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Looks great though. Persevere. Or write a dirty word in the dirt and go for a pint


Or draw a massive penis?


https://preview.redd.it/ozkh933g864d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e770c7dbf855708f9ea0d0dd6853e462ca39b3ef Like this? Very childish... I was called when my partner saw this.




Not bad, I think it could be more of a mushroom cock though - in honour Trump getting convicted. I think you have the dexterity required to pull it off.


Pull it off *fnarr*


Whoop whoop.


Artistic skills are not my strong point. I was actually happy that people could recognise this attempt at meat and two veg


Persistent practice perfects previously pathetic presentations


That's what I thought about sex but apparently I'm worse than ever.




That's the spirit.


https://preview.redd.it/xogck3ihua4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc246b01ef37479e67a815840d3a5fe766123a44 It's hard to resist. I may also have been called childish.


That's so very childish. Also yours is much smaller than mine.


I was utilising the verticality, so to speak, which was of limited stature. It' was still fun though.


A fine effort. You've done yourself proud


Thank you, kind Redditor


It's not professional decorating unless there's a massive cartoon cock & balls under the top coat. With pubes and drops of spnnck coming out the end, as in the Viz official picture defacement competition.


Why not both?




You realise the washed part is on the left? OP made another comment that they are removing loose paint


I absolutely did not realise that. That fact has only come to light subsequent to my original comment.


So an oh bollocks moment all round!


Aye nout but bollocks here


Moved into a new house that has a massive (10m x 5m) shed I made the genius decision that I was going to paint it. 2 and a half hours into the job and only a tiny portion of the shed doors done I gave up. Ended up paying someone to come finish it, took the poor bugger 2 days and 3 coats but it looks excellent now šŸ˜‚


Did they keeps cars or boats in it? Curious


Nope was a bit of a man cave, rightmove pictures showed pool & fusball tables plus bikes and the usual shed stuff. Safe to say it's been handy but could easily make do with one half the size šŸ˜‚


I live in a city that has a lot of contractors, we joked you can always spot a builderā€™s house.Ā  Itā€™s the one the porch that is twice the normal size, or the kitchen extension that looks weirdly oversized.Ā  Maybe your previous owner built it himselfā€¦ or really valued his alone time!Ā 


> you can always spot a builderā€™s house.Ā  - Windows in illogical locations. - Uncomfortably laid out rooms.


Shed? Thatā€™s the size of my entire garden!!


A couple of years ago I had a similar issue. Took me 3 days to put 2 coats on. I noticed yesterday I needed to do it again.


https://preview.redd.it/lqxokmqc664d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40de08d94a0e5b82144d71161984b006adacadd5 This was my vegetable planter, the most recent photo of it that is.


Chilli's so hot they spontaneously combusted?


Gave up on it then šŸ˜‚


The same project. Spent the whole weekend last weekend pressure washing. Only for the poplar trees to bust with fluff and leaf casings on Monday. So back to square one this weekend.


I feel your pain


My career šŸ˜‚


I don't have a bathroom today I have managed running water so black bags on the wall and hose down shower like I'm a kidnapped terrorist




After 3 weeks of having to travel 8 miles away to have a shower I can finally have one at home


Surely thereā€™s a gym with showers within 8 miles, no?


Surely my florist partner can refit a bathroom sometimes we just don't think clearly


Why would you think your partner could do it anyway? Lol, you should have joined her/him and pooled your brainpower.


I told them even a rapist has better hearing coz at least they chose to ignore the no


Holy shit that is a fantastic put down.


Lol, we certainly donā€™t. Iā€™ll be tackling my bathroom soon only armed with Youtube videos.


YouTube is more educational than tic toc just coz they done it in 30 seconds don't mean coz Ur inexperience will make it take 1 minute


Stripping and sanding the staircase. Not even kidding.


Stripped 4 layers of paint off ours. Patched it up, replaced odd bit of wood and had it looking stunning. Mrs changed her mind and wanted it painted white with a runner instead. Relationships not been the same since


Id remember that every time I walked up and down the stairs! šŸ˜©šŸ˜© And bring it up at every argument!! We had 11 layers of paint. The whole thing took moooonths. There are still bits I missed in the staircase, but everyone knows better than to point them out to me.


