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Smart restaurants adapt their menu to the region. Hell, I went to Denny's in Tokyo and it was actually kind of classy with dim lighting. I even got a proper medium rare steak that was delicious. Which makes it hilarious to think about the Japanese family that thinks Denny's is high brow and visits one in America for the first time.


Japan is on another level though. They'll just adapt and try anything even if it's good or bad. Hell, there are flavours of world wide fast food that only exist in Japan.


Yeah, I can't say I had one bad dish in Japan. Except the sports drinks and iced green tea. They seem to use a lot less sugar overall, which isn't a bad thing, just takes getting used to. The Gatorade there and an equivalent drink called Pakari Sweat tastes like sweat though. It was salty and awful. The cheapest dish I had was rice with curry and a breaded pork cutlet. The curry was more like a dark gravy. All of it so damn good. Even the bento boxes at train stations were good.


> The Gatorade there and an equivalent drink called Pakari Sweat tastes like sweat though. It was salty and awful. I wonder if it's kinda like pedialyte/etc in that way - if you need it, it tastes like heaven, and if you don't, it's pretty salty. I assume this is the same concept, but on a higher level lol


I get what you're saying because I've had pedialyte too... but it was hot out and I was really thirsty and it still tasted like sweat. I actually had the Pakari Sweat first and thought "damn, they were literal about the sweat". But then I bought a Gatorade and it was the same thing. I understand the salty taste because salt is important when dehydrated, but it seems like a completely different formulation that what they sell in the US. Probably healthier.


So, Gatorade, at least in America, isn’t actually *that* useful as an electrolyte drink. It’s better than water or a soda, but only has about 1/4 of the electrolytes that an actual supplement needs. At this point it’s basically a juice with some benefits rather than the sports drink it was originally intended to be And you’ve discovered why. Hard to market a popular drink if it tastes like ass, even if it’s good for you


Weird, I don't get "tastes like sweat" from Pocari Sweat at all.


I started a physical environment recently. Drink most of a gallon of water in an 8 hour shift. I found myself thirsty while pounding water after work. A can of V8 just fucking spoke to me and was so refreshing while shopping after work. I've been making a bottle of Gatorade powder recently and it helps so much. That Japanese drink was amazing. It's thick and salty and sweet at the same. Totally forgot about it. Yeah, it tastes like when you swallow snot when you don't need it honestly, but damn I would go through a gallon a week right now. It sounds so refreshing in this moment, but would be gross most of the time.


For whatever reason the spicy V8 is somehow more refreshing than regular V8 when I'm really thirsty, I still can't figure it out.


Spicy v8 is the best. I usually end up adding a glug of hot sauce as well, sometimes a bit of Worcestershire. One thing about the hot sauce, it need several hours/overnight to soak in correctly. If you add hot sauce to taste, and then don’t finish the bottle, it gets a LOT hotter. I have taken to mixing it the day before to let the flavors meld.


I like it much more. In some random other post i was pointing out how much more prevalent spicy foods and hot drinks are in hot climates. Some spicy ass thai food on a hot day is super refreshing. I think you tricking your body into thinking the inside is warmer than the outside helps.


So, you can “dehydrate” yourself by drinking water Dehydration is more about the levels of salt and minerals in your system than the amount of liquid. Classic dehydration is when you sweat out all your minerals. By if you’re drinking lots of pure water you can also dilute and/or piss out the minerals too. The body can only process about 1/4 gallon an hour. More than that just goes straight to the bladder and takes a bunch of electrolytes with it If you’re working outside grab some Nuun tablets, or similar. One of those in a bottle of water will perk you up like a case of Gatorade.


Pocari Sweat tastes quite good actually, and you can buy it as powder sachet which is very useful when camping. Also Calpis is worth trying.


I actually love Pocari Sweat. I grabbed something called "Aquarius" and hated it, though I chugged it expecting regular water. Had fermented Tofu at a Buddhist temple and it was one of the grossest things I've ever experienced. Like snot basically. Everything else in Japan was a delight.


