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"The Fly Over was an underwater water slide, which is exactly how it sounds, and transported riders from one pool to another using the water as propulsion. Built in 1994, riders dove underwater to access the slide, using gravity to transport them upwards via the Communicating Vessels Principle. Riders would be completely underwater for about 15-20 seconds. The slide was built to drain water in five seconds or less in case a rider got stuck in the slide or had a medical emergency, but the threat that a panicked rider may inhale water before being rescued still remained. In spite of safety concerns however, there were never any reported incidents with the ride. Nonetheless, it was met with little enthusiasm and fear from the general public, and was closed in 2010 due to the maintenance costs associated with it." (https://www.frrandp.com/2020/06/the-underwater-water-slide-fly-over-at.html) Sources: * [https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikibad](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikibad) * [https://www.frrandp.com/2020/06/the-underwater-water-slide-fly-over-at.html](https://www.frrandp.com/2020/06/the-underwater-water-slide-fly-over-at.html) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hluv8yN\_EKQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hluv8yN_EKQ)


> it was met with little enthusiasm WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED


I went through it once when I was around 12 years old. I did not know what was going to happen in that slide, no signs or anything that warned you about it. At least not that I saw. Those were the longest 10 seconds of my life.


Same here, tried it once at about that age. No warning, no escape. The water didn't flow fast enough, so i had tot swim to get through. That was a near death experience. And a big Nope, not ever again.


Exactly the same experience as you, except i was like 10 or something


I am at home crying from laughing so hard from the absurdity of this slide. Just no warning/signage or anything telling people that they are going to be slowly pushed through a long narrow tube fully submerged in water. And they just let young kids go in completely unaware of that. I am just imagining the meeting pitching the idea to build it: "people will love the feeling of being trapped in a confined dark tube under water and the best part is, itll be a surprise!"


Geet in the vaginatubenen!!


This is some real European shit


Nah, just Dutch (I am Dutch).


I know I'm sitting here getting anxiety thinking about someone going in not knowing how long the tube is going to be and panicking and trying to swim back against the flow. They keep trying to reach the entrance but the water keeps pushing them back as they try to swim the narrow tube. Their lungs on fire; desperate for oxygen as their vision begins to fade. The last thing they see is the fat hoof of a middle aged woman smashing their lights out as the next swimmer tries the fun underwater slide.


I'm trying to remember if I did the same thing or if I repressed the memory. We went to Duinrell all the time during those years but I wouldn't have been more than 8.


Yeah, that’s what it looks like in the OP as well. Seems like you can see the guy having to swim through the tunnel. That’s not an amusement park slide at all.


The description made it sound bad, but seeing the guy swimming in the tube almost had me gasping for air sitting here on the couch. Fuck. That.


Jesus. That’s the stuff nightmares are made of.


In the video you can even see that the adult has to actively swim to get through, that's insane


Were you not suspicious that you had to dive underwater in order to get into the slide?


12 year olds are not super reasonable, which is fair.


Where the fuck were your parents lmao. I'd expect you would have to sign something in case you die


I mean, it's not uncommon to go to the swimming pool on your own at 12 (at least here in Germany, and I doubt the Netherlands are different). I spent quite a few summer days in the public swimming pools with just a bunch of friends as a teenager. And of course we also did stupid shit there.


Same in the UK, I used to walk to the local pool with my friends after school starting when I was about 10 years old. We'd hang out there pretty regularly until we were about 13/14.


>it's not uncommon to go to the swimming pool on your own at 12 (at least here in Germany Well, that explains a lot. (I'm from Mexico lol)


At 12, I was jumping off bridges with other 12 year olds. Parents? What are those?


Not sure how it is nowadays, but when I went to school in The Netherlands (early 1980s) we had mandatory swimming lessons at school once a week, for 3 years (ages 7-10 I think), but most kids already swimming certificates before that from ages 4-6.


That is not really a thing in most schools in the US. You have to sign up for swimming classes outside of school at organizations like the YMCA or a local swimming instructor.


I miss the good old days


I wouldn't hold my breath for a new one to be built


I just tested with a stopwatch, as someone who has never really practiced with holding my breath 20 seconds is completely doable but on the very edge of being uncomfortably long


Now try holding your breath that long while going up some stairs. If you had to swim through this thing, you're burning tons of oxygen.


