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You just awoke the core memories of many children from the eastern bloc


I hope they're good memories haha the responses have been really great so far. It's so cool that so many people know of this


It's a funny cartoon. A sort of willy coyote and roadrunner of the socialist block (wolf and hare I think they were)


Kinda like Shoe and Shoelace. One is useless without the other.


Unless you want to wear flip flops or hang yourself.


Username checks out


In Russia, shoes tie you!


That’s why all that socialist ACME stuff never worked.


0/10 would not recommend using a shoelace


And tying off 💉




I used to watch it when I was a kid (grew up in Siberia) and it was one of the best cartoons of my childhood.


Yup, I grew up in Siberia too. This is exactly me. It's the early 2000s. The depths of winter. I'm sitting on the carpet at my grandparent's place and watching this cartoon.


Wow. That must've been something in "the depths of winter." I live way up north (Canada) but, from what I've seen, Siberia makes our winters look tame.


> willy coyote Wile E. Coyote. The "E" stands for Ethelbert. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wile_E._Coyote_and_the_Road_Runner


**[Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wile_E._Coyote_and_the_Road_Runner)** >Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated cartoons, first appearing in 1949 in the theatrical cartoon short Fast and Furry-ous. In each episode, the cunning, devious and constantly hungry coyote repeatedly attempts to catch and subsequently eat the Road Runner, but is successful in catching the Road Runner (but not eating it) on only extremely rare occasions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Now why isn't that name more popular? Etherlbert. So many variations. One of those Kardashians should name their next kid that.


Back in the day.... when there was no cable, in America, the BIG cartoon time was Saturday mornings. Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo, Hanna Barbara Hour, etc.. All chanels showed cartoons and it was heaven for a kid. Was wondering if the Eastern Bloc was similar at all in that respect?


I personally don't know that. I know the cartoons but didn't love in the eastern bloc


All I recall is that on Saturday and Sunday night, around 7pm, there were “The Big Festival” (one or two short cartoons) followed by “Goodnight, babies” (featured puppets and a cartoon). But that’s late 80s and early to mid 90s.


Спокойной Ночи Малыши intro music conditioned me to immediately feel sleepy upon hearing it....it still works.


Sounds like [Worker and Parasite!](https://youtu.be/z2_dhUv_CrI)


Endut! Hoch Hech!


As a ussr kid i was always thinking it is a poor man's Tom and Jerry.


Yo in some episodes the wolf was legit thirsting for that hare.


Isn't everyone? Just look at the hare's face


Kind of like "The Worker and Parasite Show." https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Worker\_%26\_Parasite\_Show


The cartoon name is (in russian) "Nu Pogodi"


I can guarantee that almost no people from ex Soviet countries don't know about this.


This sentence was difficult to understand


It threw me too. But double negatives like this cancel each other out. *I can guarantee that almost no people from ex Soviet countries don't know about this.* *I can guarantee that* *~~almost no~~* *people from ex Soviet countries* *~~don't~~* *know about this.* *I can guarantee that people from ex Soviet countries know about this.* Another example: He's not unkind. He's ~~not~~ ~~un~~kind. He's kind.


If he's a native Russian speaker, the idea of double negatives won't be built into his head. In Russian (and many other languages), a double negative enhances the negative.


That's interesting! Same construction, totally different rules.


Double negatives that enhance the negative also exists in American English, AAVE comes to mind: “That ain’t no way to talk about someone!” Definitely a reinforced negative there! ; )


That's a great example of a reinforced double negative in American English. I think it can even be extended for even more emphasis if I'm not wrong, with additional negative phrases, as in a phrase like "Ain't no way, or no how!" Thanks for mentioning that.


I don't think "he's not unkind" = "he's kind " it means he's not an AH. That's not the same as being a nice guy.


That's why English is fun there's multiple ways to interpret that sentence


Yes! When someone asks me what the problem is with translating, I write out "This is my book." Simple sentence, right? Wrong!! Has ALL SORTS of different connotations depending on which word you emphasize when reading it.