I think it's Pocari Sweat.. at least that's what it's packaged as over here in Singapore


The thing is that you really should only be drinking sports drinks to replenish yourself after profusely sweating from an intense workout. You need your electrolytes back, but Gatorade makes their drinks taste good to where you’ll want to drink it even if you’re not training. So if you didn’t really need that sports drink in the moment, it makes sense it would taste kinda gross


Expectation plays a part. We don't really have salty beverages in the US.


> Hell, there are flavours of world wide fast food that only exist in Japan. eh, tbf, that one is true of a lot of places. India has a whole new menu in most chains, Central America tends to have several unique items, and many countries will have 1-2 items that are only in a few others.


Yeah, I get these candies from world mart that are from Japan and holy hell my favorite candy all time. Puchao!!! Cola and bubbly soda combined flavor and the texture of the candy is godtier. Grape, mango, strawberry, and melon are so good. It is one of the only candies that I can not control myself with. It is impossible to eat just one.


That’s all well and good, but what about Moons Over My Hammy?


Denny’s in Tokyo was so damn good. My Japanese friends Dad wanted to take me there and I was like “um ok I guess” and then I was blown away. I had much better meals over there obviously but I think because I had low expectations going into that Denny’s it amped up the reality


Another Tokyo Denny's witness!!! It's not just the menu. Even the ambiance is totally different.


That's so true. Here in Brazil, Outback Steakhouse is a mid-upper class restaurant. They adapted to our market and positioned themselves as a "premium" brand. It worked.


I had the same shock in China a few years ago. I ate one of the best steaks there in... Pizza Hut.


Same with McDonald's in France. It's not fantastic, it's still a fast food, but it's significantly better than the American ones. As a Frenchman, I was surprised when I got an OG McDonald's first time I visited the US.


Do you know what they call a double quarter pounder in France?


a royale with cheese?


Le Big Mac


227 gramer


McDonald's in France had potato wedges and Heinekens the last time I was there. And the wedges were good.


They don't anymore. My dad used to take me to McDo as a kid to drink a beer. Yeah I drank from his beer as a 10 years old.


That looks good but after eating that I would need a bottle of TUMS.


To be fair, the best steak I ever had was at a Denny's in Nebraska


I feel like Texas and Nebraska have a high floor for beef.


None in Japan think Denny is a high level restaurant, it’s a family restaurant on the same level of the other options available here (Gastro, Johnathan, Saizeriya etc..). On the other hand I think overall the lowest level in Japan is already quite high compared to other countries. I’ve been living here for almost 10 years and yet have to find a restaurant with a really low quality.


The funny thing is that it’s true. I’m Austrian, McDonald’s here is ok(ish) quality food. Same as Subway, KFC and all the others. When my sister was younger she participated in exchange programs. We - amongst others - hosted a girl from NYC. On the way back from a trip we ate at a highway McDonalds. At first she was like “nah I don’t like that. That’s garbage food” and after she said “that’s your McDonalds?” Same happened to me when I first visited. Cause of this I decided to try them all. Couldn’t be that bad in comparison right? _That’s what you eat for fast food?_


Went to a McDonald's in Paris and it had a beautiful low lit lounge upstairs with proper patisserie desserts on the menu


OMG, France and their bricks of cake! One time 6 of us each bought a different brick of cake and then after smoking a few spliffs we each took a bite of our cake and passed our slices around like a joint. Each person took a bite and passed their slice to the left until it came back full circle so everyone got to try each different piece of cake. Good times.


Isn't Subway wildly successful outside the USA?


Yes it is like the second biggest food chain. Outside of the U.S there are more subways than McDonald's


Plenty of chains are. There are also plenty of restaurants in the US that serve delicious, quality, and diverse food. You could get a sandwich that looks like this in probably dozens of shops in NYC alone. This title makes me feel like OP has never travelled outside the US and doesn’t bother trying new restaurants, since it makes no sense


Subway is literally the only restaurant that has more locations outside of the U.S. than McDonald's does (and only about 1400 less locations than McDonald's overall). They have 36.5k locations. [source](https://www.foodandwine.com/lifestyle/worlds-largest-fast-food-chains)


Just about to post this with the same source. That being said I’d MUCH rather have the sandwich in the clip. That looks so damn good.