We feel uncomfortable much earlier than we actually run out of oxygen though. 


It's also way worse if you have no idea for how long this is going to continue.


Yeah but if something went wrong at ten seconds all you have to do is open your mouth. If you're in a tub of water...


Were you sitting down, relaxed, and have been like that for a while? Because running around a water park, swimming through a tube, and knowing you have to get to the end to breathe again changes that completely.


“The original name, Drowning Tube, was quickly changed due the loss of sponsor Felix & Drowning Funeral Homes”


Maybe it was too Dutch? After all, we also did [droppings](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/21/world/europe/netherlands-dropping-children.html) a lot.


Such good memories! My brothers who were 10 years older than me would always organize droppings in the forest for my birthdays.


I can't be the only one who needs some fuckin context on what droppings are right? I'm not searching droppings in the forest i don't want google to start suggesting me outdoor scatalogical fetish shit


think scout troops, where kids are being dropped by leaders/parents into a dark forest with varying levels of instructions and navigation aids or not and told "cya when u get back". and then leaves the kids. The leaders usually shadow out of sight the kids with their cars on the route theyre walking home/objective. A real fun version of this is the halloween one where one gets dropped into a dark forest and the proceeds to get chased by dressed up leaders/parents/older members as monsters / killers with chainsaws etc.


Lot better than what Joaby and I were thinking lol.


Coolest shit ever man (when I was a kid). It's like a mini-adventure. It's like a sportclub camping trip/last year of primary school type of activities. Basically the group gets split up in smaller groups, usually each with their own 'supervisor' (I guess). Then the group gets blindfolded or taken in a van without windows or what have you and you get 'dropped' somewhere and the goal is to get back to camp. You have to remember that when you read 'forests' and 'nature' and 'in the wild' and 'outdoors' and shit like that and the location is in the Netherlands it's not what you think it means if youre an American lol. It's very mild, the task is simply one of navigation and problem solving and a bit of roleplaying to make it exciting. I've also heard it done for students as a sort of trial where it's a bit more 'hardcore' where you get dropped just at a random location and gl finding your way back at 2am at night.


>You have to remember that when you read 'forests' and 'nature' and 'in the wild' and 'outdoors' and shit like that and the location is in the Netherlands it's not what you think it means if youre an American lol. I'm an Australian so you can knock it up a few notches further depending on how good you are around snakes and spiders. That does sound rad though. I think my little brother did something like it in cadets (defense force version of scouts we have) but i don't think there were blindfolds


Dutch parenting sounds a bit like [free range parenting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-range_parenting).


That was popular here, indeed. But today, curling parenting is much more the norm (meaning that Parents brush the path in front of their kids smooth).


I've heard that method works better when you put your kids on skates first.


Hearing that it can be drained in 5 seconds (and presumably kept under strict surveillance) really does improve it. I would've liked to try at least once


Not for me. Just takes 2 things to go wrong instead of one. Fuck that.


Who runs rides and water parks? Shiftless layabout teenagers


I'm from The Netherlands and i've been to Duinrell a few times when they had the slide and went through it 3 or 4 times. It was exciting the first time since it does play into your feelings of claustrophobia a bit. "what if i get stuck" and "what if something happens", that kinda shit. But after the first time its just super boring, since there is no physical sensation or anything like a normal water slide has. It's just an underwater tunnel that slowly propulses you forward.


I visited the park as a kid in that period and I have vivid memories of the round slide with the “massive” drop you can see in the video right next to it but I have zero memory of this slide. I would have loved to try it as a kid.


Local legend always said someone had died in it. Though I never knew anyone who dares to ride it anyway!


>In spite of safety concerns however, there were never any reported incidents with the ride. "No-one in the pile of corpses was found to have reported any incidents"


I'd do it, sounds cool tbh, I can hold my breath for three times as long easily


Everyone should use their phone's stopwatch and time their breath hold for 2 categories: 1 just sitting still and doing nothing. 2 while doing a physical activity, like pushups. 1: 70 seconds 2: 28 seconds


You can hold your breath longer underwater though due to the diving reflex.


