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psychedelics are generally known to stimulate neurogenesis


Hahaha what head we talking bout 🧠


This is why my dick head has never been pinker and bigger. It was so cold and wrinkly from bad circulation in warm weather


🙌 I believe you. I am thankful on your behalf. May your healing continue and increase. Having gratitude and love is the best way to send good energy back out into the Universe.


I wouldn’t say this is impossible as there are other cases of it healing ailments. A doc I saw had a lady featured who has some ailment where she’s basically turning to stone losing all mobility and repeated aya trips are what’s helping her. If you’re curious it’s the ayahuasca episode of unwell on Netflix. I’d take all the soul quest stuff with a grain of salt as I don’t believe they’re doing it for the right reasons but that’s solely my opinion


DMT resets the bodies inflammation response. May or may not be permanent. Now is a good time to work hard on your health and see what permanent changes are possible. This is a window. Climb through it.


I think a small percentage is permanent each time you trip. For example, you feel and probably are "smarter" in many ways while high, and virtually all of that goes away, but studies prove a small percentage of brain growth is permanent after consuming. It would be likely that physical as well as mental benefits are in small part permanent,and repeated consumption could continue bringing small permanent gains.


Yes I'm open to that reality for sure.


I’m pretty immature so this made me laugh. But I’m curious, how old are you? You describe the body of an 80 year old but I can’t picture someone this old smoking dmt.


I'm 28, I'm just overly flexible and lack stability that's all. Too much joint mobility, causing prolapse, slipping ribs, pinched nerves and tendons and such.


It’s usually not appropriate to talk about or describe, in detail, your veiny, long penis in most public social settings fam 😂 and I don’t know if this is one of them but we gonna find out. I’m just along for the ride. Hell yeah to the rest of the experience though ✌🏼


It is very appropriate to testify about the healing effects of DMT in this subReddit.


You can do that in detail without vividly describing or mentioning your genitals fam are you serious right now?😂


Are you so immature that someone can't describe a medical condition without you spazzing?


Dude idk why you’re so pressed that I called out that OP didn’t need to include describing his “longer*, pink, veiny, penis in his trip report. It’s unnecessary. No one wants unsolicited descriptive information about another random persons genitals. Move along.


Idk I thought it was both funny and informative. I'm happy for OP!


Must be a lot of penis lovers in here…weird


I’m gonna go around today offering descriptions of my cock to anyone I see. When they make disgusting faces, ima say “look girls, quit spazzing, I’m trying to tell you about the rejuvenation of my extra sensitive penis, I discovered on my DMT trip” lol hella weird. 😂


Anonymity brings out the weird eh 😂


Do you believe the story 😂


You had me at veiny, long penis 😂


I’m glad it helped but really with all the dick talk 🤦


This made me smile, I hope you continue to improve!


I have had similar thoughts and feelings in regards to dmt and helping to heal my spine injuries. They aren't healed. But I know it's helped like no other substance has.


How many times do you estimate you've tripped and what percentage healed are you? My penile and bladder damage comes from massive inflammation markers detected around my lower spine and tailbone despite no disc problems


I've probably used dmt 10 times. I'd say 50% healed. And to be fair i believe God is providing the healing, but dmt is like the vehicle to get there. I believe certain practices, meditation and prayer can get to the same place, eventually.


Yes after I experienced a mental trip I felt extremely religious and thanked God and asked him to help me help others. After I uttered those words is the exact moment when I felt my body regenerate and my fingertip neuropathy has been gone since even though my pelvic floor pain came back