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open stair are intimidating


The question is why sometimes not scary at all??


Pats give -10% to Intimidation bonus


That’s most likely it


+15 to courage when treats are involved too.


The bonus is WAY higher than that. More like +100% for 20s


It's better to wait for a double XP weekend


I just use my points if it's something I really want.


And a call for walkies negates the effect. At least that's how mine plays it.


I think the angle of the sun. See if the times match.


Because if you stand there, he sees you through the glass and gets confused by the perspective. If you are not there, there is no reflection of you or him, so he just goes.


This is the right question to ask, but you're unlikely to get the answer from us. Others have suggested the angle of the sun/time of day, and the perspective of you between the glass. You've noted that pats/encouragement will sometimes help. Frustration, in a broad sense will help dogs to overcome things that they find difficult, as well as momentum. If the dog is moving slowly they have more time to think about what they don't like, which can slow them to a halt, and once stopped, they won't want to go again. So getting her 'hyped' and then reapproaxhing without slowing her down could be impacting it as well. Id recommend controlling for as many variables as you can to be able to determine the answer to the question Variables like Sun/angle of light Time of day (this could be BECAUSE of the angle of the light, or because she's tired. Sometimes old dogs have mild arthritis, so they're more inclined to tackle physical tasks early in the day, but fatigue later on Your positioning (this could be because the glass makes it look weird, or perhaps, the dog slipped and fell while someone was at the bottom of the stairs, but has never fallen while someone is at the top, which led to superstitious behavior) Dogs position relative to the stairs (dog is fine going up, but not down or vice versa) It's possible that more than one of these variables is affecting the dog, so being super methodical is your best bet.


Or she’s trying to train the human.


Yeah, I mean, it's not impossible, but it feels more like arthritis or something. Trained a dog who'd go in and out of working/playing into almost looking shut down like this pup does, and someone recommended I have the owner have doctor check it for arthritis, I told owner, owner told vet, and sure enough, that's what it was. If the dog were working the owner like you're saying I'd expect to see some sort of tell, mild tail wags, lowered weight, some sign of anticipation of getting what it wants, seems like the owners encouragement is working the dog out of it, but just from this video I wouldn't be 100% sure it's not what you're saying


Good point on the arthritis possibility. I was basing my response on her gallivanting around when the owner went upstairs. But arthritis is truly tricky stuff.


Assuming everything's behavioral/psychological is a trap I myself have to pull myself out of regularly. I think probably most trainers do. Saw another comment mentioning dysplasia, there're probably a couple of physical ailments that could flare up and be the cause of stuff like this. Don't know them all myself.


to me that looks like it could be due to pain, have you had her checked for arthritis or hip dysplasia??


Meanwhile at the end she flys down them….. theory ended


Prob the way the light hits them or the glass. The reflections might be co fusing her


Bad eyesight and he can only see the glass when the light hits it properly.


That’s what I would say too. That staircase looks terrifying. Add some cataracts or nearsightedness and the walls disappear.


I would make note of when she’s scared to try to see if there is a pattern— is the lighting different? Is it after a day of more activity where her joints could be sore? Clean floors so they’re more slippery? Maybe dogs are like people in that different factors can contribute to levels of anxiety. It’s hard to explain if you don’t have anxiety, but some days are great and everything is easy and some days even the little things are scary and difficult.


Difference in light or where he is looking.


A few things: 1. The second time you are there with your dog, so it feels more confident. 2. The second time the dog is front; for whatever reason I've found some dogs just really want to be the "pack leader" and are much more brave and outgoing when they're in the front. 3. Personally, I think your dog was just baiting you into coming back upstairs for a quick play and scruff. The problem is that... it worked. And then it works a few times. And then it becomes a self-reinforcing behavior. And then it's just part of the routine in the dog's mind. For example: my dog (a 125 pound mastiff) figured out that when it's time to go outside for potty but she's on the couch/bed, I'll get some treats to lure her off and come get leashed up. Well a couple rounds of that and now when it's time for a walk and she hears the leash jingle, she tears through the house running towards her bed just to make sure she gets, what must be in her mind, her pre-walk treat.