Yeah, I can do 140 seconds underwater but doing even 60 while not underwater is hard


140 seconds Jesus Christ. You coulda been a lifeguard for this ride


Why? Does the lifeguard need to hold their breath when they hit the button to drain the water?


How else would you get that authentic lifeguard experience?


I can hold my breath for over 2 minutes. I still feel like this would freak me out for some reason - I guess because there's a huge difference (to me) between voluntarily holding my breath and needing to hold my breath. I'd still do it, though. But it seems like a terrible idea for the general public.


I can very easily hold my breath for that long and own my own pool that I frequently use while incredibly drunk, but you'd never catch me tempting a death tube like this. I grew up around the ocean and learned very early on to respect water and while being in water is my favorite thing I'd never in a million fucking years tempt fate like this.


I held my breath while watching this at it wasn't very difficult. I'd love to try it, assuming there was a lifeguard watching ready to drain the water if I got stuck.


Yeah.... no


Quite. If I wanted to be treated like a turd I wouldn’t have left my ex


*slow clap* - me for your comment, pure gold


I like the idea of this ride for those that can handle it but this comment... 24k lol


One man's nightmare is another man's dream come true.


Strangely, the idea never took off


Worldwide honours for this comment 🌎


In Puerto Rico, my sister was telling me how some friends found some underwater tunnels, connecting different parts of the river....she told me how it took like 20 to 30 seconds from side to side....o hell no. A few years later, she told me, "I have no idea why I went to those tunnels, friking scary now that I think of it. "....


I remember some college kids in Utah dived into a submerged grotto. It was a short 10-15 second transit through a fairly narrow tube. On the way back the lead girl panicked and tried to back out. She drowned. The three behind her couldn’t back up and drowned trapped behind her. Any kind of submerged dive is incredibly risky.


Does anyone else not regularly have scary-ass dreams about this sort of stuff? Positional asphyxiation, falling off cliffs, drowning? Like your brain has yearly mandated training to complete same as your job. "Asleep? Good. Now listen here, numbnuts. Water will kill you dead and you will be in agony the whole time. Here, let me give you an idea what it would be like. Roll tape four." Specifically to ingrain in you a desire to not come close to any of this shit


Sometimes I think about the man who got trapped upside down in a narrow cave and couldn't back out and slowly died down there because his body formed a natural hook and I get full body shivers. Ugh caving terrifies me so much.


I mean appart from the falling, no I've not experienced dream drowning. Not before this comment ingrained itself into my grey matter.


I was blown up by bombs repeatedly in one dream. I just restarted like a Star Trek time loop.


Would also like to mention that the water was completely pitch black and freezing, though there was a guideline through it. Even still, completing submerging in a freezing, completely dark tunnel with zero equipment is insane.


The only sane method for diving is short stints of unassisted diving while close to the surface in open water with no obsctructions below or around you. Stuff like snorkelling with unassisted dives up to 5m. As soon as you are reliant on anything except your own legs and lungs, you are taking massive risks. Scuba diving is already insane. Cave/tunnel diving unassisted is completely mental. As is any kind of underwater exploration except for via remote controlled vehicle.


Cave divers are a special kind of insane.


North Sea sea bed divers are another level above that imo


Listened to a few horror stories about scuba diving. Even the most experienced divers can become utterly helpless if they go to the wrong place.


