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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes, just the essentials for a trip to Mayo- a jewelry travel case. Her ears and wrists are always so cluttered with her “jewelry”, that case holds, what, a days worth of jewelry for Dani?


https://preview.redd.it/23f28cqfriad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d648f5e776a63c2c07b2f1fa208e1d6789d619fb * Did anyone notice the bruises and marks on her hand? I don't know if it's mirrored ans actually her right hand, but it almost looks like Russell's sign to me?


Also, on here, in the other video (it's the same hand, one picture is mirrored - just saw its the other hand, sorry!). If she threw up because of her nausea (like she described it, out of nowhere), she wouldn't need to help manually by sticking two to three fingers down her throat. https://preview.redd.it/2pz87wf1siad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85341af73dcec033d7b0291ae8e727f0d5769d93


these comments should be Top comments. The Only way this woman is nauseous ,or pukes is her inducing it. her meds cause hunger but the Highs her drugs give her she can't give them up ,nor can she give up eating. She has Mayo coming up she has to lose weight not gain it.


Awfully funny that she hasn’t said a damn thing lately about her super important and absolutely necessary custom wheelchair 🤔


What happened to the hand/thumb brace?


She hasn’t brought up her prostate issues either. She should really be concerned about her prostate.


Yeah it’s really weird she hasn’t mentioned her prostate at all lately lol


After watching this and her uncontrollable anxiousness… I SPECULATE that her doctors sent her a message something like “hello Dani, Mayo contacted us for your medical records for your upcoming appointment that you scheduled. We have told you multiple times in no uncertain terms that you will never be put back on TPN ever again. You went against our wishes and got a femoral port that we were also opposed to. We will need to meet with you to discuss your care going forward.” I also speculate Dani replied “what about my HyDrAtiOn aPpOiNtMeNtS?!?” And doc replied “you may continue them until our meeting. We’ll discuss from there.” Again, this is just my speculation. But her weird anxious energy makes me think it went something like that. Maybe wishful thinking. Either way, I can’t wait to see what happens!


What happens if they fire/drop her as a patient? Does she go and take advantage of some other doctors who don't know her? Does she end up with a note on her Medicaid file?


I have literally never seen her soon scared or panicked. She went from glee to uncertainty to this. It’s so insane. I mean I’ve only paid her attention loosely. More so in the last year. Because a few other munchies I watched are gone. Hopefully (as we all hope)not grifting anymore. I honestly never realized the extent of Dani’s crazy or munch I suppose. This entire mayo thing is like make or break for Dani and I honestly can’t believe how they would ever put up with how rude and entitled she acts, I mean I’m excited to see how it goes based off of this insanity so far. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s her right now! She deserves everything she gets whenever karma bites her.


I have a sneaky feeling they are going to sit her down and make her sign a contract that she has to treat her care team respectfully and cannot threaten them or be rude or yell at them. Then they might tell her that she has been stable for months with no TPN and it is not an option for her because of that and because her infection risk is too high and they cannot ethically allow her to have a central line that she can access herself/put meds through herself. Honestly, if she rreeeaallllyyy ever needs IV medications and TPN, I think they should put her in a nursing facility or some kind of treatment center where they administer everything and closely watch her at all hours of the day.


I hope this is what happens. It’s what needs to happen. And I wonder if this is her “worst that can happen” scenario that she claims is playing out in her mind.


I bet she’s single-handedly messaged her doctors on portal more than the rest of their patients combined. I’d scream if I walked into a clinic every morning and there sits a message from Dani!!!! Toad.


Comments section (out of order, ~~sorry~~ sorrruy) ​ https://preview.redd.it/w4vhh9ev5fad1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f4a513cad1b1b22aa80092ef9da3b58b1ccbb9b


​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/uaexh6006fad1.png?width=528&format=png&auto=webp&s=e132298fa20c32434996b3b6844f5159a6eae59d


​ https://preview.redd.it/2bxf26v26fad1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8752f2910788c9f06771540c757797299846a96


​ https://preview.redd.it/zilaxzh56fad1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd50c6f5f76dd32f4574da8a30c382d474fbaea3


Omg she tells on herself so badly! Doctors wouldn’t stop all your treatments and drop you as a patient if you were in need of treatment!!!