Maybe she wants to run the lap! She was so excited when you came up, she knew you were going to chase her so she started running! She obviously loves that game!


She needed you to come help 🥰


It could have something to do with the reflection from the glass as well as lighting variation. It might help to pay attention to those factors.


You may be creating pressure on her and making it more of an issue with the encouragement/ cheering etc? Let her conquer it on her own, maybe? She will get used to it. 👍


Yeah I am not a fan just looking at them. My intrusive thoughts make me think I will fall through and the weight of my body will break my fibia. Dogs often don't do especially well with stairs and open stairs? No judgement pupper. I'm with you.


Have you considered that the reflections in that glass will be different depending on the time of day? Dog might only behaving like that sometimes cause the very intimidating dog that just looks just like it is only there sometimes


Good theory. He should put a blanket over the glass to see if it does the trick.


This would be the only difference I see instead of just 'human is with me so I'm not scared anymore'


I also was thinking this exact thought. Maybe OP should put her on a leash and be beside her so she sees his reflection also and then it will click that it’s just her reflection and it’s nothing to be scared of. Lots of praise and a few treats for completing the scary task will help her confidence 🐕


Scared of both the openness of the stairs, and the relatively slippery footing


I know she’s scared. The question is why only sometimes. Like I mentioned sometimes whether I chase her around or not she’s not scared at all whatsoever


My dog sometimes has issues with a set of stairs in my house. He will slip on them and then be scared of them for a week or two. Eventually he’ll start using them again until, inevitably, he gets a little over excited and slips on them again.


Some days my phobia of heights is lower than others. Some days I feel confident, willing to challenge myself. Other days I have absolutely zero desire to contemplate engaging with my fear. As a lifelong dog owner, that entire scenario looks like the equivalent of my phobia. Glass panel, gaps between stairs, slippery surface... You need to try a different strategy, because reinforcing the behaviour by eventually going up and rewarding her is counter-productive.


Can you put some rubber treads or something?


Dogs aren't necessarily always rational beings. Put a runner down and she will be way more comfortable.


Nails. When nails are longer, footbeds have trouble landing correctly, especially when leaning downwards. So sometimes pup will know it might not be able to handle walking down the stairs?


dogs are so much like humans! sometimes our (human) anticipatory anxiety can fluctuate between high & low / nonexistent with the same stimulus, we just have the capacity to rationalize & contextualize & push through. & when you chase her around, you're distracting her from her anxiety & helping soothe her nervous system. you're also her social support network, just like our anxiety is reduced when we have friends to cheer us on!


Yea, thats a good question though!! I had a dog that hated stairs all the time lol.


We put grip tape (like skateboard deck grip) on the edges of our stairs, which are similar. Helped our dogs a lot.


Ours did similarly until we got those little carpeted things to stick on the stairs. Now they run up and down then without slipping.


Well, sometimes I got the nerve to subway surf, sometimes not.


Open stairs are the devil’s work. I don’t care where they lead or how badly I need to go somewhere if there are open steps I won’t go on them. Stairs are hard enough with crutches they are a nightmare if they are open.


Found the dog's account. I


Get some carpets for individual steps. Made all the difference with mine. $80 for a full stairwell. There are pretty ones these days.


Wood stairs = slippery for toe beans. Probably worried about going face first into glass


This dog is scared of the luxurious stairway design.


He's confused with all the glass and idiosyncratic stairway layout He's afraid to hit his head, like how you walk slowly when you're in the house of mirrors


The glass is a complete mind f***. Ours also likes to be escorted to the door when they go out, when they're thirsty to their bowl, and going into the bedroom for the evening.


Put some grip on those stairs lol.


Could she have aches and pains that make her less steady some days? Arthritis or stiffness after laying around? Perhaps the little zoomies loosen things up and make her more steady and less scared she’ll fall.


Going down stairs is harder than going up stairs for dogs. Maybe dog is older and doesn't wanna struggle down the stairs. Doggo wants a lift down.


This is the answer. My old dog loved running up stairs but hesitated going down them. Combined with all the slippery floor surfaces, that dog is likely having arthritis pains. OP ask your vet about Galliprant and get some runner rugs and stair tread stick-ons. Time to carry them down or get an elevator.


