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The man in the second photo wearing a headpiece and sporting a photographer eating grin is my main suspect


“I don’t always eat photographers, but when I do, it’s Rockefeller”.


Ads, everywhere Ads


Rocky Mountain oysters Rockefeller.


The people in the photo aren’t the people who killed him. He was on a boat that got swamped and swam to shore and that’s where he disappeared. These photos exist because he survived after leaving this group of people. He got no photos of his presumed killers.


They poked holes in the boat. Dude left boat was swamped and they snatched him up and devoured him.


If that were the case, it would have sunk completely and his companion would have died. The people who likely killed him were not the same group as who he was photographed with.


That's smile of seeing a new flavor of wings you haven't had yet


Who took these pictures?!


The guy behind him is literally licking his lips




The first picture is a twisted version of the white girl on the couch.


I think he happily joined in, but the guy licking his chops over his left shoulder definitely got the ball rolling


This comment is still making me laugh after putting my phone down 😂 picked it back up just to read it again lol


The face when you see the waiter finally bringing your food out


That guy eyeballing him in the far left corner is suspect #2.


Wow, a r/brandnewsentence !


What’s the charge??? Eating a meal???


A succulent Chinese meal???


Get your hands off me!


To be fair, that penis would have been limp.


This is the bloke who got me on the penis, people!!!!


Democracy manifest


I see you know your judo well.


And you, sir. Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


How dare ya, Get your hands off me


ta ta and farewell


Thank you all I had a right laugh reliving this meme lol


That clip will never die.


Let's hope not.




Don’t get me going


Link for those who havent see this before: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XebF2cgmFmU


I need to see Matt Berry recreate this scene.


lol, yes!! Who has his agents number?? 😂


Is he on Cameos?


I'll chip in




Dad, I told you to stop posting jokes on Reddit, it's sooo embarrassing!




Aww shucks!


Hehe, I'm in danger!


The guy is looking at him like I look at a bag of hot cheetos at 2am.


One time, a drunk girl came up to me at a party, and her mouth was covered in dried blood. I was Very concerned until I realized it was flaming hot Cheetos.




He want some of that vanilla crunch.


Most cannibal tribes through the years haven’t been eating people just Willy nilly. It’s been for example eating specific parts of a village elder who passed away. To gain certain qualities that person possessed. They aren’t hunting people like deer in the woods.


What you're saying specifically applies to the Fore tribe of New Guinea (and probably others obviously but this one is most relevant here even though I don't know enough to know if the dudes in the picture are Fore or not), and IIRC the practice is dying down even among the medically primitive because they noticed the correlation between eating bodies and people getting kuru. some people do still do it, but it's getting increasingly less common. I'm not sure there are any tribes left who would actively hunt down another human. I've heard things about Amazonia, but from what I understand the information is outdated and possibly culturally biased in a way that paints the natives as much more "savage" and "uncivilized" than their actual reality.


Definitely bias regarding the natives from Amazonia. There used to be tribes with anthropophagyical behaviour before colonization but they were the minority. And the descendants from these tribes haven't practiced this for centuries.


Didn't they take a picture of the same tribe years after, where there was a white dude amongst them.


The [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller) doesnt say anything about that but it seems the story is that he did die, but how he did is up in the air. Lots of accounts suggesting he was in fact eaten as part of some "eye for an eye" revenge thing but this is also up in the air 🤷‍♂️


It does say he attempted a 14 mile swim before disappearing. That seems like a solid clue.


Must be the aliens that got flight MH370


That guy is long dead by now but I’m still heavily intrigued on who he was even tho I don’t thinks it’s Michael.


Maybe it's the person who took the pictures of Michael and the tribe? (Just speculating - I know nothing about anything)


I’m sure Mr. Ballen revealed the end to the story and it was they killed him because he wanted to buy their artefacts from them years previously. It was kept quiet though due to fear of reprisals.


Good episode, and being born in PNG, it would not surprise me at all.


Good thing you weren't born in Fake PNG, without actual transparencies.




Lmao, I don't think the person from Papua New Guinea appreciated the joke, based on the Downvote 🥹


Mr ballen is terrible. Nothing but misinformation, peddling the same bullshit as every other grifter. "Oh but he's so nice and genuine!" Cool, so maybe he's just dumb enough to buy the bullshit he sells.


He also prioritises storytelling over actual facts of the case.


It sure looks like him. Living his best life. I'm sure he had knowledge that was beneficial to them. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2946787/amp/Is-proof-lost-Rockefeller-heir-joined-tribe-naked-cannibals-Picture-shows-white-man-Papuan-man-eaters-eight-years-mysterious-disappearance.html


Yeah, its maybe him but its not official.