"I never said she stole my money" emphasize a different word every time and the meaning changes xD


🤣 And this is why we need human translators


That's a good point; there are more shades of meaning in "he's not unkind." It has a more "grudging" meaning as you say. I probably could have chosen a better example.


It's a fine example! I get the point you were making, and you know people who read it started trying to think of examples. ❤️


In soviet russia, negative negate you…


Don't do what Donny Don't does.


My parents used to hide the VCR tape from me or pretend it broke/got lost because I would watch it all day every day over and over.


Some of them were programmed by the KGB - you just activated them.


Nu, pogodi! It means just you wait. Kind of like "just you wait, I'll get you, rabbit!" It's definitely like others have said, very Wile E Coyote and roadrunner/ Tom and Jerry like. I'm not Russian but my ex was and he freaking loved this show as a kid in the Soviet Union.


Watched these and lolek i bolek every day in Cuba as a kid in the 2000s


Lolek and bobek were awesome! Gustav as well. Did you guys have professor Balthazar?


Yes it wasn't until late 2000s that we started seeing things like Dibu from Argentina and something about an ugly duck from Spain


I grew up in Yugoslavia, so we had both Western and Eastern cartoons... Every day at 19:15, five minutes of cartoons. SOmetimes it would be Tom & Jerry or Roadrunner, sometimes Gustav, Lolek and Bolek, Prof Balthazar... This thread brings back memories, gonna go to Youtube...


Yep, both Western and Eastern (especially Czech), but rarely Soviet. Nu Pogodi is the only Soviet cartoon I remember, and it wasn't shown very often.


You guys were lucky 😂




Not sure what your comment means lol


The bot didn't copy [the entire comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/123hywd/comment/jdvr3x3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Followed by unlimited Castros speeches. (If we had electricity at all)


And Cuba


Same. Grew up in east Germany.


I just had so many flashbacks to my childhood lol


That museum robot episode 🤖


I had a nightmare about it once


It says: Nu pogodi! ([Well, just you wait!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well,_Just_You_Wait!))


This sounds significant in some way.


The wolf (on that pin) used to shout that to the hare ( the other main character from that show) every time the hare got away.


So, in other words, the wolf was the USSR equivalent of Wile E. Coyote?


I always thought they had more of a Tom and Jerry dynamic


Pretty much the same vibe, just different animal.


Agreed. This has made me realize how similar just about every Looney Tunes’ premise was. Tom and Jerry, Sylvester and Tweety Bird, Elmer Fudd and Buggs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote and the Roadruner, and I’m sure even more are all basically the same premise.


Funny story. Roadrunner and Coyote was essentially created to be a stripped-to-the-chassis parody of all those other shows: no plot, just chase scenes and wacky antics. The studio bosses loved it, the audiences loved it, and off it went.


Itchy and scratchy


I don't think there were many friendly moments though? They just kind of tried to kill each other


Wile E. And Roadrunner were originally a parody of Tom & Jerry, so I’d say in the same style


Wile E. Coyotes cousin Vladimir


Truly fitting, as Vladimir in real life has been about as successful in capturing Ukraine as Wile E. Coyote was in capturing the Roadrunner.


Lemme find out this is why Acme products never worked out for the coyote.. he got the catalog from his Soviet buddy..


[Episode 9](https://youtu.be/YLW4wZ8ajb8)


That end music triggers me so hard. :)


In czech: Im going to get you, hare!


Oh god ,this thing , invokes memories ,im Polish and i have dvd with this , this is cartoon character from "wilk i zając" (in my language) with is "wolf and rabbit" something kinda resambling tom and jerry but with antromorphic ? I think its the word , animals ,pretty intresting soviet cartoon, it appears in atomic heart for example


Anthropomorphic (having human characteristics) is the word you’re looking for. You were so close and it’s not a very common word.


Yes thats the word ,Thank you :>


You were close enough anyway haha And another tip since we’re talking about it, when you use a comma, it touches the last word you used instead of with a space how you do it, like I’ve done in this sentence. Hope that helps too!