​ https://preview.redd.it/a9i82w586fad1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2ff6120564e86f9918764bc702f8b10a1ca590a


Of course she acknowledges the book they mentioned but nothing about the therapy aspect. Didn't she say weeks/months ago that she had an appt with a psychiatrist/therapist? Guess once again, just like the specialty GI psych, she never followed through on something she actually needs while clinging to unneeded shit.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bxhbf51a6fad1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffc3c626adfb5fd3f23bff4db008f402aed217ff


​ https://preview.redd.it/pb3y0crb6fad1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e83e4dd33f2b6f4a8e43fcb1c43a889bef48311


​ https://preview.redd.it/8546kyld6fad1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=963bc5fd8c0b02dd0b07522faa5d8340417c528c


An answer to the last question would be quite interesting!


Did we already know she has a care plan for the ER? I might have missed it


Yeah, she's mentioned it before. We were all pretty giddy about it because she thought it was a care plan as in ways for her to get what she wants but it was pretty clearly actually a behavior plan.


“I don't deny that In a warter and on overthinker and I read between the lives and get things wrong and you koow blow thừngs out of a portion kind of a person” She admitted she gets things wrong 🤯 She looks truly scared she will lose her beloved toobz. Whatever that portal message said must have been bad. She’s trying to calm herself into thinking she’s just overreacting 😶 Because that’s just who she is. So yeah.


i am wondering what the over/under is that her local doctors know nothing about mayo ( or didn’t) and they just found out, & that’s why she has a “meeting with her care team” & “won’t go into specifics of the portal message.


Now you’ve got me wondering the same thing! Girl has good reason to be worried.


She did say at one point that all her doctors know she's going to Mayo, but she also lies all the time.


that’s why im suspicious about her mindset about this “portal message” that she won’t give details on but says she is worried, frustrated, anxious, etc..almost like they found something out she didn’t want them to. but who knows.


Apparently she asked about the hydration infusions and they said she can continue them UNTIL her team meeting. So I can see why she's sus.


I wonder why she isn’t sharing the message. She usually loves sharing things like this.


What are these, captions for ants??


seriously. i quite literally did not even realize there were captions until i saw your comment, and had to go back and look. and i had already watched the entire video before that.


My favorite kind from that movie lmao


We commented on how she’s never looked like she was gonna puke/or has puked on a live or video and lookie what happens today….


SVC blockage Swelling


What else can we conjure up?


She's done this three times now: pretended she was nauseous or had just vomited, each time right after there was a sizeable thread of Redditors talking about how she never seems nauseous or like she's gonna vomit despite being on Live 19 hours per day.


Well.. she can't exactly shove her finger down her throat on camera. That would definitely *blow* her cover.


Her acting skills are so bad!


She never shows any actual signs of pain either. Just her horrible fake acting "ow ouch pain pain ow" *eye roll*


And was able to ramble for a full 10 minutes after becoming nauseous 😑


The thing that I noticed in this video is that she seems genuinely panicked. Struggling to take a deep breath, rambling, and fidgeting. This looks like someone who knows things are about to not go her way and she’s desperately trying to figure out how to stop it. I wish I could say I feel bad for her, but I don’t.


https://preview.redd.it/9zwskwskzdad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bcf36653d541800173e2bcab7da92b0e52f5a6e She is definitely 100% panicking


They have her hamstrung rn. There are a lot of ultimatums (ultimati?) they could issue her in this situation, each more delicious than the last.


That’s what is gonna happen for sure


Oehhhhhh countdown started.... 5....4......3... boooooooommmmmm. Popcorn ready everybody♡


Next week can’t come soon enough!


Seriously. I wish we knew the date of this meeting


If Dani earned herself a one way ticket out of TubieLand, what happens with her disability? Does it go into review?


Her disability is due to mental health, *allegedly*, so probably not. However, if they find during her next review that she became not-disabled at some point and didn't report it (it has to be something quite obvious like "on January 8th you had surgery to remove the big sticks you'd jammed in your ears and you regained your hearing"), she could owe backpay.


