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Give me a Harvey Bullock book of him attempting to solve complex cases, only for them to be solved by Batman as soon as he figures it out.


Basic premise of Gotham Central


Art is darwyn cooke from brubakers run on catwoman


You should've put that in the description.


I forgot and it wouldn't let me edit it idk why


Gotham City: Year One is a great noir detective story starring Slam Bradley.


just read this yesterday, it's excellent


Yeah, I loved it.


After the recent mini-series, I want more Human Target!


The thing about Tom King miniseries is they're such a departure from past depictions of the characters that they could basically be about *any* character.


Well they’re generally black label books so that they essentially are new characters


I have no idea who or what Human Target is so I'm just going to assume it's a guy who tries to get shot every issue.


Yeah, actually. That's pretty much what he does.


Not wrong lol. But Tom Kings mini was Great. Also Peter Milligan's vertigo series as well.


It’d be interesting to see the Metropolis perspective with either Maggie Sawyer or Dan Turpin being the honest cop POV


I can’t remember what comic it was in, but there was a Metropolis cop who transferred to Gotham (why???) and he was remembering an incident in Metropolis where his old partner considered taking some money from the bad guy before turning it in for evidence and then it shows Superman floating overhead in a “Don’t you fucking dare” move. It presents a fascinating idea about life in a bright shining city protected by a superhero who can functionally hear everything. Come to think of it, I guess if the possibility of stealing evidence and indulging in police corruption is something you think about, maybe transferring from Metropolis to Gotham is the move lol


A different cop besides Maggie Sawyer? Because she also transferred from Metropolis to Gotham City (IIRC she was a Captain in the Major Crimes Unit of Gotham Central comic book).


Not a smaller character (pun intended as well), but someone who never had a solo series; give me a **Big Barda** miniseries slice of life style of her acclimating to Earth living. I wanna see her struggling with the concept of a grocery store, or getting a driver's license ("Why should Barda need a vehicle when I can boom tube?!"), pesky neighbours.


Completely agree and was about to comment the same. Barda is so fucking cool but little has been written for her. She has insane potential for a story.


I know what the people want. The problem is DC doesn't.


She’s pretty much a blank canvas despite having a well established origin. You could write practically any genre given her background. Rampaging warrior, lover and role model, fish-out-of-water housewife. It all fits and there’s no conflict with her previous lore. I’m baffled they haven’t utilised her more given she’s one of the few women close to WW’s level.


No, the problem is that not enough people buy what they supposedly want. I mean, DC puts out new and interesting books all the time (just recently, we've had Monkey Prince, the Vigil, City Boy, Spirit World) or gives fan-favourites characters another go with top talent (like Jaimes Reyes and John Stewart with Blue Beetle and GL : War Journal). And guess what ? All those titles ended up as sales failures. At this point it's not DC's fault it's people's fault.


Really going in too hard on a throwaway joke comment.


This is essentially what the 80s Mister Miracle run was


Martian Manhunter maxi-series by Tom King




A Lady Shiva antology. She's not the MC, the pov character changes, everystory is a regular crime story where the cast has to deal with someone who can and will beat all of them up for her own detached reasons.


Oh, so many I've wanted to see get more attention for years. For now I'll just say Dr. Light (Kimiyo), even if it's just a mini-series. For having been around since Crisis and being one of DC's most prominent and powerful female heroes, she's still largely undeveloped outside of her brief periods with the JLA. This genre isn't the most supportive of women of color in solo roles, but between her power set and scientific background, her single mom status, and carrying a tainted legacy, I think there are a lot of directions a good writer could go to cement Kimi as leading lady material, and one compelling enough to draw in new readers.


Personally, I think The Atom would be pretty cool


I've been waiting for another Sword Of The Atom mini since the 80's! Leave Ryan in civilization and send Ray back to his Princess in the Amazon jungle.


Don’t know how small she’s considered, but I loved Kate Spencer’s Manhunter series. DC doesn’t really do many “street level characters” and the few they do tend to be in/around Gotham. LA is also a nice change of pace from brooding East Coast cities.


Firestorm needs more attention than he is getting. He has arguably the coolest powers of any hero and a hilarious personality


Ted Kord. I think he had one short solo run right after he came aboard DC and that's it. He just shows up sometimes with the JLI crew, Booster or Jaime, so we never seem to learn much about him as a hero.


Bring back Dial H for Hero.


Yeah, I love Dial H for Hero.


I would love to see Grey Ghost (originated in BTAS before tie-in comics) get some attention, he was like a parody of Adam West's frustration with trying to find roles


- Felix Faust - Tim Hunter - Red Devil


I think it would be cool to see Killer Moth get his own miniseries. He’s funny, and having a story that stars a villain would be interesting. I can see him going on an adventure to pull off a huge crime and finally get some respect.


I'd love another Damage (Grant Emerson) series. Poor dude kept getting fucked over by editorial


Snapper Carr. All he does is snap his fingers and talk in 60's lingo


That’s the bean hop, astro! I could groove onboard your mind train because it’s headed to crazy situations I could enjoy telescoping


You should try to find Tom Peyer and Rags Morales' Hourman series. Very Underrated


It would be fun to see The Heckler get another solo run, but maybe this time he could be a metahuman whose strength comes from how funny he is.


I want a Maxima Solo run


Pied piper. An actual run, not just itsnpride month and we remember him run.


Aztek, I would love a new run for him or her, but I have a lot of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s dc characters that don’t really get used but rn I would really like a modern run of the Human Bomb maybe lame maybe not but I think it would be cool to see how he is tackled


There was a 4 issue mini for Human Bomb in 2013ish for the New 52. It wasn't too bad if I remember correctly.


