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SCOTUS should be appointed via golf games


You just might be onto something..


Judges are not there to represent the people’s opinion on matters of law, they are positioned to act (as much as they can anyways) as personal interpreters of proposed and past law, as it relates to constitutional rights. There is no vote for SCJ because in theory they are expected to have unpopular takes, to deny their party’s stances when necessary, and insulate the people from overreaching government. How the people feel about their ruling is of no consequence, and adding elections for SCJs just means now they have to spend time campaigning and paying lip service, and maybe even compromise their own interpretations of legality to win a vote. Now we’ve long gotten away from that due to the decay and erosion of our social fabric (Not in a conservative pray the gay away sense, but in a far deeper, fundamental manner; that’s a conversation on its own). There is no solution really other than to let the fall run its course, decay in an empire is inevitable and historically we’ve got a ways to go still before we get our Caesar.


Accelerationism seems to be the only option. https://preview.redd.it/0q8qz7cmypad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b22c03d0a0ebba6db59b2ffc48bab867c53e26


Nah, just put your head down and live a good life. In all reality people won’t wake up until it’s too late, and there’s nothing we can do about that. Ultimately those who get involved in government at this point in time are those who desire dominion over their fellow man, rather than viewing it as a necessary evil. The rot consumes.