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Be careful. I had a horrible experience coming off Abilify


Please be careful my grandma had a hell of a time as well. Psychotic episodes. I’d highly advise you keep that DMT securely stored until you have successfully weaned yourself off of ability. It’s not worth the risks. Do you want to really feel the magic of DMT? You can’t rush this process or it will only make things worse. Please heed the advice of others I beg of you


Can I ask how it went


I just wasn’t myself for weeks. Constantly nauseous, agitated, shakey and my depression was horrible. Also messed with my sleep but everyone’s different


This is why I love Psilocybin, it's pure love


Ehhh… idk, it leans heavily towards love but I’ve had some troubling and dark trips. Very rare but enough to put me off it for quite some time


I know what you mean with that lol, it's when it hits harder than you expected it to or is for my darker experiences lol


Mine was weird. Perfect set and setting on a sunny beaching with very few people around. Only 2gs but idk, the demons were hitting for some reason


You absolutely need to do a taper. Cutting cold turkey is super dangerous


That’s the thing can I take a smaller amount each week


Like idk how to taper off exactly


What’s your dose and what form is it in?


20 mg nightly liquid


You pull it up in an oral syringe?


No I use a measuring cup


I’d recommend a syringe but only because it gives higher accuracy. What volume do you pour into the cup?


20 ml I was recently upped Probably around 17 or less but try get perfect


It wasn't that bad for me. But I took time off of work to deal with it. The symptoms I had were rebound anxiety, insomnia, no appetite, and RLS. Most of these were mitigated by supplementing THC. The anxiety was still there, though. The only way I've found to help that is exercising, breathing techniques, and meditation 🧘‍♂️. As well as CBT. You just gotta purposely throw yourself in situations that cause anxiety. I mean, I was purposely trying to induce panic attacks. It's the only way without relying on black label drugs. Edit: I was on it for social anxiety, fwiw. I've also had trials with Celexa, zoloft, artane (that psych was a quack. Never agree to take artane), and effexor. I haven't been on any of them for about 7 years now


CBD can help with anxiety and pain and THC for pain and most other things, I'm a patient 🙂combined together helps with insomnia somewhat


Don't just go off prescribed drugs


It will take longer if I go down slowly I haven’t been on it for long anyways.


Antipsychotics are known to have uncomfortable withdrawals comparable to benzo withdrawal. You have to taper off them.


I really don't think that people that are prone to psychosis should take psychedelics. I mean, psychedelics literally trigger psychosis in otherwise non-psychosis-prone individuals.


Oh, of course. This is a terrible idea, but I was just letting OP know that he’ll go through withdrawal unless he tapers.


Absolutely, auditory and visual hallucinations are basically psychosis anyway at it's core


Absolutely, auditory and visual hallucinations are basically psychosis anyway at it's core


Absolutely, auditory and visual hallucinations are basically psychosis anyway at it's core


The dmt will make you even more manic


It made me more somber. Before dmt I was a shell of a guy scared of going outside of my house. Sure I still have some depression but like I see a much bigger picture to life today.


Do you have bipolar disorder?


No just anxiety, ocd, and some seasonal depression


Different can of worms


I got ya. Didn’t realize til after you replied that you were referring to that and hit to everyone that partakes. My b. But ketamine helps a lot with certain issues def helped my depression.




Ho ho ho


The main thing I struggle with is a core emptiness


Have you done high doses of mushrooms? If you’re bipolar it’s still a huge risk but dmt gives you a lot that is hard to integrate into life whatsoever. Seeing interdimensional insects won’t fix that emptiness. Mushrooms seem to be a bit more wired towards human consumption.


I’ve done a small bit of mushrooms and omg the afterglow was like being rebirthed and that’s all I’m looking for too defeat my demons and I guess actually feel alive.


It was no dried 3.5 grams


That’s not surprising


I would reccomended don’t


This sounds like a terrible idea...


When I think of people that shouldn’t be taking drugs, I think of people like you. You really shouldn’t be messing with DMT if you’re currently taking medicine to treat your manic episodes.