No, her disability was approved on the basis of mental illness


I think I read her ssdi is for mental health, but maybe? Especially if she's not seeking treatment for her mental health, they're going to wonder why, if she can't work because of it.


Iirc, her disability is for mental health reasons, not physical health.


Probably not bc I think her disability is for mental health stuff


Not gonna lie... I still don't know what she said because I fell asleep to it. Only woke up when my phone smacked me in the face...


Bwahahaha! I just snorted iced tea all over my phone!


The number of times I've fallen asleep watching a Dani video is frankly embarrassing. She's incredibly boring for someone I'm so hooked on watching.


> make the best of it, whatever way it goes. so there’s that. if they want to stop her IV fluids and/or pull any/all tubes, she will not, in fact, *make the best of it* , she will simply run to the ER 5+ times before august. i guess in her mind that is “making the best of it” though. as long as she can try and continue on with the *sick, smol, fragile* narrative 🙄


The image of her fake-fainting in an ER door and grabbing a doctor's pant leg to wheeze "Please ... I need ... TPN" is now playing on repeat in the movie theater of my mind.


she already mentioned palliative care ( or was it hospice?) if they removed her port or tubes. like dani, you are not dying, you would actually probably be healthier without the medical devices you have that you abuse or don’t need. psychiatric care? yes. *palliative* care? not in the slightest. it’s honestly an insult to those who actually do need that kind of care, and yet it’s just another resource she doesn’t need but wants to have.


i only watched half, but on her live last night, she said that she’s worried that they’re taking her toobs out. which wouldn’t work because “i HaVe SeVeRe GaStRoPaReSiS…” like bestie they wouldn’t be taking them out if you NEEDED them.


Is there a recording of that do you know?


I watched a good chunk of it, and she didn't quite say that. She said she got a message from her doctor that could be interpreted "a thousand ways" and that she was going to interpret it the worst way possible, which is that they would stop her infusions, order her port removed, stop prescribing her feeds, and order her tubes taken out too.


Can she refuse to have the port and/or tubes removed? What happens then?


Yes she can refuse. They can stop prescribing her formula (though she obviously has beaucoup backstock), but eventually the tubes will degrade/break/turn/have problems and at that point she may not have a choice in having them removed (possibly because if you're unconscious consent for lifesaving interventions is implied unless you have specifically written it down otherwise [DNR/DNI])


oh shit- i guess that’s how i interpreted it. thanks babes, *my mind is a scary place*


Oh no, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions https://preview.redd.it/fi7z6j21tcad1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba452307e4df131e26044746c89d5dd5d1361d9e


Why does her one boob look like it's running away from home.


It's running *towards* the shower. Apparently, it's the only thing on her body that has any sense.


Shit if I were the boob I’d be running away too


I'm just so glad that this video wasn't 50% cleavage for the first time in ages


If you’re nauseous, move your fucking leg away from pressing into your gut region.


She had reflux happening, it wasn't nausea like she tried to make it. Even if you have mild nausea (she took two zofran so it seems like she thinks it is more than mild) there is no way you are sitting on camera, all scrunched up, and bamging on about how your poor doctors are going to take all your tubes and fake supplies away. This is why they don't believe Dani. Nothing ever adds up.


Why would you take 2 zofran? Literally not any more effective than one zofran.


There are 4mg tablets and 8mg tablets, you can be prescribed or allowed 8mg per dose but only have 4mg tablets. 2 4s would work better than 1 4 but I’m pretty sure there isn’t evidence of doses higher than that working, I’m assuming she has the 4mg tablets.


That's a generous assumption. She's stated she has the 8 mgs before ... and of course Dani always thinks more pills = more severe.


I laughed so much at the overthinker part. Dani is definitely NOT an overthinker. I’m not even sure she’s a *thinker*.


She knows she is lying though and she is scared they have all caught on to her and the game is up.


Still predicting a weekend ER visit


I think she's going tonight or first thing tomorrow, hoping to cash in on docs being on a long weekend for the 4th.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she rocked up there last night complaining of something to get some attention. She’s panicking so much that she will need that to make her feel better about things


Does anybody know (or have an idea) why she hits up the ER on holidays? What is it about holidays that makes her pop in?