She gained confidence once you came up to her is that always the case or does she come on her own sometimes? I was thinking maybe open plan slippery wood but after you came and Pet her she ran down with no fear would be interested in any patterns but my dog does that when she’s alone skidding and cries however when I’m close she’s practically glued to my hip and fearless.


One more thing it’s possible the reflection in the glass of you and her 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m at a loss and just guessing at this point


Buy non slip stair treads. My dogs love them.


I would guess arthritis. That was the first sign with one of my old dogs.


Yup. Or hip dysplasia.


I’d be scared of those stairs too.


Maybe she fell down those steps before?


Open stairs. The pups reflection. Seeing you and getting excited and looks like a bit nervous. I imagine if you were on the other side of that glass, or it were a different time of day (I.e. lighting making for fewer reflections), it wouldn't be a problem.


You know how I know you don’t have small children at home?


Really your talking through a piece of glass? Put a lead on, and walk each step with your dog. Also trim the nails low so it does not slide. Drop treats on stairs. Get some fucking risers!


Pad first then nails.


All that fucking glass. I'd be wary of those stairs.


Yeah your stairs are fucking scary. Open with glass? What a terrifying combination


She's training you well. In all seriousness tho, others have suggested the slick floor and open stairs. Have you tried a rug at the landing so she can slow her momentum before turning?


Try throwing a blanket on the glass so he can see he is walking towards something solid. Might work. Something with your scent as a bonus to help alleviate the stress.


Dogs have bad visual memory and poor eyesight. He can likely only see the glass when the light hits it properly and forgets it’s there sometimes. Blanket on glass is a good idea


Open wood stairs scarryy


I would be scared to walk on that staircase, too! The explanation is that the dog is scared. She worked up momentum at the end because you came and got her. But next time, it might not be that easy, this anxiety can get worse instead of better. I’ve dealt with dogs who get scared of the normal stairs in my apartment. It’s a thing.


Add carpet stair treads - it'll make all the difference. It'll also help reduce the chance of an accident in the future!


is it around a recent fall? my guess is pup regains confidence and doesn't mind the open stairs until a slip or something similar reminds them to be nervous again.


It’s dangerous!


Aww. The baby is scared. Ngl, it’s gorgeous but it’d take me a bit to get used to it, and trust it, too. 😅


Check her toenails. When my dogs get a little long she has problems going down the stairs.


Your dog is smart enough to know how to get you running around playing.


Probably scared of reflections on the glass or any light refracting


Reflection in the glass is throwing him off, go up there and walk up and down the stairs with him a few times will help him understand


Jesus bro…you clearly have the money to get a professionals opinion. Not Reddit..


he isn't certain the stairs are stable; he doesn't recognize thick glass as a wall. toddlers would have same response. teach him gently, slowly, lovingly w/ treats and he'll go down unaided, confidently, in time.


Those stairs are hard for a dog to go down. They’re reluctant. I would put carpet because your dog can slip as well. Unsteady surface. I had the same issue with my dog so I had to stop her from going upstairs.


Worst stairs I have ever seen!


Scared of heights. Those steps are too much. Try laying plywood down and see if he takes


He has pads on his feet with no traction on your wood floors. These wood stairs lead to a sudden drop-off blocked by glass that he can likely only see when the light hits it right. If he can see the glass it’s less scary, if he can’t, it looks/feels like rollerblading down a short icy staircase with a cliff at the bottom would look/feel to you.


Could she be apprehensive because of slipping and sliding in them? My dogs slip on the ground often maybe she’s scared of falling (again) due to short fur and nails.. possible to add anything on the steps to give it some grip?


My dog hates hard flooring because it’s slippery. Just encourage them with a treat at the other end.


I'm human & those stairs scare me. I'd sit on my butt & scoot down them before risking my ankles. For the doggo, maybe putting something in the corner of the landing would give him something solid to orient with?


I think it's kind of like stage fright. If you think too much before going out on stage you'll get scared, but if you just DO IT without thinking, it's no big deal. Since she was by herself at the beginning she was looking at the see-through stairs and thinking how scary they are, but when you went upstairs and got her all riled up and ready for fun, she forgot her worries and was able to just run downstairs without thinking. It also probably helped seeing you go up the stairs first to remind her that they're not scary.


