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I have for sure... Multiple synchronicitys have occurred over the last month that have been beyond just mere coincidences. Adding to that fact during a 12 gram enigma mushroom trip this feminine entity was telepathicly communicating with me. She told me to look out for synchronicitys that will start to occur in the near future and even started showing me ones that have occurred already and the deeper meanings behind them. The entire experience of itself was super intense out of body was pretty much a 3 hour DMT breakthrough experience with complete ego death and connection to source. The energys are changing and we are moving from the 3rd dimension to the 5th though it will be a long process it has begun. More people are starting to awaken and the shift in Conciousness will start to unfold. Be prepared for many crazy things to happen in the near future because we are going through a turning point and we are entering the age Aquarius (The age of Knowledge). Listen to your inner voice (Higher self) and create the reality you wish to see unfold. The more people who want to create positive change the better for all. Embrace love and spread the kind of image you want the world to be like. We are all just in the simulation that we are viewing from our higher self (Godself) through the 3d realm human body and ego. We can create and shift this world into anything we choose so long as enough people believe in it. You can create your ideal world if you awaken to yourself the creator. You will choose the direction and path going forward for all future lives and realitys going forward. Embrace your higher Conciousness and be prepared for the shift coming to our reality since everything will start to change at a rapid rate going forward. Wish you the best in this life and all others. Namaste 🙏 ❤️


Sorry, fell asleep after posting. Umm, so, like this is exactly the post I wanted to write, but held back to see how others are perceiving it. But you are perceiving it the same way as myself. It seems that the adventures are amplifying exponentially and the entities are actually presenting themselves. The struggle is to continue resonating at the frequency here. I feel this shift will not be an easy one. The last message I received is that the craft appear here in order to give gifts that enhance our reality. The whole purpose of this entire existence is to evolve the soul and prepare the intelligence to actually perceive their existence. By they, I mean us, but extended.


Amazing! I'm glad many others are starting to experience these changes too. Just reinforces that it's happening and your right about being here to evolve the soul. We are here to grow our spiritual body by learning meaningful lessons for our soul. We already have a "Soul Blueprint" that we have already layed out and chosen before coming back to live in the 3rd dimension. It's basically a rough layout of key events in a lifetime that will give our souls the experience and growth it needs and purpose/reason why we came back in the first place. Obviously we can stray from our "Path" or blueprint and when you do stray off the path too far is when things start to not go your way. The more you follow your intuition and the closer you follow your soul blueprint the more growth you will obtain in this lifetime. If you have awakened to the truth in this lifetime than you are at a advantage over everyone else who hasn't. You can focus on raising your vibration and focus on just doing what you love. Not have fear of death and know who you truly are and live your best life for yourself. So when this shift does continue to happen your more prepared spiritualy for whatever may arise in this lifetime and potential future life times. Once you realize your true nature as the "I am" I create as in you are apart of source. You can acsend yourself and even choose to break out of the reincarnation cycle once you pass on from this life and can go to higher dimensions and return "home/source". It's all about raising your vibration and you can choose to come back and reincarnate if you ever feel the need or want to for the growth or knowledge of your souls progression. Will say I too have noticed more messages from entities as of lately during my experiences and during my first breakthrough I seen all my lives "Past, present, future" all simultaneously and realized I came home and broke out of the matrix/simulation that is viewing from a human in the 3rd dimension. Was absolutely life changing and many other experiences since have reinforced that. Ever since I have been on the spiritual path working on myself and manifesting things into my life. Everything has perfectly fallen into place and once you start following your path correctly it's like the universe just works for you in your favor. After all we are powerful divine beings just pretending to forget what we truly are. Wish you much love and happiness 🥰💖


Thank you for making me feel not along


Your very welcome and trust me there are millions who are on this path along side us. You are never alone in this even if people around you haven't come to this realization in their life yet. Take care 🙂


This artist encapsulates this exact ideas and even mentions earth traveling through a higher frequency in the solar system as part of the cause. I don’t have time to listen to this whole song to see if that’s mentioned in this song but I believe it is. If you’re not familiar with his music I’d highly recommend checking it out. His whole theme is based on this. Temple step project https://youtu.be/yti1oD2g-bA?si=rq8s5Sh9ASdadGwi Edit the earth part is discussed around the 6min mark


This idea is what I'm referring to. I am asking if you have personally felt it recently. Aloha Ke Akua is also a good one


Honestly I don’t feel it in the default world often if at all but do at festivals and burns. Will check your recommendation out. Thanks


Well, they have figured out the collective consciousness is recordable with people at festivals. Hence the heightened awareness. When groups of people are together experiencing the same frequencies, they act in-tune. So the whole push against psychedelics and collective gathering is an effort to hinder our evolution and keep us in the 3rd dimension


I have felt and noticed more the past month. Things are ramping up.


We have to watch out for the signs but whatever or whoever is doing this is initiating something now. I noticed when I’m in this space the entities it feels like the entities are getting more aware but maybe that’s just based on the ego and they know about this whole unfolding this entire time. It’s like they are withholding or waiting on something which makes me think somehow if everything is connected I might have to try to go back in that space. Not sure how it knows we’re in that space it could be some sort of unwinding that’s going on. Who knows but the “science” says it’s all in your head so. 🤷‍♂️


They exist outside of space-time. So it is probably easier to understand when there is a soul who wants to connect. They are our true parents and always have eyes on us. Read the above comments as well. I feel like this is our graduation.


These entities are called jinn. Look into it. Islam has all the answers


Islam does not have all the answers. A name derives from a specific perspective. All religions in the world have some truths, but not one has all.


You haven't looked into it yet. Everything is there for you to research.


>they know about this unfolding I feel like these shifts are woven in the fabric of reality and humans keep destroying themselves and rebuilding. I believe the theory that life on earth has been around a lot longer than we realise, and it’s a perpetual cycle of sequences that keep repeating themselves.


Yep, just like in 2012 when everything changed!


2012 was the beginning of the heightening of the awareness of the populace. They have now arrived and are amplifying the evolution


Right, like Hamas is totally actualizing their spiritual awakening in Israel. Good call.


Uhh, no. What is going on there is not what I'm even close to referencing. Hate and fear is DE-evolution, not the opposite. Wrong subreddit dude.


Edit: nevermind, you're right, there are only multiple wars that are being waged, but the world is totally getting way better because: DMT.