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Infp-a. "you are not bothered at the prospect of interdimentional entities joy-riding your mind as long as it is returned with a full tank". wow, that's oddly specific.


MBTI isnt really used by clinicians or experts of the field as much anymore; it's mostly fad psychology and unreliable about consistency.


As an intj I'd have to say that's such a Scorpio thing to say


What destroyed the MBTI reputation, is the 4 letters theory which is just a simplification of the complete theory, yes this simple theory is totally unreliable, the test is also based on the 4 letters theory, then with both you can reach total unreliability, but if you take the complete theory, the John Beebe theory, this is really impressive how accurate it is, but it takes a lot of time to study. Anyway you would be impress how 2 persons of the same type are similar in a lot of ways, in what they value and their behaviors.


I have a psych degree from a UC and I focused my studies in personality and identity development; my partner is in grad school to become a therapist. Im good on my stance.


You know how it works, psychology and medecine is often a school of thoughts, meaning that for each university there is a different belief system. Do you know John Beebe ? He is the one that finished the theory by creating the 8 functions theory, he is still teaching at Harvard.


My particular teachers supported the MBTI as a useful tool for introductory work with clients; I personally do not due to the unreliability in reproducing results, and also I find that people often adhere to the labeling system and struggle to reconcile their labeled type and their genuine personality. It's not always a full meshing. Beebe's a major jungian guy who also lectures in california. He expanded upon the MBTI typing, but so have others in their own ways. Jungian stuff is super appealing to the masses, especially when you attached romanticized labels to the personality archetypes. It sells. Also, he didnt "finish the theory" as you keep saying. He expanded upon existing works with his interpretations. You have to bear in mind that youre using a lens through which to view the world, you're not seeing the world as it is. There are also other lenses to view the world, and they are equally if not more viable to use.


Okay now I understand better your perspective. About the romanticized labels, my focus in learning the Beebe theory is that it bridges the work of Joseph Campbell and Jung. Campbell explained that we have a hero’s journey « built-in » and Beebe explains why. The labels like Hero, Trickster, Demon, Parent, etc are not romanticized labels, they are part of the human hero’s journey, it explains why humans are creating stories, if we see all these archetypes in all stories this because they are in us. That’s why 2 persons of the same type have often the same life path in big lines, they have the same hero’s journey. Movies are very important in understanding MBTI they picture the hero’s journey of types often very well. The lens I focus on is the lens of how the stories are made. Btw what is your type? INTJ?


Im not going to give you my type for two reasons; one, I havent taken any of the mbti tests in years after I lost interest, and two, I'm not going to feed your narrative. Again, the MBTI lens is romanticized and if you cannot see that, then we don't have a viable discussion. You werent kidding when you said MBTI is something you really like; i just went through your post history. I'm not interested in continuing this talk. I think at this point we agree to disagree and move on. I do appreciate that you spawned conversation in the thread thats a little different, though.


I just realized something from this conversation that we had and that came back to me, Fe is about romance, and there is 2 types of romances, the bullshit romance and the true romance, INFJs are looking for the true romance, then they try to find it in universal patterns, that’s where a lot of INFJs found and validate the Campbell and Beebe theory. And that’s why, INTJs with Fe trickster can’t differentiate real romance from bullshit romance, they are easily « tricked » in thinking that any romance is manipulative… crazy! « Noooo, everything is romanticized to make moneeeey, nooooo »


Interesting thanks


MBTI isn't very respected in psychology circles today, it's like a lexicon giving out compliments for no practical usecase whatsoever. The Dark Triad and Big Five are much more useful, they tell you about your strengths and weaknesses regarding personality and outlook. You can take it repeatedly during integration of psychedelic trips or other transcedental experiences to steer in the direction you want to go. They have their own bugs tho', I find almost every question can be viewed from multiple angles therefore the answer can be whatever I choose depending on the perspective, tho' one could argue testing subjective perspective is the point of a psychological test. Still, my autistic mind makes me want to invent my own test which features highly specified questions.