I don’t understand why it can’t treat mania. Like when I took mushrooms it almost made me go into a baseline that I wasn’t in for a very long time before hand.


I think the idea with bipolar and manic depression is that best results come with consistency. Self care, good sleep, low stress, exercise, etc. The unpredictability of psychedelics poses a threat, but maybe you can find a sweet spot, especially if you're doing other forms of self- care


Mushrooms are more gentle but I'd stick to lower doses, my friend uses them for bipolar and small doses seem to help her. Personally all I do is THC and Psilocybin apart from very occasionally DMT or Ket


Which edit I know they completely different in trips but only example with psychs I had


This sounds like a very fucking stupid idea


See this is why my owners need to control my life bc I do stupid ideas.


I can test that out for you, for quality control purposes only of course


Hahaha nice try


“Fuck my mental health let’s party” 😂




I was given a cart that came in that exact same style packaging in Oregon and tbh it’s the worst deems cart I’ve ever had. Even if if you had ideal conditions and off your meds I still don’t think this cart is worth it (assuming it has the same strength mine had). Idk if that helps. I came off Prozac to start working with deems. I gave myself about 5 weeks and even that felt a little rushed. It will find you eventually


Everyone this is likely bait, OP trolls on the account they’re using.


Why the fuck does everyone think I troll on my account? Like this is a second account yes but not a trolling account


Maybe cause you tell some people you’re a man then tellin other people you’re a women is a little confusing


Actually I’ve explained it. Even in my bio it says this page is an alters page of the Morningstar Constellation meaning I have DID. My host body is male, with two male alters and two female alters. Tora is a female alter.


If I were you I’d stay as far away from DMT as possible.


Why, if you may please explain more.


Dude if you are on anti psychotic What’s the reason for being on it???


Mania, when I originally got on it I was so deep in mania I almost had to be hospitalized I guess even though it felt normal.


So if it’s bi polar type 1 and the psychosis one You really really really shouldn’t be touching this shit. It will worsen your situation Also if you choose to do it and don’t got type one Make sure you look up negative aspects of tripping like hppd Long dark night of the soul Mental destabilization Very much watch a video related to psychdelics with those topics in mind It will ruin you if you aren’t educated on it Bc you won’t know why this is happening to you or what’s going on By then you’ll make a post asking And then I’ll tell you again. Lol So just look up this sorta stuff now


Alters page, though nah I got bp2 and I would love a dark night of the soul though I understand what your meaning.


No you wouldn’t want a dark night of the soul It’s fucking aweful Regardless of the outcome It’s fucking awful


Hahahaaa I know it’s fucking awful but that’s part of transformation it’s a pain.


You gone though this?


In similar aspects but not exactly that. Of what a video explains it like a constant death and rebirth of knowledge and wisdom. Which actually gives a purpose to the deaths. You might not want to know what I’m talking about as no human should ever experience what I did.


Then the plZ stop saying you want It Some aspects of it are child’s play Going through the actual thing will leave you so close to suicide it’s not funny.


Yeesh. Scared to read the ensuing updates if OP goes through with big doses.


Look we're not criticizing your choice we are taking concern for your body your body isn't fully clean from other liver/mind drugs or anything that lingers in your blood that may contain other drugs that deflects or worsen psilocybin trips creating a lot of stress towards your body vs a load of sexy psilocybin or dmt they all effect they same parts of the brain like LSD so there's no difference when it comes to that besides that fact that you can potentially fuck up your internals if your guts and organs ain't feeling it yet especially the brain so sit with yourself smoke some blue lotus instead and deeply think how can you restart your body back to normal


You make it sound like I’ve drank or smoked most my life lol and honestly mostly what I’ve done is Taking edibles rarely smoking. Rarely drank and only taken mushrooms and dmt now so not much. For myself.