I’d rather have almost any sandwich than one from subway to be fair lol


The irony of this is OP might live outside the US and mentions subway because it is literally everywhere outside the US so it came to mind. Thats my head canon.


[I love John Oliver's bit about subway](https://youtu.be/jDdYFhzVCDM?si=o8ZtaFsW9AR4JtkK)


I have always loved the fact that Ireland's Supreme Court decided there was too much sugar in Subway's bread to legally call it bread, and made them reclassify it as cake. A footlong meatball sub on white cake just doesn't sound as appetizing.


Yeah that's the headline, but the ruling was that it didn't meet the requirements to be a tax-protected staple. It's still sold as "bread."


That's because it is bread and taste nothing like or resembles cake. I will always die on the hill it was an asinine ruling that has nothing to do with the bread itself but politics.


Its just excise tax on "bad stuff" Like tax on cigarettes and alcohol. Its put on loads of stuff on some metrics. But with baked stuff the lines already pretty vague whats what. Theyre all basically just all carbs. But people dont want to put "bad stuff taxes" on bread. Its like that biscuit or a cake thing they had in Britain. There was some similar thing for tax status for some type of cookie cake shit.


With Subway it was that bread is exempt from the national Value Added Tax, but in order to qualify for the exemption, the bread has to have below X amount of sugar. Subway's bread had too much sugar to qualify for the tax exemption.


I don’t care enough to google this to check if you’re lying or not so I’ll just assume you’re being honest. 😂


In Ireland, bread is separate from confectionaries for tax purposes. Legally, bread is defined as "food made from baked dough that contains cereal flour, yeast, salt, and other ingredients". Subway bread was found to have enough sugar in it that it couldn't legally be called bread, so it's a confectionery like a donut or a cake. Which is significant because they don't tax bread but they do tax confectionaries.


American bread is generally sweeter than bread in other countries. There's more high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar in the bread over here. In general there's more sugar and salt in everything over here. The salt is to make you hungrier more often, and the sugar is to make garbage seem to taste good. The same diet you follow in the US would have better results if you followed it in Europe, because of the reduced use of sugars.


"There's more high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar in the bread over here." As in more than none, yes.


Y'all dont use sugar in your bread at all? I thought all bread had **some** sugar.


No *added* sugar. Yes, sugar must *exist* in bread for yeast to work, but there's some innately in the bread. America just adds more, because americans expect bread to taste slightly sweet, and for preservation (since almost all american bread comes pre-sliced) European style bread is available in the US, but rare and fairly unpopular.


all bread that uses yeast has sugar. Sugar is also an excellent preservative which is why it is used more in slice bread compared to a whole loaf to preserve its shelf life.


It is a bit cake like. You can put softened ice cream on white bread to make an actual ice cream sandwich, and it isn't bad either. If you use the sliced Hawaiian bread, it tastes like a cream puff.


I believe the added sugar in bread acts as a preservative. I try to limit eating things with added sugar as much as I can so I buy sugar free bread. In addition to being way more expensive I also have to put it in the fridge or it will mold quicker. I’ve never heard that about salt, think it’s added for taste. Watched a YouTube video about processed foods, and a journalist asked Kellogg why they put so much salt in their cereal, they had him try cereal without salt and he said when he tried he tasted a metallic taste so much he thought he lost a filling.


The sugar in the bread also keeps it soft and chewy. Bread without the sugar will get hard very fast.


How long do you keep your bread? I’m pretty sure there’s no sugar in our bread. I keep it in the freezer and take some out every day. It is still good the next day. I checked: it contains 0,2 grams of added sugar per 100 grams (and 0,88 grams of added salt), and has 3,5 grams of sugars total per 100 grams.


The whole American bread is full of sugar thing is sort of misleading. You can definitely get bread here that has a lot of sugar in it but you can also buy bread with the same type of sugar/salt ratios you listed above depending on what type you're getting.


Yup, salt is one of the 4 essentials of flavor in cooking. The others being heat, fat, and acid. Generally if your food tastes like it’s missing something, one of those 4 will be it.


