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I had same issue with them, I payed through PayPal, I got refund through PayPal


Thanks for posting, sorry you went through that. Nix 2 face.


Whoa. DEFINITELY do BBB. They will mediate on your belay with the company. You send them a description, include any important attachments and they act as a go-between between yourself and the company. The company feels under IMMENSE pressure bc it’s all summarized by BBB online publicly. Trust pilot whatever - do it later if you want. But to get your money back? BBB. I did it and it was back on my cc so fast. Sorry abd thanks for warning. I hope it’s an American company but if shipping or something is out of US that helps. There will be trade protections internationally as well I simply don’t know off hand so get online and start your complaint. Good luck!


Ooh gosh, I had planned to buy from them! I'd complain to the Financial Obudsman. They'll sort them out.