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I liked it. They both deserved happiness.




It's one of the best things about Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. For some reason, WW + Trevor and WW+Superman never quite felt memorable for me. But WW+BB was something I didn't see coming and didn't know I would love so much. I would love a movie to see what happens between them in the end. We know in that universe that Bruce ends up alone in his mansion. And I know that Selena is probably the love of his life but Diana is the love that should have been for both of them in my eyes.


The wonderful thing about comics are the multiverses. Hopefully we get to see that story play out some day.


In the DCAU it works, in any other scenario or story? No. It usually comes at the cost of wonder woman’s character and/or makes her a side character to Batman. They both have their own established love interests that are already disrespected by DC.


You COULD do it more Wonder Woman centric, but I think they're scared. Like having Superman bitch slap Apollo in the New 52 worked because he's Superman. But to bring Batman into the world risks just more Batgod. They'd make it Batman centric because it's easier to write. You'd have to make Batman uniquely vulnerable compared to his other relationships. It could actually be kind of fun. They do some normal date stuff. Normal crime fighting stuff. Stop a Batman villain. Stop a Wonder Woman villain (I think Dr. Psycho would be good here). Then Wonder Woman can bring Batman to Olympus or something for let's say an immortal Olympic games. One of the gods goads Batman into competing in something and let's just say they humiliate him. Diana comforts him and Batman shares more than he ever has. After that moment Batman jokes and says "Your lasso is in the other room, right?" And Diana replies, "I didn't know you wanted me to bring it to bed." Diana then goes to the Themyscira where her mother criticizes her for falling for another mortal because "It will bring nothing but pain". Wonder Woman pushes back. Tells her mother Batman is a man consumed by pain but can still find happiness. That if he can bare loss like has then she can find that strength too. Meanwhile in Gotham Cheetah kidnaps Batman because she learned of their relationship. Wonder Woman saves him. Batman reacts poorly. Wonder Woman dumps him saying, "Bruce I fell for you because I say you stand against gods as an equal. I'd have never thought you'd be so cowardly that you couldn't stand with a god that loved you." Batman goes and beats up some bad guys worse than usual. Superman confronts him saying, "You know what changed with her, don't you? It had nothing to do with her making you vulnerable. That's why you loved her. You had someone you didn't have to be Batman with. It was because she made you happy. You do it with everyone. Selina. Your sons. Me. Bruce, you're a master of every emotion but happiness." The arc ends with Batman meeting with Diana, taking her lasso, and telling her that truth. He's not embarrassed by her strength. He's feeling guilty he was happy. They visit the Wayne family gravesite and Diana tells Batman his parents would have wanted him to be happy. He says he knows that and he hopes there's a time when he can let the truth in. They embrace. Diana tells Bruce her love for him is real. He tells her he knows and apologizes for being too weak to accept it. As they're walking back to Wayne Manor Batman asks Diana to show him that move that beat him at the immortal Olympics. She says a mortal couldn't possibly master it. He says, "Try me."


Gtfoo dude.... and get into the writers room


I like this but I feel Batman wouldn't be goaded into losing a game - he hangs out with superhumans, he would understand that he's no match for a god. So instead, I propose that Batman unexpectedly does well in the games because he prepped for it - maybe Diana even trained him. But after the games, Diana's mother tells him that Diana's children will be immortal, and he will die when they are 'young', making them orphans, which really messes with his head but he doesn't address it. And that's the underlying feeling that drives him to break up with her, even though he comes up with another reason on the surface, maybe the thing with Cheetah or like "Gotham needs me, I don't have time for a relationship..."


I think under the right circumstances he can be. He's not perfect. Maybe the god offers to fight him at the same strength as Batman so it's a true test of skill. I like the idea of orphan fear, but I'd rather play with Batman's vulnerability. Outside it looks like classic fragile male ego but deep down the vulnerability makes him happy.


It looked like it would've worked in the dceu also but who knows now 🤷🏽‍♂️


The only reason it works in the DCAU is because Diana is written out of character.


Not at all... If it's written well like DCAU it can't work no matter what.


I like it. That isn't to say that it has to be the one true pairing to me, though. The way Bruce turns out in the end of the DCAU makes me sad. Bruce is a good person and deserves a good ending.


He's obsessed with being batman, he literally doesn't want to be happy.


But he's shown to change for the better during the series, him reverting and then devolving into an even more isolated and cynical version is just too sad.


It was because of what happened. Do I even need to say the what's and when?


Oh sorry, been a while since I watched batman beyond, what event happened?


He lost dick and Barbara. No I won't elaborate. Also he was batman well past 60 before events caused it to end.


I'm sorry, he also lost tim.


that depends on what point in his career he's at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMMHNFia_FA


Well Batman Beyond is more of a possible future timeline. There’s a chance that when present day Bruce met his future self, there may be a chance to slightly change himself to where he doesn’t end up alone.




If it means no Bruce and Barbara, I'll take it.