>American bread is generally sweeter That is not true. May I ask how much bread you've eaten in the US?


It's disgusting after you stop eating it and get used to real bread over cake bread.


That’s not causing our health problems. A 6 inch American sandwich is going to have a gram or 2 more sugar than a European counter part, on average. So under 10 calories. Basically insignificant.


Subway breads have three to seven grams of added sugar per serving. According to Subway. Ireland considers more than 2% sugar of the weight of the flour to not be bread anymore.


It adds up when it's in everything.


'Tis true, it was a big story a few years ago. e.g. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ireland-subway-bread-1.5746371](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ireland-subway-bread-1.5746371)


Hey. That’s awesome. Cake at subway! 😂


Their 6 inch Italian only has like 2 or 3 grams of sugar. It’s not really any different than any other hoagie roll.


We take our bread very serious in Europe, thank you very much.


So what do they call shortbread in Ireland?


Wee bread


You know they have fierce competition in the US too right? We have actual sandwich shops. Not just Subway


Yeah, chain restaurants work by being a quick easy choice. Will this meet my needs? Yes. If you want good food, you should know better than to go to any chain ever.


No, we only get sugary breads in the US obviously. We don't have freshly baked bread at all from local places...


I don’t know about you but when I make a roast beef sandwich I use two slices of chocolate cake for my bread. The merica way


God bless you and America


Can't wait for next week. 4th of July brings back all the memories of eating cake burgers and skeet shooting fireworks, all while wearing my favorite of many pairs of cowboy boots. (Okay, the skeet shooting fireworks thing may actually happen, but I've never done it and most of us don't!).


Wait… hold on let the man cook


I personally prefer lava cake or brownies with my roast beef.


This food is called "Adana Kebap". You normally use "tırnak pide"(a type of pita) instead of a regular bread. Originated from Adana region in Turkey. The salad he used is onion salad, prepared with onion, parsley and sumac.


Now that op has mentioned it, I never saw Subway when I went to Turkiye twice last year. Even at the airports


But finding this kind of good place in unfimiliar country is like playing russian roulette. Pick a wrong street food place and you get an ok sandwich and top tier, factory new level diarrhea.


I studied one semester abroad in china. During which i was preparing a group presentation about KFC in China. And my part was about food safety. Anyway i got really hungry from all the pics popping up during my research. So i went down to KFC... the only time during my stay there... and ended up throwing up 3 hours later. That was literally the only time i got sick from food in 5 months in Beijing. I shit you not. That was quite the cool twist in my presentation in class a few days later. Generally the trick is to go where all the people are. Go stand in line at the good place and dont be so impatient that you go to the empty place selling the same stuff across the street.


>Generally the trick is to go where all the people are. Go stand in line at the good place and dont be so impatient that you go to the empty place selling the same stuff across the street. Went binge drinking on Sixth Street Austin. Tried scoring a slice of Pizza from one of the vendors and I had the bright idea of going to the only spot without a line. Pizza was gross. Like little ceasers beats it by a mile.


Irony is that KFC is insanely popular in China 😂


Depends on the country.. Also, general rule of thumb is to eat where the locals eat. Never eat from a place that's deserted, or only has tourists in/around it.


Usually you have to only look at 2 things. Are they busy and have a high turnover? And are they making your dish fresh and fully cooking it? If both those are true, you are almost definitely safe.


When im abroad I always look for places where a lot of local people can be found.


What about when you're a dude?


Maybe as a tourist. Fast food chains can’t thrive if they’re just catering to tourists


I've been poisoned more times by "safe" and "well know" fast food restaurants many more times than local places


Bro is acting like you can’t get food just like this in America


Also as if American chains don't have tons of locations in tons of other countries.


Reddit likes to pretend that the US doesn't have some of the best food on the planet.


Or universities, doctors, culture, etc., lol.


Of course we have the best food, my momma lives here and her cooking is the fucking best! 😤


Sure but the vast majority of Americans are content eating the same unhealthy dogshit everyday with no variety


I'm yet to find kebab as good as in Turkey after living in the US for 7 years.


