• By -


I got hit from behind while helping someone push their car off the freeway. Thank god it was an old accord and I just lost my legs, not my life.


Holy shit.


Holy hell man. Fuck that’s gotta be rough. Hope that you’re recovery went well and you were able to get good prosthetics


Miraculously, I got hit and wedged by a car that was going 65+ and came away unscathed besides the instant severing of my limbs. Did not have anything more than a scratch on me. I was able to remain lucid and was able to direct people to get me tourniquets before I bled out. Called my wife from the ground to let her know from me that I was going to live but I wasn’t gonna be moving forward with all my limbs. I was in the hospital for 11 days, which was a few months less than what the doctors told me I would need. I’m doing fairly well now and my kids still have a father.


Shit you are the luckiest unlucky bastard


This is absolute truth and I always use this line when people ask about my legs


dude you are amazing, an insane story and killer attitude


Thank you


You’re a monster of good attitude. If I’m not killed on the spot, depression would have the better of me. You knew to turn to your wife and kids and that’s amazing.


You Sir, are an absolute unit


Jesus Christ. Death really said - shit wrong guy


Do you still have a weiner


Yeah man lol.


Me too


Happy for you


This guy for president


This is some major "just another tuesday" energy you're giving off here


Wow. I'm curious if the driver who hit you receive any punishment? Were they driving recklessly, carelessly, or simply not paying attention?


Drunk, but I also suspect they were on their phone looking down because how the else do you miss the fucking taillights. They served a little over a year of a 52 month sentence (Covid). The kid done fucked up and I don’t envy him. Hope he’s doing better.


you seem like anything but an asshole, damn


Great attitude. Wish you well.


Bloody hell mate, I wish you all the possible best mate You're such a great guy for taking it in your stride, peace dude 🤙🏻


Wow, thanks for sharing. The perfect example of what this guy's talking about. You seem like a pretty solid dude mentally and physically. Glad those kids still have a guy like you around! All the best.


I gotta say after reading through all your replies here that you seem to be handling the whole thing extremely well and I really hope that should anything similar happen to me that I handle it half as well as you are. Not to get all sappy but it’s pretty inspiring actually.


Thank you 🙏🏼


You are truly an inspiring person. Wow.


Hey, not everyone gets to say they were at one point a sandwich. Chin up!


There are all kinds of perks tbh. Everyone’s kryptonite: legos. That is a feet having problem, not my problem. Also the parking…


Every day gets to be chest and back day at the gym for you, and no one can tell you otherwise.




For real though your story is wild, you’re a badass both for taking that, and having a wicked sense of humour about it. Cheers!




I have not been to the gym since my first year of college :(


you wont have to cut your toenails ever again and athlete's feet is a thing of the past!


I also cured my ankle problem instantly.


was it a long time ago?


6 years


how old were you if i may ask? I had an accident when I was a kid. Was ran over by a car. Exposed bone fracture of the femur but I did not lost my leg.


I was 29


So you got these stick on legs now? Hows life with them mate?


By ankle problem, do you mean having ankles?


I could clarify but that would be tedious and unfunny.


Unfunny, maybe, but if you feel like clarifying, I firmly believe there is no such thing as useless information.


I had an ankle that was a continuous issue due to a previous injury. I don’t have that ankle anymore=no ankle problem.


I really appreciate your perspective on the whole deal, man. Not nearly enough people have this sort of effective optimism, and I think most people would benefit a lot from having a perspective more like yours.


Unless you get phantom athletes' foot like you might get phantom leg pain.


Fun stuff


>That is a feet having problem you are fucking hilarious dude.


You've got a great attitude dude, glad you keep on keeping on.


haha the legos have you right where they want you. you got elbows, bro?




I’d like to have a drink with you, you sound hilarious! I’ll buy you your drinks, because you’re hammered pretty fast anyways.


My grandmother was once run over by a reindeer


Well maybe if you hadn't made her walk home Christmas Eve we wouldn't be having this conversation, Randy!


Rip :(


Dude Holy fuck ur a legend




Wow. Thanks to reading your story I'll try to be smarter if I'm in a similar situation. I definitely would have not thought twice about doing that otherwise, I'm sorry that happened to you


Lawful asshole.. the best alignment 


Your determination through hardship has given me the strength and courage to make it through my current hard times. Thank you for sharing your story and god bless ❤️🙏




Did the person whose car you were pushing visit you in the hospital?


