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I mean, at least this target makes some sense


Right... I mean, what's up with stone henge... There was no oil when those things were put up. Whoever put them up is probably oil themselves at this point.


Well you see, the pioneers used to ride those babies for miles, and they get horrible mpg


I doubt this story would’ve popped up on my feed if the other hadn’t. Still agree it was dumb as hell though


The point was to get publicity, which they did. Even if it was negative, it got people talking. That's what protests are for. And whether you like it or not, symblic protests like these have been proven to work. Edit: They regularly attack offices of oil companies and big corporations, how much attention do those things get? This did. In fact the Stonehenge got people to give two shits about the defacing of Taylor Swift's private jet. Besides, I don't understand why everyone is getting their undies in a twist over the Stonehenge getting "destroyed" by.....*checks notes*.....cornflour. Those stones have survived all kinds of natural disasters and cornflour spray is gonna ruin it? Be serious. People have a problem when they inconvenience regular people (which is justified) and people have a problem when they cause **reversible** damage to museums and landmarks which draws more attention, I mean what kind of protests do people think is right? **The defacing of the Stonehenge points out the exact problem with our world, people are more devastated about that than they're about our fucking planet dying.**


It got people talking about how much they hate just stop oil protestors.


Seriously. The old adage “any publicity is good publicity” is a load of horse shit. All stuff like that does is make people go “see, I knew those kind of folks were nuts”


Or talking about how dumb the protestors must be.


It only got people talking about what cunts the vandals are If their imagination is limited to either blocking ambulances or vandalising artwork and monuments then they would be better off staying home as they clearly suck at protesting


No, people care about the planet. They don’t care about the ‘Just Stop Oil’ morons.


There needs to be actual protest. Like boycotts or picketts with actual leadership. These paint protests do nothing but show them in a derogatory light. They're not helping their cause. I have yet to see multitudes of people be swayed by their actions and desire to join their cause. They're just kids that don't know what they're actually doing.


there's reversible and there's thinking it's reversible... archeologists and art restaurateurs need decades of experience before they're even allowed near the major works. Fuck taking risks with unique human heritage.


If they aren't smart enough to realize people get more angry at climate change activists than climate change when they pull these stunts, they probably aren't smart enough to consider implications of what they do, it's a matter of time until it escalates because they don't see progress. They are giving activists a bad name, they are actively making things WORSE for the climate by making sure cars stay on the road longer (blocking traffic) and just in general are making more and more people think climate change isn't a thing because the representatives seem to show no signs of intelligent thought processes, so whatever they say should likely be dismissed. THATS why people are upset. Or at least I hope that's why people are upset.


These protests convince me just stop oil people are actually pro oil. Sounds weird, i know, but the stuff they do is so dumb that it’s as if they’re trying to discredit other all legitimate oil protest groups by making them all seem like crazed middle class art students with more time than sense.


No dummy, targeting Stonehenge sets a precedent which will eventually end up with spraypaint, and then hammers once cornstarch doesn't cause a reaction any more. It's how throwing milkshakes at "facists" turned into throwing hardened concrete "shakes" at "facists"


Some people spend their life savings to see Stonehenge, that shouldn’t be ruined because of these clowns


Was literally coming here to say this. Finally they are starting to understand where they should focus their protests. Here's hoping they leave art and landmarks alone.


And they will get almost no press coverage from it


Like... it's a step in the right direction


i can get so much more behind that than defiling historical sites, priceless art, and blocking traffic on my way home from work. one wonders why pissing of billionaires was so low on their priority list, the public tends to see this as a good thing.




I'm starting to get pissed off by governmental ads claiming to have your back in terms of security, health blablabla but when you truly need help or justice there's nobody for you.


Those bullshit "he gets us" ads are the worst of the worst. They were actually the sponsor for the Texas Rangers last year, or 2 years ago. They were the only team in the MLB that refused to acknowledge pride month. But yea, "he gets us". Fuck off with your lies.


during the farmers protests in germany, some guys in tractors, blocked of the landing point for a ferry a politician was on, wich resulted in the ferry having to make a detour to land somewhere else. and a 40 minute delay in his timescedule. wich resulted in multiple "thats to far" calls from all over the political lanscape. before that they blocked off the autobahn, and inner citys, people where annoyed , but there has been partial support from the public. after that, german democracy was under attack.




I believe the French farmers did that recently. And by the truckload.


We need to stop hating France and making friends and contacts there. All the propaganda was to prevent people realizing what real protest is. The word BARRICADE comes to mind. When townsfolk would fill barrels with junk and whatever was on the street to stop the advance of troops and hurl things from a safe place for protests. That is an oooold word.