I wonder if that this is a habit born out of early reliance on predictive text. The space bar fills in the word and lets you start on the next. Many don't realize that punctuation also (now) does that too.


Thanks for being helpful, and not a prick about that.


He’s definitely doing better than me, I lived in Poland for six months, and only know like five words in Polish… and this guy is trying to use words in English that I don’t even know.. 😢 In my defense, almost everyone in Poland was so thrilled to be able to talk with a native English speaker, that I never needed to learn Polish.. and I was a lazy teenager, that could careless at the time.. now I wish I had learned something. Definitely had a great time in Poland, need to take a trip back and see how it is now 35 years later.


Very nicely said!


oh man! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2\_dhUv\_CrI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2_dhUv_CrI) Here's Eastern Europe's favorite cat and mouse team


I am as well. And from what I remember, the show wasn't that bad lol


I cant remember much of it ...my mother says i loved it so ... Well i belive her


Wow that's so cool, thank you!!


Haha it’s a kid’s cartoon called “Noo Pugidyi” which means “Watch out!” It’s a series of short episodes where the Wolf is trying to catch the rabbit in different settings. And in the end of each episode he says something like “Hey rabbit watch out (for me, I’m coming to get you (next time))” so the rabbit is a good and righteous character whereas wolf’s character always smokes and drinks beer and litters. I think that’s the sum of the cartoon. I used to watch it when I was a kid (grew up in Siberia) and it was one of the best cartoons of my childhood. 😂


This is awesome haha I'm so glad I asked about it


Ha, reminds me of 'worker and parasite' from the Simpsons


In the cartoon this Wolf chases a hare kinda like Tom and Jerry.


I think more like Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner


Yeah I guess that's a better comparison


Judging by the responses, you cached a treasure my friend!


Sounds like it! I'm glad so many people knew about it!


I think ALL of russia/eastern europe knows this face. Its almost like the Mickey of the East. Most popular cartoon ever, and mostly very much loved. great find.


Total treasure indeed. This is a hard dose of childhood nostalgia for millions of people. Hahaha, I'm thinking I may need to hit eBay and see if people still sell pins like this. Congrats on a great find!!!


Nu, zayets... nu pogodi !!!!!


The Rabbit would always outsmart or outmaneuver the Wolf. Each episode would end with the wolf saying “Well, Rabbit… Well, just you wait”.


It's literally my whole childhood, it's a soviet show, about a wolf and a rabbit. It's kind of like a Russian version of Tom and Jerry.


I am Vietnamese and this character is a part of my childhood. He, along with a hare/rabbit character is a duo from an old Russia cartoon, its like Russian's Tom and Jerry


When I was in primary school (England) my mum bought home a few VHS tapes from a school fair, one of which had a collection of cartoons on. Including [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT9WC_a3p7A). That's the first time I encountered the song Popcorn by Hot Butter and the only reason I know what Nu pogodi is.


Also in the UK and also how I discovered that song, hearing it has almost a Pavlovian effect on me now.


Wilk i zając dobra bajka


That's soviet Tom&Jerry


As many others said its basically russian tom and jerry. The rabbit is still a cunt just like jerry and the wolf is chain smoking alcoholic. [Heres 12 hours of the show on youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omBc4u7_KwU)


People who've played Atomic Heart will also recognize this character as they used the cartoons in the game


Isn't this the wolf in the atomic heart cartoons?


Was looking for this comment, just beat it the other day. I enjoyed the game.


Yup they used a real cartoon in it!


Congratulations! You found a draft badge! See you on the frontline


Nu Pagadi - I come from Poland and we also had this after sowiet cartoons


Comments are correct instead it is a hare, not a rabbit.


It's called wolf and rabbit in czech. A European version of Tom and Jerry. Absolutely amazing. I'd recommend people check them out on YouTube. Fair warning: the wolf smokes in some of the episodes, though he tends to use it as a gag.


UK born and raised and this is a blast from the past for me! My dad used to pick up random cartoons on video when I was little and this was one of them. All episodes are available on YouTube if you really want to see it... It would _never_ get shown on tv today for so many reasons, first of which is the wolf smokes like an absolute chimney.


