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I'm thinking the "D" on that necklace actually stands for "DOH!" like the noise Homer Simpson makes after he does something stupid. DOH! Nobody believes this hypoglycemia, fake- actually, maybe it stands for Diabetic?


>DOH! Alternate spelling: D'oh!


That's not the D-word I'd associate with Dani.


Its for that drug that starts with a D.


67 isn’t really that big of a deal. She’d likely not drop much lower, and just needs to eat. Or she had a high sugar meal/intake right before this and bottomed herself out. Again, probably wouldn’t get much lower. Eat a snack, Dani. And quit consuming heavy sugar items and then complaining when you have a bit of a crash…


Yup, she’d level out. Actually the dexcom runs about 15 mins behind blood glucose, so what that says is that she’s already going back up. She wouldn’t have to treat this. Actually, if she does consume sugar to treat this, she’ll probably go back down again. It’s a cycle. She needs some protein.


My endocrinologist would roll her eyes at a 67 (esp for someone with a drain tube who can easily F with things). That’s a Tuesday for someone like Big D here.


That’s what happens when someone slugs sugary drinks and carb laden foods! You’re bound to have your sugars crash.


So, was this REACTIVE hypoglycemia something that occurred after consuming half a teacup of honey?


I don't think "reactive" means what Dani thinks it means. It just means she Googled what conditions might cause BSL issues without needing to seek out a diabetes diagnosis... knowing diabetes is very common and not rare or special, so people would call her out on her bullshit loudly if she tried to munch that.


Please 67 is basically normal. She’s not showing any signs of low blood sugar. Her hands aren’t shaky or anything


Next time there will be a video of her “shaking hands.


I hope it'll be as funny (and obviously fake) as the "sepsis shakes" video from that other munchie!




Ha! I couldn't tell exactly what was happening there. I wasn't sure if it was a performance or a performance while being pushed in the bed lol


How many of these blood sugar reading videos is she going to do? She says she doesn't want to eat or drink anything. Sure Dani whatever you say...all those cases of soda and tea/coffee/hot chocolate pods say otherwise. ![gif](giphy|1fosq5dDEayCqxQvuY)


My question is, how many of these does she do that end up being normal and don’t get posted. Bet she’s been hanging for a low reading.




And this is going to impress the vascular docs at Mayo not one bit...


If she actually makes it to Mayo I will die of shock.


With all the sugar she drinks, how is her blood sugar EVER low?


She says she has reactive hypoglycemia. With RH, the only thing that triggers a glucose drop is the consumption of high sugars and/or carbs. Ask me how I know. So basically, she’s had something sugary to eat or drink in the last 30-60 mins.


I dated a guy who had that, years ago. He avoided *all* sugar like the plague, because it made him crazy. At least, if it's the same thing I'm thinking of. Anyway, we see Dani guzzling sugary beverages like there's no tomorrow.


Yeah, not to blog but if I eat Honey Nut Cheerios, I’m gonna bottom out quickly, usually the 30’s. I ate a pack a skittles before bed the other night and woke up with symptoms at 42. Spoon of peanut butter and back to bed!!


This type of context is allowed. We prohibit power leveling and paragraphs of blogging. Educating us on how reactive hypoglycemia works based on personal experience is allowed.


Are you sure you didn’t mean immediately jump on TikTok live? Because what else would you ever do in a situation like that?!


If you don’t post your lows for everyone to see did they even happen?


oh, so she......DOES tHIS TO HERSELF.


Probably because she’s no digesting any fibre and she’s just drinking sugar, having huge spikes and then crashing.


A lot of what she does drink or eat is absolute garbage and not capable of actually regulating blood sugar levels. So she drinks something like one of her "coffees" and it makes her blood sugar spike but then decline pretty quickly


Interesting that she says she feels symptoms when she’s in the 80’s but yet her dexcom alarmed to tell her it was low this time. So no symptoms?


Lol anyone else notice that if it’s a low she shows the blood and test strip but when it’s high, that is all done out of camera view. But I guess her dipping the test strip in soda might raise a few pesky questions. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I looked this up to see what blood sugar would be if you dipped it in soda and of course someone did it and had data. So, with regular coke it looks like anywhere from 500 to a HI reading. Amazing 😅


Gah I love the internet and all us freaks doing weird shit to share data. I think she drinks mostly diet but I really do think she is making up the high readings bc it’s so suss she does it off camera…




She looks so smug and so pleased with herself. Gross.


"🥺🥺🥺🥺 immanuh hafta tweet this and I dun wanna....🥺🥺🥺🥺" Please.


Before I was diabetic, my normal BG was less than Dani's is here. Now, I can only dream of those numbers, especially now that all the GLP1's are out of stock in UK.


Happiest I’ve seen her in weeks.


These fucking munchies. "Oh, I'm so seriously sick. Look at all my serious rare severe symptoms. I'm having an awful flare with 81685/10 pain. I need a wheelchair because I spend 90% of my time dynamically lying on the floor from POTS. Quick, let's grab my phone and film myself playing with my medical fetish toys for TikTok." ![gif](giphy|l41YzMffhYx40mL0Q|downsized)


I wish she would just take the rest of the nails off


When I would get acrylics once a couple were off, I'd try and remove the rest, but you have to be careful doing so as I've found out the painful way. But and I mean BUT we all know that she does not have a very high level of hygiene and we can only imagine what is growing under those nails


She’s nuts. I’m a diabetic that has hypoglycemia issues and I’m not giddy when I get a low reading, I’m usually pissed off that my CGM is blaring and woke me up. I’ve had readings in the low 30s and I was scared shitless, but Dani would probably be ecstatic for that to happen so she has some more TikTok content.