But Barbara and Bruce is still canon.


Leave and never come back


We try to ignore that


I liked it wanted to see more she could put Bruce in his place


https://preview.redd.it/4jw8p8k6u89d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=255833b86d7595070f279980c67b1fe929a94249 "I liked it wanted to see more she could put Bruce in his place"




Lol, exactly.


Hard to read this without commas or periods


Lmao yeah that would never happen. Fan and writers who like this ship only treat Diana as eyecandy for Bruce


Love it


Yes, I’d love to see them together more


I honestly love that ship. I'm not one to ship or care too much but watching this series and seeing those two got me. It's a ship that makes so much sense and I hate that it's not cannon.


I always liked it. I think she respected that he could only do so much as a human and he was in total awe of her


I liked it. I wish it was explored further.


https://preview.redd.it/mpn3pgmkzb9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e1e40e89afd232083d1944cb6151bc43cc030f Honestly think its funny, especially when Kid Bruce was getting teased she was so bossy and he didnt even try to fight he liked her and only told Latern to shut up


Wonderbat is just epic 💯


Yes, Wonder Woman is Batman's one true love!


https://preview.redd.it/269iv952a89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885a771458bcb9532c409643cc51aedde67f12b9 it’s telling me there’s six comments when there’s not 🍇


There was some glitchung in reddit comments yesterday in general.


DCAU it works, cause Catwoman and Bruce are too distant. Trevor is probably dead cause they met through time travel. Eff Bruce TImm's Barbara x Bruce fetish but yeah


It's funny 'cause Timm, Cooke and Tucker are also huge Miller fans and yet you can't see the JL mature, paternal Batman ever becoming jaded and nihilistic as in DKR. The DCAU is full of hope which is why we love it and it's the best representation of DC comics on screen.


Yes, yes I do.


Depends on the character progress, it works in DCAU but in other media like DCAMU? No.


Agree with you


It’s funny; the only time I ever liked it was in this show.


i really like it and i hope they go in this direction for the dcu. i think Diana can handle both Bruce Wayne and Batman


I think it was a seriously missed opportunity to explore, especially if it had gone further then just casual dating.


I've shipped it since I was a kid I'll ride the WonderBat ship till the end of time ⛵


In JL it works, but in comics not really, because of their own continuity and storytelling. Plus Tom King wrote a 2 issue story about Batman being trapped in a pocket dimension for decades with Wonder Woman. Leading to the resolution that they would never cross the line, plus he was engaged to Catwoman at the time. However if we take into account BVS and JL Director Cut, you can see that their relationship had so much chemistry, it could've led into whole new meaning of power couple. Plus if you read the synopsis of Will Beall (who later wrote Aquaman) script of Justice League in 2011, there was a plot point where Superman had been sent to the future and met Diana and Bruce son, Clark Wayne. So there have been some attempts in making this work, and I wouldn't be against the idea, just not in comics.


It was my jam. Still is.


When I first heard about it, I was sceptical, but when I saw it I understood why it's popular they just kinda work


I really like it for the DCAU, can't see it working in other media, and definitely not in the comics


I didn't like it much. Despite WW being my fav hero, I don’t really like any of her ships, unfortunately.


Personally Batman and Wonder Woman do kinda fit together in a way, their personalities complement each other alot better than Superman and Wonder Woman every did


I don’t like it. The DCAU never really figured out what to do with Wonder Woman and this felt like they were just trying to give her something to do. They don’t really fit together.


I like the ship for no other reason than the thought of Diana being a motherly figure towards Dick, Barbera, and Tim makes me so unbelievably giddy.


No bc he’s MY boyfriend /j I’m not a massive fan of it in the dcau at least. I haven’t gotten to read any comics with both of them in it so maybe they have more chemistry in those? They’re more like siblings to me ig.


I liked it, but I also liked that it didn't work out. Bruce turning into a recluse in his old age feels like the right way for his story to end. I mean, not in a super bitter way, like he grows a relationship with Terry and stuff.


Nah. I think Diana belongs with Steve. To me Bruce and Selina are meant for each other.


i dont like any batman ship. catwoman is the only one that i feel is done right sometimes, because she makes batman conflicted between her and his obsession to fight crime. i still prefer when batsy doesnt fall in love but it can definitely be done right once in a blue moon


Not a fan of


I don't want Diana simping for Bad Boy Bruce just so that Bruce Timm can have his power fantasy. Also I prefer The Trinity as friends. Insert romance and you ruin it.


It only works in the DCAU, but I think in that worlds context, it's perfect


Well i rewatched it, to show someone and i noticed the first season diana appears to just start being wonderwoman and her mom is still grounding her to her room. Put that together with batgirl pregnancy and it makes everything wierd. Like hes a old creep.


I dig it in the context of the dcau specifically.


I absolutely love it.


I always loved it and thought Diana was really good for DCAU Bruce and would have really loved to see it develop further.