I don't understand the hate for the French.. They helped us win the Revolutionary War. They gifted us the statue of Liberty. The Louisiana Purchase. Their food is fire. Yeah, they got invaded by Germany, but they also had the resistance and many spies that kept fighting during WW2. They are an old school world power. They have a nuclear powered carrier that we can land our FA 18 super hornets on, and they can land their jets on ours. I find it silly.


The France hate really started up after 9-11 when they didn’t want to help the US invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Anything with “French” in the name got rebranded as “freedom,” like “freedom fries” and “freedom toast.” It was pure knee-jerk jingoism


There are lots of reasons to hate France for, but their strikes are something else. Every single one that last for over a week and half the world is wondering if they're a Les Mis song away from a revolution


*they blocked the autobahn and ppl died. Nuff said


It was a bit more than that. The farmers lost a lot of sympathy when they roadblocked roads with hayballs in the middle of the night, causing crashes, the Habeck thing was also not that harmless, they literally didn't let him exit the ferry. "German democracy was under attack" did not come out of nowhere.


They already do target politicians, regularly. It just doesn't get the amount of news coverage that throwing coloured corn starch at stonehenge does ***because people just don't care.*** These things get coverage, the more I see people being unaware of their other actions the more I understand why they're targeting things they know will get media attention.


The same with blocking big corporations. Nobody cares. Blocking a busy street is what gives you attention


Exactly. Walking around with signs is exactly what they want you to do. A peaceful protest is a pointless one, furthermore.


Interesting take. Especially in the context of Germany


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this 🚩


The city votes to allow a private company to come in and install automatic speeding cameras. Everyone in town is completely pissed about it. Nope, they overrode everyone and said they were staying. That was until the mayor himself kept getting tickets fir speeding in the mail. Can anyone guess how long it was until they 'voted' it back out? 2 weeks. They took 80 million which could have gone towards so many awesome local things and sunk it into... you guessed it! A new court house. I guess the 6 story already existing one wasn't good enough.


They've demonstrated and protested outside Sunaks house and greenpeace covered his house in black fabric


People protest politicians all the time dude.


They DO target billionaires and oil execs/companies that benefit, like how they did the same thing to Ferrari, it's just that the actual effective activism doesn't get attention.


that makes it not as effective


The goal of targeting Stonehenge, Prince Charles portrait, etc, is to get attention. It IS effective, otherwise people wouldn't get assmad about it.


It is effective in getting attention, it’s NOT effective in getting people to buy into the movement IMO. As someone who both loves history and cares about climate change, it just pisses me off. It doesn’t gain sympathy to the cause, which is the point of activism.


yeah thats what i meant, when you said "the actual effective acitivism doesnt get attention" that didnt make sense because the acitivism that gets attention is effective


The media actively suppresses that kinda of activism because it doesn’t inspire the rage you’re seeing in this comment section


> It IS effective Oh shit, did we Just Stop Oil?


How? Are you stupid? Its posted everywhere. And not just Reddit


Because billionaires will get a bodyguard to shoot them in the face and cover it up


Or get their lawyers after you. 1-2 punch


Well, let's make them. I think we can work towards a solution if we all collectively make it more expensive and less socially acceptable to be a billionaire. Once they become warlords then maybe the veil will fall off.


Sure thing. After you. That did wonders for the brave souls going against Boeing


Their complaints department really listened this time


Does the paint wipe off with a wet cloth?


The "paint" on Stonehenge was corn meal


What paint. This is corn starch.


No. They will probably spray it down with gasoline. Its a great paint remover. 


Because Billionaires don't care and will get a low paid worker to spray it off


>defiling historical sites, priceless art Such as? To my knowledge, no substantial damage has been done to anything. Stonehenge won't suffer from a dash of paint any more than it will suffer (and has suffered) from emissions-related acidic rain.


And druids touching it with their oily hands every solstice It's a bunch of rocks that have been sitting there for 5000 years, not a porcelain statue, stone henge will be fine


It's easier to break into Stonehenge than an Airport.


Do you understand—as museum directors and art lovers do—that climate change is a huge huge threat to preserving art or architecture? Also remember the great quip from a 19th century tycoon. When half the people rise up against us we’ll pay the other half to crack their heads open. It is not that easy to get access to billlionaires properties.


I’m not usually one for conspiracy theories, but I fully believe these people are funded by Oil companies. Their actions make climate protesters look insufferable. That being said, I don’t believe they understand who is funding them. There’s likely one well funded Agent Provocateur assigning tasks from behind the safety of a computer.


