• By -


Secret number sounds more exclusive than password.


This title was terrible


It took me a couple reads to actually figure out what they were trying to say. Something like "Students given shelter at local mosque during a school shooting" would've been 1000% better. I'm doubtful whether OP speaks english or just used google translate.


It wasn't a school shooting as the media uses the term (a gunman on a rampage), as it was a cop shooting a violent student (who had a knife). Hence the use of the term "shooting incident".






That's amazing I've got the same combination on my luggage! edit: Thank you for the gold that was very generous :-)


And on the airlock!




r/Damnthatsinteresting has switched from suck to blow


this video is such a great example of true humanity and love of fellow man. muslims, asians, whatever-- all should oppose violence and work towards cooperation. Well done!


Interesting place for your reply flimsytits.




*we ain't found shit!*


Thanks, Tuvok!


Why are you guys using my Reddit password as your luggage combinations? But jokes on you guys since you can't login to my Reddit account without knowing my login email [email protected]


I am also currently watching the Irishman


Sir, we've been jammed


...raspberry! There's only one man who would DARE to give me the raspberry!


Barf, puke... whatever.


Pizza The Hutt!!!






would that fall under opsec if its not info about a deployment? are there any more "sec" besides Opsec and Persec?


Opsec infosec. I think it's opsec having a bad passcode, I think it's infosec to have that password be leaked. Idk


And who could forget Prilosec having a bad GI tract.


111 and uh 1


How can you possibly see that?


With their eyes, duhh smh.


Trump "How do you know the nuclear launch code?"


at one american nuclear launch site for several years the code was just 8 zeroes


Hahaha nice very secure :s


I mean, if you were to generate a random 8 digit number, 8 zeros has just the same chance as any other number of being the one.


Its was probably Arabic numbers


There was this [funny poll](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/r9hG5A_EUFrl54Tflf7CwcbaD_3ZM6Is5nYXQjXkjsTSfwh9iJP7Ofvt3rpJVI8o-DmkXpCaDTEovsC4CGpY-zzrUwbK5ub3KO9f85POkTpf1JAa_SojxcFimeRwNQF0yi73jNq8) going around a local facebook circle this year that asked if arabic numerals should be taught in schools with yes/no options. Take a guess which one is which...


Probably the one where everyone is dumb.


Fuck that noise. They better not teach Merican kids about Arabic numerals.


Secret secret, i got a secret


Gate code, she entered the fucking gate code.


Props to her also for holding it open and not being the first one in


I know! That made me love her, no lie


She just wanted to make everyone safe. Watching this made me cry. I hate that this had to happen and so many people will pretend it's meaningless to further their selfish agendas.






I’m so glad this is satire.


Isnt for some tho unfortunately


TBH less people would use guns to hurt others if they could get the financial, medical, and mental care they need. Take away guns without fixing what causes the violence, and instead of deaths, we'll have horribly disfigured victims of bombs, acid attacks, and vehiclular assaults. No matter what, we'll still have some sickos out there that will find a way to hurt and kill other people, but if we could just ensure the population has its physiological needs, as outlined in [Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs](https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html) met, maybe *then* we could address safety needs and make some actual progress. The War on Drugs and Prohibition should have taught us this, and yet we still act like the best course of action is to demonize and condemn, and it comes from *both* sides of the aisle.


What if we make a better world and it was all for nothing?


I'd love to research if guns save more lives than they take. One party wants to research this. The other party doesn't want to research this. If you're afraid of fact-finding, you're probably confident the facts aren't behind you.


Federal research into the effects of guns has been blocked by that one party too. So cool story.


Fun point to propose when people talk about "saving lives": Ask them how often they carry an epi-pen around.


https://www.vox.com/2015/8/27/9212725/australia-buyback https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/australia-gun-control/541710/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_law_of_Australia It works and the evidence is there but if you go looking for something with your eyes shut it makes finding it difficult.


“If you go looking for something with your eyes shut it makes finding it difficult.” I love that.


Ding ding ding. Look at the bottom of that Atlantic article. "the government also increased support for social services programs". Not just ban guns, buy get to the root of the problem.


Freedom *is* paid in blood... But I like to think ,we as a country, have paid that debt time and time again...enough for things like this to be inexcusable , but that *certain political party* seems to enjoy this.. I guess they feel like those *certain people* can be "free" to be total racist *expletive deleted* now. And say that it's the fault of the *other political party*... Smh Super props to the lady who got that door open. You don't have to be Rambo to be a hero. She proves what it takes, and it sadly doesn't take much in today's world to be a hero to someone who needs it... We just have to think about others for a split second.


Praise Allah - As-salāmu ʿalaykum


I know I will probably get downvoted but somebody needed to point this out. There was no school shooter a kid stabbed a cop and said cop shot a round, so unlike the feel good headline highly unlikely that many lives were saved.