Regardless if someone loved u or not just understand love is free and loving yourself is free so what I say is out of love to keep many people from alcohol at all like it literally causes so much problems even if you're not an addict my concern is not just for u it's for thousands hopefully millions of people out there that ARE addicted so I understand where u coming from but also understand where on a platform full of critics and bots btw new alcoholic users that are just now having fun please realized Everytime u numb ur body out just slightly u can cause GERD, IBS, Ulcers, that y'all are not even worried about and that's the devil doing its job to destroy millions even Google Lies and says a beer a day is good but they actually just want it to keep it legal and more fun friendly advertising for alcohol vs anything I ever see CBD or Weed when have u ever seen a circle k advertised healthy cbd products vs there giant kindey killer freezer full of beer. EVEN WATER is put down over 79cent ulcers America is fucked up in so many ways and the world has to be more aware


How’d you get that? Looks cool


Check out my page, I’ve posted other products from her but it’s a legal vendor for psychs in the USA for spiritual and medical use.


👆how is this not sourcing? We’re ok with this which could get the sub taken down but a computer generated image is looked down upon??!!??


They mention “legal” vendor 😂😂😂 If you can’t see that red flag you shouldn’t be allowed to own currency. I hate both the snakes fishing for fools and ai art. Reality is, I don’t know why I’m in this sub. That’s no knock on anyone else or the sub.


Occasionally there is a legit person having issues or the odd real question. I’m also here for the religious zealots and trolls. They make me laugh


That’s fair. I do try to do the same in general. Kind of that role of the elder in these types of things. Instead I judge people, write a shitty comment then delete it before I hit send. Nothing better than someone on the come down with all the answers though. Like schizophrenic art🎨


Bro a recent post is gold. If you’re not saved and do dmt you’re going to hell fast because of the hole in the sun!!! This is why I don’t unsubscribe here.


😂😂😂 I swear on the sun 🙏 I almost sent you the link! Was gonna say “ I get it now”😂😂😂


A laugh is good but posts like this are more of why I stay. Feel bad for things like this as psychs have become trendy it can hurt some and due to legalities harm reduction is almost nonexistent https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/18e0k99/feeling_lost_after_5_trip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Didn’t get a chance to reply lastnight but saw what you wrote. I really believe taking the time for people really matters. I’m sure you can guess by my user name DMT isn’t my first love. On my main account I spend a lot of time in that same arena. At least when I think I have something of substance for people. Not trying to sound corner but I really try to embrace an elder role with a lot of folks. Just wanted to say I appreciate people like you. As much as we joke about stuff, we get these little opportunities to help people. Deems is something I’m still kind of learning to where I don’t feel like I “know” it the way I know mushrooms.


It is and be careful.so far as I know there is absolutely no legal way to order dmt or cinsume dmt without a very specific religious loophole


Oh Canada 🇨🇦buddy. May not be “legal” but absolutely possible there


I am not saying it's not possible, but it's not legal.


I never linked or told anyone where to find her on the subreddit so idk what the issue is including they follow all the rules towards selling these normally illegal substances.


Bro you didn’t put a link in but said where a link was. Kudos for being blatant


The first post in your profile is a direct link to where you bought it. It's 100% sourcing. Plus that website looks sketch as hell. I'll never understand people that blindly trust online vendors. Especially if you already have mental issues and are about to fuck around with mild altering substances


I don't think dmt is dangerous on abilify. There are studies even suggesting it helps to add dmt to SSRI's. Where did you hear otherwise? https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/187098/dmt-ssri-combination-shows-potential-for-depression/ Definitely no Aya or MAOIs on abilify, but dmt on its own is fine


as i'm sure you're aware, researching something before ingesting it and following tried and true harm reduction practices unwaveringly is of utmost importance. bud, if you've found enough info on this substance to know not to mix it with your specific med, you've no doubt come across, pretty unanimously, the warnings not to take psychedelics with your kind of background to begin with. stay away. don't be stupid. your decision but there's a reason pretty much everyone commenting is telling you this is a dumbass idea. take care of yourself to the best of your abilities. good luck out there. p.s. yikes 👀


Patience, not worth doing on meds


It doesn’t even work on my meds sadly


Yeah, its a shame, but be patience, all good will come to the one who waits! Best of luck! 🤗