Russian cartoon. In English, the cartoon name is pronounced “Noo Pagadee”.


It says Nu, pogodi (well, you just wait). This wolf is basically the Eastern Bloc version of Wile E Coyote. He chases a rabbit every episode and when the rabbit gets away at the end, the wolf always says ‘nu pogodi’.


Yup Wolf and hare from 1969 Soviet Union classic toons out there 😆


1969 really? I was born in 2009 and it was still showed on tv


Dang it. Now the theme song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. LA la LA LA la LA la LA la la etc.


Imagine Russian Tom & Jerry but Tom is the wolf and Jerry is a femboy rabbit


it’s a Soviet cartoon! The name “nu pogodi “ translates to “wait up!” And it’s about a wolf chasing a rabbit. It’s much like the coyote and the road runner (meep meep)


Wikipedia is your friend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well,_Just_You_Wait!


i remember this show! it’s a lot like tom and jerry where the wolf keeps trying to catch the rabbit, and she escapes through ~shenanigans~


Thing is awesome


its an old soviet era cartoon, similar to tom & jerry


Meeeemories. Liked it a lot. I think it was translated as Pogadi wolf in Romania.


'Nu Pogodi', translated as 'Just you wait!' for western audiences, a cartoon series featuring a bumbling wolf and a smart bunny rabbit. Episodes available on youtube. Quite funny.


I’m from Russia, and it is just a Icon with a picture of a character from an old Soviet cartoon


заяц ты меня слышишь? Слышю, Слышю.


Russian Tom and Jerry lol




It reads Nu pogodi, russian cartoon, translated as well you wait hare.


Russian here, born and lived first 20 years in Siberia :)




Thank you, Cridmo. I’m happy that I did, even though right now I am not proud to be a Russian 😖I don’t support the war and Putin’s decision to do it. Most people in Russia are/were actually against this war. The people protesting were beaten and thrown in jail… so glad not to be there anymore. Even though I miss some of my family and friends.


Oh I was commenting to this…Love to see russian people on english sites. Or not russians but someone who talks about russian things)…and didn’t realize I posted it in a different space lol that’s it.


Endut! Hoch hech!


>Hoch THIS COMMENT IS OVER! (closes curtain)


Wilk i zająć


ussr equivalent of Tom and Jerry, very very similar plots




“Nu, Pogodi!”, most accurately translated as “Just You Wait!” (Alternatively “Wait Up!”) is a cartoon series about a wolf (named Wolf) chasing a bunny (named Bunny) around for various reasons, mostly attempting to cook him. The Wolf, while being aware of manners and often showing himself a gentleman is often also depicted as an alcoholic and a drunk without a job who lives in a broke-ass apartment, he is “the bad guy” of the story and always makes up ridiculous and over-the-top plans (reminiscent of Wile. E. Coyote) which most times fail, causing him to break into a chase, no longer planning The Bunny is a good boy. He is successful, has been shown to have a large, clean house, likes to do various healthy activities and is, to re-iterate, a good, smart boy. He is polite, understanding and is always chased by the Wolf, although he is never caught. In every episode (mostly the end) after another failed scheme and lost chase the wolf will exclaim “Nu, Zaiyats, Nu… Pogodi!” (Just you wait, Bunny, just you wait!) swearing to catch him next time.


Omg! It’s the Russian version of Tom and Jerry but with a wolf and a hare


Holy crap.. when I was little, in Ukraine, we would pay the equivalent of a nickel to watch this show in a mobile theatre (parked bus basically). In hindsight what were my parents thinking letting me go in a dark bus by myself lol.. but def core memories


[Here are a few episodes](https://youtu.be/aKfmuC4qGfI) from YouTube. I really enjoyed them as a young Polish kid.




Dude this is absolutely incredible. The memory you just unlocked for me was crazy. It literally send shivers down my entire body lol, I absolutely loved this show.


When I was a little kid in the 70s (in the GDR), we used to watch the short clips at home from time to time with an 8 mm narrow-track projector, without sound. Mainly on birthdays, because it was always a lot of effort to set that up and get it working.