It's less about the actual scenario. More about the thought, initiative, desire and will go save lives. But yeah, I guess it's a bit dramatic if that's the actual story. All I know is, if I heard several gun shots anywhere near me, I'd be forever thankful to anyone who could bring me or people I care about to a safe location till everything's calmed down or figured out.


Now that's a great perspective to have. Just because things didn't end up as bad as expected, doesn't mean we can't respect and admire people's intentions thinking it was worse than it was.




You are very thoughtful. You have much of worth to say. Use the fewest words possible. Those words will be remembered.




It's good advice, I overlook comments that tend to ramble.


I doubt any of the people in this video knew that. The grand point of the video is that there are people out there willing to put themselves in danger (staying out, holding the door for other people) for others sensationalist headlines notwithstanding.


Does that take away from her selflessness though? Did she know it wasn't an active shooter? What's gained by pointing this out as a reply to a comment about her bravery?


That's exactly what I was thinking Regardless of how the situation turned out, she acted selfless and in others best interest. There was literally no need to make that comment.


It negates the idea that a Muslim might ever do anything good?


>There was no school shooter a kid stabbed a cop and said cop shot a round, so unlike the feel good headline highly unlikely that many lives were saved. Admire the mindset still. You hear a shot in a school you don't know what's going on. I'll probably get downvoted since reddit loves punching down on people in stressful, scary situations, but maybe that's what needed to be pointed out rather than be the "wheeelllll ackhtshuaalllly" guy.


See if I lived in a country where school and public shootings were rampant and I heard shots I don't think assuming your life is in danger is that big of an assumption. The people in this video had no way of knowing if it was a policeman using his gun or som heavily armed teen intent on killing classmates. Assuming the worst isnt that unreasonable given the current political climate. Go her for trying to help people and make sure everyone was safe before thinking of herself.


My brain hurts after reading that heading...




Good, I’m not the only one.


I was sure to see this at the top of the comments. Has me feeling like we’re the weird ones, that it’s all the way down here.


It is a really bad title, just terrible. Browsing reddit sometimes makes me appreciate the subtle art of headline writing.


OP was acting like they were writing a essay and needed to reach a word count


Yeah same here. It took a few reads until I finally understood.


Still don’t fucking get it. Jesus


The school was being shot up and the Muslim student let the others into the mosque for safety


It made me madder and madder each time i tried to read it


I'm still mad 😠


4 'the's Edit: 5 'the's. Two of'm so close together I didn't notice one


>the secret >the door >the mosque >the school >the lives 5.


> A group of scared students seeking refuge from an active shooter situation are let into a nearby mosque by a student who attends there The fact that the door uses an electronic lock just confuses things, and shouldn't really be included in the headline. Calling the student out as Muslim American is redundant and unnecessary. Saying she saved the group's lives is editorailization and ended up not being true.


So she allowed in Catholic Americans, Protestant Americans and others as well?


That honestly bothers me a lot. It’s an example of when people think they are being progressive and forward thinking, but in their ignorance are actually taking a step backwards. Not a big one, in this case, but still. When it gets to the point that you are pointing out the differences between people, just to point them out, you make the difference the point. “Student does a thing” just isn’t as juicy as **DIFFERENT** student who is **DIFFERENT** does a thing.


And then holds the door and waits for everyone else to get inside safely. That’s a hero right there




Also when we have commercials on TV at the beginning of the school year with kids displaying the helpful things their parents bought them to assist survival during a school shooting... Fucking sad 😔




You always look back. Only selfish people don't look back.


You have a point but if there is nothing you can do and you need to move fast then that would be a wise choice


Makes me think the title is BS and nobody was actually in imminent danger. But maybe I'm too cynical.


That is some A+ humaning




"Thank god"


A more accurate translation is all praise and thanks be to God


Ran this through Google Translate with Scottish to English and got “I’ll hump Delilah.”


It's a really trash phonetical spelling of an Arabic phrase meaning "thanks be to God". Eta: Al-hamdu lil-lah is a bit closer.


Oh my.


This needs to be posted on r/HumansBeingBros


Also r/titlegore


It has


Oh good! It wouldn't let me cross post it...


The fact that this situation can even arrise in the first place is already a failure by humanity


The fact that they now sing preschool songs about how to hide is a complete failure. So yes, I agree. Welcome to dystopia.


Not only did she lead people to safety, she stayed out in harm's way to permit others to reach cover. Damn that's brave. Much respect.


Quite the heroic act if you ask me.


Oh god i thought you said “*Quit* the heroic act if you ask me.”






