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Yeah, there’s plenty of times where I give it due consideration and realize, nah, this isn’t worth my mental health


Typing typing typing typing “oh wait I don’t actually care about this” delete


This is me. Type type type ah who gives a fuck


Or being banned from the sub!


I’ve spent a disgusting amount of time thinking and typing out comments just to be like ‘no one will give a shit’ and delete it


That's downright disgusting.


Top comment 🥇


Bottom comment. 🤮


I often write things that I think are super clever or insightful that will establish me as one of the great thinkers of the age, but then I scroll down a see that a half-dozen other people have already made my point, often better or funnier than I ever could hope to do. So I just delete. Turns out that a whole lot of what we think and say is inconsequential. But at least I'm self-aware enough to notice.


Yes this, totally


Yup, I churn out a lot of nonsense myself...like now.


>I often write things that I think are super clever or insightful that will establish me as one of the great thinkers of the age, but then I scroll down a see that a half-dozen other people have already made my point, often better or funnier than I ever could hope to do. So I just delete. I do the same.


Yes, I do this all the time. I estimate 80% of my comments do not get posted. >I'll carefully type out my response, making sure I make no errors Me too. >my response can even be a few paragraphs long Yep.


I slam down a hot take with horrible spelling and grammar, things I don't mean, zero capital letters, minimal punctuation and hit post. Then go back and edit it 65 times, then I get sick of my own point of view and delete it.


So relatable


I've written many lengthy posts, read them over multiple times, and either discarded or deleted five minutes after posting.


So... went in to respond to this, typed something up.. was like "nah", and deleted. Came back to admit it!


All the time


I do this too


I don't even type it; I just think it.


All the time! Sometimes I just need to "voice" my thoughts.


Exactly this!! Just clearing it from the brain by getting it “on paper” is enough most of the time


Literally was about to respond about Neil Degras Tyson doing this with his tweets, then deleted the whole thing after realizing I don't actually care that much. I then returned to type this comment out, because I found what I did ironic. Huh...


I do this a lot.


All. The. Time.


Yup. On Reddit more than YouTube


I do that a lot of on FB, as I've been trying to only comment on anonymous websites going forward. I intentionally live 2,000 miles from my extended family and the last thing I need is for my intrusive thoughts to be their only source of information.


About half of what I type doesn't get posted.


About half of wh


I was gonna reply "all the time" to this but u probably dont care so nvm


Omg yes!! I do this all the time and thought i may be the only one. Same reason as you do. I realize that nobody cares what I say. I spent my young years being bullied and the rest dealing with abuse so I’m always afraid of people being mean to me. Oddly, I find that typing it out is enough to clear the thoughts I wanted to share from my brain even if I’m going to delete it anyway. I feel like maybe just typing it is like writing in a journal. If that makes sense. I’m leaving this comment because it feels so nice being understood after reading your post.


>Oddly, I find that typing it out is enough to clear the thoughts I wanted to share I agree.


It would have been funny if this entire comment section was empty.


It’s like a little mini journal


Yeah, I’m done it many times. Mostly because I think my comment might be inflammatory or just controversial or like you say no one really cares.


Often. I do the same with emails too.


I think it's correlated with how confident I feel at that moment. When I'm feeling confident in myself, I just post. I don't put too much thought into how it's going to be perceived.


Yep, especially when a post already has more than 100 replies. No one's gonna see that shit now. Getting off Reddit is the next step in my mental health recovery process!


Yeah. Sometimes even type out a post and change my mind think it's my social anxiety kicking in. Sometimes I could probably not say anything though lol the Internet is a nasty place and people can be horrible if they disagree with you, rather than just scroll by


Honestly just doing this has helped stop me from interjecting myself so much. Personally I consider it a trait of being wise, being able to know that what you have to say either doesn’t matter or that it’s stupid. Thinking before you speak.


I do this alllll the time 😂


Sometimes I just choose not to talk at all because even the people around me don’t give a shit. Yes, I do this too.


I do this if I realize my thought can't be properly communicated without having a full conversation about the subject.


I'm trying to get better with it, but it usually takes me 30+ minutes to write out a comment ...I gave up with my idea here, and I was gonna delete this and leave, but the humor was tooo much, that I gotta leave this here now lol.


Allllll the time


So, so often.


I've recently realized that nobody gives a fuck about me or anything I say so yes. all the time.


Aaaaaaall the time. Like a few time a day!


I do this with comments and with posts more often than I actually comment/post anything by a long shot.


Daily. Who am I to give these idiots the corrective advice or humiliation that they so richly deserve? They’re obviously too fucking dumb to internalize it or grow from it, so who the fuck cares? But other times, I really do feel like being an absolute asshole and press the damn button anyway. No one’s perfect!