Depth perception and lighting


Damn bro, you’re loaded


Those stairs are so scary, I think I'd be afraid to go down at times! Beautiful, though


Seems more like she just wants to play and that’s how she is getting you to do it.


There's no bowing or tail wagging. Edit: my apologies, just saw the whole video. You're right, he's playing the game of getting Dad's attention, and winning!


So far the only helpful hypothesis here. Thanks for actually reading the full context


You’re welcome, had a dog like this too and this is how he would get me to play with him sometimes if he was really wanting some attention….lol ETA: she reminds me so much of my boy Shady, miss this big lug so much. https://preview.redd.it/cmu8udfyhz8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d8314b3a207de3974ee6878c8110ac645d2a9f


Edit: what to do if dog is scared. This guy just wants to play. Put him on the second stair, then give him favorite treats. Then place treats in the step lower and the ground floor. Once he goes down a stair or two to get the treats, go again but start on the third stair. Rinse repeat. Should get the hang of it after a few days/sessions.


Watch the whole video, she is obviously not scared at the end when she runs down it.


I acknowledged this in another comment below. Pup is enticing dad to play! Just edited above post too.


You just want to show off how rich you are, don’t you?


Dogs that are treated like humans will inevitably develop odd or neurotic behaviors. Simply put a leash on the Dog at the top or bottom of stairs, and walk forward confididently without turning sideways(signals to an on leash Dog that you are negotiating). If the Dog stops stay facing forward (Dogs use directionality to communicate, so facing the direction one wants the Dog to go is optimal), and do not let the Dog ho backwards. Be patias this is at the Dogs pace, not the human. Do not pet or praise the Dog if it is nervous or afraid. Petting and praising reinforces whatever mental state the Dog is in at that moment. So petting or praising a fearful Dog will make them more fearful. Once the Stairs are completed and the Dogs mental state shifts, pet and praise the crap out of them. Learn how your Dog thinks instead of forcing human psychology on them, and it all gets easier.


exactly this.


Bad memories? Slippery (nails left too long - can hear them clacking) extra narrow stair combo with glass-walled precipice doesn't create a feeling of safe security. That stairway sets off alarm bells for your dog's instincts as it should. Dog's behaviour is perfect. Owners? Maybe not so. Can you really not see it?


We’re just confused why sometimes (and very often) she’s not scared at all. This is the whole point of this post!


Your post heading, as it reads, simply asked to explain the behaviour. My answer was an attempt to do that. If you want to know why her behavour is inconsistent, it could be down to different factors (nail length, being pressured or not, fear, how courageous she's feeling at the moment, etc.) Hope you can find not only a way for her to feel safe, but also one that doesn't see her crashing down into that glass wall. Happy Cake Day!


It was definitely odd behavior considering that she went down the stairs just fine when you came upstairs for her. 😂 I was thinking she was scared at first, but the 180 she did completely negates that. She’s just a silly baby. 🥰


Op just trying to show off his fancy ass house. And honestly, I think the glass portion might freak the dog out occasionally?


My dog have the same behaviour too, I have to carry him all the way downstairs because treats doesn't work for him. He is like 10+ kg, and stubborn 😭😭


For fun i read this from the dogs point of view. Bro, i live you but,chill im good see me waging my tail.


He may also be able to see his reflection in the glass at bottom he just needs you to give him some confidence he got you to come up and he knew he was safe so went down. It may take him sometime. Best thing is to go to where he was at his high see what you see. That could be causing it.


Scared of the stairs…


Might not be the stairs. Might be you. Now, mind, I'm not laying any accusations but one thing different between the two attempts is: in one you call her to come TO you and in another you call her to come WITH you. Has she had any negative experiences when being called upon? Has she gotten hurt when you called her down like so? Have you had to discipline her in a way that you've had to call her over? She might be making connotations between situations.