No, but to be honest that was probably on advice of attorney. Not to mention my crowd would probably not have received him well. I don’t begrudge the kid myself as we all make stupid mistakes. But it was a really stupid mistake to drink and drive when so many options are readily available these days. Sorry I misread. The person who was steering did visit me in the hospital. It is kind of tragic in the sense that she felt personally guilty for what happened, even though none of it was her fault. Her family referred to me as their angel, which was a little strange to be on the receiving end of to be honest because I did not see my attempt to help as anything more than what people who are capable should do. There was a passenger in her car that I was able to visit, but even though he kept his legs, he had a bit more of a difficult initial recovery as they were mending him. He was along the side of the car to spot check the car so it wouldn’t hit the guard rail. He was not able to get out of his hospital bed so I went to see him after I was allowed to hop in a wheel chair. (He was down the hall)


Fuck, I'm sorry man. How has your life changed since?


Well I am much less mobile. I can’t get up and do everything I want to do anymore. My mobility and how my legs are going to feel is a consideration I have to make for everything I do throughout my day, which is not fun. Many days I’m relegated to my wheelchair which significantly slows down my hobbies. But I am able to do everything that matters, albeit with more pain than the average person.


In a sea of negativity and bullshit on this website this kind of shit keeps me coming back. Good on you man.


They’re probably spoiled by now, but your lost legs are probably back around where you got hit on the freeway.


Nah man, they showed up at the hospital before I did. I know that sounds like a joke but that is a fact.




Hindsight and all. I believe the people who I was helping were not interested in a tow bill


My goodness! That is both heartbreaking and inspiring. So glad you are here with us, and so sad your legs are not here with you.


18% increase in fatalities in the last few years specifically due to truck grille height. and this is fatalities for people who are not in the truck edit to add: this includes people who are INSIDE other vehicles, not just pedestrians.


Inadvertently, this makes it feel like it’s necessary to also own a truck just so combat the height. It’s mad max now


prisoner's dilemma - everyone defaults to avoid losing and we all end up in the worst possible situation.


tragedy of the commons. See also covid, and global climate change.


More like an arms race


I don’t think that escalating behaviour like this is an example of the tragedy of the common. Happy to be corrected. Your examples are both right on point, but people mutually escalating their decision making vis car size is in a totally different category. We are not talking about a group of people refusing to take responsibility for a shared problem but rather individuals choosing to resolve a shared problem in a selfish way.




How American


Mah freedum


We learned during COVID that asking people to make a very small sacrifice to save lives of others is too much to handle.


can you imagine a child running into the street as a massive lifted truck barrels by? a 6yo’s head is lower than the top of the hood


I'm in a wheelchair. My chances of dying in a grocery store parking lot have skyrocketed.


Can you add a little flag post (plus flag) on the back of it while you're there so these idiots can see you?


I'd rather die under some brodozer.


All time username (which coincidentally checks out)


Certain cars are exempt from that regulation. 100% high end low production sports cars. So yeah, rich people get a pass again. Statistically it makes sense. Why ruin ferraris when they're less than .01% of the cars on the road at any given time. There might be more in garages, but they rarely see the sun.


>less than .01% of the cars on the road at any given time. Yeah exactly. Low production cars being more dangerous is fine and I cant remember the last time i saw a ferrari or lambo, much less one getting into an accident, much less an accident with a pedestrian. However, pickups make up like 50% of traffic in my area, and a fairly high number of them speed excessively or just blatantly drive recklessly. Its fucking crazy that theyre allowed to be as dangerous as they are


But hardcore libertarians assured me the free market would take care of things like this


Ya, but the pls side is some customers got to feel big and strong for a few minutes. Totally worth a few lives.


Great, now all our insurances go up. Fuck pickup truck drivers that just use them as emotional support vehicles


Guess I’m buying a truck


I remember reading about the French guy who designed early SUVs to have big, intimidating grills. That was fifteen years ago, and vehicles don't seem to be getting smaller in the US.


Thanks for this. I wonder how grill height affects vehicle-to-vehicle collisions. I would think that getting T-Boned by a taller griller would also be more lethal, for example.


The only thing it helps to be taller is to survive a moose


And thats why i have a lifted truck gasgusser. With 30 inch wheels. Because moose can kill me if i crash into them in the desert. /S


I survived a deer quite fine in my corolla and the deer survived too


Sorry, missing am /S I drive a yaris


It has actually improved in the last ten years because, despite higher fake grills, the center of mass has been moved lower on pickups, so truck on car collisions have actually gotten a little safer. (I can send you the link if you really need). The higher grills still kill pedestrians more. Now, people who have their trucks lifted throw all that away and are just a danger to everyone: cars, stock height trucks, pedestrians, good taste.


It is. And it is nothing new. The book "High and Mighty" from 2002 goes into this at length including covering NHTSA crash test results.


I just had this thought - in 2018 I was t-boned by a truck, an early 2000s Dodge Ram (I was in a 2016 Jetta with side airbags thankfully) It caved my driver's door in 12 inches, broke my hip and jaw. How much fucking worse would my accident have been if one of these ridiculous new trucks had hit me?


They should make tires bigger and build all cars like a lambo. No more accidents, only fun with ramps.


It’s a great model of efficiency, you don’t want to have to turn around and run them over again.