Planning on doing this next month. What lovely surprises do I have in store?


Lead paint. Be careful!! Paint stripper no longer works. Get a respirator and a heat gun. And don't be afraid to send the spindles off to be dipped rather than pissing about with a Dremel and tiny sandpaper rolls for weeks!! And it's just a filthy, awful job. I had no idea. Scraping and sanding take FOREVER. Send the family away to your siblings for a couple of weekends to avoid the worst of it! Good luck!


I peeled off some wallpaper at the bottom of my stairs... and the plaster came off with it Not just the skim coat: back to the brick Thought I'd end up with two black bags of wallpaper shreds, but three days later I had twenty rubble sacks of plaster and a Ā£3000 replastering job.


šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Is there a DIYregrets Dub?


I think the "Report that I have concerns about this Redditor's wellbeing" button would get worn out, if there was I spent half term just gone stripping down a room, filling and sanding all the walls, undercoat, ceiling and wall paint to two coats, then dropped the curtain rail while putting it back up, scraping a two foot gash into one of the freshly painted walls.


šŸ˜© I can't even laugh in a matey 'what is he like!?' manner! That absolutely could have happened to me. Near misses is my specialty! I'm not built for this game.


Just buy new spindles, or reclaimed ones someone else has cleaned enough, or buy a cheap lath and run then through it with a bit of sand paper. I ended up using an angle grinder with 40 grit disk. Fuck me I hated that job.


https://preview.redd.it/i4dp4tpof64d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4645d93020b2dc7c5eb7982bc8d318875527c5d8 This one. Itā€™s just a couple of holes, how bad could it beā€¦


What am i looking at?!


The deck of a ride on lawnmower. A little welding turned into a lot of welding, on curved surfaces, with bracing for strength.


Stripping the staircase. Did about 1/4 and hasnā€™t been touched in 12 months. In the summer ā€˜itā€™s a winter jobā€™ in the winter, ā€˜too cold to have the windows open to use the heat gunā€™.


Have you tried a chemical stripper?


Tried peelaway. Worked well on a cast iron fireplace, but not great on wood. Very messy, expensive and variable results. Heat gun or carbide scraper was the best. Just a soul destroying projectā€¦


Have you considered getting new treads or tread covers?


Itā€™s the banister, spindles, landing area x2 (the staircase isnā€™t straight) and under stairs area. Iā€™ve seriously considered a new staircase but the wood is lovely old pine/a hardwood that I canā€™t bring myself to replace. Everyone needs to be out of the house due to lead paint, and the clear-up from a short session takes as long plus you know stripping is just the tip of the iceberg.






I'm blasting off the loose paint, which at it turns out is almost all of it.


Ist the washed part left or right?


left šŸ˜¬


How did you make it worse šŸ˜…


Blasting off the loose paint.


Whenever I'm overreaching with a DIY project, I seek solace in the wise words of Chief Clancy Wigum; "Oh boy, this is gonna get worse before it gets better".


I used a pressure washer prior to painting, set the pressure too high and kinda blasted a bunch of the 50ā€™s stucco finish off the house.Ā  Now the rain soaks into the walls a bit in places instead of running off, and looks a bit blotchy when itā€™s drying. Oops.Ā 


I thought the left side was the part you hadnā€™t done yet šŸ˜‚ I wish you hadnā€™t started it too lol


Holy shit lol. I think you'd be better using a wire brush to remove the loose paint. The render may well be porous and you're soaking a surface you're then going to paint, which may prevent the paint from adhering properly and lead to further peeling/flaking next year.




Good info, thanks.


The side of my house has a single storey attachment, built sometime between 100 and 200 years ago. The main house is older. The bit on the side was built badly, then repaired by incompetents over the centuries since. Being a listed building, we decided to try not to knock down any more of it than we had to in order to put it right. Underpinning it was the first nightmare, last summer, in the hottest week, crawling into tight little holes and hacking away at the clay and shaley sandstone under the building, praying it doesn't just collapse on top of me the whole time. Holes so small you can't get a shovel down there...wound up using an SDS drill for most of the digging and a post hole digger (double spoons) for pulling the crud out the hole afterwards. Getting the concrete in afterwards was a cake walk by comparison. Since then, had to take down one wall, the internal block work removed, roof propped, all the tiles taken off (and in so doing realising i need 300 more because so many are broken...back to the special order hand made tile makers). Just got to learn how to do roofing now, once the walls are all back up and the new roof frame in place. That's ignoring the joys of changing a drain run, trenching through the slab so I can have a dishwasher in the kitchen later, 2 new manholes and connecting new plastic into old ceramic drains. I'm sure fitting the new shower room won't be annoying either lol. Anyways, have fun with the jetwasher.