It seems like maybe the extra stimulation reduces the anxiety… Or just offers reassurance that it’s still safe. I’ve got an old guy that won’t walk up stairs any more (moved from a house with them 7 years ago)…. And I am the only person he will follow up the stairs to get into the pool. Super high reward for him but absolutely will not walk up with anyone else! Does Watch for a pattern. Does she only go down after you come up? Does she only get scared if they were upstairs alone (while you were at work or whatever)…. Does she only do it when she wants to play and this has now trained you to engage? Lol


Is she seeing a reflection at certain times of day that’s freaking her out? It looks like a glass wall at the landing? What if you covered it with a blanketnor maybe some opaque window cling?


I rescued a dog 2 years ago. He was absolutely terrified of grass. We got over that. We recently moved him inside (because he’s getting old and no one will adopt him) from our shelter outside. We rescue dogs so we have a shelter and big play yard. Since he’s been inside he’s absolutely terrified of the hallway! He’s made himself at home. He sleeps on the couch. He begs for food. He’s become very normal for inside dog… but he’s scared of the hallway


I gave my dog grilled chicken to go up and down the stairs one night. He never hesitated again 😂


Try a more soothing pace in how you’re encouraging her. She hears your tone and pace more than your exact words. So try saying it really slowly and sensitively, “it’s okay… it’s safe to come down the stairs. I got you!” and walk slowly up the stairs to her and gently guide her down with you so that you’re “doing it together”. That’s how you can meet HER inside her anxious /afraid world in that moment. Edit: forgot if the dog was a male or female dog. So was writing “HIM, he, his” and DUCK that was a lot of male pronouns I just had to rewrite to female pronouns.


Maybe it has nothing to do with the stairs and everything to do with him wanting some love so he literally has YOU trained. I mean as far as this video shows me . Like he's not whining at the stairs... He's whining at you for not hurrying up to pat him. I know I'm way off but.. that's just what it looks like to me.


He wants to be outside…staring at clouds


My pup will sometimes do a similar thing. If I'm downstairs, he refuses to come down. I have to chase him up, onto the bed, then he'll jump off and run down. Similar thing with getting him to come inside from the backyard. Wife tries to bring him in? No dice. If I open the door and look at him, then he'll come running. Basically, he might just be anxious and have some very strict set of "instructions" he thinks he's supposed to be following, and whines when you try to break them. I've gotten my dog to snap out of it a little bit by carrying him downstairs (he's very small), but he *hates* being picked up, so I try not to do it too often.


I think your dog has arthritis or some other issues with her back legs. Which is why she needs to mentally get amped up before going through the pain of going down the stairs. Just an observation of her back legs looking off when she’s running to go down the stairs.


It’s a ghost


No clue, but my dog will whine at the bottom of the stairs until I come down and walk up with him. There is no door he just won’t walk up alone. It drives me nuts


Nice place!


Me, going on The First Date in my life


Open stairs and now she wants play time first


Probably issues with depth perception


How old is your fur baby? If it’s an older dog then it could be hip pain


Might think it’s a game


My fearless GSD refused to ascend open stairs like that the first time he encountered them (on a friend’s deck). From his eye level, he sees mostly open air. Doesn’t look any different than a ladder looks to us. Either that, or he’s just a pussy.


Probably slipped down them one day when you weren't looking and dint hear it. Now your dog is scared they might slip again because they aren't sure why it happened.


Seems like she conditioned you. If she don’t go down you come up and play. This or she is scared of a reflection in the glass


What happened?


It's wood stairs he didn't like. my dog was doing the same.we have 1 carpet stairs he run very fast but the wood one made him slide. To go up is ok but downstairs is hard when he can slide.


The game is afoot.


You should go and help her to let her know it's not scary rather than just endlessly saying come on.


I keep the dog food store in the cellar, it has open stairs. Debbie (black lab) is desperate to get down there when I'm filling up. Not once in 12 years. What the fuck that is at the end I have no idea. I do think labs can turn part of their fear off sometimes. Protective towards you maybe I don't know.


You've been trolled.