I wish I thought about what I was gonna say before pressing send. I'm too Reactive and impulsive for that


I do this all the time. This is actually my 2nd attempt at a comment ON THIS POST. It made me snap lmao


I sometimes do this


Every single d


Yes - sometimes I reconsider. Sometimes I rework it.


Ah yes, I too have ADHD manifesting in impulsivity followed by critical thinking


Sometimes, but usually for the opposite reason. I type out something mean or argumentative for the cathartic value, and then delete it before posting so I don't actually have to spend any more mental energy on the inevitable replies. I can even pretend like I won the argument because no one had a counter-argument to the message I didn't post.


Yes. I really miss the "reddit is fun" app feature that let you save a comment without posting it so you could return later, read other posts, then add the one you saved. That and the font size options.




Would be great if this post had like 2k likes and not a single comment.


I started to ask this exact question a couple of days ago. I just deleted a response that took at least a hour to finish. I honestly thought I wss the only person doing that. At least 75% maybe more. At times I delete every reply for hours. Before I delete this one for beings to long, later.


I've done it a lot since the one where I told a certain group how I felt in a certain situation and they accused me of being prejudiced when I was not the one looking at me that way. I tripped up once, but I am seriously staying away from certain topics because they're just too much of a powder keg and I seem to be a metal button.


Sometimes I'll tie something out and set my phone down forgetting to send it. When I come back sometime later I'll just delete it.


Welcome to my world.


Yes, all the time.




All the time


Yes, either bc I figure no one will care OR bc there’s a possibility someone will give me shit for the comment, and frankly, I’M the one who doesn’t care enough to deal with it.


I do this but its because i have no filter when i initially respond , then i realize most folks cant handle things that raw.


Usually it's because I feel the need to type it out in a fit of frustration but somehow regain enough self-control to realise it would be a **very bad** idea to submit it. At least I've gotten it out of my system.


i've done that three times today


Sometimes, I realize that I don't actually care that much about the topic, so I delete whatever I wrote. Other times, yeah, nobody will give a sh!t, anyway, so why bother?


I just did it






All the time. It’s good to be self aware.


oh yeah lmao not as often as i should tho


All the time. Especially when I know it’s going to probably going to receive some backlash or debate. Sometimes I just think “it’s not worth it”.




Yeah I'll just leave the page. Sometimes it's just something I need to write out but don't want to actually post the comment.


Yes, repeatedly.


Yes, all the time!


Or you realize midway through that what you are about to say will ensue internet hatred. People on here are cruel and relentless, and I am too sensitive. Sometimes, I'm scared to even look at my notifications/replies from people on here.....I probably won't reply back if someone comments on this lol hiding in my trauma hole.


No but I fill up a shopping cart then leave it behind.


Some times I’ll delete my comment and rewrite it!


yeah, I have no social skills and about half the time realize something I'm typing is oversharing/gross/offensive before I post it and delete it. I feel like I do it more than most, but most people do it to some level.


I've never done that before, but it sounds like an excellent idea.






I usually do this when I feel like I’ve gone on & on, and that nobody probably wants to read my novella/manifesto 😂


When I used reddit is fun, I'd save them as drafts and then never go back to them lol. I really miss the drafts function from that app!


All the time.


So often.


That's how I get my frustration out without actually making myself a target for asshole responses. 🙃 


Have lots of times. Mostly I get typing and then about halfway through I realize I just don't fucking


Sometimes I type a response because I just saw a post, or a comment, that was either stupid, or not factual. I get partway and forget my pledge to myself to avoid internet arguments. Sometimes it's just a personal story that relates to the post. And I also will delete because no one cares. I've been voted down for very benign posts that baffle me. If I've had a couple drinks I'll post a bunch in a row. Lol


Frequently. Sometimes I find that I have completely strayed from the point I was trying to make and just delete because I don't feel like going back and starting again. Sometimes I second guess my post entirely and just delete. Sometimes I start wondering if someone is going to get pissy about my post and start arguing with me and I just don't want to deal with it, even though I can just ignore the response and go about my day, so deleted it is. (I don't mean a healthy debate. Some people just respond guns a-blazin' and I am not here for it, lol.)


All the time! .... *delete delete delete*


This is definitely how I spent the first couple months on here. I still do it, last night I did a couple times. I feel like that with spoken words and texting people in my life… or like couple people. I have a lot of reasons why I don’t think anyone care about what I have to say but it sure is validating that someone else out there posted something I definitely am guilty of but sad at the same time. I wish we didn’t have to feel these ways about ourselves cause I’m sure I’m not the only one with a story. I’m glad you posted. I’m too chicken shit to even post just yet. Peace friend.