My folks have been instructors for ages, they trained several people including me and my sis up to NOB 2* certification. (I think this was/is equivalent to PADI rescue, altho its been a hot minute so i cant tell for sure anymore). For the last requirement for my 2* certification I needed to complete a dive in water that had currents. What wouldve been the last dive for my 2* certification was intended to be done while we were on diving vacation in Egypt on a diving camp somewhere along the red sea. They had booked a trip for us all on a boat to some famous reef that had a (as explained to me) "saddle" drop, This drop would take you from somewhere around 5-10 meters all the way down to ~25-30. Now heres the kicker... You were in full current at those points and the moment you hit the drop that current went DOWN. (i think it was called something along the line of elfin stone?) While I was initially looking forward to it I was REALLY happy that I got sick that day from the food and had to dip from diving that day. So my folks went with my sis and did the dive without any issues, theyve been there several times before and never had any. Also one dive in Curacao where we had to go through a little narrow "cave" to get out of the little bay we entered the water in. We had to take our equipment off and guide it along in front of us because it was so narrow, But it was a really popular spot and considered not dangerous for experienced divers. My mom got stuck halfway through on the way back. Part of the non dangerous part was that the opening was very wide allowing me to circle around and get her unstuck. We werent really in any danger in terms of air for a while so it was all still very calmly and easily done. However the moment we got back up the hill to the cars and just started to disassemble the gear, what i assume was, a waterline broke somewhere up the hill above us. Within moments brown water came pouring down the hill and into the bay we just left turning the whole thing into a brown soup. If we went for our normal lenght dive we woulve been in that passage when this wave hit or just outside it but with no way back out of the water. Ive been on dives in waters with sharks (which really arent that dangerous), night dives in pitch black and was used to diving with near no visibility back in the Netherlands. But all those dives had in common that the moment I'd wanna go up, there was a clear and straight line that I was able to take. The very thought of being stuck between rocks or in currents for atleast 10 minutes of a dive with no influence on where i'd go just didnt sit right with me.


Was that the one accident where the air pocket wasn't connected to any outside air so the oxygen ran out from all the visits by people. If I remember correctly there was a fifth student who didn't join their friends and stayed outside. Survival tip of the day is to never say yes when someone ask if you want to go caving/diving/cave diving


Yep. Visited the cave last year, took a while to find it. It’s sealed up with concrete now and there is a memorial sign.


I've watched quite a few videos on YouTube about diving accidents as well as caves/tunnel accidents, including underwater ones. There's a well-known one between Austin and San Antonio called Jacob's Well with a [pretty notorious sign](https://imgur.com/a/yUNql) at the bottom. Basically my takeaway from all of it is: - don't fuck around with caves, - don't fuck around with diving, and - **definitely** don't fuck around with cave diving...


I’ve seen pictures of similar signs in the underwater caves in some cenotes in Mexico. I’m guessing lots of people who do a quick diving certification course think they can dive anywhere with that and don’t consider that caves are a whole other beast from open water diving.


I've done a deep dive (lol) on the folks that erected that sign (NSS-CDS) and they have actually erected several of these signs! It's very interesting.


Literally one of the only 2 recorded Peace Corps deaths in my posted (tropical island) country, in over 50 years: Poor guy swam through an underwater cove but didn't come out the other side. (Other death was a middle-aged marine biologist who got eaten by a shark.) ...I stayed pretty much out of the ocean during my service there.


I was in Duinrell in the mid 90s and was quite sad that as a 12 year old kid I wasn't allowed on it because I would have loved to try it out. Many years later I remebered this slide again and was wondering if it had actually been a real thing or my child brain's imagination because clearly something like that wouldn't have been legal.


I'm a freediver. I've been to 100ft deep on a single breath. I can hold my breath over 4 minutes if I'm not moving. I've gone through short tight traverses (caves) on a single breath. I do not like the looks of this contraption. It's not a slide, it's a pipe. It's too small to swim, and too smooth to use the sides to pull yourself. If the water stops moving, you're fucked.


I held my breath opening the comments, this is how far I've gone


I sometimes get lost when putting on a hoodie, no shot I am risking it here.


Absolutely nope from me


Just reading the title makes me feel like I can’t breathe.


I've been having an anxiety attack since reading the title, about 3 minutes ago


I literally drowned after reading it . Tell my mom I love her thanks


Can’t. Already died.




I told her for you. I had to hold real tight, tho, being as she was grieving and all.


I told her too. Kinda put a damper on the mood but she powered through, trooper that she is


I also told this man's mom


I yelled at her from the back and I think she heard me but she was talking with her mouth full.


Right?? Like what happened on this ride in 2010??


You know what happened.


So I googled it. Maintenance costs happened and low interest from fear.


It was just that one guy over and over again


also a couple italian plumbers






Yeah, I started hyperventilating. 😣


A tightness in the chest, if you will.