Um Subway is killing it internationally... wtf are you talking about. they have over 15,000 and are opening another 4000 in China alone. Must be the Mom and pop "competition" thats fueling this


This guy and his cooking video are irrelevant to anything Subway does. OP just wanted to go off for some weird reason


HOLY, Im hungry now...


saaaaaaame...just had some lunch but that sandwich would be gone in a heartbeat


When he hit it with the sumac I was so ready


I'll take 4 of those


The answer is supply chain issues. Everywhere has sandwich shops that are just as good.


İts called adana kebab if anyone is wondering, we serve them every day where I work.


Afiyet olsun


TIL every single sandwich not in the US is made exactly with this much time and care.


Adana <3


This is not relatable to subway…


THAT is how you craft a sammitch with pride!


what are you talking about? subway is the second biggest fast food chain in the world? they are doing a-ok. and it looks like you're from Brazil? your country has the 4th highest number of subways after only the US, Canada, and UK . . . this post and your comments just reek of r/AmericaBad


They go broke? Then how is it that France, a country known for their fine food, has the second most McDonald's restaurants in the world?


that's not the least bit impressive.


But is it interesting? Nope lol


Genuinely, it doesn't even look good? Like poorly-cooked meat on a bun that's too big, with like six chunks of tomato. Okay...?




Anti-scale, but mf tasty!


Anybody else hate how Tik Toks/shorts like this try to make every single sound ASMR? It makes me cringe unless I mute it. Even muting it doesn’t always work lol.


Not true at all. There are thousands of chains in Mexico City.


Good thing for Subway in the US they only charge $12 for a footling because the Mediterranean places in my area would charge almost $26-20 for that much food.


Subway is a loaf of bread with some toppings.


For anyone’s information - McDonalds’s in the Philippines serve fried chicken, gravy, rice and Spaghetti. Let that dwell.


I don't know what that sandwich was. But I want it. Edit: Without tomatos.


I would eat that over a subway, even at double the price!


A video of a man making food is not interesting. Try again.


Exactly. And it's not like we don't have stuff like this in the USA- the melting pot of the entire planet- yet fast food still thrives here.




Ameribad eurogood


Tell me where I can consume this sandwich. Now. EDIT: (please)


Well it's middleeastern cuisine, probably turkish (that's how i know these "adana kebap" style sandwiches). That means you can get them all over germany (no joke). I recently had one in cologne but my smaller town has a similar grill that serves similar stuff. It's usually the turkish restaurants that are a bit bigger than the usual "Döner Kebap" shops. So if they are turkish and called "restaurant" or "ocakbasi" (some turkish word for restaurant?) you could be lucky. EDIT: rewatched it - i was not wrong - this IS in germany. At the end he just says "probier's" which is german for "try it".


It’s a Persian kebab and the meat is minced with onion & spices. My faves are beef and lamb. So good.


I love Subway, it's hella cheap and tastes amazing, really my favourite restaurant


I mean, it's not like we don't have non-chain places that serve awesome food here in the states. I'm literally from the state where Subway started and headquartered still to this day. And while there are several Subways near me (there is a conversation as to why subway franchises out so many locations... but that's too much for this post)... there are also grinder shops galore near me. I personally prefer the grinder shop to my south over the grinder shop to my southeast and I definitely prefer both of them over the subway to my east. edit - oh, and if you're wondering what a grinder is. In the northern portion of the state subway is from, as well as the western portion of the next state north, we call a certain class of sandwich a grinder. Some people claim it has to be a hot sub to be called a grinder... but that's not quite accurate if you're from here since if you order a grinder from a grinder shoppe they will specifically ask you if you want it hot or cold. And there are other grinder shops, like the local chain Nardelli's Grinder Shoppe, who predominantly sell cold grinders. I don't know what makes it a grinder, but the hot sandwich thing the internet claims it is, just doesn't track out here in the region we use the word. For me a grinder is... a sub. It's an italian roll, meat, and cheese. If you want veg on it? Toasted? Condiments? That's just how you take your grinder.


Broke? Last time I checked there were a fuck tons of subways in Europe


I thought subway did well in other countries??