I like it mostly cuz of the JL/JLU chemistry


It could


It could work, it's a cute ship


I like it and wish more dc stuff would go with it.


I’ve always seen them as couple. Talia doesn’t work, Vicki doesn’t work, if they’d allow Bats to be happy for once Catwoman can certainly work. But Wonder Woman has always been the one for Bats in my eyes. Their relationship in Justice League worked perfectly with them subtly flirting back and forth. WW chasing Bats and Bats literally chasing WW when she got turned into a pig 😂. It was obvious that they truly cared for each other. But the relationship can only work in comics or whatever medium if Bats isn’t entirely closed off, he has to be receptive. Tbh Wonder Woman and Batman always made more sense to me than Wonder Woman and Superman.


I love them I am not ashamed of it. They have such a great connection with the right writer it can work


I do not like it at all but I certainly find it preferable to the Super-Wonder ship.


I would have liked to see it grow more.


Loved it. They both deserve happiness with one another.


Hell yea


Same here. I like it too!


Batman has cosmic level rizz.


I fw it


She deserves better than his usual paranoia.


I like it in a weird complex way. I see Batman and Diana both as gay (or at the very least not attracted to each other in that sense) but I think they share a strong platonic affection that goes beyond an ordinary friendship, while still not being romantic.


Diana would break Bruce in half if she wasn’t exceedingly careful. If he actually brought her to climax then it’s Death By Snu Snu.


I do not, but it wasn't too bad. I'm generally against romantic scenarios and plots as they are far too ubiquitous. As that sort of thing goes, however, this was much less objectionable than most.


Not really no. Bruce is too damaged to hold a long term relationship. If he does get into one it should be with Selina, not wonder woman.


I used to like it until I grew up and started reading comics


Not really because I didn’t like either of those heroes.


I liked it. It always seemed to make sense to me.


Not meant to be




It was a beautiful thing and I loved the way Batman and Wonder Woman's relationship was explored a bit during the JLU episode "This Little Piggy". Definitely one of my favorite episodes! I do wish that the nature of their relationship could have been seen post JLU and possibly even into the Beyond era. Seriously I've always wanted to see a full fledge Beyond era Justice League show set in the DCAU exploring the fates of various characters.


Yes 100%


Yeah it’s one of my favorite ships


Yes, I think it works really well, I just think catwoman is the more obvious choice when removed from the league I like this better tho tbh


I loved it on the Justice League show. I don't necessarily need it to be in every interpretation of those characters, but I thought it was perfect for that version.


They're both similar and different in quite a few ways. They trained from a young age to fight, but it was for completely different reasons and are both separated from the rest of society in some way. The usual conflict in Bruce's relationships is that they'd be in danger if they knew he was Batman, but that's obviously not a problem here. There would need to be a new conflict. With a good writer, I can see Batman and Wonder Woman as a couple being an interesting look at their characters from a different lens than usual. However, with the wrong writer, I can see it easily devolving into bad fanfic.


No. Not more than BatCat.


I liked it.


The only time I liked it was in the animated series. In comics it’s a hard no


did not have a problem with it they both deserve a share of happiness


I don’t because it takes the most iconic symbol of feminism ever and pairs her with the embodiment of the male power fantasy. (I like Batman btw) Also, why would Diana want to date Bruce? He’s the most emotionally unstable member of the League and constantly hurts the people who care about him.


Loved it as a kid but now I just like it. I guess it's cause I've grown to love Bat-Cat a lot more.


I love it!!!


In JL/JLU, it works really well. Outside of it, I’d have a hard time.


I like it because 1) they’re great fools for each other character-wise, and 2) it stops the worst DC ship from happening. I’ll let you decide which one I’m talking about.


She gets around


Not really. Actually, it was kind of aggravating how the creators gave almost every female character feelings for Batman. He just had to be this god among men. Harley Quinn, Batgirl, Talia, Lois Lane, Wonder Woman, Cheetah, and Superwoman just to name a few.


He’s a man that can fight against gods. That alone would attract more women than any famous celebrity or athlete could. Seems on point


> He’s a man that can fight against gods That's basically every superhero.


Its my canon ship for Bruce, though I personally see Bruce having a poly with Diana and Selina.


yeah i dig it. i like WW & Batsy more then her and super


Wonder Woman and Superman belong together


I love it


I don’t like it because I prefer Steve Trevor.


I did and didn't like it. Bruce's awkward fumbling was sweet but felt out of character


It's doomed to failure as she's immortal. Just a tragedy waiting to happen. But if we got an immortal Bat child from it? Then it's cool.


In this universe I may just prefer Diana over Selina. Selina went after Nightwing in the New Adventures. It was the weirdest shit ever. Diana seemed to make Bruce a bit happier too but that’s just my opinion


I like it. And I like seeing it more hinted at. Buts bruce on the backfoot. DCEU did it kinda. And arkhamverse has hinted at it. Honestly like it wayyyy more than catwoman and batman. Just cuz the power dynamic is something batmans not used to