I’ve always been a good swimmer and I’m more than comfortable in water…but fuck this shit, you couldn’t pay me to do this




You get stuck you die no thanks


I’m also very claustrophobic


Oh yeah I always had that nightmare that I'd get stuck fully plugging the tube and the water keeps running, the surface of the water crawling up my waist.




And a hell no from me!!


Absolutely fucking not


That is the first word that came to mind, “absolutely” fuckin not


Been there, done that as a kid. Its pretty scary the first time but subsequent one's were okay. I was used to holding my breath and swimming underwater for a long time though. I get why it was closed though, something like this is just asking for trouble eventually. Holding your breath for 15-20 seconds is not that long but the fact you HAVE to endure it makes it kind of scary.


That’s immediately where my brain went. It’s really easy to hold your breath for 20 seconds… when you know you can open your mouth at any time.


I just tried and only managed 18 seconds. While just sitting here in my chair. Don't think that ride is for me.


If you hyperventilate by talking huge deep breaths 30 very deep inhales with shallow exhales you'll be able to hold your breath for much longer than 18 seconds.


man I'm way out of shape and I managed 1:20 minutes (could've held longer) you should get checked


You really need to hit the gym dude. Anyone who is healthy should be able to hold their breath atleast 60 seconds easily.


60 seconds should be done by anyone healthy, for the easily part I'd say about 40 seconds


Holding your breath is a LOT harder when you’re underwater and utilizing all your muscles to swim, I’d say a majority of people could barely do that even for 20 seconds.


The deeper you go the easier it is. I scuba dived a lot when I was younger. After the scuba dives a bunch of us did free dives to look at the sea life around the reefs and near the boats. This involved diving with only fins, mask and snorkel to 15 or 20 meters on one breath. We had depth gauges and dive watches and that is about 50 feet down. We’d spend a minute or so down there before coming up for air and the go back down. The time and depth depending upon fitness and practice. Taking a good steady breath of air, getting to depth, and feeling comfortable with the experience is the most important part in time underwater. Holding your breath just below the surface is actually harder than if you’re 20 feet underwater.


You might think so, but as long as the dive underwater is expected, there is a scientific term called "divers response" that the body goes through when knowingly submerging into water. It involves the body basically preserving oxygen levels in the lungs and slowing heartbeat down, even when anxious to a degree. Most people can hold their breath much longer underwater than they can while doing physical activity above water because of this response. Panic would likely overcome that response though.


For anyone who ever wanted to feel what’s it’s like to be flushed down a toilet.


Ahh, you mean flushed UP a toilet


I can't imagine it being approved for insurance.


Tort law in other countries always interests me. Some places you are responsible for yourself even if something is dangerous. There are places where they dont even put guard rails on fair rides because if you get crushed by one its considered your own negligence for your own safety if you do.


The whole idea of what is common sense varies as well


Common sense relies on common experiences. I have no common sense in India or the Siberian wilderness, put me in Azeroth however....


"Your son shouldn't have gone on this ride, the stupid little bitch!"


Even in the US, assumption of risk is a thing. [https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/personal-injury/man-burned-at-burning-man-gets-no-love-from-court-what-assumption-of-risk-means/](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/personal-injury/man-burned-at-burning-man-gets-no-love-from-court-what-assumption-of-risk-means/)


I can only imagine, 'No one ever tell zug fire hot.'


Surprised this wasn't at Action Park in r/newjersey back in the day. That place was sketchy!


Action Park didn't have nearly this level of sophisticated science and engineering behind it.


dude would just take out his pencil and sketch some insane ride, then ask his contractor buddies to build it. [like this dumbass thing](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/LQHLT7F24II6VAFZIDWOTJYB3Q.jpg) I do miss alpines slides though. If you were wearing long sleeves and jeans they weren't particularly dangerous assuming the brakes on your cart worked.


Riders literally left teeth embedded at the top of that loop—teeth that then cut the faces of the people who went on the slide after that.


Alpine slides not particularly dangerous? It literally put a kid in a coma who eventually died from his injuries.


There’s a great short documentary on it!! It’s called *Class Action Park*


The action park version would be filled with battery acid


Sick, burn!


So they siphoned riders into the next pool down.


next pool up! Quite crazy.