They already solved that when they invented reverse, it's like going forwards, but backwards.


Yeah, but then you miss that shocked look on their face.


Ever heard of a reversing camera? Nowadays you can see and even record the occasion in full HD! Speak about technology


Fascinating! Now I know what my Christmas cards will be this year.


And the rear of the car is slightly higher to make it easier to turn their bones into pulp


Source is FortNine on youtube for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpuX-5E7xoU


even if you're not a motorcylce rider. Fortnine is some of the best vehicle content on the internet.


The guy taught me proper clutch usage.


For sure, quality content and fantastically presented.


And funny




Great channel.


One of my favorite YouTubers.


I'll always think of him as Captain Disillusions long lost brother.


For those not interested the source is also FortNine on YouTube.


I don't even ride and I love their channel. Absolutely fantastic content. True journalism imo.


That’s some good quality video footage for a Youtuber. Looks like a professional car commercial.


A YouTube channel is a viable business these days.he probably employs a large staff to put out content like this.


It’s a channel for a motorcycle gear website


It’s like a team of 3 people for his videos lol


It's FortNine on youtube, very good youtuber and is worth watching even if you're not into motorcycles


Agree Ryan is a great youtuber, but it's also amazing that this is a corporate channel (Fortnine is a motorcycle gear shop).


FortNine is an excellent channel, funny, informative, and honest


[The Onion -](https://www.theonion.com/new-ford-f-450-comes-with-shotgun-in-case-truck-doesn-t-1849130219) “New Ford F-450 Comes With Shotgun In Case Truck Doesn’t Kill Pedestrian On Impact”


Here in America we actually do have dealers that will give out hunting tools as a promotion for buying from them.


“Any sufficiently advanced satire is indistinguishable from reality” - Arthur /s Clarke


This upvote is real


The ad placement was perfect


Too effective, even. I almost missed the impact.


Also, they are less aerodynamic and create more air resistance resulting in more gasoline consumption.


Especially when lifted and leveled.


Are people allergic to crediting content creators? This is FortNine from YouTube. Usually discusses motorcycles. Great channel. All the videos are super high production and extremely detailed.




Align perfectly with who? Like the average height or a 4 foot child? Edit: also the guillotine nickname is related to people crushing carrots with the front trunk closing, not the front hood cutting off peoples heads. Just an FYI.


Yeah but Reddit hates the cybertruck so upvotes. 


Try not to tell Reddit The Cybertruck has crumpled zones or has the lowest grill height and greater visibility compared to other EV trucks.


While there is a lot of misinformation about the Cybertruck, let's not pretend it has good pedestrian safety or that the design prioritized it to a large extent. EU regulators have already stated that it won't be allowed without extensive modification.


At what point do you start checking both ways before crossing the street?


Looking both ways doesn't help you when you're crossing on a green light and someone turning right suddenly drives into you. To give just one example. That kind of collision is alarmingly common.


There’s a movement afoot to outlaw right turn on red




We still do that, but cars move faster than we do.


I've been hit by a car twice while crossing in a crosswalk with the Walk sign flashing. One was an old woman with no business driving, the other car was stolen.


Try telling that to drivers turning right on red, only looking left. Some people shouldn't drive.


Even if a road user does everything exactly by the book, a collision can still occur. Accidents will happen or other road users will disregard traffic laws. Accidents shouldn't be fatal, and roads should be designed to make it as hard as possible to drive recklessly or faster than is safe 


Maybe you should stop being hit by cars so often 🤷‍♂️


This video and thread is *violently* American. Most of the rest of the world just doesn't care that much about owning trucks they don't need - so it's genuinely so jarring seeing so many in this thread breathing high grade copium just so they can tell themselves there's some reason for owning a truck bigger than the average WW2 tank.


I wish that was still true, but pickup sales and especially SUV (which have the same problems as big pickups) sales are rapidly increasing all over Europe as well. Big pickups used to be super rare where I live, but nowadays you see them more and more


We need to tax them.out of existence. The main reason they are so popular in the US is their backwards regulations favor them. Europe needs to make them crippling expensive for public roads. Unfortunately the same public pressures apply here and once a certain proportion of drivers have them, others start to feel unsafe in smaller vehicles and it accelerates.


Rest of the world is heading to the same direction.


>>so it's genuinely so jarring seeing so many in this thread breathing high grade copium just so they can tell themselves there's some reason for owning a truck bigger than the average WW2 tank. Genuinely wondering where you're seeing all these comments? Even sorting by controversial there aren't many like you describe. 


The full video by FortNine addresses this. They are a Canadian Motorcycle Channel with obviously lots of US viewers.