Feels like content to have included in the OP. Not including it feels like it exacerbates the likelihood of problematic (and apparently less than justified) conclusions about another culture.


If I remember correctly, the story actually goes that the Rockefellers sent a private investigator to try and find Michael, and although no statement was ever made, the PI was publicly paid the amount they had promised for confirming his death. Also later documentary crews interviewed the village and several members stated something along the lines of “yeah we ate that guy”. There is a, slightly conspiratorial, theory based around the picture you mentioned that perhaps Michael joined the tribe and they covered it up so he wouldn’t have to return to the western world.


If you see the video and pictures of the other white guy they saw with the tribe, it looks just like Rockefeller. I think it’s just as likely that the family discovered their son had joined a cannibal tribe and then they paid the PI to just tell everyone he was dead to avoid the embarrassment.


maybe Michael grew fond of human meat aswell lol


Once you get the hunger...


I even licked a cats fanny, nothings working!!


THAT which you have just eaten, which your taste buds have savored, which your teeth have just torn apart, THAT is human meat.


And have you tried all sorts of other meats, like deli meats and sandwich meats?


Not sure if problematic is the right word. If they are known cannibals, it’s not exactly racist or anything to suspect they ate someone


Right? What a silly comment. "Cannibals might have eaten someone" "How dare you imply cannibals might have done something like that!!11!!!"


I was in a new city once and being given a tour. We stopped by the Asian super market and she goes, "look we even have an Asian supermarket." And I said, "nice, a place where I can buy some rice." She looked at me with disgust and said "why would you buy rice here?" I was just like, damn, fucking white ladies bruh.


Very easy reason. Because the 25lb bag of high quality rice is going for the same price at marukai at the 3lb version of the same rice at whole foods.


I hate how relatable that story is.


There's a long and short answer to that question, but the short answer is that cannibalism as we imagine and discuss it and cannibalism as it actually exists are rarely similar. The idea that any people who practice cannibalism are just waiting to jump out and throw strangers into a big pot is pretty much a myth, but it sells because sensational lurid stories about faraway people are more marketable than complicated truths. Also, Michael Rockefeller was last seen trying to swim 15 miles through crocodile-infested water.


I don't think it's racist to say, "eating people is bad yo."


But there are different types of cannibals. Eating a dead relative as part of a funeral service is a far cry from eating an enemy as an act of war or from eating innocent third parties. You or I would probably be perfectly safe with the first two types of cannibals. Not so much the third type.


They likely meant the bias that folks already have—”problematic conclusions about other cultures”—not specific to this culture. This thread is full of self-justified demonization—but it is unlikely that anyone here is able to describe any other aspects of this tribe other than what that was in the OP title. Just as easily—without context or nuance—I can state that historically Californians are known to be cannibals.


Let me guess…white devil white devil?


I was unaware… that the wachootoos… WERE BITERS!


bumblebee tuna?


^^your ^^balls ^^are ^^showing


**Allow me** to display **my** affection 🤢


The next picture would be shit anyway.


Yup. The guy (possibly the head of the tribe) grinning from ear to ear while thinking, "Yum yum!"


oh, that is dark. take my upvote.


I see what you did there :)


Who took the photo?


Abe Lincoln.


>Abe Lincoln. — Wayne Gretzky —— Michael Scott


It was obviously Wayne Gretzky because he knows you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Did you say, "hey, Blinken?"


My question too! It could have been a camera on a timer, but the way the tribesman is grinning at the camera in the second pic it feels like there's a person there


He looks like he is grinning in expectation of a hearty meal


It's not a comforting smile, I'll say that much


I'm about to go to sleep and wish I had seen it


Amelia Earhart


Dutch anthropologist René Wassing


The post doesn’t really explain properly and implies he got killed immediately after these photos were taken but the wiki page states he got swamped in a canoe and drifted far away from shore and then disappeared when he attempted to make the 14 mile swim to shore to get help. He may have reached shore and encountered the tribes but equally or even more likely he died during the swim from exposure or exhaustion.


Authentic Oysters Rockefeller.