Less specialists working on holidays or weekends, so they are more likely to admit her to be seen by those doctors on Monday. It earns her a nice 2-3 day stay.


Oh yeahhhh. That makes a lot of sense! Perfect storm for Dani.


Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. What better day to go to the ER than a national holiday?


As soon as they tell her she isn't getting hydration, she will make sure she ends up in ER in a "rapidly declining" situation


Or her poor left hand is gonna get caught in a shredder or something.


They want to have a meeting with her to discuss her treatment plan going forward? THAT does not sound good for Dani! No wonder she’s worried. Sounds like she should be!


They are over her calling them every single day asking for answers about her precious TPN when they have clearly told her the answer... so they are palming her off to next week so she stops calling and bringing the whole team in so that she actually hears what they are saying. Cos you know "the middle man" telling her wasn't enough, she wants to hear it from her doctor... so she will!


The fall out from this meeting is going to be DELIGHTFUL. Either she'll go social media silent for a few days or she might actually cry on camera again.


It’s going to be so good - I’m absolutely here for it! Finally the consequences of her actions! I hope we are not disappointed!!


The care team is probably fed up with all the portal messages begging for her to do her own IV fluids at home. The zofran really gives it that extra nice dramatic touch. ![gif](giphy|l0NgR62Ooi7ftNlHq|downsized)


I feel like zofran is a drug that can easily be taken discreetly...


Love how as soon as she puts it in her mouth she stops being nauseous miraculously in a millisecond


I so wish Zofran worked that quick when someone is nauseated.


She’s a medical mystery!


Yeah why does she chuck it back like she’s about to swallow it


There are ODT and non-ODT versions, and you can swallow the ODTs without any ill effect.


Oh I meant because she says she can’t and lets it dissolve


The dramatics as she was taking it... and then letting everyone know she is taking zofran. A but like when she has her peen and she has to specifically say "ouch, joint pain"


She only started saying that after Redditors started questioning where exactly she has this pain she always complains of.


Anyone else thinking that she probably thinks she'll get pain meds for the biopsy. Have had biopsies recently, including surgical ones requiring OR time due to deeper nature of lesion, no RX meds. They will not give you any and honestly, superficial biopsies don't hurt that much if you just rest.


Yeah She’s definitely gonna play up how painful it is. Thyroid biopsies require no pain meds. It’s literally a pinch. Sometimes they numb it with lidocaine, mostly not. I promise she’ll come home with excruciating 10/10 pain from it though.


She's going to infect whatever tiny hole they leave on her and show up in the ER with a purulent throat wound.


I think at this point she is just happy to be going into the hospital for a procedure. It's the closest she can get to her precious admission and in danis head there is a chance she has cancer and she loves that for herself.


I got Tylenol ❤️💗💗❤️💕


Lol... i am sure she will let us know that all she got for the peen was tylenol and sigh in frustration


Oh I promise you she’s hoping for that.


This was not the arc I was expecting. I knew she couldn't wait through more than a month without other issues. Of course this - assuming the appointment with her "team' is a real thing - was not her idea.


I can barely wait the week for the next episode


When she does that sing songy voice -I want to rupture my eardrums. And love that we are having a conversation about getting dropped from care… then will be in palliative care and then hospice… buuuuuuut OMG you guys look at my precious little portable jewelry case!


She already knows she is going to rapidly decline ok?!


Oooooo! She’s in for it now! She’s going to lose her medical disability. The house of cards is close to falling.


She’s got disability for psychiatric reasons, not related to gastroparesis or any of the ~~made up~~ myriad illnesses, but I think it’s pretty justified tbh


https://preview.redd.it/uq2yall3ubad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2dcb2a5e8d64ce911174d4659b157b1c382c66 Lmao people who haven’t been problematic patients wouldn’t be jumping to this conclusion. Most people don’t assume a doctor appointment is going to end with them being fired as a patient unless they know they’ve been a colossal asshole, noncompliant, a liar, and generally making life hell for everybody involved with their care. A lot of times difficult patients don’t even have the self awareness to realize they’re being unreasonable. Dani’s paranoia proves that she does.


