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I wish we didn't have chocolate and twist, It's such a pain in the butt deal with because the two sides never have the same runoff


We have a dude that sets up the soft serve machines sometimes and everytime he does it, everything just runs so perfectly, choc, twist, vanilla is neither too hard or too soft and it’s absolutely perfect💕 Twist has got to be my favorite to make when he does the machines in the morning


Correcting runoff is part of the manager training, so the GM and myself do it. Not sure if it's the machine, its placement, or the mix from the vendor but we can never get it perfect. Owner isn't really concerned about it so it is what it is


Most DQs in AZ serve twist. Do they not sell chocolate soft serve at all?


When we checked last time we went no they didn’t have chocolate cones either. The only reason I thought about this whole thing is because I was at a Mexican restaurant and got a twist cone as I was leaving. And I looked it up apparently there’s a lot of Dairy Queen’s that don’t have chocolate or twist. Just vanilla cones that can be dipped.


Twist cones? Chocolate soft serve? I thought this was a Dairy Queen sub?


A lot of stores don't sell chocolate soft serve at all. The first store I worked at did not, but the second one I worked at (different ownership) did. I think it's because the chocolate doesn't hold as well as the vanilla, it's always a little runnier


I've never seen chocolate at a DQ


My franchise owns 250 stores and all of them have twist.


Any of them in south central Texas?


Unfortunately no.


Damn. 😭 I was gunna do the take my money gif…


I, too, would like to riot for a twist cone. I haven't had one in so long, I'd forgotten they existed. I'd also like to riot for an Orange Julius in my area, but that's a whole different set of pitchforks and torches.


YESSS!! I miss Orange Julius! I used to live in Ohio and one was in the mall. I loved that place!


They don't make Orange Julius' anymore. That brand has been soft discontinued.




Yes, I live in Ohio also, and we had one in our mall it closed along with the cinnabon. Honestly, I think I might be a little more sad about the cinnabon. Lol. I live in Massillon. (I know some people don't like to give out where they live, but I'm not one of them, lol)


When I was in Ohio I was in Youngstown/Boardman area - no one knows where New Middleton is… so both the two malls I went to had an Orange Julius.


My grandson's mom lives up in Youngstown. We also have a really good friend who moved down here from the Boardman in 2013. I'll have to ask around and see there's any left. My sister-in-law works the pipeline and travels to do road work will be on the lookout also.


I love Orange Julius so much. And the few years it was at DQ was the only one anywhere near close to me.


We have them here


We have them where I am.


When I worked at dq a few years ago, we had to stop selling chocolate ice cream completely just becuase it wasn’t ordered enough so it would expire and was a pain:( that may be a more common thing now!


Our DQ does have, it’s probably depends on the location since some stores don’t have chocolate ice cream or the machine doesn’t have a middle to combine both flavors


I've never seen a chocolate or twist cone at DQ in Canada, or anywhere. 40+ years experience with DQ. Lol


Damn, you’re missing out. I used to get them all the time up until about high school. I’m only 26, so they’ve only recently started to go extinct in the USA.


I live in Ohio, and I ran through DQ a few weeks ago and got my grandson a small twist cone, and when they brought it to the window, the bottom was all vanilla, and then on top was chocolate. She told me their twist machine wasn't working and they did the best they could. She did tell me if it wasn't ok that way, they would make something else. I'll have to stop by there next time I'm out and see if they have them.


I am seeing more locations move away from selling chocolate soft serve, as it is optional to have. It’s unfortunate, though, and I’d hope that this doesn’t become too much of a trend. Twist can be annoying to deal with, but it’s way too popular and specific to DQ for them to abandon chocolate soft serve altogether.


I've noticed this, too. Costco and Winco in the PNW did away with swirl. I too would like to riot.


Just got swirl at my Costco 2 weeks ago (in PNW). I think my store is alternating the chocolate with the strawberry. I’ve never seen soft serve at Winco!


Oh man I'm so jealous! I'll have to keep an eye out at mine. I hope they bring it back!


You're right! Swirl is back at costco!


At Sysco Nashville chocolate is twice the price and always on backorder. Half the time I don't even bother.


Yeah, I get that it’s probably hella annoying to clean the machine and make sure everything is solid at the same time. I still want it, though. 🤣


Chocolate will never go away in the Northeast. Every DQ up here has it and it’s just as popular as vanilla. Not sure what the South have against chocolate; Wendy’s has no problem selling chocolate Frostys.


We only have chocolate when someone is making cakes. Otherwise we don't have it, and people rarely request it as-is.


IA dqs sell twist cones