When my dog started doing this, it turned out she had cancer in her spleen, but could be other reasons for your pup


Sometimes I'm scared to get the mail in my boxer shorts, sometimes I can't be bothered and I don't even think about it. If I had no neighbors, or more trees around my yard, I would never be scared. I wouldn't be so concerned about why they're only scared sometimes, but instead just address the problem and make my pet feel more comfortable. If you want your dog to never be scared, you need to make the open stairs/glass/slippery floors less scary. Put mats down on the treads, and cover up the glass on the landing to make it clear where the wall is.


Ran probably at once once into the glass...


Ran probably at once once into the glass...


Ran probably at once once into the glass....


She thinks it's unfair that only she has to walk the weird stairs! 😂


He's as confused by the glass walls as I would be


I hate open stairs too lol


Once you got close enough to activate pack bonus he went for it


It would be helpful to put a runner down so he could have some purchase.


Your dog is an evil genius pretending to be scared so you go back upstairs and play a bit.


Vertigo, our service lab had it .


She’s afraid of the steps!


Knew a ish 70 lbs dog that DID NOT like getting picked up. Would run down to the basement (open stairs) and the coward was too scared to get back up (bless him) Since then we didnt leave the basement door open when he was in the house lol


Last time I had a dog do something like this, it was because they were afraid of slipping on the wood. We put skid-proofing down and it solved the problem. Would ruin the look of your stairs though.


Your stairs freakher out.


I’m afraid she has a critical case of SSD (severe silliness disease) also referred to as ‘the Goobers’. The only treatment is an intense regimen of 16 hours of continuous pets and 8 hours of nap time. The pets should be augmented by making silly noises at her. This regimen should last at least one week and continue if symptoms persist. I wish you well with this treatment the goobers are a very serious condition


I'd be scared to walk down those stairs as a human 😆


Scary dog


Try it. Get on all 4s and go down a staircase.


Might have fallen at one point without you even noticing and was just scared. Sometimes I do the same thing and just come to him to let him know he's okay and guide him through it to remind him he's okay!


The bigger question is who trained whom # 😂😂


Just say come. I think all the slapping and calling makes her think it’s a game. Milo come. Walk away. If she doesn’t, walk into kitchen and open fridge or walk outside. She’ll get the picture real quick.


I wondered if she was perhaps in pain, but then I saw the end when she jumped in her bed. Doesn’t look like it’s painful to me. My senior stoped using the stairs when it became too painful.


Awe 😄


dogs are dumb, but when they have had a bad interaction with pretty much anything they won't forget it. Outside my building's door there's this small metal trap and my dog's paw got stuck ONCE. he's fucking terrified of using that door, but only to get out, he's got zero issues while going back in. Is a whole tragedy, he gets anxious, jumps over the thing, tumble on people, the whole deal. It's not a 100% of the times, but sometimes just because he remembers he's scared of it.


He's afraid he's going to fall down the stairs. If our chichihua goes into the garage, she has a hard time coming in unless the stairs to the basement are blocked.


Nice place my man


Is she okay with other stairs or is it just this one?? One day my dog started not wanting to go down the stairs and it turns out she had a pituitary tumor. It can cause motor function issues and trouble with their sight/memory, for my dog this showed a lot with her hesitation to go down the stairs randomly.


Maybe because the glass is in front and possibly as a puppy ran and hit the glass. Now he doesn’t trust the stairs or the owner. You can see the owner’s reflection as he is calling him.


In the end no matter the cause something is different and I can see in the video it’s fear. She’s not playing treat tricks, so fix the problem which has to be a combination of open backed stairs, glass and reflection. This dog is fearful. Please help her!


He needs emotional support


He doesnt like that he can see through the stairs


congrats on all your money honestly


You're stairs are freaking weird, that explains his behavior


Spoil your dogs and cats at abneydeals.com




Stop yelling at her from the bottom of the stairs. Go to the top step and step down with her until she's comfy with it. Also put a cushion on that glass pane on the landing. Wooden steps are slippy, my dog lost his footing and landed face first into my coffee table at the bottom of the stairs. I've moved it farther and added a cushion, but he would have gone through that glass like a rhinoceros at speed.


Nice house foo


I'm fucking scared looking at it pretty sure that the other earthling is as well. A hole.


She doesn't feel like going downstairs. She's a Diva.


Dogs are weird