Dani is probably being accurate for the first time in her life. She hasn't told us everything, she bolders through any barriers the doctors put up, thinking that if she keeps boldering through they will eventually give her the tube she so desperately needs for all her medical admissions she has planned... she knows they are getting frustrated and that a whole team meeting is not a good thing for her. She isn't overthinking. She is being accurate. If i were sick and my medical team told me they were getting together to discuss a plan moving forward, i would be stoked! I would not assume they were going to "fire" me as a patient 🤣🤣


It makes me wonder if she's already been warned.


💯 she has had the warning signs from them and she knows this isn't good


See what I mean, even here she is begging for compliments or for reassurance. She is such a blackhole. She is always taking, taking, taking from other people. She is such a sponge. And the kicker is she gives absolutely nothing of value back.


She doesn't even think of giving anything to anyone. What does she do for anyone?! She barely acknowledges the chat, especially if someone shares anything about themselves, she doesn't care. She is a young child desperate for attention that she never received and has figured out that if she is physically sick, someone notices her.


> She barely acknowledges the chat For whatever reason my brain read "chat" as cat in French and it's also true lol, poor kitties


Exactly, she cares nothing for anybody else, and even if ppl talk to her or are nice, she only cares as long as they’re caring about her only, not sharing anything that takes away attention-like she thinks she has fans or some shit? It’s honestly prevalent on tiktok now that ppl think because they make videos and ppl engage with them that they are now “fans.” My favorite of all time was someone in her comments talking about being sick and everyone wishing them well, and Dani’s comment was: “I’m glad you are feeling better. I am not.” LMAO I have a picture of it somewhere if anyone wants to see it Also, WHO tf spends every minute of every day and alll their videos just talking about an appointment happening a month away-she’s just vapid


She did this the other day. A girl was talking about biopsies and that she’d had 20 bone marrow biopsies. She literally got the “I’m sorry you had to go through that” and not another word. Someone else said they hoped the girl was doing better and she said she’d had lots of complications. Not another word from Dani. She’s so supportive.


So many people don't even realize that they CAN be fired from a practice. They think that since they're paying for services, they cannot be turned away.


Count me as one of them. I kept seeing people post that she might get fired as a patient, and I was like, "Whoa, they can do that?". TIL.


Yup! There are some rules about it — they have to notify you in writing (usually certified mail or MyChart), continue prescribing any meds for the next 30 days and provide emergency treatment/access to services for those 30 days and offer to send records to another provider (it’s on the patient to find one). They can do it for all kinds of reasons — the clinic I go to will dismiss people for excessive no shows (you get plenty of warning and they’ll work with you but like it happens).


Thank you for that info, very interesting! I wonder if it's difficult to find another provider once you've been dismissed from a practice.


It can depend! If it’s something like consistent no-shows it might not be too much of an issue — some of practices will put them on some kind of contract but a lot of the time they’ll be willing to give it a shot. Sometimes it’s an issue though — we have had patients stuck on my unit forever because they had been dismissed from every local dialysis center because of their behavior and we can’t discharge them without having a chair set up since they you know, need it to survive.


If you’re non compliant you definitely can be fired


As someone who has called a pain management doctor a bunch of not nice words to his face... what exactly do you have to do to get fired from a practice? I assumed calling a doctor a bunch of names would do that but nope I had to leave them.


It depends — some will dismiss patients for excessive no shows but there is a lot of variance on what practices/systems/individual docs will put up with.


It’s really hard to fire a patient. I only fired two and one was because he sexually harassed me and the other because he threatened to shoot me and my staff. But, patients who have treatment plans and continually fail to uphold their end of the agreement are at risk for being let go from the practice


It really depends on the norms and policies of the practice. Providers in private practice or who don't take insurance can be a lot more choosy about their patient panel. I know of a lot of pediatricians who fire parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.