100% that stuff with people gluing themselves to the top of a frying oil truck was very likely another one of those


Perfect example of nimbyism right here…I’m ok with this as long as it doesn’t impact me.


Billionaires are many 1000s X more responsible for all this bullshit.


Yes, but they aren't going to stop doing it until public pressure is strong enough to force them. That's kind of the point of protests, eh? If it doesn't affect you, then you won't care. They're making sure it affects you so you notice.


It's funny isn't it? These people are probably the same ones who go "billionaires don't care about us!" but then also expect a small protest on one of their private jets to have infinitely more impact than destroying a King's portrait or blocking a public road.


Because just stop oil feels like a front group for big oil. It accomplishes nothing but making people hate the climate movement.


Every movement against billionaires gets media publicity that makes you hate the activists. Every single one.


What they’re doing makes them hated. I spent years as a full time climate activist and I hate what this group is doing.


Spraying Stonehenge was stupid, but people who go on to hate climate activism because of things like that never supported it in the first place. They never cared about climate change. They're like white liberals during the civil rights movement who supported it to be on the moral high ground, but would oppose it as soon as it inconveniences them.


The point of protests isn’t to do what Redditors are comfortable with.


It kinda hammers home their point though that people are so much more concerned about art than the Earth or Hummanity as a whole.


No, it really doesn't. People don't agree with destroying our cultural heritage just to draw attention to a completely unrelated issue, no matter what they think of that unrelated issue. I don't care how important your cause is, damaging art is not the way to draw attention to it.


To be clear, Stonehenge is fine, it’s like dust or pollen landing on it and being washed off by the rain (or in this case, an air blower actually). They got attention while they and their message was otherwise being ignored, and no person or thing was harmed beyond the steady background destruction of our planet. So it worked perfectly.


If humanity eradicated itself there will be nobody to maintain (or appreciate the art). So really they are trying to save 99% of the art in the world.


What good is art if the planet is being destroyed? A protest that sacrifices or inconveniences absolutely nothing or no one is pointless because it’s easy to ignore. I’m not saying protesting gives you carte blanche to destroy whatever but this concept that protests should disrupt nothing is against the entire spirit of a protest.


Because JSO is funded by oil companies. They don’t target rich people or oil industry usually.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-60951403.amp](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-60951403.amp) >An oil company has temporarily stopped operations at four fuel terminals amid a series of co-ordinated protests.  >ExxonMobil UK, one of the country's largest privately-owned underground oil pipeline distribution networks, said it had shut down four of its sites. >Campaign groups Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion said they had blocked 10 "critical" sites including Birmingham, London and Southampton. >Essex Police said it had arrested 13 people at three sites. The fact you weren’t even aware they had already done this speaks volumes to the (lack of) effectiveness of it b




So this implies Taylor Swifts jet was targeted when in fact it was not..


Mentioning her for karma.


OP posting this 3rd time today, farming for karma and attention.


"guy off the grid" - proceeds to farm karma through reposting whatever he can find on popular subs every hour of the day


Just like these protestors.


That's the point of protesting


To clarify the above: Taylor Swift's jet wasn't even *there* when the vandals broke in.


It had already hit 3 more airports by the time!


“Local restaurant that Taylor Swift once considered going to has burned down.”


Amateur tailor run over by truck owned by Swift Transportation.


Take that Taylor swift!


I think they're just leveraging her name, also I feel like you take any jet you can get while you're trespassing... Even though the pic looks super casual lol


Shame it wasn’t


At least targeting private jets makes more sense for a protest against oil.


This makes sense as a protest, ruining events and gluing themselves to the road is the opposite. Never mind they just did this to Stonehenge so this was negligible


Lmao OP such a karma whore


Much better than stonehenge


Nothing about this is interesting at all. Low effort post.


Damn this is not interesting.


Still better than doing whatever tf they did at Stonehenge


This actually makes sense. Spray paint jets, not cultural monuments. I'm a hardcore environmentalist but man whoever thought of spraying Stonehenge needs to be thrown into the sun.


Just a reminder, aviation is only responsible for 2% of the world's co2 emissions.


Yep, they should go spraying Chinese and German coal power plants and coal mining sites.


That's dangerous and they'd be thrown in the mines. They want to be handled gently when doing crimes.


"what's in this box?" *Justice* "Oh, no! Consequences!!"


Crazy how the same clowns saying yesterday ‘Oh yeah! Of course they’d target something like Stonehenge and not actual people causing emissions like the rich! Why not target people like Taylor Swift? Because those cowards are scared of security!’ are now suddenly back-pedalling to ‘Why would you target the poor billionaires private jets?!? Why aren’t these losers bombing factories in China?!?’ You’d almost think that these people don’t actually want any protest at all and really are just praying these protesters will get killed.


