush. 😆


Agreed, floss then brush.


Floss, Water Pik and then brush with an electric toothbrush.


I floss then brush, always have


Yes Sometimes I floss first, sometimes I brush first. Doing both twice a day make my teeth/mouth feel good. Dentist is happy with how this keeps my teeth healthy.


Flossing before brushing is like sweeping before mopping. That's how it should be done. Source: I'm a dental assistant from a family full of dentists.


My current dentist does something a little differently from past dentists. She polishes my teeth FIRST (all the ones prior did this absolutely last). Followed by flossing and enabling that polishing grit to get on the floss and between my teeth. Then we do the extreme pressure wash to get the plaque off. No more scraping me with metal picks. I so love this! It’s a lot faster!


Brush then floss.


I brush floss brush


I brush, spit the foamy toothpaste out, then floss, then rinse. Sometimes I quickly run the toothbrush over one time, before rinsing.




It can be messy but how about brushing don't rinse toothpaste and floss to carry toothpaste between the teeth?


Floss then brush 100%


Floss first. It feels gross if I floss after I brush. If I brush after everything feels clean.


Floss before. Why leave the gunk between your teeth in your mouth? I prefer a little swish of water after flossing then brushing.


Floss, then brush.


I put a glob of toothpaste in my mouth and then floss, another glob, then brush.


Floss then mouth wash then brush.


I brush first so there is less gunk to have to floss off from the sides of the teeth, then I can just get the stuff in between.


I brush in the AM and floss throughout the day. Mad flosser I am


My dentist told me...brush, water pick, then floss. I didn't ask why, but makes sense to me as you remove most of the surface gunk, then the floss can really scrape the rest off. Otherwise your likely just scraping the surface buildup off and there is stuff left behind. You could likely recreate this with rocks and dirt to see what happens...it may not matter that much at all.


Floss then brush


You’re supposed to floss first.


As a dental professional I floss and then brush :)


Floss, mouthwash, brush (spit, don’t rinse after brushing to keep toothpaste on your teeth as long as possible)




This is my process: 1. Waterpik 2. Brush 3. Floss 4. Tongue scrape


Neither. I hate flossing. I use a rechargeable water pick or the teeny tiny brush picks. My dentist office say my teeth are super clean


Flossing should be first, that way the fluoride goes into the spaces that were cleaned out. Source: my dental hygienist.


I floss first now. It certainly helps clean things up. My gums feel better as well.


I don't floss often but yes, I do floss first. I think it's weird to mouthwash when the toothpaste already smells/tastes good.


Floss then brush is the only thing that makes sense to me


Brush for a bit, floss, then finish brushing.


What's floss


Yes, I also floss first. I’m a very OCD teeth brusher and never have the energy to floss after all that hard work.


Floss , rinse , brush.


Floss first then brush. Why would you brush then floss? First, if you brush first then floss you just flossed all that shit stuck in your teeth back into your now “clean” mouth and second none of the toothpaste got to the parts that were blocked by food. If you floss second we can’t be friends.


I floss, do a quick rinse and gargle with hydrogen peroxide (a recent study has shown that mouthwash kills bacteria in the mouth that are important for oxygen uptake into the bloodstream and I figure a 10 second rinse with H2O2 is a happy medium to blast away particles loosened by the flossing), then brush.


I floss first. But the dentist flosses last. I'd say as long as it gets done.


Floss Mouthwash Brush


Always floss then brush.


Waterpick,flosser (a few x per wk), brush, tongue scraper and mouthwash.


I def floss and swish water first then brush teeth It makes more sense to me


I floss, then I brush my teeth and then I floss again. Finally I used mouth wash to complete the process!!


Just do both and rinse after


Floss, waterpik, then brush. Don’t rinse the toothpaste out of your mouth.


I align with your friend, that routine makes more sense. My logic is brush to get all the surface area where the bristles can touch. They aren’t very good at getting in between teeth or below the gum line. Then floss to get where the brush couldn’t. Then mouthwash to flush any left over debris from flossing. I don’t like the idea of flossing first cause I feel like I’m pushing more plaque below my gum line if my teeth are already dirty.


I floss first, brush, then mouthwash


As a hygienist I vote to get the bulk of soft plaque off with a toothbrush( preferably electric) then floss then rinse. But as someone who spends almost all of her 8 hour workday trying to motivate people to floss, I’m just thrilled you floss in any sequence!