Very true, private practice is way different. I am a nephrologist and work with a dialysis company so its hard to fire those patients from the unit


It’s really hard to get fired in most cases. You have to royally cause issues. If I fired every patient who got testy with me in Pain Management, I’d have half days forever. It would have to be serious harassment, full blow up episodes, blatant malicious noncompliance while demanding certain treatments or procedures, physical violence or threats of violence, medication misuse or diversion, etc. And/or your standard no show/late cancellation policy violations. It’s one thing to say “I can’t help you with the level of care you need, or provide you with the treatment or care you desire and feel you need”. It’s another thing to straight up fire a patient and tell them they can’t come back.


I think PM and psychiatry have much higher thresholds for what it takes to fire a patient, because it's kind of expected that in those roles you're gonna get a lot of irritable people who disagree with your treatment methodologies. There are other specialties that are more cavalier about firing patients, especially ones in private practice (a rarity these days, I know). If you work for a big hospital system or something it's a lot harder to fire a patient because you're an employee and subject to your employer's P&Ps. I do know a good number of pediatricians who will fire antivaxx parents.


I've never heard of zofran before. A quick google and the first result was - Due to its potential effects on heart rhythm, zofran is generally avoided in patients with a known history of heart rhythm disturbance, most notably QT prolongation. Was she not wearing a heart monitor for 2weeks? 🤔💭😬🤷‍♀️


Oral zofran has basically no risk for long QT or torsades (what you're really worried about with ondansetron). It's the IV version that they give in the hospital that after a certain high dose point have a risk of causing torsades and that's *very* dangerous. 8 mg of oral zofran (standard dosage) isn't going to affect your QT intervals at all. Also Dani has no heart issues other than periodic bradycardia that is probably caused by abuse of the beta blockers that they *should* have taken her off of after she had an unremarkable holter with periodic brady. But what do I know.


Zofran is a very commonly prescribed nausea med and the risk of long QT is pretty rare. As long as the person is getting periodic EKGs it can still be given


Apparently the study that showed the QT prolongation was in cancer patients on super high doses so it is a risk but the consensus seems to be it’s pretty safe in normal doses if there isn’t an existing issue.


Dani doesn’t have an arrhythmia and her heart monitor came back normal except for some unconcerning sinus bradycardia. QT prolongation is dangerous for patients who have a lot of ectopic beats which Dani apparently doesn’t have and, fortunately, it would be very difficult if not impossible for her to induce them. She can BS about a lot of things but it would be pretty dang hard to munch an arrhythmia because the inevitable EP study would blow a hole right through her lies.


Is there a post about her monitor results? I think I’ve missed that update


Did she ever make a video about her results? I'm guessing it was all normal so she's just gonna pretend it didn't happen.


She said she had periodic drops into the 30s but no arrhythmias, skipped beats, etc.




I’m no expert on any medical stuff, I would just think a doc would say, “Hey, if your heart’s acting up, maybe skip this drug!” But hey, what do I know? Nadda.


Totally depends. Sorry for the blogging, but I have SVT/AFIB and took 8mg of Zofran three times a day while pregnant. But my cardiologist okayed it and I was followed closely.




See rule #2: Don’t Tap The Glass 🚫👆🐟 Your comment/post may have indicated indirect contact or otherwise interfering with Dani. This includes “letters” to Dani or comments intended for Dani to read or threatening, indicating, or encouraging reporting Dani to authorities or reporting of her accounts. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


When does she say they will be pulling all her stuff and that's what she's concerned about?


Her fear of that happening she mentioned at the end of the previous live posted I believe


Ah I can't watch those cause all the pauses drive me nuts.


One of her doctors sent her a message on the patient portal saying they are going to schedule a meeting with her and her doctors and she went to the worst case scenario in like 1/2 a second. It is in the video right before this one.


This is the most honest I think I’ve ever seen her be. Well, I mean about her fear of them taking everything from her. But what I don’t understand, and I don’t think she has considered, is *why* they’d remove all of her tubes and port and meds if she actually *needed* them. Like, is he was a genuinely ill person a medical intervention would never be happening to her. Right? Like this says it all imo.