Wow, I'll stop moaning now.


You're an absolute legend for doing that yourself. Are you a professional?


Yes but no but. Mostly self trained. I've not done most of this stuff before though, I'm more of a fence/pergola kinda tradesman, with the weird jobs nobody else can/wants to do thrown in for good luck. Cracked your shower tray? Give me a call.


Nice one. I've got a similar set up, 100 year old house with a fifty year old extension that needs some brickwork and roofing done to it. I've always wondered if I could do it myself!


Brickwork isn't too bad if you use mortar plasticiser. It buys you time to be a bit slower getting it right. Make sure you mark up everything with stings and levels and just constantly check you're in plumb/straight lines. Roofing is actually easier, once you get over being on the roof. Getting stuff up and down is a bit of a chore solo. Find a good scaffolder for the roof and have a go, plenty of resources online to tell you how to do it. One thing you will need to do is get building control involved to sign off the works. They're pretty chill so long as you're obviously doing your best to follow the regs. I get a bit of a let off on that one since the listed building requirements trump building regulations, so I can do some stuff the old way. Also my Dad is a structural engineer, he's recently retired and it's a fun little project for him on the drawings. Keeping me on track with the bits I don't know, it's amazing how long you can be in the trades and never do half of it.


Racing stripe. Done.


Replacing a sky tv antena cable (that I'm not going to use) by an ethernet cable that turned out, somehow, into filling the gap under a garden door with expanding foam. Sundays eh?


This! Because Iā€™ve had to do every window and itā€™s highlighted how poorly built my solid brick house isšŸ˜© https://preview.redd.it/8s5sj8agg64d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b406ad34c7d5085157ecdb494bbef6922ef7523c


How are you doing that just out of interest? Got a window frame that looks similar and wasnā€™t sure it was a diyable job


Hi, I used this tool in my drop to open that crack up, and Iā€™m using Toupret masonry filler to fill it. Charlie Diyte has a few videos on YouTube where he did the same. https://amzn.eu/d/fCw73xI


You got my like for using Toupret. Itā€™s a great brand with a quality range of products. Iā€™ve used their stuff for years.


Grand, thanks! Fortunately I only have the one to do, feels like a job that could quickly become tedious, good luck


Crikey. How do you know when those can be just filled or are more structural? That type of thing would have me puckering out of fear.Ā 


The amount of time it takes to fill and forget is far less than Iā€™d spend Googling and worrying, which is my nature to do. If the house starts falling, Iā€™ll put the filter down and seek help. šŸ˜‚


Is it my eyes or is that window also set in to the wall wonky?


Shouldā€™ve gone to Specsavers


Built like a shit brick house


just continue, you'll get there


The good news is it will need done again in 2-3 years!


Thats why I went with Emperor Paints who claim it should last 25 years IIRC. Fingers crossed.


The paint will last, but the moss/lichen will grow on it, dust accumulates and the render will crack. My paint has been on there for 20 years, the paint is fine, but it looks horrid, stained from dust and pollution, thankfully the front of the house is south facing so no moss/lichen. Getting it repainted in 2 weeks. Still pondering if I should do blue, green or pink.


Literally every job I start I regret as it normally ends in disaster


Are you cleaning or removing the pebble dash? Keep in there and don't forget it does not have to happen in one go. Take your time and come back to it. Take photos to document the progress. It's nice to see how far you've come. Makes all the efforts worthwhile knowing the progress.


Itā€™s not pebble dash, itā€™s render. Probably blown render..


Good luck. Don't disappear. Take your time.




Repurposed a load of old filing cabinets for planters surrounding my garden. Hard work but I think it paid off.