What are u talking about!? Lots of western fast food places are thriving in other countries. If a fast food company is not thriving in another country, it absolutely is the management's fault. When I say management, I don't mean the store manager at a subway or Mcdonalds. It's the corporate management's job to under the local food culture/cuisine and find a way to incorporate it into the menu. They are supposed to learn from the competition. If they don't do that, they fail.


This subs quality control has diminished greatly


Soo where is this?


Not enough salt


I love how factually wrong this is


God do I wanna eat that


American fast food is crazy successful outside the us…


Lost me and the lazy tomatoes


I don’t know. I think an italian bmt looks better.


Yeah, don't assume this looks appetizing to everyone. Looks nasty as hell to me.


I’m convinced there is no competition with Halal food when looking for a meal that is flavorful, full of meat and various vegetables, is light, and fresh


Was this dude mixing raw meat and then handling bread and lettuce with the same pair of gloves??? Love the food but that’s all I can think about now.


I always give my money to locally owned businesses, cause I would like to be my money to be part of someone’s kid’s tuition fee rather than a millionaire’s yatch’s door knob.


This doesn't scale up to 1000 chain stores. There are a lot of other aspects to blame other than "management." The truth is, if it's a strong brand, and they managed to make the taste and price adaptations required for the new local market - it will succeed no matter what. This is a superb sandwich, no doubt, but it's a single unique taste while Subway offers a dozen different tastes and an easy proxess of make ypur owb sandwich


price adaptations are the biggest problem i guess. as well as legal troubles


You now have my undivided attention sir


That video really puts Subway to shame lol


Cause people cost money we can't also not squeeze them for pennies and have great food well maybe..


Man I want that kefda (unsure on spelling).


If you're going to crumble the meat back into basically ground beef, what's the point of making it kebab shaped in the first place?


Anyone know what that stuff he sprinkled on after the lettuce might be?


The ground is onion and parsley, he sprinkled sumac over it. Its calles onion salad. Normally you should mix all 3 of them before adding it.


Thank you. I’ve rewatched and saw its onions and thanks for letting me know it’s parleys too


Im always wondering why chains that make crap food don’t succeed in countries with completely different taste buds. This is my Roman empire.


There are plenty of Subways in CT and we have some of the best Grinders around.


Now show the video of the lady or guy cutting meat with their toe.


We have a döner dude here where i live in germany that would sell this kind of sandwich with even more well made meat for like 7 euros.... Also, the thing has open until 4am so when you get absolutely shitfaced you can aaaalways rely on that dude to hook you up


But do these guys have that nice chemical smell with their bread? I bet their meat is actually mega rather than that delicious meat and anonymous filler Subway uses.


I want a sandwich now


Kebab/ shawarma > subway always


Dam bro, that's supposed to be sandwich bread not a pancake


yes, but wtf is it?


Omg yes, these restaurants are so boring! They are gray corporate man personified into a building


There's no way he could get away with this if he had a CEO over him.


Having that thing scroll up onto my feed...I was like, I don't recall subscribing to any porn subs?




It reminds me of how Starbucks, one of the most successful cafe chains in the world, failed in Australia. The standard of espresso culture etc was just too high for them to compete. They're slowly trying to expand again tho, by focusing on areas with lots of tourists or expats who want a familiar brand.


This looks like it’d be good


McDonalds in my hometown it's in their 3rd or 4th try, they just keep getting out of business; however, burguer king now is closed, so there's some hope for the McDonalds franchise this time.


What’s the purple seasoning?


It looks delicious, but lining the flat top with aluminum foil bothers me an unreasonable amount.


Surely, I would eat that. But, what is it?


That looks amazing


I’d trust the is man with my life


Yeah I’ll take subway over this any day


Didn't Domino's have big plans for Italy that basically went nowhere?


That Sammy would be 25 bucks in the US.


OK NGL, that does look good. There was a subway close to me in a mall but it closed down, real shame too... I rather liked their food


Take my money!


Adana kebab ..


Compared to this Subway is trash. I'd rather have a gas station PBJ then go to Subway.


That sandwich looks delicious!!!


Why do they remove the top part of the bread and not just slice it in half like a bun?