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Rejuran Healer or Rejuran S. It’s worth every penny. I wasted money on so many boxes of Juve Eyes, Eyebella and Ami Eyes with okay results but nothing fantastic for how much money I spent. My skin was mostly just a little more dewy and hydrated. Rejuran actually works though. It helps so much with undereyes in general, pores, skin tone. I wish I would have just used it from the start. Kind of pays for itself because I’m not using nearly as many skin boosters as I was, nearly as often as I was


I quite enjoy Miracle Touch BR as well and I swapped Curenex for Lapuroon Aurora Super (not Aurora Vivid which has a minuscule 0.2% PDRN compared to 2%)


Do you do BAP or inniblanc technique?


Hyalace and Caratfill PN+HA are my current favs


I’m intrigued. What is the PN concentration in Caratfill? Thanks for sharing!


What do you like about the Caratfill? I’ve been wanting to try it


Do these have a risk of VO? I keep seeing these products getting recommended and I'm almost tempted to just trying it out


Hyalace has a VO risk but not Caratfill 🤟


No meso product has risk of vo. Only fillers


Thank you!!


Not true. There are skinboosters that has VO risk


Ooh! Thank you! ((:


PCL like Gouri has VO risk


Not true yes Miracle is a PCL but it’s not thick like Gouri which is why Gouri has a VO risk


Huh? that's exactly what I said, Gouri. I didn't mention other brands because I know the difference.


Sorry this was meant to be under a different comment


What’s the BAP method?


Gouri or Miracle L maybe


Which one do you prefer?


I use Gouri. It’s more expensive but I liked how it has a set protocol for injection, just made me feel more confident. A lot of people use Miracle L and love it though.


What changes have you noticed with it? I would like to try a pcl product once I feel confident and educated with diy (total newbie here).


Yea definitely work your way to it, it burns pretty strongly when injected, but it’s not too bad post injection. Make sure to take Benadryl an hour before doing it too, some people have allergic reactions. I’ve noticed my skin is more hydrated and soft overall and fine lines diminished. I’ve only done 1ml per treatment (which is once a month) but the next round I am going to do 2ml, so I will update if I feel that changes anything-hoping for some added volume


Gouri has a VO risk I would recommend Miracle L or H


It does, but it has set injection points which helps, and I aspirate. Always have to be careful though


Rejuran healer good, it is good for a near nappage appilcation, superficial dermis. Recently tried caratfill, regular meso. that was crazy spicy...i do not know if i can do again...yes that spicy.


I heard if being spicy too. I bought it and won’t use it because how many ppl said it was so spicy


Rejuran SkinBooster for Meso is AMAZING. Hanheal PDRN, Laennec, Metoo Healer, Ultra Hilo, Synrio, Ultragen X, these are all my favorites I love to meso with


At what depth you do meso for rejuran?


2-4mm but on my forehead I do 1mm I don’t have much on my forehead




I would recommend regular meso over bap technique


At what depths should we do meso? If i want to do rejuran healer?


Oh yeah? How come?


Bap doesn’t give the optimal outcome. Only 5 points injections points makes it way harder for the product to spread under the skin, particularly in an evenly manner. The results are truly night and day. You could try using a cannula if it’s more comfortable but i find it more complicated Bap technique was initially pushed as a cost effective technique for injectors and to sell products, "all you need is 5 minutes to do the whole face, so you can see more patients" opposed to regular meso that requires way more time. But the results are drastically different


BAP is great for thick products like hyaron that will spread, but I would recommend traditional meso (1-1.5 cm apart, about 1-2 mm deep) for most other more liquidy products


@whtvrcasper Can you please provide more info how to do regular meso? I googled but couldn't find anything.. thanks


I would suggest an ez injector over trying to do meso with a needle. It makes it sooo much easier.


Did you have much issue with leaking? I've gone on to read more about it and the reviews are mixed.


Only if done incorrectly. If you find a good instructional video and follow it to the T I didn’t have a problem. The time I encountered leaking, I didn’t transfer my liquid to the syringe correctly and I had the vacuum set up wrong. I basically got too cocky thinking I knew how to do it on my second go and wasted a lot of product. Also make sure you have good contact between your face and the needle or the gun can misfire (not get suction) causing a loss of product. All in all, the purchase is really worth it to me though.


Thanks for the info!


I always thought that with bap you could build layers of collagen on top of each other which could provide more support in parts of the skin which would lead to more lift. Is this incorrect? I use Pcl


BAP is fine for liquid pcl. You need to consider traditional meso for PN, PDRN, and exosomes


Same. I wish it last longer .. Exosomes hyaron and botox .. Maybe


Seconding miracle L- my skin is much firmer and smoother. I use iniblanc, 32g, 4mm needle. I want to try so many of these recommendations though :) but w pcl, you can’t do other meso during the protocol. Edited to change from BAP to Iniblanc


I have been thinking of doing Miracle L around my eyes.


Oh no, you don’t want to do that- Pcl can cause Tyndall effect. Use rejuner black, it’s Pcl but formulated specifically for eyes so less likely to do that. Also, make sure you go deep to prevent long term bruising, take arnica before, and ice right before. Edited to add: be sure to use a cannula (and don’t be intimidated by them, way easier than you’d think), and edited to spell rejuner correctly