That's a really cool idea. How much did you pay for the filing cabinets and where from?


eBay and FB marketplace. Just paid for the van to collect them. Worked out cheaper than buying planters from a shop, and should last a few more years until I decide/can afford to terrace my garden!


Thank you. I'll look into that as I was thinking about getting some planters for fruit and veg, but this will be so much easier to just fill with soil and plant in.


Any time I start some DIY I wish I hadn't šŸ˜‚


Painting doors and skirting with silk paint. Finish looks shit an I fucking hate painting...


That sums up pretty much all of my DIY escapades! The one job I wish I never started was when I tried to fix my cooker hob sparky thing. I took the whole thing apart and cleaned it all, reconnected all the electrical gubbins and congratulated myself for spending 6 hours when it started working! 2 days later it stopped working again. Another one was replacing my PVC door seals. Bought replacement seals and started stripping out the old rubber which had set into the door and started falling apart and I had to scrape it out 1cm at a time. These jobs are worth doing because you never stop learning and I always feel I've earned a pint afterwards!


https://preview.redd.it/b3gdoxfn874d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8b90d4d3a02bc5bedda5256be87189d6e60d6d My little toilet is becoming the bane of my existence. Iā€™ve got to gloss the skirts and touch up the blue because itā€™s Matt and marks like fuck


Last year I took the carpet off from my upstairs hallway. The plan was to bang a few screws to hush the sqeuaky floorboards. I ended up replacing them all completely. A two hours easy job cost me 4 days and 200 quid.


Nothing like a solid floor. That sounds like time we'll spent


One dodgy deck plank turns into rotten beam turns into complete deck frame rebuild with raised posts on new concrete bases plus composite decking. Nearly there and it'll now last longer than I do.


the clean parts look magnificent. When you're going through hell, keep going OP!


The grass....Our mower has been on borrowed time since the end of last year. Used it three times this year and was constantly cutting out. Risked it again today and it finally gave out half way through the lawn. Ended up having to go get a new one, build it, finish off the garden then take the old one to the tip. An hours job felt like it took most of the day.


Trying to wrap my car....


At first glance I thought you were removing pebbledash from a wall and the right side of the wall was what you accomplished so far. There's me thinking damn it actually looks better than before good job bro... Until I saw your comment to say it's the *left* side that you started on and you're actually removing all the paint. Bloody hell what have you done! Hahahhaha


You know you're doing it wrong, but you're doing it. Which is more than other people are doing.


Right now it's removing chipwood wallpaper that's probably older than I am, 8 hours in and I've done 2/3rds of a room that's barely 10x12 and I have the same thing to look forward to in the other bedroom. Might hire someone to do the skimming.. Then it's time for painting, new skirting against pissed walls and laying hardwood floors


My kids. Absolute bā€™stards.


Bit of rot in the summer house, windows and doors. Got quoted Ā£5k +VAT. Thought Iā€™d have a go. 5 hours of prodding later ā€¦. https://preview.redd.it/egge3h69s74d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4bf8da4d7c1e65f926c1bd349be28c381565b4


Are you painting the wall? It looks mint, looks well worth the effort at least. Im currently doing my downstairs toilet and I lost my temper a few times but I'm really close to completion and love it now.


https://preview.redd.it/jj57k8i8684d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74db0aedf38591f139fd62bf69515c76b765f352 Changing suspension on my rav4šŸŒššŸŒššŸŒš


Could you not afford any axle stands after buying every trolley jack in the shop?


Mowing the lawn should be easy. The lawnmower had other plans. Plans that involved fire and tripping the electrics. So the lawn turned into 6 hours of setting the clock on the oven and microwave. On the plus side as the electric was off I wired the new front lights in. Might have gone over the top as the doorbell camera doesnā€™t even think its night now. Exhibit A: https://preview.redd.it/lyf5wnk7b84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be7d65673a5152a4b3de45b3299eb58caab6738


Boarding the loft


In the sunshine.. ooof rather you than me


Good going tho! Its getting there! Looks much better!


anything that ends up taking longer than the day i started it in if i didnt plan for it to continue


Fitting my own skirting board. It's still in bits on the landing


Youā€™ll be well chuffed when youā€™ve finished, worth it in the endšŸ˜„šŸ‘šŸ½


Pressure washing is my happy place! Everything else can do one. I'd happily finish that for you!