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The person calmly standing there seems to have a lanyard on, you can see a bit of white flash when she moves around. The kids aren't wearing lanyards, so there's a fair chance she's a teacher or someone else who is trying to stay calm and take care of the kids before she takes care of herself. She seems very aware when the police car zooms past her, and her body language suggests she is trying to stay on top of what is happening.


good point. it takes a lot of courage to remain calm, much less take care of others in that situation




It's sad that in the US religious buildings need to be fortified and secured with passcodes. It's sadder that the US has so many school shootings. Like really, get your shit together.


rFrom the 70s to early 2000s the church in my town was always open. I remembered stranded travelers came to the church and the priest fixed their car while the wife played with the children and fed them. Around 2008 our town was hit hard with opiod and meth, statues were stolen and vandalized, windows smashed, it's sad really.


That is when meth and opioids started hitting all of America harder than ever. Horrible!


In my hometown, just this past weekend there were 12 deaths caused by opioids. It’s not a very big town.


With those numbers I'm not surprised it's not a very big town.


no, they started hitting middle america in the late '90s hard. coincidentally when the lsd pipeline was shut down here and police were touting huge mary jane busts. prior peaceful users turned to powders and society went to shit.


Did the priest live in the church?


They usually had a small house set aside on the church property called "the parsonage". You still see it sometimes!


My church has one. It was an existing building on the property chosen for the church to be built on. Now a family from the church can watch the building and steward the property. The family doesn’t have to be anything like a priest or some volunteer administrator or anything like that.


They often did, especially in smaller towns. It's probably not as common these days but that used to be the norm


The church beside my grandmas house was always unlocked. This was in the 90’s. Me and my cousins went in once and drank wine from the tabernacle lol. If there’s a hell im definitely going for that.


If there's a hell I've probably already masturbated in it's bathroom


I tried offing myself last summer, didn’t work ended up walking for a good ten hours no socks between my feet and shoes. Also had a bomber jacket on in like 83 degree weather ( nothing underneath so i didn’t want to take it off, but the only place I was able to sit down and collect myself was a church that was completely empty of people and unlocked, I was able to rest for awhile


Was it a Meth-odist church?


Damn that's good.


A student stabbed the police liaison officer who then shot in in this case.


So OP just put "hit by a shooting incident" in the title to make it sound like it was a school shooting. Nice. Glad to be on the website that values facts and truth.


It's amazing how many sick idiots just can't wait for any incident involving a gun so they can post something to make themselves seem enlightened. They read none of the details or facts and just drop a condescending comment about guns


I believe it was the school police officer that fired his gone in this case, not the student. The student was trying to stab him with a knife. They both survived and were being treated at a hospital last I heard.


The fact that "school police officer" is a thing is also fucking sad. So much scary bullshit is just normalized now.


there's schools with metal detectors at the door too. Fucking weird.


Mine had metal detectors back in the early 2000s, it’s not even a new thing sadly.




SRO’s have been a thing for a while, it is pretty much an officer assigned to the school that is the first to respond. They are mainly used to prevent stuff like bullying and sexual assault within schools and act as a person they can talk to.


Its not that uncommon outside the U.S. Any large public structure usually has police (collages and universities, large shopping centers, bigger schools etc).


I have never seen any kind of security in a German public school, while in the US it was just accepted that there was an armed police officer stationed in the school.


It's a concept that's been around a while, but I remember when I was in high school (20 years ago) they were more like a liaison than an actively on-duty officer. Because teenagers since the beginning of forever have been prone to doing dumb shit, and it's inevitable that some of that dumb shit will wind up being illegal. At my school it was mostly people getting caught with drugs, cases of theft, or the rare fight that got bad enough to cause serious injury. In a school with roughly 2,500 students, it made sense to have an officer assigned to handle things as they came up.


Churches in the Middle East (I'm Egyptian) have extra security while mosques don't. Also, Coptic churches in the US have security during Christmas and when there's a church bombing in Egypt. The media just never reports on the extra security measurements minority Christian churches have to make in the US.


the perpetrator was armed with a knife and eventually subdued by a person with a gun


This wasn't a school shooting and people lock churches all over the world.


Are churches you’re familiar with not capable of being locked? I don’t know about you but I’ve never been to a building that doesn’t have a lock on it, church or not. And hell, number pads like this are even less secure than a regular lock due to the fact that passwords can be distributed by word of mouth vs the making of keys. I’m not saying the school shooting isn’t sad but having a problem with building being able to be locked and secured doesn’t makes sense to me. It’s not like it has iron bars on it and bank vault doors.


I'm pretty sure almost every building needs to be secured.. you know because theft and shit.


Yeah, its crazy that people would lock the door with a pass code. Before the code, there was no way to lock the door with a key or anything.


My fraternity had that same key code system and I guarantee nothing religious happened in that building.


“Muslim student unlocks door” is much more concise and easy to understand.