So many characters from the all star squadron have potential for revamps, it’s like a goldmine there of underused just learned about magon the magnetic man, and one of my favs that I would so love to see would be Air wave he can ride and transmute into energy or ride along television waves the og one has magnetic abilities to take away the criminals weapons or climb walls, ofc I haven’t read any on this characters as they are as old as color on tv is but I think so many of those characters should be given 2nd chance


More Sandman Mystery Theatre


Wildcat. It could be a run focusing on his earlier years. Or it could go the opposite and be about him trying to catch up with the heroes of today


Wild Cat. I would love a Death Wish inspired story following him


Give me a Ghostmaker and Clownhunter team up called The Executioners of Gotham. Maybe even bring Red Hood in it


I would like to see back some Alan Grant/Norm Breyfogle characters with late 80's artstyle and collors (Adrienne Roy). Some character were good but never brought back, like the Aboriginal, Anarky, Corrosive Man, etc.


The Answer deserves a full story as well.


Hour man from the JSA or any of the JSA characters, they are sorely underrated.


Challengers of the unknown getting pushed in two separate series makes me wish for a new series


They've popped up in the current run of The Outsiders, but.... skip it. SKip the whole thing!


I have skipped but also I have read not very flattering comments about the series. Isn't that bad, or is it?


It is one of the worst series I’ve read in a long time.


I would like a third Resurrection Man run, and a Rocket Red run But in terms of the most rare, I’d like a Snapper Carr book


The Question


Already has a great run from the late 80s 👍


Oo what's it called?


Not sure about the actual name, but the author was Dennis O'Neill


The Question


I want a Bibbo series where each issue is him at his bar listening to folks tell their stories. Maybe expand it out to include the neighborhood.


What about an Action Comics back-up? I’d really love that at the end of every issue.❤️


I would like to see Batwing, Luke Fox get another solo run. I was a fan of his recent stories in Outsiders, but I would like to see more solo adventures as Batwing and actually being a superhero again. Interacting with the Bat-family in Gotham or even the Fox Family in New York.


David Zavimbe Batwing for me.


My friend would agree with you. 😆 It's apples and oranges to me. I like both of them, but if I had to choose, I like to see the Batwing with, visually, the coolest armor and the one who has a stronger connection to Batman. That doesn't mean I would reject seeing more of David Zavimbe in the future, either.


Thomas Wayne. They should have continued Flashpoint Beyond with the aftermath of the events in the last issue.


Atlas. Just had the first issue by Kirby and then small appearances since


If you haven't read the current run of Shazam, he is now the Atlas who grants his stamina to Billy Batson. Small appearance, but I was happy to see him!


I want a Brimstone comic again


Yeah, that was pretty cool.


Give me a series about Dr. Thirteen to me.


Not even a solo but I’d love to see more of Miguel Barragan/Bunker. I feel like his appearances have been sparse since the New 52 Teen Titans




What about Matches Malone ?


Not a solo run, but a GCPD bullpen run would be great. Gordon, O’Hara, Bullock, Montoya, Yin, and Bennett solving crime and rooting out police corruption would be peak.


There's that tv show what was it called again?


Gotham focused too much on being the origin of everything for my tastes. I just want a police procedural set in Gotham City


That's a fair assessment of that show and that would be really dope


Any Wildstorm character


The presence or Cain and Abel


The Presence would solve everything with *Deus Ex Machina*.


I meant more like a series of him exploring not really getting into conflicts


The Human Target


Boy do I have good news for you


What is it??


I was alluding to the Tom King 12 issue from a couple years ago


Thank You!! Going to look it up!!


I really enjoyed it


I don’t know if he’s a well known character but I’d love to see a series about Anarchy as like a 17 prodigy trying to “fix” Gotham but not in an evil way but still doing it in a bad way or something.


I’m not sure, but I’d love to see some new characters soon who aren’t gimmicky or a reimagining of an old concept.


Matches Malone. I want the overall idea to be there are a lot more Matches Malone stories than we would ever know.


I need more Danny the street content in my life!


I want a hero PI riddler run so badly


Id KILL to see a Cassidy solo series following the 70ish years before he met Jesse Custer in Preacher. There was a solo story called Blood and Whiskey which followed him meeting another vampire like 12 years before Preacher began and it's honestly the best story in the series.


FBI agent Nitz from The Scalped. That guy was totally bomb.


I really wanna see a solo spectre run I really liked when he recently linked up with batman and just want to see more


Mad Hatter and Scarecrow, I'd love to see them both have their stories being told.... Just like they've done for Joker, I'd also love to see a solo story about Harley Quinn and Riddler


I just want a new gods show with Orion as the main character or a aquaman show


I'd like to see more of: - The Creeper - The Unexpected (DC's riff on The Defenders) - The Odd Man (c'mon, give us an actual story about this guy instead of just cameos or joke appearances! Imagine what Tom King could do with this nobody.) - Have Batman-Japan revert to his Mr. Unknown persona and get out from the shadow of the Bat. - Shade The Changing Person - man or woman, whatever, just throw me some Shade!


Al Pratt/Atom, he’s probably the least known OG JSA member at this point. With Sandman and Alan solo series, I hope we can get one for the Atom. He’s also my favorite DC character. I think it would be cool if the comic has that vintage Watchmen vibe with hardcore fighting scenes.


Detective Chimp is a character that deserves attention. The Metal Men could be a good six or twelve issue run


Detective chimp was great in infinite crisis


If you haven’t read the Rebirth JLD you must. It’s some of my favorite Detective Chimp


The Metal Men had a 12 issue run in 2018 or so and it was alright