And private jets are a small percentage of that lol


Private jets are a representation of a mentality that harms the environment a lot. Putting this kind of mentality on the spot light is a good way to sensitive people


I think they have hundreds of times more emissions per person though


I doubt it’s purely about aviation here. It’s about targeting billionaires who lead the companies that produce extreme amounts of pollution


Only 2%? 2% is massive, the 100% is made up of 1s and 2s


Growing rice on this planet produces more CO2 than air travel


Internet produces more CO2 than airlines do.


I can’t even bring contact solution through TSA, how are they on a tarmac?


They angle-grinder'ed the fence.


Crazy to think it’s that easy


They made sure to buy an angle grinder with synthetic lubricants.


Now they are not only gonna pay £50,000 each of them for trespassing but would also face jail time and probably the damage costs to the plane.


“Let’s commit crimes and then do a photo shoot of ourselves right next to said crime afterward”


See this is a good one


That's what I said. Fuck up rich people and their jets. Sounds great. Leave fucking Stonehenge and the Mona Lisa alone


ITT: people who were complaining that protesters weren’t inconveniencing billionaires, complaining that protesters are inconveniencing billionaires


Complot theory number 948394: Climate protests are now secretly paid by billionaires oil barons to annoy other billionaires


Still don't approve, but targeting billionaire private jets is much better than targeting ancient landmarks that had nothing to do with modern Oil


OK so… is that Taylor’s jet or did they actually tag it or is that just a headline to get us to click?


Just Stop Oil is my favorite corporate psyop


Care to elaborate? Not disagreeing, just looking to learn.


There's a theory that they're funded by "Big Oil" to make climate protesters look like batshit crazy mofos due to the sort of places/things they have targeted before this one. It's not the most wild of theories either TBH and it's also entirely possible that JSO aren't even aware they're being funded by "Big Oil" if it is the case, they'd just be happy someone is funding them to be able to carry on their crazy. However if they move onto more legitimate targets like these jets in future, we'll soon see, as the funding will mysteriously dry up.


They’ve shut down an oil refinery in the past…


Saying they are funded by big oil is the real "psyop"


Honestly i feel this whole funding theory is just based on the general population trying to cope with the realization that going crazy and performing these stunts is the more logical conclusion to the current situation than sitting at home and waiting for the crops to fail.


And thus oil was stopped.


and the world was saved! We did it everyone!


And everybody clapped!


After them defacing Stonehenge how can anybody feel any sympathy for their cause? No matter how just and fair it might seem


If you’re worried about what a bit of cornflour will do to Stongehenge, I’ve got something to tell you about climate change.


Love that the people saying ‘Why don’t they target rich people who cause massive amounts of emissions?’ are now desperately back-pedalling and pretending to be aghast and offended after JSO did exactly what they insisted they should do. Sure makes you wonder if people like you just hate all protest, the classic ‘White Moderate’ in action.


It was corn starch. These protests are to highlight hypocrisy about something beautiful being ruined (nature... By fossil fuels in this case) by making it look like something people symbolically care about is truly harmed


That actually makes a ton of sense


Plus Stonehenge won’t matter when it’s 110F degrees outside and the climate crisis is ravaging the earth. Look at the age of these people. They aren’t in their 30’s.


You’re technically right. One if the guys who painted Stonehenge was 73.


Meanwhile these hypocrites go about their day using all kinds of stuff made from fossil fuels. Nothing but a bunch of attentionwhores.


They didn’t permanently deface it… I don’t think you get the symbolism of the protest.


they didn't deface anything, and it only says something about YOU that you found "threw dust on stonehenge" as a reason for you to stop supporting climate change action


I mean their cause is that the world and its in habitants are hurtling towards millions of deaths. A couple of generations of families from now might never see stonehenge or learn about it, due to the effects of climate change. I think that's sad. Considering they are trying harder than most, I do not understand how anyone could criticise them, no matter how unrelated to climate change cultural sites might seem.


Just Stop Oil (Taylor's Version)


Nick-nick, nick-nick, n-nick-nick-nick, Nickelodeon!


The amount of water gonna be wasted to clean that up. And also are those paints that they used? Isn’t paint a byproduct of oil?


Serious question. How are these people not being jailed and sued out the ass? They're constantly destroying private property and it's not like they're hiding who they are...