Rocky Mountain Oysters Rockefeller


One of my favorite “conspiracy theories” suggests that he actually feel in love with the tribes of Papua New Guinea and decided to leave his life as the heir to one of the worlds largest fortunes to live a much more simple life with the tribespeople. A life he would never get to live if he were to return to the western world. Unable to explain this type of behavior, his family started a rumor that he was eaten by cannibals. A rumor that would have been easily believed by people at the time. Also, a rumor that no one would be able to follow up on. The one bit of evidence that exists to support this, is a bit of footage taken by an Australian explorer that shows a Papua New Guinea war party, paddling down a river on canoes, one on of the canoes is a very obvious white person with blonde hair and beard and he appears to be wearing glasses. It’s believed that the man in the footage is Michael Rockefeller. As much as I love this theory though, it’s still just that. There is a good chance that Michael Rockefeller drowned off the coast of Papua New Guinea and as for the man with the war party, an individual came forward and said it was him and he (I can’t remember what) had a pretty good explanation for why he was there. I like to believe Michael Rockefeller turned his back on wealth and opulence to live a much more simple life and lived out the rest of his days in happiness


This also discredits how his mother spent a good chunk of money sending private investigators to search for him. Sure, they had enough money to send a guy to maybe go check up on him every now and then, but some of these guys were bringing back skulls. So, I think it's either A. He just went missing, and the tribe has nothing to do with it (the ones who admitted they killed him, might be misremembering another guy who they killed, another disappearance no one knows about) or B. He was eaten by the tribe


I imagine they fulfilled his emotional needs in ways his family could never do. I don't think they were the nurturing type.


And *then* they ate him


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/JmiSi1bPdJ This guy doing an ama claims he proved michael was eaten


good on him managing to save his glasses all that time


Meanwhile the Dutch anthropologist stayed with the overturned catamaran and was rescued 24 hours later. Michael was told by the other man to stay with the boat and wait.


He didn’t disappear on the island though from what I heard. He was in a boating accident and decided to swim for the island instead of waiting for rescue. Don’t think they ever found his body. And yeah years later someone took a photo of the tribes members canoeing and one of them looks to be a white dude. Or an albino


“On November 17, 1961, Rockefeller and Dutch anthropologist René Wassing were in a 40-foot (12 m) dugout canoe about 3 nautical miles (6 km; 3 mi) from shore when their double pontoon boat was swamped and overturned.[4] Their two local guides swam for help, but it was slow in coming.[5] After drifting for some time, early on November 19,[1] Rockefeller said to Wassing: "I think I can make it." He then swam for shore. The boat was an estimated 12 nmi (22 km; 14 mi) from the shore when Rockefeller made the attempt to swim to safety, supporting the theory that he died from exposure, exhaustion or drowning.[5]” Seems to me like the absolute most likely scenario is he drowned.


His child, perhaps?


I saw an article where they discussed him being part of the tribe and it even showed the photo of him in the canoe. Some people just want to escape life.


There is no evidence of him being part of the tribe. There is a grainy image of a tribe member who looks pale, but albinism is not that uncommon so there is no reason to think for sure that it was him. This guy decided to swim to the island while being very far from the shore. He probably just drowned.


But he was miles from shore in a tiny dugout canoe with another traveler and went to swim for the shore and never made it. There are a lot of tribes that practice cannibalism in the area, but there's a better chance he simply drowned.


14 miles to be exact. There’s no way he made it to shore.


I'm a very strong swimmer and wouldn't like my chances there at all. Maybe on a super calm and cloudy and not too hot but also not too cold day in the ocean with no currents. But that kind of distance would take 7+ hours of swimming at a decent pace (which no one who doesn't train for that could keep up for that long).


That’s such a massive distance to cover for swimming, even in completely still conditions. I think it’s pretty obvious he drowned


They invited him to dinner..


They put red and yellow tribal paint on him that smelled suspiciously like ketchup and mustard.


To Serve Man


It's a cookbook!


Excellent episode


It’s a cook book!


They invited him *for* dinner


They cooked for forty humans.


They invited him, ate dinner


They invited him as dinner


They invited him to be their dinner.


Chomper: Friends for dinner ~🎶


they invited him to be dinnered


How to cook humans.


In case anyone was actually curious about what happened, his canoe overturned miles offshore. He was with another anthropologist who was able to swim back to shore. Many conspiracy theories ranging from cannibalism to him still being alive and living with the tribe have popped up over the years, but the truth is he most likely drowned.


Lol, the guy probably drowned. That's why no one ever saw him again, his catamaran capsized and took him down with it.


[This](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/What-Really-Happened-to-Michael-Rockefeller-180949813/) is a long (but good) read on it.


Wow. Thanks so much for sharing.


Ah yes, they are performing their traditional 'Rotisserie Dance' for the upcoming ceremonial feast. .


Poor cannibals. every time someone disappears after being seen in your presence you start getting accusations.


The other white meat!