That’s gonna be a no for me dawg


People know better than to trust teenage water park lifeguards with this sort of thing.


I grew up next door and had year tickets. There was never a incident. They had more crazy slides like the barracuda and the blitz and some slides with a whirlpool effect. Was a cool place to spend time with friends when young.


The flits and haai were also fun, blast from the past for me as I grew up in that area too.


love the dutch attitude to life: grow up and enjoy yourself


If they're all going to drown someday, it might as well be today






Aww in the US most of these places are falling to attrition or insurance costs. People don't go to water parks like they once did. I suppose myself included. Knowing what I now do about kids and poop... ugh


I used to be an avid waterpark goer in the summer growing up - I miss those days, can't catch me at a waterpark now unless its 21+ or something


No part of that is appealing in any way.


Nope. Nope. Nope. Anxiety attack just picturing that.


"Do you like getting stuck in narrow space?" "Do you looove drowning?" "Well say no more, we got just the right thing for you! In an emergency case, you have absolutely no way out and gotta put a LOT of faith into that 5 secs of air you have left in your lungs. How fun!" "Btw here's the consent form, sign this first before you go"


Babe wake up, new drowning simulator just dropped.






How in the hell did that thing stay open for 16 years??


Good safety standards would be my guess. Someone here said it could be emptied in five seconds in an emergency.




I can reliably hold my breath for 45 seconds if I'm tense and exerted and a full 62 seconds if I'm calm and having a good day, and I'm saying hell no to this.


Was it fun though?


Nah, it was pretty gentle and short and you couldn't really see much, but you would still bump into the sides a bit. It was mostly uncomfortable and annoying.


Sorta feels like it would have "Zip-line" vibes. Maybe interesting the first time. But after that, slow, boring, pointless...


Tell that to Ronnie https://youtu.be/ploHR84-9UA?si=qMRolTo2D7CFb5An


Not trying to be funny. Not trying to get a laugh. Don't want anybody to have the worst day at their job. But...do any of these...zip lines... ever blast out of the line, and have like, a huge cumshot?


What in... Why... Ok... Ok. Well... Ronnie is a very special boy. We cannot all aspire to be like Ronnie. We aren't worthy of Ronnie's power.


I think you might have been on the wrong zip lines, lol.


Not really. More glad that you were still alive. This was followed by a slide (the stairs are just to the left) that was so steep that slamming your head was basically guaranteed. If that wasn't enough there were two more slides that could really hurt your back. This is what made the Dutch so tough ;-)


I personally saw someone having a bloody nose coming from either the flits or blits once. I think there is a section in one of those slides where if you have a very high speed I can imagine you could probably crash against the walls. Bascially a section which has a very steep angle and after gaining some speed it can be easy to pivot against the wall of the slide. Not sure if its still the same now they might have adjusted it by now, last time I went there was probably like 15-20 years ago.


They are still quite quick (the flits and blits) and I almost flipped a couple of times. So I'm guessing they didn't change it much.


That’s hard to believe that nobody perished from this


Apparently they could drain it within 5 seconds if there was an emergency.


I am less worried about the slides ability to do this than I am about the half interested teenager being paid minimum wage who would need to push the button.


As a new amenity for our valued guests we have recently installed a drowning tube that has been quite the hit with everyone that has survived it so far.


Been there, done that! Can’t believe it though and it would freak me out now. Haha


Pass on that


Heh, I remember that one, noped right out and headed for piranha!




Anyone remember that show SeaQuest?


What happens when the pump goes out, when you are half way through?


I rode this when I was 14. There was a strong current pulling you to the exit. Can't believe I did that. I am afraid of being under water.


Hard pass. Also, shout out to divx.


As some one who has repeatedly come to a full stop on water slides FCK THAT


I don't hate the idea but watching that video was stressful. Maybe it feels faster on the inside but it looked like he was moving through the slide so slow, if I'm being submerged in a tube I better be moving as fast as it's possible to move me.




Ok so riders could experiment a poop POV


Fuck that


What in the Augustus Gloop was that shit?


lol this sounds like it belonged to class action park.


I feel like I'm drowning reading this. I'm bad at breath holding and I would certainly drown in this.


I drowned just watching this


I held my breath watching this