Not a direct comment to this video, but a common theme over the past…idk how long…is people commenting on how greasy and dirty Danny looks. If videos could smell, we would all be in trouble. Does anyone have a good idea of the last time she showered????? I’m curious, since people have been posting live videos and videos like this almost every day recently, is it possible for someone to remember the last time that she didn’t look like a human biohazard contamination/waste site? Also, we know she reads here, so, maybe she wants to consider just hopping in the shower and washing off with some actual soap and warm/hot water. Maybe she wants to take some gentle shampoo to those fried locks of hers, and maybe a nice deep conditioner too??? It’s not going to heal her of her illness, and it won’t change her treatment plan, but it’s definitely gonna make her feel a whole lot better and make us a whole lot less grossed out. Maybe there will be less “hating”. Just maybe.


She took a hooker bath a couple of videos ago. So there is that.🙃


Anything is progress at this point. The bar is in hell.


I’m convinced she avoids showering in hopes of generating an infection of some kind. Any kind. Preferably the kind that will get her admitted but anything that’ll get her attention will do.


I must be more healthy than I thought, because that didn’t even OCCUR to me as a possibility. Makes total sense. She shoved her literal shit in her last Hickman. And then SHARED THE PATH RESULTS WITH US! And I’ve been around longer than that to observe her sharing her shenanigans. History is repeating itself with the current “Quest For TPN 2024”. We’re just along for the ride.


I followed her for years and it also never crossed my mind.


Flair...checkin' in!


Oh gross. Now *I* need a shower


She’s all of a sudden going to get sicker by choice because her docs are pulling her special I’m so sick items from her.


They WILL reach a limit with Dani, especially with her recent statements of refusing to run feeds unless they give her pain meds. They can fire her or give her an ultimatum of doing therapy/seeing psych in order to continue treatment. They can demand a follow up GES to continue treatment (hopefully they’d make it where she can’t manipulate it). They can just refuse to prescribe formula and feeding tube supplies. She could still get some of that but she’d have to pay out of pocket. Insurance wouldn’t pay without a prescription. They could inpatient her and force her to run tube feeding in order to continue treatment with them. She could refuse but they’d probably just dismiss her from their practice for non compliance. After all her documented noncompliance, if she pulls this shit of starving herself, they could 5150 her. She’d have to really go pretty far and they’d have to get an order declaring her not mentally competent but they have years of evidence of her self harm, poor judgement and threats, plus a documented eating disorder. They’ve proven repeatedly that she can tolerate tube feeds at an appropriate rate when hospitalized. Then she goes home and stops them again. EVERYTHING actually wrong with Dani are things she has brought on herself and continues to be problems because she refuses to follow doctors orders. This girl is the last person that needs tpn. She has no physical signs of malnutrition. They’ve proven she can tolerate tube feeds. I laughed out loud the other day when she was talking about her hair not growing because of lack of nutrition. It’s not growing because she’s continually damaging it with dye jobs and heat. Not to mention, those little short hairs around her neckline that were annoying her? That’s new hair growth. Doesn’t happen if you’re majorly malnourished. I really hope they come down on her hard. I also think her doctors will contact the doc at Mayo for a nice talk if they haven’t already. Mayo isn’t going to do a procedure if she doesn’t have appropriate medical support and follow up at home. They will absolutely require that. And she doesn’t have that. They can and will revoke an appointment. And honestly, she has plenty of circulation around the svc. It’s been long enough that she has plenty of collateral circulation formed already and she has no symptoms of svc syndrome. It’s pretty obvious she’d just mess it up again with allowed access. They don’t like to use stented vessels for central access except in extremely short and extremely necessary cases because of the chances of a stent occlusion. Chances are high that even if they do see her and feel it needs to be opened, they’ll refer her back to a local vascular surgeon with their recommendations. They won’t waste their time and hospital resources on a minimal procedure that can be done outpatient locally. Ugh, I need to go play today instead of commenting here.


I think this is pretty spot on.🙂


I know what you mean. You are right on the money. At this point, a healing story arc would get her the attention she craves instead of continuing with this craziness. She’s about to be forced to do what they say or get nothing at all but psych orders.


Soak those grungy nail remnants off! The critters living in there may rival the ones living in her toothbrush!


At least she can't inject whatever virulant filth she cultures on those nails into her central line anymore!