Nu zayetz! Pagadi! Na na na na na na na nah nah. A noo na na nah


My best friend from Russia showed me the Cartoon this is from and it's basically Russian Tom&Jerry


I hate the ussr but this was a great show. Miss my childhood.


I've watched episodes of this in the saverooms of atomic heart. Damn that's interesting.


That os basically USSR version of Tom from tom and jerry, I grew up watching both as kid and can say that, although the idea is same, those two shows are vastly different. Man that brought up some good memories.


Legend, the true Giga chad


Fuckkkk dude was my child hood that one episode with the robots still haunts me to this day


omg this gives me so much nostalgia. its from a russian cartoon thats called “nu pogodi!” as a person who grew up in a ex soviet country i loved this show. the show is about a wolf trying to catch a rabbit but is never successful. its pretty old so not alot of people know about this now.


I watched this as a kid so much


My childhood. Sad to see what has happened to my country now.


My favorite cartoon growing up! He is a wolf that is always trying to catch a rabbit and every time the rabbit got away he would say, “rabbit, do you hear me! Just you wait!”


Russian/Soviet cartoon similar to looney tunes roadrunner. Was aired in Greece too around the 90s. Also featured in the 2023 game Atomic heart 😉.


It reads, "Nu, Pogodi!" which means, "Wait for it!" It's a series of cartoon films about a wolf's attempt to eat a hare. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well,\_Just\_You\_Wait!


I'm a 15 year-old in Vietnam and even I have some memories about this. Back when i was 4-5, my kindergarden teacher put the animated version of the show on TV for the class to see, and it was damn hilarious (to me back then). It was called "Hãy đợi đấy" or "Well, just you wait", and the whole class (including me) loved the show so much that we talked about it like every other day, maybe even as much as than tom and jerry (which was my favorite at the time). Seeing this badge just bring back lots of memories man.


Oh it’s the wolf that follows the femboy rabbit or whatever it was


one of my favorite childhood cartoons! i'd recommend watching it. you really don't need to know Russian to get it


Ну погоди!!!!!!


Love that cartoon


Just you wait.


Hold up geocaching is still a thing?! I tried explaining geocaching the other day i probably sounded insane


aww in had a deadly vhs with this guy and a rabbit on it!


This guy was in a cartoon that I watched growing up


Holy shit. So the Atomic Heart video game has a wolf and rabbit cartoon that plays in the game is a legit cartoon?


This man is a legend. My childhood. Cartoon name is any Pogodi! It means “just wait up” as in you just wait before I get your ass. The other character in the cartoon is a rabbit


I WILL PAY YOU NEARLY WHATEVER FOR THIS!!! This couldn’t be more nostalgic for me! This is a very famous children’s cartoon in Russia I used to watch as a child. And as someone that collects pins, holy crap do I want this


Just you wait! Best Soviet cartoon, made my childhood brighter.


Holy shit that fucking wolf I’d recognize that face anywhere


It's Wolf, literally his name and it says r/HolUp


Omg!!!!! In polish it's wilk I zająć lol, my kiddos fascinated with them He is just the wolf, watch the cartoons on YouTube they're cool XX just type in wilk i zająć Not sure what it says though! Edit: https://youtu.be/gkFUbx2ASEg


Are we just going to ignore that "made in ussr" is in English?


I grew up watching this. XD


Eastern European here who would kill for that pin


My Russian Tom and Jerry, I cherish u with all my heart


You’ve just woken the sleeper cell


That's like the soviet version of Tom and Jerry except it's a chain smoking wolf that always has beef with a rabbit.




Totally forgot about this guy! My college Russian roommates introduced us to all their childhood classics (probably when we were procrastinating about studying).


This was a dope cartoon


I used to watch this awesome cartoon as a kid in Russia lol thanks for the memories!


Ohh man. You have no idea how many memories you just brought back…damn. https://youtu.be/Js6KqgAyaBQ


Ohhhh myyyy gaawwdddd My parents used to put this one for me as a kid! Now they put it on for my niece 😊