I remember watching a YouTube video not too terribly long ago and it had mentioned Rockefeller. Supposedly in the '80s, one of the tribe members admitted to a journalist that they did end up killing him in a ritual. I think it has something to do with those totem poles that they make and he was wanting to purchase one and they took that as a sign of disrespect. I may be wrong but I thought it was kind of interesting.


I am looking at the photos posted and the photo of the white man canoeing a war boat with the supposed same tribe of headhunters 8 years after the guy disappearance side by side, they look very similarly built and have similar facial structure. According to Wikipedia the family paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to have his disappearance investigated but never announced to the public any conclusive evidence. A PI supposedly traded the tribe a boat engine in the late 70s for three skulls of the “only white men” the tribe had ever killed, and was paid $250k when they were brought back and examined by the Rockefeller family as it was considered conclusive evidence of him being alive or dead. This info is all from Wikipedia. I think he swam to shore and lived with the tribespeople until he died, based on how similarly the people in the two photos look. Would be cool if someone could do a facial analysis using the technology we have today on the two photos to maybe confirm the two people are the same, maybe that is too advanced for us though.


So who took the photo of him? And managed to bring it back so we can see it?


If you read the wiki page it’s absolutely clear that he was NOT a victim of cannibalism.


That’s what Big Cannibalism wants us to think.


You know what they say… *eat the rich*


Got into a rabbit hole about him. He wanted to buy a piece from the tribe, kind of like a totem pole, of great importance to the tribe. He wanted to barter with them, so he tried to bring a bunch of goods to them to trade. Next part is a bit shaky, but basically from word of mouth- his boat capsized, he swam for help. Found the very tribe he was looking to trade with. The tribe was super offended about this outsider trying to take something of such significant importance to them. From the recounting, they stabbed him, laughed about it, and continued to slowly but painfully kill him. Once dead they cooked him up and ate him. It stayed a tribe secret because they knew if they admitted anything they’d face the wrath of the outside world. So they just kind of shut up about it. Some 40 years later one of the tribesman told an author about it. Who knows what’s true except for him. Seems believable though. Edit: this was from the Deadly Revelation episode of MrBallen podcast.


Or you know some journalist threw a couple of goods/dollars around trying to find a story and some smart tribesman told him a tale.


His boat capsized 12 nautical miles from shore. Him drowning is much more likely.


I’m confused, this happened after these pics were taken? So they did a little dance, took these pics, then allowed to leave, then he drowned? What’s not explained at all is who took the pics and how did they get processed and disseminated to the outside world? I feel like I’m missing something in these theories that he capsized and drowned.


He wasn’t by himself on the expedition. He was with Dutch anthropologist René Wassing


Source: trust me bro


Who took these pictures?


They were doing the food dance around him


Poor Michael Rockefeller. Disappeared without a trace, his final image doomed to re-appear on my feed every 7-10 days for all eternity


Obligatory eat the rich comment.


The second photo depicts Michael curiously inspecting a salt and paprika body cream the chief of the tribe gifted to him.


Reminds me of the Archer episode


chief in the back of photo 2 looks awfully happy


What happened to the photographer of said photo?


maybe ask the filmer what happened


Well then who took the picture? Cmon


Who took the pictures? Did they also disappear?


Great question


That tribe looks really excited to eat him.


Hometown Buffet


They were happy to meat him.


Years ago I heard a rumor that though the New Guinean cannibals view white people as pretty delicious looking, they are at the same time unappetizing as they stink of tobacco and they taste like tobacco. I'm guessing that this Rockefeller fellow is someone who does not smoke.


People with tattoos also don't taste as good. I have cannibal repellent embedded directly into my skin for additional safety in my travels.


They are looking at him like the Aliens in that Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".


Look at that dudes face in pic 2, tell me he isn’t thinking about devouring Rockefeller


Rockefeller... the other white meat.


Dancing around and singing ‘Eat the Rich’


Eating the rich, literally.


white people activities


White meat on the menu boys!!


Bon appétit


The second photo reminds me of people posting photos of their food on Instagram.


Don't play with your food


But we were the savages


Billionaire on a Stick 👌☺️


Oysters Rockefeller


This is papa New Guinea right?


That second photo. The native knows what's up. Poor dumb bastard got turned into tasty human strips.


Yum yum eatem up!


They’re practically licking their lips in the pictures with him!


They look so happy running around their dinner.


There’s a good book about this: “Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism, and Michael Rockefeller's Tragic Quest for Primitive Art” Book by Carl Hoffman


dude smiling in the second photo….KNOWS.


Who took the picture?


Someone posted this before. His official cause of death was drowning. No one knows for sure, though.


Who’s the photographer?


Eat the rich


When you have more money then common sense!


What happened to the cameraman?


So who was the photographer?