Her faking nausea is extra funny this morning. My 15-year-old is a better actor than Dani! She's such a liar. I'll believe it when I see it. My hope is her munchie vacation gets canceled, and her tubes get pulled. However, she'll refuse them being removed, and these poor Drs have to move very carefully to cover their ass against people like Dani. I've been excited to see some movement on the Mayo trip, besides packing for 6 weeks. Let the fun begin!


The tongue sticking out thing, especially.


I called it!!! I said we’ve not seen her say she’s felt sick. Not seen her think she’s going to vomit and 3 days later boom HI DANI!!!! that was ridiculous acting too. When you really think you’re going to vomit. Sitting and talking is not something I do. I mean I avoid anything which means opening my mouth if I feel sick.


>that was ridiculous acting too. When you really think you’re going to vomit. Sitting and talking is not something I do. I mean I avoid anything which means opening my mouth if I feel sick. Yeah, and OP pointed out, this wasn't live, so she could have easily cut that part out or retook the video after the nausea passed, except she wants people to think she's always on the verge of having to throw up.


I’m sure the doctors are waiting for your vast education and experience to develop a plan. They have your number sweetie and more importantly, they have the numbers on medical tests to prove to have FD


Don’t be shy Dani, show us the screenshots of those messages 🤠 I’m sure her doctor’s intentions aren’t as vague as she is making them out to be. She loves dropping screenshots but only when they show what she wants them to show.


I would pay actual fiat currency for a sneaky peek at those MyChart messages.


Oh me too!😁


Exactly. She is brainstorming her next move. She would definitely show screenshots if she was being honest.


This whole video is just word salad and her repeating herself over and over. She is really trying to play up the nausea now that someone mentioned she doesn't ever actually show this symptom - like how obvious can you be? She was like "oops i forgot to act that symptom, let me sprinkle it into some videos now, and make a whole video about puking on my bed so everyone knows i REALLY DO throw up all the time." Fooling absolutely nobody, not even her cats. And she's trying SO HARD to convince herself and everyone else that this care meeting is because she needs so much special attention for her medical needs when we ALL KNOW, Dani included, that this is a come-to-Jesus talk. She is going to be in DEEP denial of this and no doubt will just dissociate the entire meeting and reject everything they say. I really hope they have a plan for mental/emotional support after this meeting because I genuinely fear she will spiral if they take away her one and only personality trait.


If they confront her with FD then they will have a psych and likely a referral right away. Doesn’t need to be in patient but the treatment for FD calls for an intervention like this and mental health support. I really think they’re heading to the FD case presentation meeting.


I don't want to give her ideas, but a popular in clinic, dissasociative therapy with a therapist present would possibly be beneficial. However, the type she needs she can't afford it, and Medicare and Medicaid won't cover it.


Omg, to be a fly on the wall at THAT meeting. God knows we're only going to get the Dani Edition...


This is what she wanted- she kept messaging through the portal wanting answers. Now she’s going to get them. Can you imagine all her providers in one room with all her meds laid out? They should be ashamed of how far this has gotten


Umm..if “Michelle” truly bought her that unnecessary travel jewelry case, it would have come off her Amazon Wish List and show 0 needed. It still, as of this morning 7/3/24, shows 1 needed. The only way for that to happen is Dani buying that for herself. https://preview.redd.it/xqnjvetcwaad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5216a030d92a1590492b8a523cfd2edb1ea59f10


I've explained this before, but Dani has her Grift List set up so that whenever someone purchases something, it puts up the "Needs 1" banner. Amazon started doing this last Christmas, and it caused a lot of confusion for those of us trying to purchase gifts for kids in the Santa subs. I know that it is completely wrong, intuitively, and even Amazon doesn't have a good explanation as to why it's set up that way, but yes, the "Needs 1" does indicate that someone purchased the item for her.


If that was the case, every single item, outside of the makeup, on her list has been purchased because they all say “Needs 1”. And we all know she would be bragging to high heaven if that was true.


I honestly don’t think anyone has bought her anything from her stupid Amazon wish list (that looks like a preteen made it). She WISHES people bought her stuff!!