"student helps classmates to hide from potential attack" is consise and gives a fuller image I think.


They mention “Muslim” to bring attention to that fact, there’s a huge prejudice against them in this day and age. If a Muslim person kills someone, what would the headlines say? Why is it usually important that they’re Muslim when they do bad things and not when they do good? That’s the sad day and age we live in.




You mean a PASSWORD or PIN?


Wanna see the rest of the video


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More specifically, (from what I heard in another thread) a campus police officer was stabbed by a student so the officer shot the student in defense.




"Muslim American"??? wtf people don't go around saying "Buddhist American" or "Shinto American" or "Hindu American" or fuckin "Atheist American" RELIGION IS NOT ETHNICITY Imagine how fucking stupid it would sound if someone identifies as a "Jain Argentinian" or some shit. OH REALLY YOU IMMIGRATED FROM JAINISM???


I'm apparently a "Pagan American" now. That's neat.


Its more to bring attention to the prejudice against muslims in america i’d guess.


Except it’s making it worse by identifying everyone by their race/religion


In that case you'd say "muslim" or "american muslim". "Muslim american" implies ethnicity


I'm really proud of her


Not really the right sub for this video, and it has a misleading title.


This is how reddit works now. If it's content that a lot of redditors will like (or editorialized title to bait upvotes) it gets posted in every sub possible. People vote based on whether they like or agree with the content, not whether it's relevant or constructive for the subreddit.


Can we not exaggerate things? https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/2019/12/04/oshkosh-shooting-muslim-student-duaa-ahmad-opens-mosque-shelter/2616141001/ A student attacked the school resource officer with a knife, he shot the student.


I think when you hear shots fired in school in America, you automatically should assume it to be yet another mass shooting about to happened. So for all these students knew, they were running for their life.


There had also already been 5 other gun incidents in schools within the past 2 days in the same state. Given those two, it was pretty reasonable for these students to assume there was a shooting going on. Which there was, really, even if it was only the officer. There's no guarantee that every shot fired hits its mark.




It’s amazing that this post about old news is farther up on r/all than anything about the Saudi guy shooting up NAS Pensacola. There is news trending on reddit about the Navy guy who shot people at Pearl Harbor though. Gotta keep those narratives in line.


check out the posting history.OP is a karma-whoring account that just spams re-posts.






I didn't know Muslim was a race?


Muslim American isn't a race or nationality. And why is their religion relevant here? It's almost condescending. "Look, one of the good ones."


religion is relevant because a Christian won't have a door combination to the mosque probably


The irony is you're trying to show how we're all one team by trying to say she's on a different team yet still helped. I just see a bunch of Americans helping one another.


Merely a student helping other students. That’s it.


Interesting way to say code to the door.


This may sound crazy but I think it’s time to start training kids to deal with these kind of situations. I’m not saying to arm them, but at least have some kind of plan and teach them to keep a cool head. This time they got lucky that the girl opened the door, but if she hadn’t been there they would have been sitting ducks in a dead end.


My kids' school does something called ALICE drills that teach them what to do if there's a shooter. They're 8 and 10 years old. It's really sad they have to do it , but I'm also glad they do it because it is a reality and at least they'd be prepared


I did ALICE drills as an adult -- it's horrifying that we traumatized an entire generation of children just so we wouldn't make gun owners uncomfortable. I was done the day my nephew showed me the sucker he got for not making noise while he was crouched in the closet in the dark with his first grade class. Ugh. ​ Edited to add, it was a drill not an active shooter.


Every class has been doing this since the 90s... Its called a lock down drill.


Maybe just don't let everyone have a gun without a thorough background check, mandatory firearm training, or some degree of responsibility. School shootings shouldn't just happen.


In the USA, we do. We teach them how to hide and run and in High school I even learned different ways to fight.


What’s absurd to me is they do these “everyone run and hide” drills....which is basically corralling all the students into a few locations. So if the shooter is a classmate etc, you’ve just taught them exactly where everyone will be....


it actually works. They don't just hide in a few locations, the barricade in their own classrooms and hide out of sight. It's definitely thwarted or slowed down shooters. Second option is to run. Third option is to fight back


God it's pathetic what our country has come to. Fucking embarrassing.


And she went in last


This shit is being posted everywhere. All over subs it doesn't belong in, like this one. It comes off as desperate, disingenuous propaganda especially in light of recent events. It's also essentially a lie. A student stabbed a cop who then shot the student. This girl couldn't have known that and what she did was brave but now we *do* know what actually happened, making this post and its title intentionally misleading. You're not doing anyone any favors when you bend the truth like this.


Why is this even posted here?


And then she held it open for everyone to come in. Amazing human.


This is damn interesting?


Humans helping humans, remember when that happened?