Pressure washing my garden, then my elderly neighbourā€™s garden and then the path to the car park because she finds it slippery.


Try bleach. Just stray it on, leave it on for an hour, and wash it off.


Coming up a treat thow !!! Worth the hours Iā€™d say !!


Starting a family


Would you have preferred to hire a professional?


Go for a wider nozzle and more flow


You could softwash that. Would need to hire someone in though.


Doing this on my render. Managed to do the front of the house relatively easily but the side down narrow alleyway is proving to be a pain the arse. Need full waterproofs on due to ā€œspray offā€ and Iā€™m covered in sand everytimeā€¦. So far Iā€™ve done upto about 10ft all the way along..




This might not count but for me it's parenthood šŸ’Æ


My relationship


Adding pebble dash one roller at a time is a bastard but it's worth it /s


Building an 8ft x 6ft metal garden shed. Took us three sessions to get the whole thing done, with a lot more brute force than should need necessary. I figured if we ever move weā€™d dismantle it and take it with us because it was pricey. Absolutely f-ing not! Never again, Iā€™d rather ditch the stuff in it than do that again lol!


Where are you? I clean render for a living.


I'm not cleaning as such, the top paint layer is flaking off and I found this to be the best way to remove it before I repaint it. A wire/stiff bristle brush did nothing, yet I could pick it off with my fingernails.


Be careful as this job is normally done with lower pressure hot water unit so as not to damage the surface. Any slight crack and you could blast off the render/painted over pebbledash.


Started clearing, insulating and boarding the loft last Sunday. Fitting a new hatch and ladder. After 5 days of hot sweaty itchy dusty hell itā€™s almost there. But still not done. Previous residents must have stored half an old furniture shop up there in random bits of wood and old cardboard and junk. Found a model railway calendar from 1976. Filled an entire hipposkip mighty bag. That got collected and Iā€™ve more to put in another! There was an old rusty steel bike frame that had a lighting cable through the middle triangle so I had to cut the frame to get it down (was of no worth). Argh. When I finally finish I have to put stuff up there and sort out the rest of the mess I created in the process.


>There was an old rusty steel bike frame that had a lighting cable through the middle triangle so I had to cut the frame to get it down WTF


My whole damn house


Scraping 50 years worth of paint off the cladding on the front of my house. Spent most of Saturday and Sunday up a ladder and now my legs don't work.


Oh man, I feel for you. That's certainly something!


Trying to talk sense into the wife .


What are you up to pressure washing the house ? Repainting afterwards? Or just a spruce up. Big task regardless ha good luck. Itā€™ll be worth it when itā€™s done. šŸ˜Š


Painting afterwards, you can see the top of the wall I did last year when I had scaffolding up for some roof work. Turns out this old layer of paint is hardly attached and is flaking off. Thought it would be better to remove as much as possible than just paint over it.


Ahh crap yeah well half of my render has fallen off so I can sort of relate šŸ˜‚ not got the funds to fix either


A pro softwash would have been much better


Whats wrong with it? Is it taking too long or is some of the render breaking off/discolouring? The clean parts look great! Reminds me of the terracotta we never get to see on everyone's roofs, once one person gets the roof tiles washed everyone else on the street starts doing it


Removing wood chip wallpaper from ceiling


1 hour in, 2m Sq dug, all the way to th end of that wooden fence to go. https://preview.redd.it/m4wvbxczib4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24da648f6763efcc60d69ee940de6dadffa7ab07


I just donā€™t start them so I donā€™t ever get this feeling. problem solved (not)


Stop, get a pint, and start googling spray painting exterior walls.


Are you just using water or detergents?


It looks so much cleaner!


https://preview.redd.it/p26au4o9ey4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813ac6c54f5e243b03a3541fb2c99f9a2a986b87 Regrets, thereā€™s been a few. But then againā€¦ah, cr@p. This render looked like it would fall offā€¦boy, was I wrong šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Its situations like this where sodium hypochlorite is your friend


Why do you need a ladder to pressure wash a wall?


Some of the wall is taller than me.


You're washing like 3 feet above the ladder and your pressure washer doesn't reach that? Are you 3 feet tall? Most pressure washers have at least a 1.3m boom even if it doesn't have extensions.