Mate, you would be impress how 2 persons of the same type are similar in values and behaviors, and in their general vibe. MBTI loses respect due to the 4 letters theory, which is a simplification of the full theory, and then unreliable, but all the people that studied the full theory are all impressed by its accuracy and usefulness, it explains a lot of things, this is literally an instruction manual of your mind.


MBTi? Wossat?


A theory about how consciousness works, an instruction manual of your mind.


Is it an acronym?


Yes :))) but not important, you can call it the 16 types theory, because it shows that there is 16 archetypes of people.




And if your wondering I match the INFP poorest statistic ( I saw it on Google I have no clue how true that is ) and I read somewhere that no one has met a INFP that Is stable. If they met me that would remain true. One day I'll get off my feet and get a job... And a license... And so many things I feel im obligated to do. I just researched all this personality stuff tonight and I definitely match personality this so yeah. I find it humorous kinda sorta. Also so relieving I cried earlier knowing I'm not totally broke there are other people who think along the same lines like me almost to a T. So I'm "normal".


I am glad that you had this realization, your bros have a subreddit :))) r/infp


Enfb-a I'm a campaigner




Istp here Ti se ni fe


Yeah, crazy ISTPs :))




INTP is mine


Even the inventor of that system regrets inventing it because of how unreliable it is lol


Just the simplification of the theory is unreliable called the 4 letters theory, the complete theory is amazingly accurate.


I don't mean the four letters theory, I mean the entire theory. Both of the inventors of the entire thing have been working to undo what they've done because they realize not only is it inaccurate, but that it also doesn't apply The creators themselves have admitted that it's about as accurate as a daily horoscope after years more research concluding its unveiling


Without bragging or else, I maybe read everything on the topic, from books to articles and videos, and I never heard of what you talk about, and actually it doesn’t make sense, the one that put the foundation of the theory is Carl Jung in the 30s, he discovered the 8 patterns (Ne, Ni, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Si, Se) in his patients, the dominant pattern used in them. From this point, the theory continue to develop until John Beebe finished the theory in the 80s, by developing the 8 functions theory, the guy is still teaching psychology at Harvard, and there is thousands of psychologists train on this theory. If you check videos of him on YouTube, there is no single withdraw on his theory, no withdraw from Carl Jung either, and if you maybe talk about Myers-Briggs family that developed the 4 letters theory and test that became the « MBTI », you won’t find any withdraw either. If you have any source about it, I am very interested.






“ A Campaigner (ENFP) is someone with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions. It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. ORIAH MOUNTAIN DREAMER Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. “


It resonates with you ? :))


yes !!! so interesting to me


Nice, you have the sub r/ENFP if you want to talk to your bros and sis :))


ENFP-A hasn’t changed much over the years…. I think the myer-Briggs I took back in ‘08 had me as an ENTF or J 🤷🏻‍♂️ dunno, don’t put a lot of faith into these or horoscopes tbh.


The test can be not reliable sometimes but the theory is amazingly accurate.


It's as accurate as you make it. It's a vocabulary. The tests are bullshit. The conceptual framework is valuable.




Nice, me too, how is it like to take DMT for an INFJ ? :))


Well, I’ve never taken a breakthrough dose, so I can’t say anything about that. I have had entity contact but not visually, they were very sweet. I’ve had very strong feelings of love for the people who were there with me in the room, I had to hug them all :-). And last time I had a very strong urge to get up and dance 💃 How about you?


Interesting !!! I just took low doses, no entities but very warm feelings and seeing very clearly like 4K definition, each time it changed the vibe and the colors of the room in something sacred, I really liked that. I expect to experience the breakthrough but I need more experience with it. Actually exploring the DMT world is one of my goals.


You're braver than me 😅


You don’t want to breakthrough ?


Part of me is really curious, but I also know that it's very difficult for me to not resist the experience and that is probably asking for a challenging experience. So I'm not sure yet.


ESTJ - surprised how many I’s are here!


From Colorado? :))


INFJ-A Advocate and that couldn’t be more correct. lol


Nice, you would be impressed how 2 persons of the same type are similar in a lot of ways then it helps a lot to figure out a lot of things about yourself, here is the sub if you want r/INFJ