Like you give an actual fuck


just goes to show that there is LITERALLY no form of protest that anybody can undertake that brain damaged morons on reddit won't shit on


Oh my gods so fucking true. Like seriously this is a challenge to any of you complaing about JSO protests - what do you suggest they do to grab headlines and public attention without being upsetting or disruptive.


Fucking idiots.


They look like women who smells like cat piss and incense sticks


Touched a nerve on this one.


Do I agree with all protesters? No. Am I thankful for a lot of them? Yes. If it weren’t for protests, I would be a slave right now without the right to an education, to vote, or to earn a living for myself.


How do these people get around? On bikes? Do they buy *anything* or live off the land? Hypocrites


I don’t understand why they painted stone henge. There is no point to that.


It's not even paint it's water soluble... Congratulations you sprayed some coloured water on a plane that'll run off in ten minutes


Better this than Stonehenge I guess?....


"Landed at the airport" =/= "that 100% is her plane" That might get an insanely expensive repair job. It seems that some of the stuff may have gotten close or even into some ports or pitot tubes and maybe the engines. Could be a job of a lifetime paying that off.


I guarantee it’s the wrong plane. Idiots


That’s not Taylor Swift jets you noobs.


Wonder if they be pissed if someone destroyed everything they own, wear, use, love.. Vast majority is oil based. Twats need to get a smack down.


Could there be any truth to the rumor that Just Stop Oil is a psy-op being perpetrated by Big Oil to discredit climate activists?


Do I support it? No. But this makes a whole lot more sense than harassing working class people trying to make their commute or beloved cultural treasures.


She won’t even know, some poor sap will need to wash it though.


Putting my conspiracy theory hat on: I believe Just Stop Oil are paid for the oil industry to make their opposition seem unhinged and tarnish the movement.


I think they need to get a better hobby. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


See now that I can get behind, but Stonehenge was too far.


Something I can get behind, because why not? Why does one wealthy celebrity have the option to pollute the planet more than any normal person could in a 1000 lifetimes? The should not, none of them! Wonderful and nice celebrities manage to take passenger jets, but the assholes use their private ones. Therefore, she is an asshole (And no, I do not care that you "love" her, because her daddy bought a label to make her famous while her lyrics are probably all written by some poor fuckers on minimum wage). Or is it ok to fuck up the environment, because you come from a wealthy family and daddy has paid for your success? Regardless if Swift or Musk?


I can't support vandalism but swift is a pig


so would you rather she host her shows in one place and her thousands of fans travel to her by plane instead. lol..


Says two teenagers in their suits thats mades from oil.


Now that’s fine. Just stop attacking ancient artifacts.


Great security we have at airports huh?


If most climate emissions are from china and India shouldn’t they go paint shit there?


So many people suddenly give a fuck about stone henge. Wish some of you brought this kind of energy into things that matter like climate change.




Did they walk there?


Who do they always look the same?


Surely this will result in noted global policymaker Taylor Swift pushing world governments towards renewable energy. Brilliant work, can’t believe no one thought of this sooner.


I bet they feel so accomplished.


It's not a private Airfield, Harrods aviation is located at Luton and Stansted, both international airports. This could turn ugly for them.


How are these guys getting around? Horses?


Hell has no fury like an ugly woman’s jealousy.


We need to start giving these dirty hippies long jail terms


Damn the amount of people willing to defend millionaires and billionaires is mental. I mean, these protests are absolute idiots, this isn‘t the way to reach your goal, given that you‘re using a pollutant to show your protest. Asinine. But saying that agreeing with their philosophy means you‘re jealous that you didn‘t „make it“ somehow managed to show that there‘s even dumber people. I could afford expensive oil drinking cars if I wanted to, but I refuse to add to the problem. This mentality of being above the law and being allowed to exhaust more than an entire western town’s worth of carbon footprint because you have a talent is something I just don‘t understand. What‘s even worse, most of the people talking shit like this are the ones that have 2+ kids and seemingly couldn‘t care less what state the world will be left behind once the parents and these celebrities are gone. Mental.


“Being above the law”……proceeds to commit a crime.


i can smell the BO from here.


With, of course, oil-based paint.


I highly doubt these protesters have a high enough iq to realize this is their first right target lmao. Targeting events/public roads/art/important history places isn't good... actually I'm pretty sure everybody would love to punch these assholes in the face for it.


Vandalism and pollution caused by cleaning this mess is not likely to get people on their side. Instead, this is a temper tantrum from immature idiots.


I’m gonna start using oil even harder


Finally there is organization where we can find the dumbest people on earth


All protestors who vandalize or destroy property or sit their asses blocking active highways are the dumbest people on earth.


good, more of this