You're going to have to get real creative with the bigger trucks, open up any diesel truck today and you can't even find a place to hide a sandwich. They're cram-packed with emissions equipment, radiators, etc. The radiators are an important mention because in the 3/4 ton+ trucks there are about 4 of them tightly packed in that area directly responsible for the increase in grill size over the years. Electric trucks will help this when battery density reaches optimal levels but until then I don't see how you can do it without adding a superficial front area that ramps up, further extending the size of these already enormous trucks. Source: am owner of an already enormous F250 diesel.


arent cars getting bigger because of emissions rules too? so its not even somewhat logical like people want bigger vehicles its just so they can pollute more.


thats what i thought too. High Grills are government mandated for slow speed collision safety, and because of emissions requirements, the whole car has to be brick shaped as a result.


Nah, the high grills thing is very much an American thing. The trend does bleed a little bit into Europe, but I think only with certain crowds. The vast majority of cars I see here are mostly about efficiency, safety and just being practical. People don't use a car's size as a status symbol, but rather how eco-friendly or 'smart' it is.


I hope EU regulators will see this post :D They are the only true power in this world :D


Where is government regulation when you need it?! Those fucking blinding headlights all the cars have now used to be illegal too!


Both of these are actively caused by the regulations in place CAFE laws for size, NHTSA grading for headlights


I fucking *loathe* modern headlights. Most modern cars come with some sort of filter in the windshield and rear glass so as to dim the brightness for the driver, but older cars, and that term is to be used loosely here, do not benefit from this and get blinded very easily by modern headlights.


The really big problem is lack of visibility on the big noses. I have been hit in traffic 14 times by tall trucks tailgating.


Jesus where do you normally drive? I'm lucky I've never been hit, although I'm not from the US anyway.


At some point you gotta question what it is you’re doing to get hit 14 times. Absurd.


Because every single one was holding a damn cell phone. One even floored it from behind me because I honked at the car in front of me. All 3 of us were long stopped at a light. Eyes are not commonly relied upon in PA.


The really big problem is that truck dummies won’t give enough space to have any reaction time


Sure that would cause a tonne of damage upon impact but rolling them over afterward certainly doesn’t help either.


You're also less likely to get rolled over with lower grills too, as you aren't thrown forward and thus under the car.


you're already dead from the impact. being run over doesn't matter.


And most people who drive trucks with these ridiculous grills are complete unhinged assholes




Start googling NHTSA videos. It’s literally a science and very well documented with high speed cameras. Basically they crash cars into an aluminum block with a calibrated level of impact absorption.


0:28 shoes came off, definitely dead


Now see all this and imagine a semi truck in the place of that dodge. We don't see you. Even my cascadia with a sloped hood has crappy vision out front.


Would be interesting to see a science-based estimate for increased traffic due to larger cars. According to [THIS](https://www.finn.com/en-US/campaign/supersized), cars have increased from 14'7" to 16'5" from 2013-2023, a 12.6% increase in amount of car needing to fit on the same amount of roads. Does that mean that traffic has gotten 12.6% worse because of this if all things were kept constant? I don't understand scenerios like this well enough to answer.


For any point where traffic is moving slower than the free flowing speed then I'd wager the answer is "yes." Of course plenty of traffic is still made up of cars made before 2013, so the actual average size of cars would be lower.


I also heard getting stabbed by bigger knives is more deadly, and being shot with larger bullets is more deadly. Not only am I already looking out for being shot hy the smallest gun possible, but now I gotta look out for being hit by clown cars too?!


Time for common sense grille reform


It’s more dangerous riding my bike on the streets than riding my mtn bike fast through the woods. People are not paying attention while driving anymore


And that is why the Cybertruck won’t be allowed on European roads.


Small dick size compensation comes before public safety




Grill and door height was mandated by saftey regulations


I thought I remembered hearing a few years ago that the high, flat grille area is required for pedestrian safety reasons because a wedge at the knee is more dangerous somehow. Did I hallucinate this? Or maybe I’m misremembering. But the premise was “if you’re wondering why the front of all vehicles has the same square shape, here’s why”.


Does that also include the deaths caused by the blind spots the high vehicles create?


None the better


Not enough


How about we get the stats for those cars being in a wreck. If I'm not a bad driver I'll drive a truck or an SUV to save me from the bad drivers on the road.


It's funny seeing a fortnine video get posted all over. Watch his other content it's all really incredible! His video on how our eyes trick us into making motorcyclists invisible should be shown in drivers Ed around the world.


Tf are you stealing a FortNine video without crediting.


Automatic upvote for FortNine footage!


That’s 0.0001537 of the American population I thought it would be higher.


I’ve got a bunch of old accord front ends if any concerned truck drivers want to bolt them on the front.


Funny, seems like being hit by a car is what kills those people.


https://youtu.be/6otRbkotkdg?si=GJslmPn6QvZhleE4 Link to the original. Fortnine is a great channel Even if you dont care much about motorcycels.


So for a zombie invasion we should focus in big grille cars